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- :Equipment
- Remember that the price list is designed for starting characters and
- prices are based on GOOD quality items. Prices vary based on where you
- are afterwards and by quality. Generally:
- Quality Price Modifier
- ------- --------------
- Poor (Last Legs) -75 %
- Used/Worn -50 %
- Good/New ----
- Fine +50 %
- Excellent +100 %
- Best Available +200 %
- Quality can affect how people observe you, if you dress in poor
- clothes people assume you are such. If you dress in Excellent clothes
- people assume you are wealthy.
- Quality also affects the ability of an item to take wear, tear
- and to survive damage. Generally when a wear-and-tear roll is called
- for the GM expects a roll on the following :
- Quality Undamaged Damaged (drop 1 Quality) Trash
- ------- --------- ------------------------ ------
- Poor 01-05 n/a 06-00
- Used/Worn 01-25 26-75 76-00
- Good/New 01-50 51-80 81-00
- Fine 01-70 71-90 91-00
- Excellent 01-75 76-95 96-00
- Best Avail 01-90 91-95 96-00
- Items received from the generation tables are considered Good/New
- unless otherwise stated. A damaged item MIGHT be returned from
- Poor to Used/Worn quality with the appropriate skills applied but
- other quality drops are NOT reversable.
- You cannot buy used food or other perishables, so don't get silly
- when doing your shopping.
- Prices are intended to reflect a generality at character generation
- and may VARY once your character is in play.
- Reselling goods one can usually expect to get 20% of the value
- listed as a good item used, slighlty more or less if one is selling
- to a fence and makes a successful streetwise skill.
- Characters Starting with STREETWISE skill can minus 10% from Good or
- better purchases if they wish to buy such thru fences and contacts,
- but risk the hot goods being traced to them at some future date if
- their luck doesn't hold out.
- The list cannot possible cover EVERY contingency. The GM will help you
- with odd specialty items and ones simply missed upon request.
- Goods marked with <I> are illegal or highly controlled in some way and
- must be bought usually thru underworld contacts. Underworld contacts
- are primarily accessed via Streetwise skill.
- Item $$$
- ---- ---
- Advanced Polymer ballistic suit 20000 .00
- Alchemist's Field Kit 500 .00 (See ~<!ALCHEM.#01>*~)
- Ammunition : .22-.32/2-5mm 10 .00 for 50 rnds
- Ammunition : .38/5mm or other HP 15 .00 for 25 rnds
- Ammunition : either of above 100 .00 for 50 rnds <I>
- Teflon coated
- (no armour abs!)
- Ammunition : for any Blackpowder 10 .00 for 25 rnds
- Ammunition : Gyrojet 50 .00 for 25 rnds <I>
- Ammunition : Needler 50 .00 for 50 rnds <I>
- Ammunition : Shotgun (slug/flechette)10 .00 for 25 rnds
- Ammunition : 10mm machine gun 50 .00 for 50 rnd belt <I>
- Anklet Bells (for dancers) 10 .00 (set)
- Anvil (Heavy Iron) 200 .00
- Apron, Leather craftsman's 50 .00
- Armour (See ~<MRULES.#01 ARMOUR>*~)
- Armourer's Toolkit 1000 .00
- Arrows, score 40 .00
- Assault Rifle, AK47 (FA) 1000 .00 <I>
- Assault Rifle, M-16 (FA) 1200 .00 <I>
- Assault Rifle, 7mm (FA) 900 .00 <I>
- Automobile (electric or nat. gas) 15000 .00 (75mph top speed)
- Automobile (Gasoline powdered) 18000 .00 (120mph top speed)
- Automobile (Jet fuel powered) 25000 .00 (400mph top speed)
- Options (Not available at all dealerships and not ever USED!):
