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- Problem:
- How can I best allocate my points as a Fighter?
- Hint:
- A Fighter is always testing his strength and courage against the
- world, and is everyone's favorite adventurer! Add 15 points to
- Strength. Add 10 points to Vitality. Add 15 points to Agility.
- Add 10 points to Weapon use.
- =============
- Problem:
- Give me some tips on playing as a Fighter.
- Hint:
- It's very important to read the section on "THE FIGHTER" in your
- Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School manual. Then practice
- with the Weapons Master and work in the stable daily. Fight
- monsters at every opportunity. Buy Healing Potions and stamina
- potions. Use them. Sleep in the Magic Meadow (Erana's Peace).
- =============
- Problem:
- How can I best allocate my points as a Magic User?
- Hint:
- Ah, so you've decided to play as the intellectual adventurer!
- Add 5 points to Strength. Add 15 points to Agility. Add 5 points
- to Magic. Add 10 points to Intelligence. Add 15 points to
- Vitality.
- ============
- Problem:
- Give me some tips on playing as a Magic User.
- Hint:
- It's very important to read the sections on "THE MAGIC USER" and
- on "COMMON EVERYDAY MAGIC SPELLS" in your Famous Adventurer's
- Correspondence School manual. Then get all the spells as soon as
- possible and practice them whenever practical. Avoid close
- combat with tough monsters by casting the Calm Spell, or by
- running away.
- ============
- Problem:
- How can I learn all of the Magic Spells?
- Hint:
- You can buy the FLAME DART spell, the FETCH spell, and the OPEN
- spell at the Magic Shop. You can obtain the TRIGGER spell from
- the Hermit, the DAZZLE spell from Erasmus, the CALM spell in the
- Magic Meadow, and the DETECT MAGIC spell from the Meeps. If you
- are a Magic User character from the start you will have ZAP.
- Other character types cannot obtain ZAP.
- ============
- Problem:
- How can I best allocate my points as a Thief?
- Hint:
- The Thief lives by his wits, travels by night, and sneaks by or
- runs away from monsters. Add 10 points to Strength. Add 10
- points to Vitality. Add 10 points to Weapon Use. Add 10 points
- to Agility. Add 10 points to Luck.
- ============
- Problem:
- Give me some tips on playing as a Thief.
- Hint:
- It is very important to read the section on "THE THIEF" in your
- Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School manual. You must think
- "sneaky". Explore the town at night, try to pick all locks.
- Avoid powerful monsters - prey on the weak. Practice dagger
- throwing at the archery range or in the Thieve's Guild. Most
- importantly: buy a Thief Tool Kit at the Thieves' Guild.
- ============
- Problem:
- I know the Brigands have something to do with this story, but I
- need more information.
- Hint:
- Everyone in Spielburg seems to be worried about the Brigands,
- and they certainly are dangerous! Each time you meet somebody,
- ask about the Brigands, the Brigand Leader, and the Brigand
- Warlock. There is a lot to be uncovered... But, there is more
- going on here, and a deeper plot.
- ============
- Problem:
- I don't have enough money to buy the Undead Unguent, or anything
- else for that matter.
- Hint:
- You may work in the stables, sell Spell Components to the
- Healer, defeat Goblins and Brigands in combat and search their
- bodies for coins. You can defeat the Ogre and the Kobold and
- take their treasure. Completing heroic quests will also net you
- a nice reward.
- ============
- Problem:
- I have difficulty entering/leaving rooms or buildings.
- Hint:
- Make sure you are NOT in HIGH SPEED HERO mode. Select NORMAL
- SPEED HERO. High Speed Hero is intended for outdoors only.
- ============
- Problem:
- What is the REAL plot of this story?
- Hint:
- The Baron tried to get rid of Baba Yaga and made her very angry.
- She cursed the graveyard and cursed the Baron. It is your quest,
- to break the curse, free Spielburg, rescue the Baron's son and
- daughter, and become a hero.
- ============
- Problem:
- What do I ask the Sheriff and Otto?
- Hint:
- Ask Sheriff about brigands, Otto, merchant, and monsters. You
- can ask about heroes too, but the best thing to do here is check
- out Otto's yoyo action. Have you seen him do the cat's cradle?
- How does he do that?
- ============
- Problem:
- What can I do at the Hero's Tale Inn?
