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- :Enchanter_Tradition
- Enchanters are the masters and mistresses of magical design,
- the only tradition capable of making a magical item that lasts for
- many uses (Alchemists and token mages only make single use items,
- and although a Taroist makes a long lasting item its unusable by
- others).
- Enchanter creations will not work in the hands of a mundane.
- Required Skills :
- Spell Analysis
- One Language in either Racial or Ancient categories
- Read/Write
- At Least ONE (preferably several) Craft skills:
- Blacksmithing
- Bowyer/Fletcher
- Candlemaking
- Cobbling
- Drawing & Painting
- Familiarity : Lathe
- Gemcraft
- Glassblowing
- Knitting
- Leatherworking
- Sculpting
- Seamstress/Tailor
- Soapmaking
- Woodcarving
- Suggested Skills :
- Drafting, Mechanical
- Magical History
- Spell Analysis
- Restrictions & Special Capabilities :
- Cannot be token mages (since they already make something)
- Cannot be Alchemists
- Cannot place Mentalist or Darkovian effects into an item
- -10% to succeed for each minute attempted to fast cast
- Unable to cast if unable to work with hands on casting
- Must MAKE the item that is to be enchanted themselves using
- their craft skills!
- Creating a magical device requires the appropriate spell to
- be known to be placed on the item (or spells). Besides the energy
- costs associated with the spell base and RANGE the caster must
- imbed additional energy and experience points into the item. Items
- are either ALWAYS ON or have USES PER DAY and require a command
- control (CC) spell to be also cast on them at making (see below) such
- as a ~Word_of_Activation*~.
- For Each Spell that the item will perform the character spends
- 250 eps (equivalent to 1 point of magic capacity). Command Control
- Spells (Marked as such in the list) do NOT cost in eps. The exception
- is if the item is intended as single use non-recharging device (equiv
- to a token) in which case experience expenditure is unneeded.
- The maximum duration of item Usage in a USE based item costs
- the same as a normal tradition's duration costs in energy to the
- item maker at the time of casting. If a USE based item is turned
- off then the charge has been used, even if its prematurely.
- If an item is to be an always on affect (such as a bladesharp
- on a dagger) then they must pay 500 eps for the finalizing of the
- effect.
- If an enchanter has MORE than the one tradition they CAN also
- use spells of their other tradition(s) in the making of an item. (With
- the exceptions noted above). They cannot put a spell from another
- tradition into an item that their tradition already has though in
- some form to get a cheaper cost or varient effect.
- A starting Player Character enchanter can have predesigned items,
- by spending a construction point per 250 eps that would have been spent
- as if the item was built in play. They cannot have prepared any spells
- that specifically do not use experience or which they could cast without
- experience - such should be done in game time.
- In an emergency an Enchanter(ess) can utilize their own Capacity
- Points if they lack sufficient Experience points, in the making of an
- item IN PLAY. The points ARE spent permanently and are no longer part
- of the character when this is done.
- The making of an item takes the Time for the physical creation,
- and a casting time equal in MINUTES to all the spells being cast in
- Energy, including those that are purely for Command Control. This is
- much longer than a normal spellcast, obviously. There is no speeding
- up of the process.
- If a klutz occurs in the casting of the spells in the making of
- an item then the item will have klutzed abilities. A klutz always
- occurs when designing an item if the mage is interrupted, unless an
- ironmind spell is active on them in some way.
- :Accurate_Arrow
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- When cast, Accurate Arrow minorly enchants one missile weapon
- (i.e. sling stone, arrow, quarrel, etc. but NOT a bullet) to
- automatically hit any target normally within the range when fired.
- The missile's enchantment does normal damage as it were an
- unaided hit of the same nature. The enchantment instantly wears off
- upon the arrival at the missile's destination. There is no saving throw
- from the attack and no roll to hit made. Reverse Missiles will reflect
- the arrow back at the user though.
- Additional Ranks add +1 to the damage and make the missile count as
- a magic weapon.
- If made final with experience then the arrow will be reusable and
- will not break thru normal usage (but must be retrieved).
- Only castable as an always on with no activation controls.
- :Animate_Object
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- By means of this spell an inanimate object becomes animate and under
- the command of the caster. The object will move at about 5' per round
- unless it is something designed for movement (ex: A wagon, wheelbarrow
- etc). Objects animated in this way cannot fight, but may block an attack
- by interceding. They are imbued only with enough intelligence to obey
- the instruction by the caster (ex: an animated broom can sweep the
- floor, but knows nothing about making tea). One of the common ways of
- using this is to cast it on a scarecrow or other such humanoid appearing
- form so that a wider range of commands are possible. The animated beings
- cannot perform a task that the caster has no knowledge of or cannot
- perform themselves - ex: an animated mannequin instructed to make dinner
- by the caster could cook no better than the person that created it.