- Air Bags (set of 4) +200 .00
- Air Conditioning +1000 .00
- Amphibious Capability +15000 .00 (not if armor plated)
- Armor plating (ABS 25) +10000 .00 (reduces top speed by 1/2)
- Battery Recharger (external) +200 .00
- Battery, extra +200 .00
- Bullet Proof Glass +5000 .00
- Bullet Proof Tires +4000 .00 (set of 4)
- CB Radio + 75 .00
- Cellular Phone + 150 .00 (service $35 a month)
- CD Player + 300 .00
- Machine Gun (front) built in +9000 .00 .9mm, 100 rnd belt <I>
- Nitrus Supercharger +5000 .00 (+$50 per usage) <I>
- Oil Slick Release +3000 .00
- Parachute Breaking +2000 .00 (+200 per chute)
- Seating for +2 passengers +2000 .00 (max of 12 passengers)
- Smoke Screen System +2000 .00
- Sunroof + 500 .00
- Tire Blowout device +1000 .00 (+$100 per usage)
- Axe, Hand 10 .00
- Backpack, Basket 25 .00
- Backpack, Leather 90 .00
- Backpack, Nylon 40 .00
- Bacon, per LB 2 .00
- Bag, Shoulder Slung Leather 55 .00
- Bagpipes 900 .00
- Ballistic Cloth Suit Armour 5000 .00
- Bandoleer, leather pocketed 70 .00
- Bandoleer, leather for darts 40 .00
- Bandoleer, leather for knives 50 .00
- Bandoleer, leather for shotgun ammo 50 .00
- Banjo (w/case) 300 .00
- Baseball 15 .00
- Baseball Bat (aluminum) 30 .00
- Baseball Mitt 40 .00
- Bathrobe 25 .00
- Beanbag Chair 30 .00
- Beans, lb dried 1 .00
- Bed, simple wooden frame 200 .00
- Bed, Canopy style wooden 1000 .00
- Beer, bottle 3 .00
- Beer, Keg 150 .00
- Bell, cow 5. 00
- Belt 5. 00
- Beltpurse 12. 00
- Berries & grapes, lb 1 .00
- Bicycle 300 .00
- Binder (Notebook 3 ring) 5 .00
- Binoculars (2.5x magnification) 50 .00
- Binoculars (miltary; 7x magnif.) 150 .00
- Binoculars (military; nightscope) 600 .00
- Birth Control Pills (Month) 10 .00
- Birth Certificate (illegal) 5000 .00
- Bit & Bridle 35 .00
- Blanket 20 .00
- Blasting Cap (for setting explosive) 20 .00 <I>
- Block & Tackle, Heavy 80 .00
- Block & Tackle, Light 35 .00
- Block & Tackle, medium 50 .00
- Blouse, ladies 25 .00
- Body Oil (for Massage) per Pint 5 .00
- Bolts (for crossbow), score 40 .00
- BookCase, wooden 40 .00
- Book, Hardback 30 .00
- Book, paperback 7 .50
- Boomerang 25 .00
- Boots, Dress 60 .00
- Boots, Plastic rain/snow gear 25 .00
- Boots, Work (steel toed, +2 HTH dmg) 35 .00
- Boots, Hard Leather 70. 00
- Bowl, ceramic 1 .00
- Bowl, plastic .50
- Bowl, wooden 2. 00
- Bow, Heavy Compound 575 .00
- Bow, Light Compound 350 .00
- Bow, Long 70 .00
- Bow, Short 25 .00
- Bow, Short Folding 90 .00
- Bra 15 .00
- Brales (homespun, Trousers) 6 .00
- Bread, loaf 1 .00
- Briefcase (leather) 50 .00
- Briefcase (High voltage w/RC) 2000 .00 (Save vs HARD stun/2d10 dmg)
- Broom (Standard full size) 5 .00
- Brush (for painting) 2 .00
- Brush (for hair) 1 .00
- Brush (For sweeping w/dustpan) 1 .00
- Brush (For vegetable cleaing) 1 .50
- Bucket, plastic 5 gallon 1 .00
- Buffalo Gun (Black Powder) antique 500 .00
- Bullwhip 90 .00
- Bus (school style, natural gas) 25000 .00 (seats 60 adults)
- Bus (greyhound style, nat. gas) 35000 .00 (Seats 120 adults)
- for add-ons see automobile
- (no nitrus, extra passengers)
- Butter, salted (LB) 1 .00
- Cake (dessert) 10" 9 .00
- Calculator 10 .00
- Calculator Watch 30 .00
- Calligraphy Set 20 .00
- Calliope (Steam) 3000 .00
- Caltrops (score) 30 .00 (do 1d10+2 stepped on)
- Camera, 35mm 150 .00
- Camera, special lens 100 .00
- Camera, Polaroid 100 .00