- Hint:
- Ask Shameen about the merchant, robbery, wealth, and food. You
- can order some food from Shema. The Inn is also a good place to
- sleep at night. The merchant comes in around suppertime. Ask him
- about robbery, the brigand leader, minotaur, his name, and
- Shapeir. The poor merchant is down on his luck, have a heart -
- buy him a meal or give him a ration. The merchant will be a big
- help to you at the end of the game. Believe it or not, he could
- eventually help you in Hero's Quest II!
- ============
- Problem:
- What can I do at the Guild Hall?
- Hint:
- Read the Log Book and the Quest Board. Wolfgang knows a lot. Ask
- him about the Baron's son, the Baron's daughter, Yorick,
- Monsters, Brigands, Baba Yaga, and the Curse.
- ============
- Problem:
- What can I do at the Magic Shop?
- Hint:
- Ask Zara about the town, the valley, aura, Erasmus, Erana, Baba
- Yaga, the curse, magic, potions, spells, and scrolls. If you
- have magic skills, you can buy scrolls here.
- ============
- Problem:
- What should I buy at the Dry Goods store?
- Hint:
- The Storekeeper is engrossed with that book, but ask him about
- equipment anyway. You can buy empty flasks (find something to
- put in them) and food rations in case you get hungry later. If
- you are playing as a Thief, you can buy daggers. If you are
- playing as a Fighter and are strong enough, you can buy
- chainmail armor.
- ============
- Problem:
- What should I buy at the Farmer's Mart?
- Hint:
- You will need to buy 50 apples from Hilde to bargain with
- Brauggi. Ask Hilde about Brigands.
- ============
- Problem:
- A beggar is asking me for money. What should I do?
- Hint:
- Have a heart, begging is his only source of income. Give him
- some money. Ask the beggar about night.
- ============
- Problem:
- What should I do in the alley?
- Hint:
- Give the beggar some money, ask the beggar about night. Don't
- ever come into this alley at night, unless you are a Thief. As a
- Thief you will have to meet other thieves here to ask about the
- password. You can read about the secret sign in your manual.
- ============
- Problem:
- What should I do in the Tavern?
- Hint:
- Don't drink with those patrons!! You can enter the Thieves'
- Guild from the Tavern, but you must know the password. The
- thieves in the alley know the password.
- ============
- Problem:
- Where is the Thieves' Guild?
- Hint:
- The entrance to the Thieves' guild is through the Tavern, but
- you must know the password. Crusher is the one you should talk
- to.
- ============
- Problem:
- What can I do at the Butcher's, the Baker's, the Barber's, the
- little old lady's house, or the Sherrif's house?
- Hint:
- Ignore those locations, unless you are able to pick locks. If
- you are a thief, steal. Don't overdo it though. It is a good
- idea to save your game before entering.
- ============
- Problem:
- Who's this Bruno character hanging out at the town gate?
- Hint:
- Consider his character... he actually SELLS information.
- Everything he says is suspect, but ask him about Baba Yaga
- anyway, and pay him the silver and gold he demands.
- ============
- Problem:
- What can I do at the Healer's Hut?
- Hint:
- The Healer is your friend - she will buy Spell Components from
- you, help you make the Dispell Potion, sell you the Undead
- Unguent and, she makes a great Healing Potion!!
- ============
- Problem:
- Where can I find the Healer's Ring?
- Hint:
- The Healer's Ring is in the nest in front of her hut.
- ============
- Problem:
- How can I get the Healer's Ring?
- Hint:
- If you have magic skills: Cast the FETCH spell to get the nest.
- If you have climbing skills: Climb the tree to get the nest. If
- you have throwing skills: Throw some rocks at the nest until it
- falls out of the tree.
- ============
- Problem:
- I need some information about the Baron and the Curse!
- Hint:
- The Baron Stefan von Spielburg is Lord of Spielburg Valley. He
- angered Baba Yaga when he ordered her to leave Spielburg. She
- cursed him and he soon lost his daughter, then his son. Now the
- Baron will not leave his castle or see any visitors. If you
- rescue his son, you will be permitted to see him.
- ============
- Problem:
- What happened to the Baron's son?
- Hint:
- Five years ago the Baronet went out for a morning ride. His
- horse returned without him and had been raked by the claws of
- some large animal. This too, was part of Baba Yaga's curse.
- Although unrecognizable, he is somewhere in the valley. If you
- are serious about becoming a Hero, find the Baronet Barnard von
- Spielburg (there is also a hefty reward offered for his safe
- return).