- An animated object will have 3 HARD per RANK of the spell, but not more
- than 1 HARD per pound of weight.
- This spell cannot be used to make a dancing weapon for combat purposes.
- It CAN be used with either charges or as an always on.
- :Arrow_Of_Smiting
- COST : 15
- MODS : N
- This spell is considered the most dangerous of the Arrow based spells.
- Cast on a single arrow it make it capable of also acting as a critical
- hit if it strikes target. The effect lasts until the arrow has been
- used, thus duration is not used.
- It can be used in combination with other arrow spells.
- It can be only used as an always on, but CAN be used to make a
- one-shot device. If Experience is used its affects will allow it to
- be used over and over again, assuming it is retrieved, and it will
- not break thru normal usage.
- :Astral_Effectiveness
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This spell is cast on a weapon so that it also exists on the astral
- plane and can be used to attack astral beings, or it may be used to
- attack a being on the material plane from the astral. It does its normal
- damage and effects on both planes.
- If experience is used it becomes an always on (no CC used) and duration
- is unused.
- :Bane_Weapon
- COST : 10
- MODS : N
- This spell is cast upon a weapon. It adds 3 points to the damage the
- weapon will do when hitting a particular category of being or creature.
- It can be cast on ANY non-energy based weapon, including guns, bows,
- swords etc.
- The damage is only for the first strike against the category, unless
- experience is invested. Additional Ranks add +1 to the additional
- damage inflicted. At rank 5 and up the weapon will notify the weilder
- of the presence of their category target within a 60' range by
- impressing on them a mental feeling of uneasiness.
- Acceptable categories include:
- Against One Particular Being Whoose name is known (gets another +5 base)
- Against Members of One Particular Family (Gets another +3 to base)
- Against Members of One Particular Religion (Gets another +3 to base)
- Against One Human Race Division (ex: Caucasians, French Descendant,
- Spanish Descendant etc; +1 to Base)
- Amphibians (Including Meres)
- Astral (including mages, spirits etc)
- Avians (Including Weres)
- Canines (any including Weres)
- Demons (any and all varieties)
- Dwarves
- Elementals (any)
- Elves (any, including 1/2 bloods)
- FaeFolk
- Felines (any including Weres)
- Magical Creatures (including Mages with active spells)
- Plant Life (including sentient)
- Rodents (Including Weres)
- Undead (Corporal & non-corporal)
- Ursine (including weres)
- WereCreatures (All Types)
- Always On is the only control option on this spell.
- :Blade_Of_Draining
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- Cast upon a dagger, sword or other cutting weapon, the spell makes the
- weapon into a draining one. When it successfully strikes target it will
- not only do its normal damage but will drain away life force from the
- victim. What is drained is determined on hitting:
- ---- -------
- 01-05 HTK damage inflicted is lost permanently AND
- is received by the wielder of the blade.
- 06-15 HTK damage inflicted is lost permanently.
- 16-29 As much magical energy as the victim had as
- was inflicted in damage from the blade.
- Transferred to the wielder!
- 30-64 As much magical energy as the victim had as
- was inflicted in damage from the blade.
- 65-79 1 point Hardiness /RANK perm.
- 70-74 1 point APPEARANCE /RANK perm.
- 75-79 1 point Prowness /Rank perm.
- 80-84 1 point INT /RANK perm.
- 85-95 No drain but does an extra 1d10 damage
- 96-00 No drain and no extra damage.
- The effect is only good for the first time the weapon strikes, unless
- experience is used to make it permanent. Weapon is always on and cannot
- use a (CC) for activating its ability .
- :BladeSharp
- COST : 3
- MODS : N
- This makes a bladed weapon +1 to Damage for its next hitting usage.
- It cannot be combined with any other damage enhancing spell. Each
- Additional Rank adds +1. Maximum of 10 ranks possible.
- If cast with experience it can only be cast as an Always on CC.
- :Broomstick_Enchantments
- COST : 25
- MODS : D
- This spell is cast upon an ordinary broomstick and causes it to become
- capable of performing several functions upon the need of the caster:
- First it can animate the broom to sweep an area clean of debris
- for the duration of the spell. This is its simplest function.
- Second the broomstick can be ordered to act as a servant, and it
- will sprout small arms with 3 fingered hands that can manipulate objects
- and animate and move about fetching or carrying for the caster at any
- task it is order to do. (Shades of Mickey Mouse here). This requires
- Rank 3 or better to perform.