- Camera Carrying Case 30 .00
- Candlestick holder (wood) 2. 00
- Candlestick holder (Brass) 12 .00
- Candlestick holder (pewter) 5 .00
- Candlestick holder (Silver) 50 .00
- Candlestick holder (Gold) 400 .00
- Candle, wax 1 .00
- Candy Bar 1 .00
- Cane (walking) 15 .00
- Canoe 200 .00
- Canteen (1 quart) 15 .00
- Canvas (For painting) 5 .00
- Cap (baseball style) 2 .00
- Caps, custom made (dozen) 60 .00
- Cape 40 .00
- Card Case (wooden) 5 .00
- Card Table 20 .00
- Cart (single horse used to pull) 590 .00
- Case, Leather for maps/scroll 40 .00
- Cassock (Long Coat, warm) 80 .00
- Cat O Nine Tails 80 .00
- Cauldron, Large iron (10 gallon) 60 .00
- Cauldron, Small Iron (holds gallon) 40 .00
- Cestus (see <RULES.#01 WEAPONS>*) 80 .00
- Chair, Desk 50 .00
- Chair, metal folding 20 .00
- Chair, wooden 50 .00
- Chair, Patio recliner (folding) 20 .00
- Chair, Patio plastic 10 .00
- Chair, recliner 150 .00
- Chalk, dozen sticks 1 .00
- Chemise (men's or woman's) 30 .00
- Charcoal, 1 lb 1 .00
- Cheese, 1 LB 5 .00
- Chicken (per LB of meat) 2 .00
- Chili, 1lb can of 2 .00
- Chisel (steel) 5. 00
- Cider, Gallon 3 .00
- Cigarettes, pack 3 .50
- Claymore Mine (war surplus) 200 .00 <I>
- Clawed Gloves 50 .00 <I> (add +10% to climbing)
- Cloak, Thieves (pocketed) 220 .00
- Cloak, Hooded 180 .00
- Cloak, basic 70 .00
- Coal (for ovens etc) per 20 LBS 5 .00
- Coffee, LB 3 .00
- Compact Disc Player 200 .00
- Compact Disc Audio WORM portable 700 .00
- Compact Disc (Music) 15 .00
- Compact Disc (Blank for WORM) 10 .00
- Compass 10 .00
- Computer, Desktop 2000 .00
- Computer, Portable 3000 .00
- Computer, Palmtop 4000 .00
- Computer CD Drive (ROM) 200 .00
- Computer Dot MatrixPrinter 200 .00
- Computer Laser Printer 500 .00
- Computer Modem (HSPD) 200 .00
- Computer Paper, 1000 sheets #20 20 .00
- Computer Scanner (flatbed) 750 .00
- Computer Scanner (Hand Held) 200 .00
- Computer Software Package 50 .00 to 500.00
- Computer WORM CD Drive 900 .00
- Condom 1 .00
- Constantina 350 .00
- Cooking oil, Gallon 3 .00
- Cookstove (Wood/coal burning) small 500 .00
- Cookstove, large 900 .00
- Corset (With whalebone staves) 90 .00
- Corset, modern 35 .00
- Cooking Herbs (any, ounce) 1 .00
- Cooking Pot 5 .00
- Couch 150 .00
- Coveralls 40 .00
- Coveralls, insulated 60 .00
- Cow (for Milk) 1200 .00
- Crampons (For climbing) 40 .00 (+10% to Mountaineering)
- Credit Card, legal annual fee 30 .00 (at 15% interest)
- Credit Card, Illegal 75 .00
- ($1500 credit line, risky!) <I>
- Crossbow, Heavy 900 .00
- Crossbow, Light 500 .00
- Crossbow, Hand-held 400 .00
- Cucumber 1 .00
- Cup, ceramic 2 .00
- Cutting board 10. 00
- Dagger & Scabbard 40 .00
- Desk 125 .00
- Dart, game brass fittings 2 .00
- Derringer .22 1-shot 50 .00
- Derringer .32 2-shot 75 .00
- Dice, pair (bone) 1 .00
- Dog, small 95 .00
- Dog, Hunting retriver (trained) 150 .00
- Dog, Large Watchdog (trained) 260 .00
- Donkey 250 .00
- Doublet (tied or buttoned) 15 .00
- Dove, Live 50 .00
- Dress 30 .00
- Dress Tie 5. 00
- Dried Fruit, per lb 1 .00
- Drill Press 500 .00
- Driver's License, legal Auto 50 .00
- Driver's License, illegal Auto 200 .00
- Driver's License, legal Truck 300 .00
- Driver's License, Illegal Truck 750 .00
- Drum (small Hand) 50 .00
- Drum (Large) 90 .00
- Duck, Live 20 .00
- Dulcimer w/case 80 .00
- Dustpan (Plastic) 1 .50
- Dynamite (stick) 15 .00 <I>