- ============
- Problem:
- I need some information about the Baron's daughter.
- Hint:
- Baba Yaga put an enchantment on the Baron's daughter. To break
- the spell, talk to the Dryad. When Elsa was a little girl, a
- large winged creature flew over the castle wall, grabbed her,
- and flew off. No one ever saw her again. Although
- unrecognizable, she is somewhere in the valley. If you are
- serious about becoming a Hero, find Elsa von Spielburg (there is
- also a hefty reward offered for her safe return).
- ============
- Problem:
- What became of Yorick, the Baron's Jester?
- Hint:
- Yorick was devoted to the Baron's daughter. After Elsa was
- kidnapped, he set out to rescue her and swore he would not
- return until she was safe. No one ever saw him again. Although
- unrecognizable, he is somewhere in the valley.
- ============
- Problem:
- I need some information about Karl, the Gatekeeper.
- Hint:
- Go to him with all of your questions. You can ask him about the
- castle, the Baron, the Baron's son and daughter, Yorick, the
- stable, brigands monsters, heroes, the valley, the graveyard,
- Baba Yaga, the hut, the curse... Karl knows it all!
- ============
- Problem:
- I need some information about the Stableman.
- Hint:
- He's a low-looking lout, but he pays a fair wage for a days work
- and will offer a safe place to sleep for the night. You can
- build some muscles with that rake.
- ============
- Problem:
- I need some information about the Weapons Master.
- Hint:
- If you are a Fighter, it is very important to practice daily
- with the Weapon's Master to improve your fighting skills and
- build your strength.
- ============
- Problem:
- How do I get in to see the Baron?
- Hint:
- If you lift the enchantment and rescue the Baron's son, Baronet
- Barnard von Spielburg, you can enter the castle.
- ============
- Problem:
- The Goblins keep attacking. What should I do?
- Hint:
- If you are a Fighter, the Goblins are easy - go ahead and fight
- them to build up your Strength and Weapon Use skills before
- taking on something really scary. Don't forget to search your
- opponent's body after you kill it. If you are a Thief you can
- throw daggers or run. If you are a Magic User, cast a spell at
- them.
- ============
- Problem:
- I can't enter the Goblin's den.
- Hint:
- There is no need to do so. The entrance is too small for you.
- ============
- Problem:
- The Brigands keep attacking. What should I do?
- Hint:
- If you are a Fighter, fight the Brigands! Count it as an
- opportunity to build up your skills and beef up your muscles.
- Don't forget to search your opponents body after defeating him.
- If you are a Thief you can always run. If you are a Magic User,
- cast a spell at them.
- ============
- Problem:
- I keep dying from all sorts of Monster attacks. What should I do?
- Hint:
- Read about COMBAT in your technical manual. Save the game
- whenever you encounter a monster. Once you are in the combat
- screen you will not be able to save. If you are wounded, drink a
- Healing potion before entering combat. Low stamina will affect
- your speed of attack as well as start subtracting from your
- health points. Use a Vigor potion before entering combat. Even
- as a Fighter, not all monsters can be fought and defeated the
- first time around. You can usually type "escape" during the
- battle. If you are a Fighter, try building up your character
- statistics. If you are a Thief you should throw daggers before
- you get into close combat. Don't throw your last dagger away or
- you will be defenseless. Try to sneak past more powerful
- monsters or run away. If you are a Magic User you can cast the
- Calm Spell on them until you have gained skill with Dazzle,
- Flame Dart, and Zap.
- ============
- Problem:
- I keep dying from Night Gaunt attacks. What should I do?
- Hint:
- Don't sleep in the forest! The Hero's Tale Inn is safe for a
- weary traveler. You can also sleep at the Magic Meadow protected
- by Erana's Peace, the Dryad's Wood, the stables at the castle,
- or with the Hermit.
- ============
- Problem:
- How do I get past the Ogre near the cave?
- Hint:
- That Ogre is tough... and BIGGGGG! You MUST get past the ogre to
- get into the cave!!! As a Fighter, you need to build up your
- Strength, Agility, and Weapons Use skills before attempting to
- take him on. Try fighting some wimpier monsters, then come back
- later. As a Thief, you can keep throwing daggers at him until he
- is weak, then fight him. As a Magic User, cast the CALM spell.
- Once you have defeated him, search his body, he has your typical
- Ogre's treasure chest. Force the chest to find a treasure.