- Third it can be made to levitate and to take flight, moving at a
- speed twice that of a running man, while ridden (it can carry about 200
- lbs total weight) and at command of the rider. This is its most complex
- function. This requires rank 5 or better to perform.
- If bought with experience at the enchanting the caster may choose
- either always on or a (CC) option. If using a (CC) and more than one
- of the above are available then they can specify a different word for
- each option.
- :Cleanliness
- COST : 3
- MODS : N
- This spell is cast upon cloth, either uncut or finished clothing. It
- enhances the natural properties of the cloth, making it wrinkleless,
- unstained and if bought with experience, unable to become dirty or
- soiled or wrinkled in any way. It dries in minutes and is in every
- way superior. One piece of clothing can be affected at a time.
- :Conceal_Magic_(CC)
- COST : 10
- MODS : 5
- This is placed on any enchanted item, and will make the item
- undetectable by a detect magic spell of less or equal ranks as
- the rank of the conceal magic spell.
- Conceal Magic will NOT block an Enchanter's Identify_Magic* spell.
- :Contingency_Link_(CC)
- COST : 15
- MODS : N
- This spell control makes the spell it is linked to NOT activate
- unless the contingency stated occurs. It will work only once if
- cast onto a non-experience invested spell set up. Note that a
- Dispell Magic will temporarily turn off a contingency Link of
- equal or lesser rank.
- The events that must occur to set off the link have to be within
- 10'/rank and must be something that does not require additional
- detection spells to activate. Thus a Contingency could be that the
- spell activates when an intruder comes within range that is not
- the caster, BUT that contingency would not detect an invisible,
- astral or otherwise unseeable/detectable intruder that the caster
- could not have detected themselves without additional spells (If
- this sort of ability is wanted then the caster must include such
- a detection spell in the contingency link).
- Contingencies are useful to create burglar alarms, emergency healing
- devices (ex: Cast Wound Heal if blood is shed within range on the
- wounded party), or odd controls to prevent problems - Object_Invisibility*
- set to activate ONLY when the object is being worn, so you can hang
- your cloak up and know where it was until you put it on), and
- the setting of traps (ex: cast hold person on an intruder within range
- that is not the caster).
- Multiple contingencies, one per spell, may belinked into an item.
- Additionanlly a sequencing could be designed with contingencies:
- Contingency One activates on an intruder within range that is not
- the caster, setting off a Hold Person.
- Contingency Two activates when a Hold Person is cast/triggered by
- the item and itself activates a Loud Audible Glamour Alarm.
- Contingency Three Activates When Contingency Two has activated its
- spell and casts a disruption an intruder within range.
- Contingency Four Activates and casts a Dispell Magic on all magic
- items within range (its linked with a detect magic to find them)
- when Contingecy Three has activated, except itself.
- Thus an effective trap of stacked contingencies (though with a HIGH
- energy cost!).
- :Dancing_Weapon
- COST : 20
- MODS : D
- Cast on any hand-held weapon it will cause it to move about and fight
- for the caster/owner within a 30' radius, as if it was wielded by the
- owner, allowing them to perform other tasks while it fights. Attacks
- on a Dancing weapon are -30% due to size and speed, and if it is hit
- the hit will simply end the duration of the spell, not damage the weapon.
- If its owner is knocked unconscious/dead the weapon ceases to fight as
- well. Additional ranks add 10' to the radius of movement from caster.
- A dancing weapon if made with experience, cannot be made 'always on'.
- :Deflect
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This spell is cast on a shield, and temporarily increases its bearers
- chance to prevent a missile attack from reaching target by 10% per RANK.
- If made with experience duration is unnecessary, instead it is bought
- as always on without a (CC)
- :Delay_Spell
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This is yet another form of Metamagic, spells designed only to affect
- other spells. The caster casts this spell as a link with one that is
- activated by a (CC) and then it affects that spell, setting a timer on
- the spells effect before it takes place. The Caster sets the number of
- rounds before the linked effect goes off, not less than a round, and
- not more than a day/rank of DELAY. Thus one may produce a time-bomb
- like effect with a variety of spells and concepts. This works both
- with experience and non-experience paid for items.
- :Dimensional_Depth
- COST : 7
- MODS : D
- This spell is cast on a container, a pocket, purse, sack, Pouch,
- Suitcase, Chest, trunk, crate, etc. What it does is expand the interior
- dimensions of the container into another pocket dimension, approximately
- 5'x 5' x 5' per RANK of the spell. Objects placed inside are held in
- stasis, unaging, while within the container. It is a spell often used by
- mages needing more space then they have available (objects within have
- no weight perceivable in the outside world) or by thieves. You cannot
- place a living creature or being within the space.
