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- :Mecha_Mage_Tradition
- Addition to The Mystic Earth Roleplaying Game
- By Michael Duffy & Joseph Teller
- The major source for this character tradition comes from the Wild Card
- series of books.
- The Mecha_Mage is capable of forging a mental bond with almost ANY
- mechanical device. This bond is called a ~Basic_Link~. This bond will
- allow the mage to "know" the condition and capacities of the device bonded
- to. (for instance, bonding to a commercial jet would allow the mage to
- know how much fuel the jet has, it's current maximum air speed, and whether
- it is in usable condition.
- ~Mecha_Mages~ have limited ability to affect the 'real world'. Thier
- abilities are almost exclusively related to machinery.
- A ~Basic_Link~ is the link that the Mecha_Mage creates by first cutting
- themselves to let blood and touching the damaged part of thier body
- (usually thier fingers or hands) to the device to be controlled. This
- physical touch must be maintained the entire time or the link is lost.
- For each HTK expended, they may bond for 1 hour.
- The mage must either be able to damage thierself, or must have a
- bleeding wound to touch to the machine to be linked to.
- Forging a Basic_Link requires a certain amount of time. The Link
- formula is:
- 20 rounds base - Mecha_Mage SpellCasting level - skill level in device
- (if any). (Minimum 1 round)
- Add 5 to this if the link being forged is ~Non-Direct~ (see below)
- So, a ~Mecha_Mage~ at level 5 with ~Pilot, Commercial Jet~ would
- require 14 rounds to link to a Commercial 747. While a Mecha_Mage at
- level 10 with Auto would only require 9 round to link to any type of car.
- The mage can attempt to forge a non-direct ~Basic_Link~ to a device they
- cannot touch for some reason, but thier blood must come in contact with the
- device. Also, for a non-direct link, the ~Mecha_Mage~ must expend an
- additional HTK per hour to mantain the link AND the mage can only maintain
- the link while they are concentrating on the device.
- By casting a ~Mecha_Link*~ spell while bonded to a machine, the mage
- can additionally control the device just as though the caster had the
- minimum amount of skill necessary to control the basic abilities of that
- device. If the mage actually has skill in using that device, he functions
- at his current ~Mecha_Link*~ spell rank PLUS his/her skill level. (If a
- mage with 1 level in ~Military Tank~ is currently bonded AND using a
- ~Mecha_Link*~ spell at rank 2, he will operate it at level 3.
- There are also disadvantages to being bonded to a device. If, while
- bonded to a device, it takes any damage, then the mage will take 1 HTK of
- damage for every 10 HTK that the device suffers.
- Now for the advantages. The ~Mecha_Mage~ has a definate advantage over
- most people in the world. As a result of the specific training and natural
- abilities to bond with machines, the mage heals at an accellerated rate of
- 1 HTK per hour of rest (Non-Bonded), so long as the damage recieved is less
- than 75% of the mages total HTK AND the damage can not have been caused
- directly by acid or fire.
- Required Skills :
- Any 1 regenerative ability (including any were-race or
- hyper-metabolism)
- Suggested Skills :
- Any Vehicle Skill
- Restrictions & Modifiers :
- -20% if device is currently at less then 75% functionality
- -10% if caster is at less than 50% total HTK
- -40% if unable to physically touch the device (however, the
- caster's blood MUST be able to make contact with the machine.
- +20% if can manually operate target machine
- Cannot use Tools of any kind.
- Cannot be Token Mages.
- Mecha_Mage links are unaffected by crossing a Pentagram.
- Cannot be a SHAMAN, Voodon, Wiccan, Bloodmage, or Technomage .
- :Acoustic_Damper
- COST : 5
- MODS : D
- This spell can ONLY be used while the mage is ~Basic_Linked*~ to a
- device. This spell will cause the device to create NO sound for the
- duration of this spell (jets will cause no backwash, guns will be silenced,
- vechicle engines will be quiet, etc.)
- This spell REQUIRES a Basic_Link to be active.
- :Back_Fire
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This spell will cause any powered vehicle-type machine to emit a
- backfire sound, even if the vehicle is normally incapable of making such
- sounds.
- The 'quality' of the sound is controlled by the caster to seem as
- distict or a general as desired (the caster can create a backfire that
- sounds like a shotgun, a pistol, or just a car backfiring)
- If the mage is currently Basic_Linked to a vehicle, then only the base cost
- is required, otherwise range must be paid as well.
- :Charge_Battery
- COST : 1
- MODS : D
- This spell will cause all batteries held by the caster (or connected to
- a ~Basic_Linked~ device) to slowly recharge. A battery recovers one Volt
- (1V) per round, thus a radoi battery recovers in 9 rounds.
- A battery that is already partially charged will reach full charge more
- quickly. If the caster holds more than one battery, the spell will split
- itself evenly among all batteries that need more charging, unless the
- caster specifically concentrates on a particular one.
- If the mage is currently ~Basic_Linked*~ to a device that uses
- batteries, the caster will 'know' how long a duration to use on this spell.
- The caster can use this spell WITHOUT forging a ~Basic_Link*~ first.