- ============
- Problem:
- How do I get past the Bear in the cave?
- Hint:
- Try feeding him or casting the Calm spell. You may then go past
- into the cave. For an inside joke, try talking to the bear a
- couple of times.
- ============
- Problem:
- What should I do inside the Kobold cave?
- Hint:
- The Kobold has a key hanging around his neck, and you need it.
- As a Fighter, you need to kill the Kobold to get the key. As a
- Thief, sneak in at night to get the key. As a Magic User, stand
- back, then cast the FETCH spell. Don't forget to get the
- Kobold's treasure!
- ============
- Problem:
- How do I get the Kobold's treasure?
- Hint:
- You must search the room to find the invisible chest. As a
- fighter, force the chest open. As a Thief, you will have to pick
- the lock. As a Magic User, stand back, then cast the OPEN spell.
- The treasure is YOURS!!
- ============
- Problem:
- What do I do with the Kobold's Key?
- Hint:
- Use the key to unlock the chain on the bear's leg.
- ============
- Problem:
- What do I do with the Antwerp?
- Hint:
- Just avoid the Antwerp.
- ============
- Problem:
- How can I defeat the Troll?
- Hint:
- If you say the secret password before entering the cave he won't
- harass you (unless you are foolish enough to go through the
- passage leading to the den).
- ============
- Problem:
- What do I do with the Fox?
- Hint:
- Show some kindness, free the fox.
- ============
- Problem:
- I would like some information about the White Stag.
- Hint:
- Follow the White Stag, he will lead you to the Dryad.
- ============
- Problem:
- I've seen the Meep's Peep. What do I do there?
- Hint:
- The furry little Meeps are all different colors. ASK ABOUT GREEN
- FUR. You ARE looking for some green fur, you know! If you have
- some magic skills and you ask at just the right time you can
- also receive the DETECT MAGIC spell.
- ============
- Problem:
- How do I locate the Dryad?
- Hint:
- Follow the White Stag until he leads you to the Dryad, Keeper of
- the Woods. She will trade her Magic Acorn for the Spore Spitting
- Spirea Seed. She knows of a DISPELL potion to disenchant people
- with spells upon them - VERY important.
- ============
- Problem:
- I need some information about the Dispell Potion.
- Hint:
- The Dryad and the Healer will aid you in making the DISPELL
- potion to break enchantments. You can pick FLOWERS in the Magic
- Meadow, the Meeps will give you GREEN FUR, you can get FAIRY
- DUST at night near the magic mushrooms, FLYING WATER can be
- obtained at the waterfall near Spiegelsea, and the Dryad will
- give you a MAGIC ACORN after you give the Spore Spitting Spirea
- Seed to her.
- ============
- Problem:
- Where is the Hermit?
- Hint:
- The Hermit lives next to the waterfall. If you have throwing
- skills, you can gather some rocks near the waterfall and throw
- them at the door until the Hermit opens up. If you have climbing
- skills, just climb up to his door. If you have magic skills,
- cast the DETECT MAGIC spell.
- ============
- Problem:
- What do I do once I find the Hermit?
- Hint:
- The Hermit will offer you a safe place to sleep for the night
- and a round of cribbage. Ask the Hermit about the Brigand
- Warlock, magic, Erasmus, the magic mirror, the REFLECT spell,
- and the TRIGGER spell (he'd also be very happy if you asked him
- about all of his family).
- ============
- Problem:
- I'm at the Snow Forest. What do I do with Brauggi?
- Hint:
- Bargain with Brauggi. He told you he was hungry. Give him 50
- apples and he'll give you a glowing gem.
- ============
- Problem:
- How do I get the Spore Spitting Spirea Seed?
- Hint:
- If you have throwing skills, you can gather some rocks and throw
- them at the seed until you hit it. If you have climbing skills,
- climb the rocks and catch the seed. If you have magic skills,
- ============
- Problem:
- What can I do at the Magic Meadow?
- Hint:
- Travel due north to find Erana's Peace. Eat the magic fruit to
- appease your hunger. The flowers exude a perfume that heals,
- bring a bouquet to the healer. Healing occurs when you sleep in
- this Magic Meadow. As a Magic User, you will regain your magic
- points and health points by sleeping here. Cast an OPEN spell
- upon the stone to reveal a spell of CALM.
- ============
- Problem:
- I keep getting killed at the Graveyard. Help!