- At Third Rank this spell becomes impossible to DISPELL before its
- duration ends.
- This can be cast with always on or a (CC) option.
- :Electric_Arrow
- COST : 3
- MODS : N
- This spell is cast only on an arrow or bolt, giving it a special effect
- if it strikes its target. It cannot be cast in combination with ANY of
- the other arrow damage modifying spells.
- The arrow does normal damage PLUS 1d10 of electrical damage on striking
- its target. Duration is NOT used on this spell - it lasts until the arrow
- is fired and hits something (intended target or not).
- Additional RANKS add +1 damage. Item must be bought as always on, not
- with (CC). If bought with eps it can reused after being retrieved.
- :Electric_Blade
- COST : 7
- MODS : N
- This spell must be cast on a metal blade of some sort The blade then
- acquires a flickering blue glow when active.
- This increases the damage the blade will inflict on striking its
- target by 5 points per rank of electrical damage. Additional ranks
- do not increase the damage.
- It can be made to be always on or with a (CC) option.
- :Enchanter's_Mark_(CC)
- COST : 15
- MODS : N
- When this spell is cast, the wizard is able to inscribe visibly
- his/her personal rune or mark, as well as up to six additional
- characters of smaller size. An enchanters mark spell enables the caster
- to etch the rune upon stone, metal, or any softer substance without harm
- to the material upon which the mark is begin placed.
- The mark cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed by the caster or an
- erase spell.
- The enchanter's Mark can be used as a (CC) so that the other (CC) or
- the usage of the item's powers are restricted only to the Enchanter (This
- is the creators choice). Thus a Word of Activation could be restricted
- as ONLY working when spoken by the enchanter.
- :Everburning
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This spell is cast on a log, candle or other natural (non-magical)
- flame source and will allow it to burn for the duration of the spell
- (after being lit) without consuming any of its material components
- in the process until the end of the spell.
- If experience is used then duration is unneeded, the item will
- never burn out, but can be lit and extinguished as much as wanted.
- :Explosive_Runes
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- By tracing these mystic runes upon a book, map, scroll, wall etc the
- caster prevents unauthorized reading of such.
- When read the runes detonate, delivering 1d10+5 damage to the
- reader. The Mage who casts it is immune and will not trigger the
- explosion.
- Explosive runes last until triggered. The object they are written
- on will be destroyed in the explosion. They act as if a grenade area
- affect with a 10' + 10/rank radius.
- A functional variation that is allowed is one where the casting mage
- adds a (CC) option to the runes, so that if the mage reads them aloud
- (A word of activation) they trigger but will not harm the mage, and
- will destroy/damage the item they are written on and things in the
- radius. This is occasionally used as a means of demolition.
- Additional RANKS add +1d10 to the damage the spell does.
- If experience is used the item will not be destroyed and the runes
- will explode with damage each time they are activated!
- :Flame_Blade
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This is cast upon a blade, so that whenever it strikes a target, after
- its initial damage, it does additionally 1d10 points of damage, +1
- for each rank after the first to the target it strikes, from magical
- fiery flames.
- Buying this always on is not functional because you cannot put the
- blade down on any surface without harming it, thus is is only bought
- with a (CC) option and duration.
- :Flaming_Arrow
- COST : 7
- MODS : N
- This spell is cast only on an arrow or bolt, duration is NOT used in the
- casting as the effect doesn't occur until the arrow is launched and then
- strikes a target. The arrow on striking does 1d10 additional fire damage
- over its original to the target. Additional RANKS adds +1 to the damage
- it does. Leather and Magical armour protects against the fire damage,
- normal metal armour does not. Shield Usage against it does apply.
- Flaming arrows cannot be bought with Experience or (CC) options.
- :Fly_on_the_Wall
- COST : 12
- MODS : D
- This spell creates a spying device out of an ordinary flying insect.
- Upon casting the spell upon an insect, living or dead, the spell grants
- the abilities of limited clairaudience and clairvoyance, centered on
- the insect. The mage, while concentrating on the insect, can hear any
- noise within 30' of the insect.
- If concentration is broken before the end of the spell duration, the
- fly drops to the ground, and there is a 75% chance that, if the mage
- resumes concentration, it will be too damaged to fly again, although
- the clairaudience and clairvoyance will still work for the remainder of
- the duration. If the fly takes any damage during the spell, such as
- being swatted or stepped on, the insect will no longer fly, but,
- provided that at least half of the fly remains, the clairaudience and
- clairvoyance will still work.
