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- :Traditions
- Alchemist <!alchem.#01>*
- Astralist <!Astral.#01>*
- Astrologist <!Astrol.#01>*
- Atlantian <!Atlant.#01>*
- Bardic <!Bardic.#01>*
- BloodMage <!Blood.#01>*
- Charismatic <!Charism.#01>*
- Darkover Technician <!Darkovr.#01>*
- Discordian <!Discord.#01>*
- Draconian <!Dracon.#01>*
- Druid <!Druids.#01>*
- Enchanter <!Enchant.#01>*
- Entertainer <!Entert.#01>*
- Gypsy <!Gypsy.#01>*
- Hermetics <!Hermet.#01>*
- MechaMage <!Mecha.#01>*
- Medium <!Medium.#01>*
- Mentalist <!Mental.#01>*
- Mystery Master <!Mystery.#01>*
- Shaman (American Indian) <!Shaman.#01>*
- Shaman (Australian) <!Shaman.#02>*
- Shaman (Elven) <!Shaman.#03>*
- Shadow Master <!Shadow.#01>*
- Tantrology <!Tantra.#01>*
- Taoist <!Taoist.#01>*
- Tarotist <!Taroti.#01>*
- Technomage <!Techno.#01>*
- Visionary <!Vision.#01>*
- Voodon <!Voodon.#01>*
- Weather Worker <!Weather.#01>*
- Wiccan <!Wiccan.#01>*
- Note that this is NOT a complete list
- of all traditions that may exist in the
- world, simply those most common for
- player characters to be designed from.