- Hint:
- You must use the UNDEAD UNGUENT before entering the graveyard at
- night. Don't fall in any open graves. The Unguent will only work
- once.
- ============
- Problem:
- What can I do with the Magic Mushrooms?
- Hint:
- You can pick the magic mushrooms during the day, then sell them
- to the Healer. For an interesting graphics demonstration you
- might try eating the magic mushrooms.
- ============
- Problem:
- How can I find the Fairy Dust? What do I do with the Fairies?
- Hint:
- Go to the mushroom ring at night to find the Fairies. Ask about
- the Fairy Dust, then, go ahead, Dance with them! You must have
- an empty flask to carry the dust.
- ============
- Problem:
- I can't find the Mandrake root, or when I do it dissolves!
- Hint:
- You will find the Mandrake root in the graveyard. It must be
- picked around midnight. The root is on the centermost grave. Be
- sure to use the Undead Unguent before entering the graveyard at
- night. If you do not pick the root at midnight it will vanish
- and regrow after 3 days.
- ============
- Problem:
- How do I get past the Gargoyle?
- Hint:
- The questions CAN be tough! Here it is a matter of using your
- SAVE and RESTORE options. Each time the gargoyle asks a question
- that you KNOW the answer to - SAVE your game before answering.
- If you get zapped back down to the bottom of the mountain,
- simply RESTORE. He also has one trick question. When he asks for
- the secret password to the Thieves' Guild, don't give him the
- right answer - he doesn't want any thieves in there. You only
- have to answer three questions correctly. Did you guess that
- Erasmus's favorite color was purple and therefore so is
- yours?... If he asks you "What is the meaning of life?" dig out
- your copy of The Hitchhikers Guide or multiply 7 times 6. If he
- asks you for the mean airspeed of an unladen swallow, ask him
- whether it is an African or a European swallow. If asked your
- name, you MUST type in your name EXACTLY the same as you
- originally gave it when you named your character.
- ============
- Problem:
- Tell me about Erasmus.
- Hint:
- Erasmus is a wizard and can teach you about magic. If you
- already know some magic, Erasmus will invite you to play the
- Mages Maze game. If you beat him, he'll teach you a new spell
- called "DAZZLE". Don't worry if it takes you a few trys to beat
- him, it's good practice. Ask Erasmus about Erana, the Protection
- spell, Baba Yaga, curses, countercurses, and most importantly,
- about the magic mirror.
- ============
- Problem:
- Who is Fenrus anyway?
- Hint:
- Haven't you been listening? Why, he is the second half of
- Erasmus's comedy team. Don't tell me you didn't like the
- jokes!?!
- ============
- Problem:
- How can I get into the hut with the chicken legs?
- Hint:
- Ask the central skull about "the deal". Then ask it about "the
- rhyme". Then give it the glowing gem. Remember the rhyme.
- ============
- Problem:
- Baba Yaga keeps turning me into a Frog!
- Hint:
- Wise up! Answer YES to all her questions, and get her the
- Mandrake Root. Be sure to deliver it before dawn.
- ============
- Problem:
- Where is the secret passage to the Brigand's Fortress?
- Hint:
- If you have rescued the Baronet and received your reward you
- will find a note on the floor under a bar stool in the Tavern in
- the morning. It will tell you of a secret meeting near the old
- target outside of town. Spy on Brutus and Bruno at high noon.
- Get the key from Brutus. The entrance to the lair is near the
- Bouncer that Hops, (the Antwerp). Search the rocks for the
- keyhole, then use the key. Say the secret word HIDEN GOSEKE and
- you're in!
- ============
- Problem:
- How do I get past the Minotaur and the gate?
- Hint:
- As a Fighter, you must be tough. Fight the Minotaur and force
- the gate. As a Thief, sneak behind the Minotaur on the left side
- of the Fortress, then climb the wall behind the rock. Once
- inside, go around the barrier to the left and go across the
- right bridge. Approach the center of the last barricade area and
- "Step over the rope." As a Magic User, cast the CALM spell on
- the Minotaur, and the OPEN spell on the gate.
- ============
- Problem:
- How do I get through the Brigand's cafeteria?
- Hint:
- As you enter the cafeteria, shut the door. Type BLOCK DOOR. Go
- over to the chair near the right wall door, and PUSH CHAIR or
- BLOCK DOOR. Go over to the candelabra and PUSH CANDLES. Move to
- the center of the table, wait until the lead brigand starts to
- pass the front corner of the table, type CLIMB TABLE. Go to the
- door on the north wall and type OPEN DOOR. Ask about Yorick.
