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- ╔═────────────────────────═╗
- │ By: Celso Minnitti Jr │
- ───┤ Date: August, 1, 1993 ├───
- ────┤ Re: Game unprotector ├─────
- ───│ To: All │───
- ╚═────────────────────────═╝
- Hello all game adepts,
- DAP.EXE is a game unprotector for 56 different games that requires
- some kind of password to continue. I downloaded this software from a
- brazilian BBS in feruary 1992, and it has been working very fine...
- How to use DAP
- ──────────────
- Load DAP, type the keys 'O' and 'K' to see a list of games that can
- be unprotected. Select one of them using your arrow keys and press enter.
- Then you will see the following screen:
- ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ ║
- ║ Desproteçäo do programa: Prince of Persia ║
- ║ ║
- ║ Nome do Path: C:\GAMES█■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ║
- ║ ║
- ║ ║
- ║ ║
- ║ Digite o PATH (drive:\diretorio). [──┘] confirmar, [ESC] abortar ║
- ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- Type the path where the program PRINCE.EXE can be found.
- That's it. Dap will change the appropriate bytes inside the file
- PRINCE.EXE to make it work without any password requirements...
- List of games that can be unprotected
- ─────────────────────────────────────
- Prince of Persia PRINCE.EXE
- 688 Atack Sub GAME.EXE
- Battle Chess CHESS.EXE
- Street Rod SR.EXE
- Battle Hawks 1942 BH.EXE
- Battle of Britain 1940 BOB.EXE
- Indianapolis 500 INDY.EXE
- Crime Wave CW.EXE
- Centurion of Rome OVL0.OVL
- Superbike Challenge SB.EXE
- Castelvania (CGA) CCGA.EXE
- Castelvania (EGA) CEGA.EXE
- Heavy Metal METAL.EXE
- Caveman SOS.EXE
- Vette! (CGA) VETTE.EXE
- Vette! (EGA) VETTE.EXE
- Tartarugas Ninjas (EGA) TMNTEGA.EXE
- Tartarugas Ninjas (CGA) TMNTCGA.EXE
- Tartarugas Ninjas (Tandy) TMNTTDY.EXE
- Wing Commander WC.EXE
- Wing Commander Secret Missions 2 SM2.EXE
- 1 ON 1 1ON1TINY
- Simcity Versäo 1.02 SIMCITY.EXE
- Simcity Versäo 1.07 SIMCITY.EXE
- 4x4 Off Road FRONT.EXE
- Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego CARMEN.EXE
- LHX (helicopteros em guerra) LHX.EXE
- Wings of Fury (CGA) WOFC.EXE
- Wings of Fury (EGA/VGA) WOFE.EXE
- Ocean Ranger RANGER1.EXE
- The Cycles (EGA) GPEGA.EXE
- The Cycles (CGA) GPCGA.EXE
- Where in time is Carmen SanDiego CARMEN.EXE
- Silent Service 2 SS2.EXE
- Suzuki's 250 Motocross MOTO.EXE
- Mech Warrior MW_MAIN.EXE
- Star Control STARCON.OVL
- Strike Aces STRIKE.EXE
- Fire Hawk Texder2 GAME.EXE
- Test Drive 3 TD3.EXE
- Indiana Jones in Last Crusade (Adv.) INDY3.EXE
- M1-Tank Platoon TANKST.TNK
- Roger Rabbit INK3.EXE
- Skate or Die SKATE.EXE
- Stell Thunder ST.EXE
- Ferrari Formula One F.EXE
- Blue Angels (SENHA 3341) BA.EXE
- Heros of the Lance START.EXE