- There is no maximum range from the caster that the insect can be
- from the caster and the caster still in control of the insect.
- If experience is used then the fly cannot be damaged thru falling
- when concentration is removed, nor will it decay or otherwise be
- damaged thru normal use (but it has only 1 HTK per rank of the caster
- and can be destroyed). No (cc) is used, the caster may tune into
- the item at any time.
- :Fortify_Armour
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell is cast on armour or clothing to enhance its ability to
- absorb and withstand damage from physical attacks. It can ONLY be
- cast once on each item - when it expires in duration the item itself
- will decay into dust. It adds 2 Absorption/rank and that times 10 in
- structural damage capacity. Additional ranks increase the SDC by
- another 10 (at rank 3 its SDC = Roll * 30). Fortified Armour
- cannot be dispelled.
- If cast with eps no duration is needed, the effect will last until
- the enhanced item is destroyed. No (CC) is needed.
- :Goblin_Servant
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This is a hybrid spell, requiring the tooth of a person to function,
- as it takes the innate magic within a person's remains and exploits it.
- It grows a full adult goblin from the tooth in a single round, to act
- as a servant to the activator for the duration. The caster controls the
- goblins actions entirely, and once the duration is over it collapses
- into dust, tooth and all. No equipment is generated for the goblin in
- the process of this spell, so if it is wanted as a warrior it must be
- handed weapons or will fight only hand-to-hand.
- The spell can be done with a (CC), and if experience is used on
- a casting then the tooth will remain after the goblin becomes dust.
- :Identify_Magic
- COST : 20
- MODS : N
- When an identify spell is cast, magical items subsequently touched by
- the mage can be identified. When the spell is cast, each item must be
- handled in turn by the enchanter. Any consequences of this handling
- fall fully upon the mage is allowed any applicable saving throw.
- The caster WILL learn everything there is about the item, its
- makeup, spells and history, with no chance of failure if the spell was
- cast correctly. They will even get the Activation words associated with
- it if any.
- Unlike the other spells of the Enchanter, this one is not used in
- the creation of magical items.
- With a successful spell analysis skill usage the Enchanter can from
- this spell, know exactly what to do to reproduce the item step by step,
- even if they do not know the component spells (note though that they
- cannot break it down into the components to learn them) and can
- reproduce the item if they make NO changes to the composition. If they
- know all the spells involved then they do not need this option.
- :Invisible_Item
- COST : 25
- MODS : D
- Subject object becomes invisible to normal sight thru this spell.
- the object still has form and substance, it just can't be seen for
- the duration. A (CC) can be used on the item as well as an always
- on option. If experience is used the usual rules apply.
- This can be used to make a Cloak of Invisibility, or a Sheet of
- such (but not a ring, since the ring and not the wearer would be
- what became invisible). If something like a cloak it grants a +50%
- to Defensive PROW against attacks.
- :Lighten
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- Only castable on non-living targets, this spell reduces their weight
- by 90% without reducing their structural capacities or capabilities.
- It is often cast on Armour to make it more flexible (If so cast it
- will negate all but one of the losses of Prowness from the armour).
- When the duration runs out the item returns to its normal weight.
- Upto 500lbs of original weight per RANK can be affected.
- :Luggage
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell is cast on a container of some sort - a Suitcase,
- Backpack, Chest, Wardrobe, or chest of Drawers. The item is usually
- individualized, sometimes excessively. It causes it to become magical
- it is placed upon the ethereal plane and can be recalled by the caster
- by means of a (CC) (or anyone else who knows the word and is in
- the area) so that it will appear within a few feet of its caller on
- the material plane when called. Oftentimes mages will add various
- protections and traps on the container to preserve it from possible
- tampering by ethereal travelers and creatures when it is away. While
- on the ethereal plane the container will travel along under its own
- magical power, on little tiny legs, so that it is always near its owner.
- The mage can also make one of these for someone else.
- This allows a mage to travel light without large amounts of excess
- equipment bogging down his/her.
- While on the material plane the container will continue to follow
- the mage around in a similar fashion until the mage gives the word of
- command again.
- When Duration ends the Item returns to the material plane. If the
- item is built with eps then duration is not needed.
- :Mage_Key
- COST : 5
- MODS : N
- This spell is cast upon a key carved from wax, wood, soap or similar
- carvable substance. The key can be used to open ANY lock, sealed door,
- magically closed container etc with a command word from the caster, when
- the key is touched to it. The key is used up in the usage, unless
- multiple ranks are used with it (gets 1 additional use per rank).
- If experience is used then the key always works and is never used
- up in usage. No (CC) is used with this spell.