- ============
- Problem:
- How do I get through the distortion room?
- Hint:
- Ask about Yorick. Stop, read the sign. At the dangling rope type
- PULL ROPE. At the next door type OPEN DOOR. At the left hand
- door to the north (the upside down door) type OPEN DOOR. Move
- quickly out of the way as it begins to shake. The door will
- fall. Open the next door and go through.
- ============
- Problem:
- What do I do in the Brigand Leader's room?
- Hint:
- When confronted by the Brigand Leader type USE DISPELL POTION.
- After Elsa leaves, go to the desk and get the mirror. Get the
- Healing potions. Exit the room behind the treasure chest on the
- east wall.
- ============
- Problem:
- I want to know how to find the Baron's son.
- Hint:
- The Kobold wizard turned the Baronet into a BEAR! To lift the
- enchantment, get the key from the Kobold and unlock the chain
- around the Baronets (bear's) leg.
- ============
- Problem:
- I want to know how to find the Baron's daughter.
- Hint:
- Baba Yaga turned Elsa into the Brigand Leader. Use the Dispell
- Potion to lift the enchantment.
- ============
- Problem:
- What happened to Yorick?
- Hint:
- Yorick is now the Brigand Warlock.
- ============
- Problem:
- How can I defeat Baba Yaga?
- Hint:
- Get the Magic Mirror from the Brigand Leader's room. Then, go to
- Baba Yaga's hut and type USE MIRROR when she casts a spell at
- you.
- ***********************************************************
- ************************** HERO QUEST HINTS ******************************
- 1- A fighter is always testing his strength and courage against the world, and is
- everyone's favorite adventurer! Add 20 points to Strength. Add 10 points to
- Agility. Add 10 points to Weapon Use.
- 2- It's very important to read the the section on "THE FIGHTER" in your Famous
- Adventurer's Correspondence School manual. Then practice with the Weapons Mas-
- ter and work in the stable daily. Fight monsters at every opportunity. Buy Hea-
- ling Potions and drink them. Sleep in the Magic Meadow.
- 3- Ah so you've decided to play the intellectual adventurer! Add 10 points to
- Strenght. Add 15 points to Agility. Add 5 points to Magic. Add 10 points to In-
- telligence. Add 5 points to Vitality
- 4- It is very important to read the sections on "THE MAGIC USER" and on "COMMON
- EVERYDAY MAGIC SPELLS" in your Famous Adventurer's Correspondence manual. Then
- get all the spells as soon as possible and practice them whenever practical.
- Avoid close combat with tough monsters by casting the Calm Spell, the run away.
- 5- You can buy the FLAME DART spell, the FETCH spell, and the OPEN spell at the
- Magic Shop. You can obtain the TRIGGER spell from the Hermit, the DAZZLE from
- Erasmus, the CALM spell in the Magic Meadow, and the DETECT MAGIC spell from
- the Meeps.
- 6- The Thief lives by his wits, travels by night, and runs away from monsters!
- Add 10 points to Strenght. Add 10 points to Vitality. Add 10 points to Weapon
- Use. Add 10 points to Agility. Add 10 points to Luck.
- 7- It is very important to read the section "THE THIEF" from your Famous Adven-
- turer's Correspondence School manual. You must think "sneaky". Explore the town
- at night, try to pick all locks. Most important: buy a Thief Tool Kit at the
- Thieves Guild.
- 8- Everyone at Spielburg seem to be worry about the Brigands, and they cer-
- tainly dangerous! Everytime you meet somebody, ask about the Brigands, the
- Brigands Leader, and the Brigands Warlock. There is a lot to be uncovered...
- But there is more going on here, and a deeper plot.
- 9- You may work in the stables, sell Spell Components to the Healer, defeat
- the Goblins and Brigands in combat and search their bodies for coins. You can
- defeat the Ogre and the Kobold and take thier treasure. Rescuing the Baron's
- son will also net you a nice reward.
- 10- The Baron tried to get rid of Baba Yaga and make her very angry. She cursed
- the graveyard and cursed the Baron. It is your quest, should you choose to acc-
- ept it, to break the curse, free Spielburg, rescue the Baron's son and daughter
- and become a hero.