- Easel, for painting 25 .00
- Eating Utensils (fork, spoon, knife) 1 .00
- Eggs, chicken or duck (dozen) 2 .00
- Electro-Baton 300 .00 <I>
- Electronic Detonator 150 .00 <I>
- Electronic Guitar tuner 25 .00
- Electron Microscope 500000 .00
- Express Rifle (antique BP) .600 500 .00
- Falcon, trained 300 .00
- Feathers (LB) 2 .00
- Feed Grain (For horses etc, Week) 6 .00
- File Cabinet 80 .00
- File, metal 10 .00
- Finger cymbals (pair) 10 .00
- First Aide Kit 15 .00
- Fish, Fresh (lb) 4 .00
- Fishing Hook 1 .00
- Fishing line (per 20') 3 .00
- Fishing Net (hand held) 15 .00
- Fishing rod 40 .00
- Flack Jacket 350 .00
- Flail 70 .00
- FlameThrower 900 .00 <I>
- Flamethrower, Fuel & Igniters 100 .00 <I> for full 6 shots
- Flare Pistol 40 .00
- Flare Pistol Cartridge 3 .00
- Flashlight 5 .00
- Flintlock Pistol .40 75 .00
- Flour, per LB 2 .00
- Flower Pot (plastic or clay) 2 .00
- Flute, silver 100 .00
- Flute, wooden 55 .00
- Football 30 .00
- Football Helmet 50 .00
- Freezer 500 .00
- Funnel, small plastic 1 .00
- Funnel, Large plastic 2 .00
- Futon Bed frame w/mattress 300 .00
- Fruit per piece .50
- Frypan/skillet (iron) 30 .00
- Garter (Ladies) 2 .00
- Garter Belt (Ladies) 15 .00
- Gasoline (gallon) 1 .90
- Geese, Live 15 .00
- Geiger Counter 100 .00
- Glassblower's Tool Kit 150 .00
- Glass-cutter (handled) 100 .00
- Glass Rod (for blowing) 2 .00
- Gloves, soft leather 5 .00
- Goblet, pewter 30 .00
- Goblet, Silver 90 .00
- Gown (Ladies Formal Dress) 60 .00
- Grenade (AP) 20 .00 <I>
- Grenade, smoke 5 .00 <I>
- Grenade, white phosphorus 25 .00 <I>
- Grenade, Thermite 20 .00 <I>
- Grenade, Concussion 10 .00 <I>
- Grenade, Rifle (AP) for M-16 15 .00 <I>
- Grenade, Rifle Flare for M-16 10 .00 <I>
- Grenade, Rifle White Phosphorus 20 .00 <I>
- Grenade, 40mm tear gas 15 .00 <I>
- Grenade Launcher for M-16 100 .00 <I>
- Grenade Launcher (40mm tear gas) 500 .00 <I>
- Grappling Hook 25 .00
- G-string underwear 15 .00
- Gun cleaning/maint. kit 20 .00
- Gyrojet pistol 1500 .00 <I>
- Hacksaw 10 .00
- Hacksaw replacement blade 3 .00
- Hammer, carpenters 10 .00
- Hammer, sculptors 15 .00
- Hammock 50 .00
- Harp, w/case 125 .00
- Harpsicord (non-portable) 250 .00
- Hawk, Hunting (trained) 250 .00
- Hat, Lady's Dress 20 .00
- Hat, Fedora 35 .00
- Hat, travelers 20 .00
- Headgear, soft leather 30 .00
- Heating Oil (per Gallon) 1 .25
- Hockey Stick 20 .00
- Honey, 1lb jar 3 .00
- Horse, Draft 750 .00
- Horse, riding 1250 .00
- Horseshoe (installed) 10 .00
- Hose (Men's & womens) 5 .00
- House 250,000 .00 (includes plot of land)
- Housecat, Live 25 .00 (Double if a mouser)
- Hyperdemic needle 50 .00 <I>
- Ibuprofen (50 Pills) 7 .50
- Ice Skates 50 .00
- Incense, 10 sticks 1 .00
- Ink, black (6 ounces) 2 .00
- Ink, colored (6 ounces) 3 .00
- Jacket, Leather Dress 125 .00
- Jacket, Leather riding 150 .00
- Jacket, Leather Lined Pilots 200 .00
- Jack Hammer (w/compressor & tow) 10,000 .00
- Jar, quart ceramic 2 .00
- Jar, quart glass 5 .00
- Javelin 10 .00
- Jeans 30 .00
- Jet Fuel, per gallon 5 .00
- Kevlar Helmet 300 .00
- Kevlar Vest 700 .00
- Kimono, cotton 40 .00
- Kimono, silk/satin 75 .00
- Knife, Throwing 10 .00
- Knitting Needles (pair) 1 .00
- Lab Coat 20 .00
- Ladder, 10' wooden 30 .00
- Lamb, per lb 5 .00
- Lamp, hurrican oil 15 .00
- Lance 160 .00
- Land, per acre, rural 10,000 .00
- per acre, Urban 30,000 .00