- :Mage_Road
- COST : 35
- MODS : N
- This spell can ONLY be cast upon an existing road or path and will affect
- 1 mile per rank of the caster OR until the end of the path, whichever
- comes first.
- It magically paves the road and will keep it clear of plant life that
- might otherwise grow upon it. It will also set up a field along the
- road, extending about 10' to either side of the roads boundary, which
- will drive away non-sentient creatures unless they are brought to the
- road by a sentient.
- The road will not be affected by weather, and any precipitation upon
- it will run off to the sides magically (Snow melts and runs off instantly,
- rain just runs off etc). The road will allow travelers on Horse or wagon
- type vehicles to move three times their normal distance upon its surface.
- The road cannot be dispelled and it is immune to most magical attack
- forms (Fire, electricity, acid, and Polymorphs like PIT* ).
- This spell can ONLY be cast with experience, and must be an always on.
- :Magic_Mouth
- COST : 3
- MODS : R
- This is cast on an object or a surface (like a Wall). It will cause a
- mouth to appear on the item and repeat a statement specified by the
- caster in the voice the caster uses when casting it, upto 25 words in
- length, in a language known to the caster. The speaking will occur when
- a specific event occurs in a 30; radius of the mouth. Ex: Speak when
- anyone passes within range of you. Speak when a winged creature passes
- you. (It cannot detect Invisible, ethereal or astral creatures). Until
- the command can be completed the spell remains dormant and in effect.
- :Magical_Repair
- COST : 10
- MODS : N
- This spell mends any magical item, such as a weapon or armour, that has
- become broken and is still mostly intact (it won't reform ashes or dust
- back into an item) and rebind the spells and energies that were still
- found within it.
- Unlike most Enchanter spells, no experience is spent in this spell,
- nor is it combined with other spells.
- :Mason's_Words_Of_Preservation
- COST : 25
- MODS : N
- This is a complex spell that is used upon a building to preserve and
- protect it over along period of time. It reduces all damaging spell
- effects cast upon the building (such as fireballs etc) so that only
- 1 point per 10 points inflicted will affect the building. It prevents
- All wear and damage from natural weather and wear. It also gives the
- building complete protection from the Mason's_Word_Of_Unmaking* and
- from dispells being cast upon it in any way. The building cannot be
- harmed by natural fire, and takes only 25% of the damage inflicted
- by siege engines, earthquakes and the like.
- The walls of the building cannot be climbed, even with a Spider_Climb*
- spell, and it is kept magically clean throughout the lasting of the
- protection. Spells that affect directly the building integrity (Stone
- to Sand, Pit etc) fail to function upon its surfaces, as do Warp_Wood*
- and other distorting effects.
- If experience is not used then the effect lasts for one month/rank.
- If experience is used it is an always on effect and permanent.
- :Message_Scroll_Tubes
- COST : 25
- This spell is cast on a pair of scroll tubes. It links the two tubes
- so that anything placed in one will instantly and perfectly teleport
- to the other one, and vice versa, allowing private communication
- between the holders of the two tubes for scrolls and small items.
- It works across planes if necessary.
- The scrolls work but once, unless experience is put on them in the
- casting, in which case they will always work.
- :Octarine_Armour
- COST : 20
- MODS : D
- This spell allows the caster to protect an item (and its wearer if
- the item is clothing/jewelry etc) from the direct spell castings of a
- particular tradition of magic for the duration, giving a +10% per RANK
- of addition to saving throws against that kind of magic. Only 1 trad can
- be protected from at a time and only one casting of Octarine Armour can
- be on an item at a time.
- Maximum of 3 RANKS possible. It fails to help against token mages,
- enchantment and Trump Mages. If Eps are used the item becomes always
- on instead of charged and no (CC) is used.
- :Password_(CC)
- COST : 3
- MODS : D
- This is the reverse of a Word_Of_Activation*, as it is used on an
- always on device, turning off its ability for the duration if the
- password is spoken. OR it can be placed on an item with normal
- charges etc and will deactivate the item and prevent the Word of
- Activation from working for the duration after the Password has been
- spoken.
- The password must be spoken within 10'/rank.
- :Protective_Cloak
- COST : 15
- MODS : D
- This is cast on a cloak or coat. The effects will exist for the duration
- (always on) unless dispelled, but can be removed at will.
- The Cloak is as light as lace, but actually gives warmth from cold -
- protecting from cold based attacks, absorbing up to 10 points of each
- such attack (with no limit on how many it can sustain). It will also
- protect against fire based attacks (magical and non) equally.