- 11- Ask Karl the Gatekeeper, go to him with all your questions. You can ask him
- about the castle, the Baron, the Baron's son and daughter, Yorick, the stable,
- brigands monsters, heros, the valley, the graveyard, Baba Yaga, the hut, the
- curse... Karl knows it all!
- 12- Ask the Sherrif and Otto. You can ask about the brigands. You can ask them
- about the heros, but best thing to do here is check out Otto's yo-yo action.
- Have you seen him do the cat's cradle? How does he do that?
- 13- The Healer is your friend - she will buy Spell Components from you, help you
- make the Dispell Potion, sell you the Undead Unguent - and, hey, she sure makes
- a great Healing Potion!!
- 14- The Baron Stefan von Spielburg is Lord of Spielburg Valley. He angered Baba
- Yaga when he ordered her to leave Spielburg. She cursed him and he soon lost his
- daughter, then his son. Now the Baron will not leave his castle or see any vi-
- sitors. If you rescue his son, you will be permitted to see him.
- 15- If you are a Fighter, the Goblins are easy - go ahead and fight them to
- build up your Strenght and Weapon Use skill before taking on something really
- scary. Don't forget to search your opponent's body after you kill it. If you
- are a Thief you can always run. If you are a Magic User, cast a spell at them.
- 16- What can I do at the Magic Meadow?
- Travel due north to find Erana's Peace. Eat the Magic Fruit. The flowers exude
- a perfume that heals, bring a bouquet to the Healer. Healing occurs when you
- sleep in this Magic Meadow. As a Magic User, you will regain your magic points
- and health points by sleeping here. Cast an OPEN spell upon the stone to reveal
- a spell of CALM.
- 17- How to find the Baron's son?
- The Kobold wizard turned the Baronet into a BEAR!. To lift the enchantment, get
- the key from the Kobolt and unlock the chain arond the Baronets (bear's) leg.
- 18- Where is the secret passage to the Brigand's Fortress?
- Find the note on the floor in the Tavern. Spy on Brutus and Bruno at high noon.
- Get the key from Brutus. he entrance to the lair is near the Bouncer that Hops,
- (the Antwerp!) search the rocks for the keyhole, then use the key. Say the se-
- cret word, and you're in!
- 19-How do I pass the Minotaur and the Gate?
- As a Fighter, you must be tough. Fight the Minotaur and force the gate. As a
- Thief, sneak behind the Minotaur on the left side of the Fortress, then climb
- the wall behind the rock. Once inside, go around the barrier to the left and go
- across the right bridge. Approach the center of the last barricade area and
- "Step over the rope". As a Magic User, cast the CALM spell on the Minotaur, and
- the OPEN spell on the gate.
- 20- How do I get through Brigand's Cafeteria?
- As you enter the cafeteria, shut the door. Type BLOCK DOOR. Go over to the chair
- near the right wall door, and PUSH CHAIR or BLOCK DOOR. Go over to the candela-
- bra and PUSH CANDLES. Move to the center of the table, wait until the lead bri-
- gand starts to pass the front corner of the table, type CLIMB TABLE. Go to the
- door on the north wall and type OPEN DOOR. Ask about Yorick.
- 21- How to get through the distortion room?
- Ask about Yorick. Stop, read the sign. At the dangling rope type PULL ROPE. At
- the next door type OPEN DOOR. At the left hand door to the north (the upside
- down door) type OPEN DOOR. Move quickly out of the way as it begins to shake.
- The door will fall. Go through the door.
- 22- What do I do in the Brigand Leader's room?
- When confronted by the Brigand Leader type USE DISPELL POTION. After Elsa
- leaves, go to the desk and get the mirrow. Get the Healing potions. Exit the
- room behind the treasure chest on the east wall.
- 23- How to find the Baron's daughter?
- Baba Yaga turned Elsa into the Brigand Leader. Use the DISPELL potion to lift
- the enchantment.
- 24- How do I get into Baba Yaga's hut?
- Ask the central skull about "THE DEAL" Then ask it about "THE RHYME". Then gi-
- ve it the GLOWING GEM.
- 25- Baba Yaga keeps turning me into a frog what can I do?
- Wise up! Answer YES to all her questions, and get her Mandrake Root. Be to deli-
- ver it before dawn.
- 26- What I do with the fox?
- Show some kindness free the fox.
- 27- I would like some information on the White Stag?
- Follow the White Stag it will lead you to Dryad.
- 28- I've seem the Meep's Peep what I do there?