- Lantern, Bullseye 50 .00
- Lantern, Electric (2 lbs) 30 .00
- Lard, per lb 1 .00
- Laser Sight (For any firearm) 1,200 .00 <I> +20% to hit
- Lathe, Jewelers/watch makers 2,500 .00
- Lathe, Wood 1,000 .00
- Lathe, Machine Shop 4,000 .00
- Lathe, Machine Shop Paper Tape 10,000 .00
- LAW (light Anti-Tank Weapon) 250 .00 <I>
- Leathercrafters Toolset 70 .00
- Leotard 40 .00
- Lettuce, head of (Iceberg) 2 .00
- Lexan Mesh Armour 900 .00 <I>
- LifeJacket 30 .00
- Light Machine Gun 10mm (bipod) 3000 .00 <I>
- Lobster Trap 40 .00
- Lock, key type 15 .00
- Locksmith's portable keymaking set 500 .00
- Lipstick, tube 3 .00
- Luggage (3 piece set) 120 .00
- Lyre, w/travel case 90 .00
- Mace 40 .00 <I>
- Machine Gun 10mm (tripod) 5000 .00 <I>
- Machine Pistol 9mm (FA) 800 .00 <I>
- Magnifying glass 2 .50
- Mailbox (external) 25 .00
- Main Gauche 70 .00 <I>
- Makeup_Kit* 40 .00
- Manacles, hand 20 .00
- Manacles, Leg 25 .00
- Mandolin w/case 190 .00
- Marbles (glass) 50 5 .00
- Mask, rubber (for halloween) 30 .00
- Matches, 100 1 .00
- Mattress 200 .00
- Mead (quart) 10 .00
- Medical Kit (Dr's black bag) 300 .00
- Mess Kit (camping) 15 .00
- Metal Detector 100 .00
- Microwave 125 .00
- Milk, gallon 3 .50
- Milling Machine 3,000 .00
- Mirror, plastic framed hand 5 .00
- Mirror, small silver 100 .00
- Mirror, glass floor length 15 .00
- Monacle 35 .00
- Moneybelt, leather 20 .00
- Mortar & Pestile (stone) 50 .00
- Mosquito netting (per 9 sq ft) 15 .00
- Motel Room, single 40 .00 /night
- Motel Room, double 55 .00 /night
- Motorboat, small 9000 .00
- Motorcycle 3000 .00
- Motorcycle with Sidecar rig 4000 .00
- Motorcycle Helmet 100 .00
- Movie ticket 10 .00
- Mule 225 .00
- Musket .75 (antique or kit) 200 .00
- Nails, steel .05
- Needler 2mm Rifle (FA) 1000 .00 <I>
- Needler 2mm Pistol (FA) 800 .00 <I>
- Needle, Sewing (5) 1 .00
- Net, small fishing 20 .00
- Nightscope (for rifles) 300 .00
- Nightvision Goggles (battery pwrd) 750 .00
- Ninja style black suit 125 .00 <I>
- Nitroglycerine (pint) 100 .00 <I>
- Notebook, spiral bound 100 pg 1 .50 (Not bought used!)
- Nunchukus 100 .00 <I>
- Nuts (edible) per lb 2 .00
- Nylon's (ladies) 3 .00
- Oatmeal, per LB 2 .00
- Oil, flask of 10 .00
- Oxen, Live 400 .00
- Paint, Gallon (any color) 5 .00
- Paint, pint phospherescent 15 .00 (10 doses)
- Paint, Tube for oil painting 2 .00
- Paint, Water Colors set 5 .00
- Pallet (for painting) 35 .00
- Pantaloons 10 .00
- Paper, butchers wrapping (per foot) .10 (In a roll usually)
- Paper, writing (100 sheets) 1 .00
- Parachute, basic 100 .00
- Parachute, glider 600 .00
- Parchment (100 sheets) 10 .00 (Scroll suitable)
- Passport, legal 50 .00
- Passport, illegal non-USA 500 .00
- Passport, illegal USA 1200 .00
- Pasta, lb .75
- Peanut Butter (LB jar) 4 .00
- Pen (Ballpoint) .20
- Pencils .10
- Perfume, per 2 ounce vial 10 .00
- Petticoat 20 .00
- Pillow 5 .00
- Pillowcase (cloth) 2 .00
- Pilot's License (any) 500 .00
- Pilot's License, illegal (any) 1000 .00
- Pin Ring (Silver) 75 .00 <I> (Injects poisons etc)
- Pins (common sewing, 100) 1 .50
- Pipes, reed 40 .00
- Pistol .22 revolver 75 .00
- Pistol .22 target 80 .00
- Pistol .32 Auto 100 .00
- Pistol 9mm Auto 125 .00
- Pistol .7mm HP Auto 150 .00
- Pistol .38 special revolver 125 .00
- Pistol .45 revolver 150 .00
- Pistol .45 Auto 160 .00
- Pistol .357 Mag Revolver 175 .00
- Pistol .357 Auto Mag 200 .00