- :Detect_Machine
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This spell will detect the presence and location of any machines
- within range. It will also identify the type of machine by power
- source, and give an aproximate idea of the size and sophistication of
- the machine.
- :Detect_Metal
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- The caster specifies one metal type and this spell will detect any of
- such within a 50' radius. Additional RANKS add 10' to the radius.
- :Electric_Arc
- COST : 20
- MODS : R
- This spell causes an arc of electricity to leap from the caster's
- extended fingertip. This electricity unerringly strikes one target of
- the caster's choice, inflicting 1d10 damage with NO armour absorption,
- per rank of the spell. An INTuition save DOES apply to the target.
- Magical Armour absorption spells WILL apply. Additional Ranks add
- 1d10 to the effect. Electric ARC cannot be cast underwater.
- The mage MUST be ~Basic_Linked~ to a machine with a battery or
- electric source available to tap into for the electrical effect, and
- will drain 1 volt per point of damage inflicted.
- :Heat_Object
- COST : 5
- MODS : D,R
- This will cause a targeted object to become red hot, making water boil or
- metal become too hot to handle. If cast on armour it will cause the wearer
- 1d10 damage from the metal parts heating (except to leather). If duration
- is bought the water would boil away on the second round, flammable goods
- will burst into flames and metal will go to white hot and cause more
- damage. After three Rounds Metal melts, crystal shatters (as does glass)
- etc. Heat Object beyond the 4th round will cease to function since the
- target object will no longer exist.
- :Invisibility_to_Machines
- COST : 7
- MODS : D,R,T
- Caster, subject being or subject object becomes invisible to
- electronic or mechanical means of detection. While under the effects of
- this spell, they cannot be photographed or recorded. They will not set
- off alarms which would react directly to their presence. (They may
- still set off alarms which react to doors being opened or other actions
- which involve objects not covered by the spell.)
- If an invisible being is wounded their blood will become visible
- when it strikes the ground. If a person their equipment will be
- included in the effect, BUT if they fire a missile weapon or throw such
- it will become visible after leaving their presence. Caster can turn off
- the spell at will. Once turned off the spell MUST be recast in full.
- :Machine_Mold
- COST : 10
- MODS : R, D
- This spell will allow the mage to manipulate the shape of any machine
- with the same relative limits as a Change Self command. For instance, a
- volkswagon could be made to look like a FireBird, or a Chevy to look
- like a Rolls, or a MotorCycle to look like a bicycle, etc.
- :Merge_Machines
- COST : 25
- MODS : D
- This is a very powerful and versatile spell that will allow the mage to
- merge two machines into one. Thus an amphibian machine could be created by
- merging an auto and a mini-sub, or a flight-capable car by merging a cessna
- and a small car.
- This machine can also be used to merge a weapon and a machine, allowing
- an uzi to be merged to a motorcycle, for instance, or a bazooka to a car,
- etc.
- The total mass of the machines to be merged cannot exceed 1000 Lbs per
- rank of the spell.
- This spell REQUIRES a ~Basic_Link~ exist between the mage and one of the
- machines.
- :Mecha_Link
- COST : 10
- MODS : D
- The ~Mecha_Link~ spell allows the mage to control a machine that he/she
- is currently ~Basic_Linked~ to just as though the mage were the machine.
- The spell will automatically allow the mage to perform all basic
- functions of the machine whether or not the mage actually has skill for
- that type of machine.
- If the mage actually has skill in the machine they are linked to, then
- they are able to perform with that machine according to this formula:
- SKILL + (RANK/2) Skill represents any education levels for the machine,
- Rank represents Ranks in ~Mecha_Link~. This effectively gives the mage +1
- for that skill while linked for every two levels of rank bought for this
- spell (no fractions!)
- This enhanced potential represents the intuitive knowledge of the
- machine's capabilities that this spell imparts to the mage.
- This spell REQUIRES a ~Basic_Link~ to be usable.
- This spell's duration CANNOT be longer the the ~Basic_Link~, as when
- the ~Basic_Link~ is finished, the mage is no longer bonded to the machine.
- :Mechanical_Familiar
- COST : 25
- MODS : R
- This spell allows the ~Mecha_Mage~ to forge a special link with any one
- machine that they own.
- The machine to be affected requires at least a form of locomotion (gas
- or battery engine, solor power, nuclear, etc) and a computer brain tied
- into it's functions (minimum cost for parts: $3,000. GM: use discretion.
- If the mage wants a Batmobile type machine, the cost is at least $25,000).
- A perfect example is Booster Gold's "SKEETS" or Michael Knights "KITT".
- The mage must shed 1 HTK per rank of this spell to forge the link.
- When completed, the machine will have the appropiate intelligence
- warranted by it's computerized brain's capabilities and also the loyalty of
- a well-trained dog.
- The familiar will do ANYTHING for the ~Mecha_Mage~ upto and including
- "sacrificing" itself at command.
- The familiar is capable of thinking on it's own under specific
- circumstances (if the request is worded properly), and is capable of
- independant action when it's master is harmed (ie, if capable, it will
- carry it's master to safety when the mage becomes unconscious.)