- The cloak also acts as a defense against all DRAINING Spells and Powers
- while worn and will act as a permanent Feather-fall while worn. The cloak
- can be destroyed if struck by an electrical based attack or an acid based
- one before its duration ends. It offers NO protection from normal weapons,
- unless fire or cold based.
- If eps are used then the cloak or coat is not affected by electrical
- attacks (but the wearer would be) and duration is unnecessary.
- :Quick_Draw
- COST : 3
- MODS : N
- Primarily cast on a weapon (And ALWAYS on a non-living thing) this spell
- will enable the caster or the person the spell is being cast for, to
- instantly have said weapon in their hand when it is needed, if the item
- is within 100 feet/rank of the caster/person. Normally a (CC) is used
- with this and it works once. If eps are used then you do not have to
- buy charges of quick Draw - it will always work when the (CC) occurs.
- :Sepia_Snake_Sigil
- COST : 30
- MODS : D
- This sigil must be inscribed upon a book or scroll or similar surface.
- On being read or touched it activates forming a cobra-like apparition
- that will attack its reader (unless such is its caster) who must save
- vs Prowness or be hit. On being hit it places the target into a
- shimmering amber field of force that holds them in suspended animation
- for the duration put into the spell. If it misses the target it will try
- to strike any who come near it for 3 rounds afterwards and if not scoring
- a hit will fade away.
- The amber force field can be dispelled or it can be shut down by usage of
- the proper word of command. This spell is usually used to protect private
- books and papers.
- If eps are used then the sigil will activate each time its read or
- touched (or if a (CC) is used each time that is used). It does NOT
- make the resulting amber force field last longer than the duration.
- :Spike_Stones
- COST : 15
- MODS : R
- This spell transforms 1d10/rank ordinary rocks of baseball size or smaller
- into dangerous traps that activate when stepped on. DURATION is not used
- with this spell. Each of the affected stones will, when a weight of 20
- lbs or greater presses upon them, have nasty spikes protrude from their
- surface like caltrops of a larger size. These will do 2d10 damage each
- when stepped on. The spikes are stone in nature, extensions of the rock,
- and remain outward after being sprung. They cannot be reused.
- Experience and (CC)s are not used with this spell.
- :Spirit_Bind
- COST : 30
- MODS : N
- This spell is used to bind a spirit/astral sentience into a magic item
- (the item MUST use EPS in construction, including for this spell). This
- is how one develops a device with sentience and intelligence. A spirit
- bound to an item MUST obey the commands of the user/activator of the
- item, to the letter, if it is possible. If the spirit is that of a mage
- then the knowledge and power of that mage is bound into the item, placing
- their INT and MA and MC into it. A spirit so bound is trapped within the
- item until it is destroyed. The Spirit can communicate telepathically
- with anyone touching the item (more if they have a telepath spell etc).
- Spirits so bound get 1 point of recharge per hour, no other recharge
- systems work while bound inside a device. They may cast spells with the
- normal restrictions for their tradition (thus a token spirit trapped
- cannot cast!) but only at the will of the owner/weilder/maker.
- A spirit MUST be present at the casting of this to work. Once the
- binding is started (it works in a 10'/rank area) all spirits in range
- cannot leave the area of effect. The caster must have a name or other
- proper identifier for the spirit to actually bind it within the item.
- A spirit being bound DOES get a chance to save against the effect,
- but otherwise cannot act while the binding is taking place.
- It is said that occasionally an enchanter has used this spell as a
- means of personal immortality, as they can bind themselves to the
- device by slaying themselves at the end of the casting of the spell
- instead of applying to a spirit in range (others say this was caused
- by an enchanter getting killed by someone just as they tried to
- complete the spell or klutzing badly on the casting).
- Spirit Binding is considered unethical among occult practitioners.
- :Staff_Of_Power
- COST : 30
- MODS : N
- This ritual is used to design a personal tool for an enchanter mage.
- The Staff must be made from one of the woods known for their power :
- Rowanwood, Oak, Ash or Willow. It must be carved by the mage themselves
- before the casting. When complete the staff is a permanent device,
- without duration, that only can be used by the ritualist themselves.
- Imbedded at the top of it must be a gemstone of at least 3 k. size,
- Amethyst, Sapphire, Opal, Topaz, or Emerald (thus a cost of $300 to
- $3000 in materials) and requires the usage of 5,000 eps. This spell
- cannot be bought at starting point by a player character.