- Pistol .44 Mag. Revolver 225 .00
- Pistol .44 Auto Mag 250 .00
- Pizza, large w/2 toppings delivered 20 .00
- Plastique, pound 300 .00 <I>
- Plate, Ceramic 4 .00
- Plate, Wooden 1 .00
- Playing cards (deck) 1 .00
- Plow 300 .00
- Police Radio Scanner 150 .00 <I>
- Polygraph, portable (w/case) 5,000 .00
- Portable Desk (Wooden) 50 .00
- Pouch, Belt Large 15 .00
- Pouch, Belt small 5 .00
- Power Strip (w/surge protector) 20 .00
- Prodd 175 .00 <I>
- QuarterStaff 25 .00
- Quill nub 2 .00
- Quiver, 1 score capacity 40 .00
- Rabbit, Live 25 .00
- Radar Detector aka FuzzBuster 200 .00 <I>
- Radar Scrambler aka FuzzBlinder 500 .00 <I>
- Radar Gun (police issue) 3,000 .00 <I>
- Radiation Badge 25 .00 (GOOD ONLY AVAIL)
- Radio, minature AM/FM/SW receiver 50 .00
- Rain Poncho 15 .00
- Rapier & sheath 500 .00 <I>
- Ratchet Tool Set 40 .00
- Rations, Week traveling 25 .00
- Refrigerator 200 .00
- Revolver .45 cap & ball 100 .00
- RF Detector (for telephone bugs) 3000 .00
- Rhine_Box* 20000 .00 <I>
- Rice, lb 3 .00
- Rifle .22 200 .00
- Rifle .22 Carbine 225 .00
- Rifle .30 Rifle 250 .00
- Rifle .30 Carbine 275 .00
- Rifle .30 HP 275 .00
- Rifle .30 HP Carbine 300 .00
- Rifle .40 HP Carbine 350 .00
- Rifle .50 HP 400 .00
- Rifle 9mm HP 375 .00
- Road Flare 1 .00
- Road Map 2 .50
- Robe, Formal mages/priests 150 .00
- Roller Blades 120 .00
- Roller Skates 50 .00
- Rope, Nylon 50' 1/4" 10 .00 (weighs about 15 lbs)
- Rope, Silk 50' 50 .00 (Weighs about 8 lbs)
- Rope Ladder (per 10') 30 .00
- Rowboat (w/oars, 2 man) 90 .00
- Sabre w/sheath 200 .00 <I>
- Sack, cloth (small) 2. 00
- Sack, Cloth (large) 4 .00
- Saddle 250 .00
- Saddle Blanket 5 .00
- SaddleBags, small 50 .00
- Saddlebags, Large compartmented 125 .00
- Sai 75 .00 <I>
- Salad Dressing, 16 oz bottle 2 .00
- Salt, per lb 1 .00
- SAM (stinger Missile) launcher 3000 .00 <I>
- SAM missile for launcher 500 .00 <I>
- Sandles 5 .00
- Sandwich Meat, per LB 4 .00
- Scalpel 15 .00
- Scarf 4 .00
- Scarf, Thieves (Pocketed/weighted) 15 .00 <I>
- Scissors, sewing 5 .00
- Scimitar 225 .00 <I>
- Screwdriver Set (10) 15 .00
- Scuba Tank Set (regulator,mask etc) 900 .00
- Sensor Boom 1,000 .00
- Sewing Machine 350 .00
- Sextant 100 .00
- Sheath, Wrist (for knife/dagger) 6 .00
- Sheets (Pr) 10 .00
- Shirt 15 .00
- Shoes, dress leather 40 .00
- Shotgun .12 firing 150 .00
- Shotgun .10 200 .00
- Shotgun .10 semi-auto 300 .00 <I>
- Shuriken 5 .00 <I>
- Silencer (for automatics weapons) 750 .00 <I>
- Skateboard 30 .00
- Sketch Pad 2 .00
- Ski's 200 .00
- Ski Boots 50 .00
- Ski Mask 2 .00
- Ski Poles 50 .00
- Skiff (small sailboat, holds 4) 3000 .00
- Skirt 20 .00
- Skirt, soft leather 40 .00
- Sleeping Bag 50 .00
- Slide Whistle 10 .00
- Sling 2 .00
- Sling Bullets, Score 2 .00
- Slippers, ladies cloth 4 .00
- Smoked pork (per lb) 4 .00
- Smoked Fish (per lb) 2 .50
- Smoked sausage (per lb) 3 .00
- Snare cord (per foot) 1 .00
- Sneakers 20 .00
- Sniper Rifle,12mm HP (FA) 2000 .00
- Snorkling Set 20 .00
- Soap, bar .30
- Social Security Card (Illegal) 900 .00
- Socks, pair 1 .00
- Soda, can 1 .00
- Soda, 2 ltr bottle 2 .00
- Sofa 200 .00
- Songbird (for pet) 25 .00
- Spatula or Serving Spoon 1 .00
- Spear 35 .00
- Spectrum Analyzer 20000 .00
- Spike, large iron 55 .00
- Sports Jacket (mens or womens) 100 .00
- Spyglass 50 .00
- Staff, foldable (3 parts, screwed) 55 .00
- Staff Sling 40 .00