- The familiar will not respond to any voice but that of it's creator
- unless it's creator specifically orders it to assist someone. And even
- then, it will only obey orders that fall within the scope of the creators
- original orders. (ie. "Help John find a way into the building." would NOT
- allow John to ask the familiar to attack a guard, but would allow him to
- ask the familiar to break a second story window and drop this hook in there
- or go inside and look for an open window or door on the ground floor.)
- The familiar will instantly fall apart upon the death of the caster. The
- familiar will last upto 30 days per rank (max 12 ranks) and can absorb upto
- 5 HTK per RANK per Cubic Foot of area before being destroyed.
- If the caster wants to transfer the familiar's computer mind into a
- larger body, he must build the body and wait for the current duration to
- end.
- The familiar can exist on minimal or no fuel, but must maintain a
- constant electrical supply for it's brain. If the brain runs out of
- energy, it will require 1 day of recharging for every hour spent
- 'uncharged'. If the brain goes withoout energy for more than 1 hour per
- rank, it will 'die' and the ritual will have to be recast.
- :Micro_Bot
- COST : 15
- MODS : R
- The ~Micro_Bot~ spell allows the mage to create a remote control unit
- with which to control other machines from a distance. This ~Micro_Bot~ will
- allow a ~Basic_Link~ to be forged even though the mage is not in physical
- contact with the machine.
- To cast this spell, the mage creates a small device which is mobile in
- some way (wheels, airborne, aquatic, etc.), and also a "control unit"
- (which is just a unit created and designated as the control unit for that
- 'bot.)
- To use a 'bot after it has been created, the mage sheds blood into a
- recepticle inside the 'bot for the duration they want the Link to last.
- (For instance, 2 HTK for 2 hours of link.) Then the mage 'programs' the
- 'bot to go connect itself to a machine that the caster can see.
- The machine to be linked to must be LOS of the mage and Range must be
- paid for, unless someone physically carries the 'bot to the destination
- (such as a familiar)
- Once the bot has reached the machine, the control unit signals the mage
- that it is ready. The mage can delay activating the link for as many hours
- as they have ranks of this spell.
- When the mage decides to forge the link, they inform the 'bot through
- the Control Unit and the 'bot "annoints" the target machine with the
- caster's blood.
- At this point, the mage only needs to roll to forge the link. If
- successful, a ~Basic_Link~ is established, and the caster can now cast any
- spell that requires a ~Basic_Link~ with no penalties for range.
- The mage can have ready 1 ~Micro_Bot~ for every 5 HARD they possess.
- :Open_Mechanical_Lock
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This will open a mechanical lock instantly. It does NOT remove traps,
- spells or electronic locks.
- :Resist_Electricity
- COST : 15
- MODS : D,R
- This lasts for the duration or until a total of 10 points/RANK of
- damage have been absorbed by the spell to protect the target from harm.
- This spell can be cast on a machine instead of a person. In that
- case it will absorb electricity from power surges and the like as well
- as the standard types of damage. In no case will it interfer with
- electricity which is not harmful to the subject.
- :Resist_Technology
- COST : 7
- MODS : D,R,T
- This spell allows the caster to protect themself from technospells
- and technolgoical devices. It gives a +5% per RANK of addition to
- saving throws versus technomagic. It gives a +10% per RANK of addition
- to PROW when used defensively against technological items within 5 feet
- per RANK of the caster. A critical on a PROW save causes item not to go
- off at all, possibly protecting others in the area.
- :Stall
- COST : 5
- MODS : R
- This causes an active vehicle engine that uses spark plugs to
- suddenly stall out and cease to work temporarily. It will turn over
- again with effort, but the initial stalling will cause a delay, possible
- loss of control (if the vehicle has automatic steering and/or brakes)
- and possible loss of speed.
- :Start-Not
- COST : 3
- MODS : D,R,T
- This can be cast on any vehicle that uses an electric starter that
- is not already running. It prevents it from turning over by coating
- the contacts with a non-conductive material. This coating CAN be
- scraped off by someone who understands automobile maintenance, but
- it takes some time - but it will also crumble away at the end of
- the spells duration.
- :Summon_Taxi
- COST : 7
- MODS : N
- Only castable in an Urban area, this will summon a taxicab to the
- street the caster is on, if there is one within a 1/8 mile radius (this
- increases per RANK) and the driver will bring it to a stop as close
- as possible to the caster safely and believe that they had received
- a call on their radio to pick up a fare at this address.
- :Unplug
- COST : 1
- MODS : R
- This spell will cause all electronic devices that have plugs
- (including electrical outlet connections, Speaker wire connections and
- computer cable connections) to suddenly and subtley become dislodged
- inside the radius of effect (no saves!).
- This can be real annoying, especially to other Technomages and those
- who depend on technology.
- :Devices
- A device, to a ~Mecha_Mage*~, is any machine or tool which has internal
- moving parts or manual operating controls.
- Just about any device that requires 'hands-on' operation can be affected
- by a Mecha_Mage.
- Examples of devices:
- Any powered vehicle. (cars, motercycles, boats, planes, jets, subs,
- etc.)
- Any manually operated machinery. (newspaper press, x-ray equipment,
- computers, household appliances, etc.)