- The furry little Meeps are all different colors. You are looking for some green
- fur, you know! If you have some magic skills and you ask at just the right time
- you can also receive the DETECT MAGIC spell.
- 29- How I locate the Dryad?
- Follow the White Stag until he leads you to the Dryad, Keeper of the Woods.
- She will trade her Magic Acorn for the Spore Spitting Spirea Seed. She knows
- of a DISPELL potion to disenchant people with spells upon them - VERY important.
- 30- I need some information about the DISPELL potion?
- The Dryad and the Healer will aide you in making the DISPELL potion to break
- enchantments. You can pick up FLOWERS in the Magic Meadow, the Meeps will give
- you GREEN FUR, you can get FAIRY DUST at night near the magic mushrooms, FLYING
- WATER can be obtain at the waterfall near Spiegelsea, and the Dryad will give
- you a MAGIC ACORN after you give the Spore Spitting Spirea Seed to her.
- 31- Where is the Hermit?
- The Hermit lives near to the waterfall. If you have throwing skills you can
- gather some rocks near the waterfall and throw them at his door until the
- Hermit opens up. If you have climbing skills, just climb up his door. If you
- have magic skills, cast the DETECT MAGIC spell.
- 31- I am in the Snow Forest what do I do with Brauggi?
- Bargain with Brauggi. He told you he was hungry. Give him 50 apples and he will
- give you a GLOWING GEM.
- 32- What I do once I found the Hermit?
- The Hermit will offer you a safe place to sleep for the night and a round of
- cribbage. Ask the Hermit about the Brigand Warlock, magic, Erasmus, the magic
- mirror, the REFLECT spell, and the TRIGGER spell (he'd also be very happy if
- you ask him about all his family).
- 33- How can I defeat Baba Yaga?
- Get the Magic Mirror from the Brigands Leader's room. Then go to Baba Yaga's
- hut and type USE MIRROR when she casts a spell at you.
- 34- I keep getting kill at the graveyard at night. Is anything I can do?
- You must use the UNDEAD UNGUENT before entering the graveyard at night. Don't
- fall in any open graves.
- 35- What can I do with the Magic Mushrooms?
- You can pick the Magic Mushrooms during the day, then sell them to the Healer.
- Do heroes ever EAT Magic Mushrooms?
- 36- I can't find the Mandrake or when I do it dissolves!
- You'll find the Mandrake root in the graveyard. It must be picked precisely at
- midnight.
- 37- How I get past the Gargoyle?
- The questions CAN be tough! Here it is the matter of using your SAVE and RESTORE
- options. Everytime the Gargoyle ask you a question that you KNOW the answer to
- SAVE your game before answering. If you get zapped back down to the botton of
- the montain, simple RESTORE. He also have one trick question. When he ask for
- the secret password to the Thieves Guild, you don't give him the right answer
- he doesn't want any thieves in there. You only have to answer 3 questions co-
- rrectly. You already know your name right? And do you guess that Erasmus's fa-
- vority color was PURPLE?... If he ask you "What is the meaning of life?" well
- everybody knows that "LIFE IS A BOWL OF CHERRIES" If he ask you for the mean
- airspeed of an unladen swallow, even this hint can't help you.
- 38- Can you tell me about Erasmus?
- Erasmus is a wizard and can teach you about magic. If you already know some
- magic, you can play Mages Maze game. If you beat him, he'll teach you a new
- spell called "DAZZLE". Ask Erasmus about Erana, about the PROTECTION spell,
- about Baba Yaga, about curses, about countercurses, and must importantly about
- the Magic Mirror.
- 39- Who is Fenrus?
- Haven't you been listening? Why, he is the second half of Erasmus's comedy
- team. Don't tell me you didn't like the jokes!?! Fenrus is cute, but I wish
- he'd lose the hat.
- 40- The Brigands keep attacking what should I do?
- If you are a Fighter, fight those Brigands! they are not so tough. Count it as
- an opportunity to build your skills and beef up your muscles. Don't forget to
- search your opponents body after defeating him. If you are a THIEF you can
- always run. If you are a Magic User, cast a spell at them.
- 41- I keep dying from the Night Gaunt attacts what should I do?
- Well don't sleep in the forest! Hero's Tale Inn is safe for a weary traveler.
- You can also sleep at the Magic Meadow, the Dryad's Wood, the stables at the
- castle, or with the Hermit. If you MUST travel at night, you got to have the
- Undead Unguent, don't leave home without it!!!