- The staff will protect the bearer from the spells of others,
- and not, giving the mage a +25% save vs spells cast at them directly,
- except those of a magical device or religious basis (thus fails vs
- Charismatic, Voodon, Shamans, Discordians, Wiccans). If they
- save against the spell then the staff will ABSORB its power, taking
- 1/2 of its original casted energy into it and storing it for the Mage
- to use later as part of their own rituals. The staff can retain up to
- 100 energy points per Karat of the stone set upon its tip.
- Once the staff is full, or has absorbed its quota, it will not act as
- an aid in saving against spells cast at the owner. The staffs energy must
- be released as part of the casting of a spell, or can be released on
- a hit by the weilder in combat against someone with the staff - in the
- case of such a hit only 10 points can be discharged per hit and the
- points do a +10 to the damage of the attack, of pure magical energy
- (magic resistance of a target hit will prevent damage from the energy,
- but there is otherwise no save from the added damage). The staff itself
- does 1d10+4 damage otherwise.
- A Mage Staff can be damaged thru mundane means, such as a fireball,
- an axe chop etc, but gets a saving throw against such equal to its
- creators HARDINESS to prevent being destroyed. If its owner does there
- is a 75% chance of it being destroyed in the process thru its linkage.
- A mage can ALWAYS feel the presence of their staff within a 5 mile
- radius, and can call it to their hands at will by a mental command
- if within a 1 mile radius. A mage cannot have more than one staff
- existing at a time, but if they choose to disconnect their linkage with
- a lost staff to build a new one then they may NEVER relink themselves
- to the lost staff.
- A staff that has been disconnected from its original owner by choice or
- death can be used by others defensively, but they must learn the words
- of control for to release the energy within it or to bind themselves
- to it thru an identify spell of some sort.
- No other spells or bindings can be placed upon an Enchanters Staff
- by the enchanter.
- :Umbrella_Of_Enchantment
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- This spell is cast on an umbrella. The umbrella will prevent any RAIN
- based spell from affecting the caster while open, and also any falling
- object more than 1 lbs in weight will bounce off it (unlike a normal
- mundane umbrella). Thus things like a falling Wall of Ice would fail to
- harm the possessor of the Umbrella, or even an opponent jumping from a
- height above to attack.
- If cast with experience then no (CC) is used and the umbrella will
- protect whenever it is open over the weilder as always on.
- :Vacuum_Bottle
- COST : 30
- MODS : N
- This is cast on an ordinary bottle or glass vial, upto a quart in size
- at the most, which has a stopper, cork or seal of some kind. The bottle
- becomes an interdimensional opening into a pocket universe. When the
- bottle is opened it will suck into it any non-living matter or energy it
- is pointed at, upto 5'cubed in size, and then reseals itself. It is held
- in stasis until the bottle is opened again or until it is broken
- (Duration has NO application in this spell). Besides a lightweight means
- to carry large heavy objects for distances this spell can also be used
- as a defense - if ready for it a mage might place an incoming fireball
- effect into the bottle before it can explode, or utilize the bottle as a
- weapon, since it will release its contents with pressure about 5' from
- the opener (Filling one in the sea can produce a 1 round firehose) or it
- could conceivably be used to disarm an opponent (sucking swords and
- other hand weapons into the bottle if the opponent failed a save vs
- Hardiness).
- The item(s) to be pulled into the bottle must be within 5' of the holder.
- Experience is not used with this spell.
- :Vorpal_Blade
- COST : 35
- MODS : N
- This is cast on any bladed weapon and enhances its ability to cut thru
- most substances. It causes any successful hit on a limb or Neck to
- remove said part - the damage MUST penetrate armour etc to produce this
- effect. A vorpal blade will cut thru flesh, metal, light stone, cloth and
- paper equally BUT cannot cut thru Lead or Gold or heavier metals.
- It works but for the one damage attack, and cannot be combined with
- other damage enhancing or modifying weapon spells on the blade.
- If eps are used then the blade is ALWAYS ON, and cannot be sheathed
- easily (a lead lined sheath may be needed).
- :Word_Of_Activation_(CC)
- COST : 3
- MODS : N
- This assigns a single word to the setting off of a spell charge from
- a created item. If multiple spells are possible by an item, a seperate
- word could be placed on the activation of each one.
- The word must be said within 10'/rank in order for the device to
- activate, but can be spoken by anyone within that range to activate it.
- This is a Command Control (CC) spell which means that no experience
- is spent in linking it into the construction of an item.
- :Words_Of_Activation_(CC)
- COST : 10
- MODS : N
- This works the same way and with the same restrictions of a simple
- Word_Of_Activation* Spell, except that a series of words (two plus upto
- one per rank of casting this) is used to activate the spell charge in
- the item. All the rest applies the same, including the 10'/rank range,
- and the lack of experience cost.