- Stealth Laser Listener w/recorder 5000 .00
- Steak (beef) per LB 4 .00
- Stereo System (includes CD) 400 .00
- Stereo System, portable (w/CD) 300 .00
- Stethescope 100 .00
- Stockings, ladies silk pr. 20 .00
- Store/office building (floor) 50,000 .00 (needs Land)
- Options :
- Automatic doors externally +2,000 .00 (for entrance floor only)
- Bullet Proof Glass +10,000 .00 (per floor)
- Carpeting (wall to wall) +3,000 .00 (per floor)
- Central Air Conditioning +2,000 .00 (per floor)
- Electric Generator (24 hr) +2,000 .00 (per floor)
- Electronic Locks +5,000 .00 (digital pad or card swipe)
- Elevator, Freight +3,000 .00
- Elevator, passenger +7,500 .00
- Fire Control System +3,500 .00 (per floor)
- Infrared security beams +1,000 .00 (per floor)
- Motion Detectors +5,000 .00 (per floor)
- Overhead Flourescent lights + 500 .00 (per floor)
- Phone System/intercomm +2,000 .00 (per floor)
- Police Security Linkage +5,000 .00 (response time varies)
- Private security Linkage +2,000 .00 (Needs an alarm device too)
- Safety Glass in Windows + 500 .00 (per floor)
- Security Alarms on entrances + 500 .00 (per floor)
- Security Camera System +5,000 .00 (per floor)
- Security Grate (storefront) +2,000 .00
- UPC Door alarm (for stores) +2,500 .00
- Walk-In Safe +15,000 .00
- Stool, 3 legged milking 5 .00
- Stove (electric or gas) 400 .00
- String, per 10' spool 1 .00
- Suit, business 2 piece 200 .00
- Suit, Business 3 piece 250 .00
- Sulfer, ounce 5 .00
- Surcoat (men's) 50 .00
- Sweatshirt 12 .00
- Sweatshirt, printed 20 .00
- Swimsuit 35 .00
- Sword, Broad & Scabbard 300 .00 <I>
- Sword, Long & Scabbard 250 .00 <I>
- Sword, Short & Scabbard 125 .00 <I>
- Sword, Stick or cane 200 .00 <I>
- Sword, Two-handed & Scabbard 350 .00 <I>
- Syrup, maple (pint) 8 .00
- Syrup, Imitation (pint) 1 .50
- Tabard 15 .00
- Table, wooden dining 200 .00
- Tamborine 15 .00
- Tarot Deck 30 .00
- Tarot Deck, blank set of 78 cards 15 .00
- Tea, lb (caffinated) 3 .00
- Tea, lb (herbal) 2 .50
- Tea Set (Porcelin Chineese style, 4) 35 .00
- Telephone, normal 40 .00
- Telephone, Cellular 150 .00
- Telephone Analyzer 500 .00
- Telescope (portable w/tripod) 300 .00
- Television (Wide screen) 500 .00
- Television (cable ready,stereo) 300 .00
- Television (Portable) 100 .00
- Television (Wrist) 200 .00
- Television Card (Put in computer) 250 .00
- Tent, two man 125 .00
- Tent, four man 200 .00
- Tent, Fancy Pavilion 550 .00
- Thieves_Picks_&_Tools* 500 .00 <I>
- Thompson .45 SMG (FA) 900 .00 <I>
- Thompson spare drum for ammo 200 .00 <I>
- Thread, sewing (Spool) cotton/blend 1 .00
- Thread, sewing (Spool) Silk 3 .00
- Tinderbox w/Flint & Steel 5 .00
- Tobacco (For smoking, ounce) 3 .00
- Tobacco (For chewing, ounce) 3 .00
- Tobacco Pouch (leather, 2 ounces) 10 .00
- Toolbelt, Carpenters leather 50 .00
- Tranquelizer Dart (for gun) 10 .00
- Tranquelizer Pistol (single shot) 300 .00
- Tranquelizer Rifle (5 rnd clip) 600 .00
- Trenchcoat 40 .00
- Trident 90 .00 <I>
- Trousers, Leather riding 50 .00
- Trousers, Dress Cloth 25 .00
- Trousers, Cotton Work 20 .00
- Trumpet 175 .00
- Trunk, Small metal (25 lb cap) 40 .00
- Trunk, large metal (50 lb cap) 75 .00
- Trunk, Small Plastic (35 lb cap) 40 .00
- TShirt (plain) 3 .00
- TShirt (printed) 15 .00
- Tshirts (Dozen, custom design) 120 .00
- Tunic (men's or woman's) 15 .00
- Tweezers 1. 00
- Typewriter 75 .00
- Typing paper, ream (500 sheets) 20 .00
- Umbrella 20 .00
- Underpants 3 .00
- UZI 9mm (FA) 2500 .00 <I>
- VCR Recorder 200 .00
- VCR Tape (blank) 3 .00
- Veal, per LB 5. 00
- Vegetables (potatoes etc) LB 1 .25
- Vest (bolero style) 15 .00
- Vial with cork (glass) 2 .00
- Vial Box (padded, for 6 vials) 10 .00
- Videocamera (uses VCR tape) 500 .00
- Violin w/case & bow 500 .00
- Voice Stress Analyzer 3,000 .00
- Walkie Talkie (2 mile rng) 60 .00
- Walkman style radio/tape player 50 .00
- Watch 30. 00
- Water Ski's (set) 60. 00
- Waterskin/Wineskin 15 .00
- Wax, bees (LB) 8 .00
- Weaponsmith's Toolkit 250 .00
- Wheel Barrow (Wooden) 35 .00
- Whetstone 10 .00
- Windbreaker jacket 20 .00
- Wine, Quart (table) 25 .00
- Wire, fine per foot 1 .00
- Wood Carving tools 20 .00
- Xylophone w/carrying case 110 .00
- Yarn, per scane 1 .00
- Yeast, 1/4 lb 1 .00
- Zener Lab 30000 .00 <I>
- :Makeup_Kit
- This is used to enhance disguise skills, allowing a +10% increase in
- success. It can also be used instead mearly to Enhance APP for non-voice
- skills and reactions by a +5. Either effect lasts for 1 day when used.
- A standard makeup kit has 30 applications to it and weaighs about 5 lbs.
- :Rhine_Box
- This is a device developed by the Psychic rsearch division of
- Duke University and is named after J.B. Rhine, who invented the
- field of Parasychology and the term ESP in the 1940's after many
- years of study. The device was developed in the 1990's under the
- Bush administration grants as part of the defense department's
- Star Wars project in the hopes of adverting psionic attacks. The
- device actually can detect the range to and direction of an active
- spell casting that occurs within a 10 mile area. The device is
- small enough to be transported inside a van or truck (it weighs
- about 300 lbs). Its claimed that the goverment is still carrying
- on secret research to device a hand-held unit, but that device's
- status is unknown. What is know that it can detect the magic
- usage of mentalists, Visionary's, Weather Worker, Technomage,
- and Hermetics traditions but not of the other known traditions.
- :Thieves_Picks_&_Tools
- A thieves toolkit comes in a flat, folding leather case or a rolled
- suede case and includes dozens of small tools. A set normally contains
- 20 wires, ranging in gauge and thickness of string to a small pencil.
- The set also includes several screwdrivers, a wire clipper, clamps,
- pincers, small chisel, Hacksaw and hammer, all ranging in length from
- 12 to 18 inches. The full kit weighs about 10 lbs.
- :Zener_Lab
- Named after K.E. Zener, who developed the Zener ESP testing cards
- used in early scientific study of Parasychology, this portable device
- looks something like a Virtual Reality Helmet with a control unit
- the size of a small toaster. What it does it is determine wether the
- person wearing the helmet has Magical Aptitude and how strong (the
- aptitude is based on the human 1-25 scale ONLY). It fails if the
- person being tested has less than 5 points of Capacity still stored.
- The device is ONLY found in certain goverment research labs.
- The stated price is the cost in PARTS to build such a device if one
- has the know-how and acess to blueprints and circuitry etc. TO get
- one on the Blackmarket would probably be in the $1 million dollar
- range since they are so closely guarded.