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- RAPTRN 1.00
- ════════════════════════ ══ ══ ══ ══ ═ ═ ═
- Documentation
- Raptor Money Maxer1.00 Documentation
- 1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
- ───────────────
- It's funny, I was at a computer show the other day, and this guy was
- selling shareware. Well, I a looking through his selection, and
- noticed he had a disk full of DOOM add-ons. So I asked (off the cuff)
- if Doom/Master (a Simply Silly Software program) was included. He said
- yes, and after a few minutes of converstaion, he realized I was the
- author.
- Well, we started talking cheats and trainers, and I (with a huge EGO)
- boasted... "There is NO PROGRAM that I can't hack a trainer out for".
- So he says... "OK... do one for Raptor. Not a editor, a trainer". It
- was a bet (in case you are wondering... the bet was: If I could train
- Raptor in under 10 minutes, I could any CD he had for free).
- Now here I was, no debugger, just a PC with DOS 6.2 loaded. Needless
- to say, 4 minutes later, I was the proud owner of a new CD... thanks
- John!
- Anyway here the fruit of that fun. This little utility patches your
- main RAPTOR file so that all new players start off with 4 billion, 294
- million, 967 thousand and 295 dollars (ie: $4,294,967,295). Just about
- enough to buy everything in the game.
- A little word. When you play, in the buy/sell screen (and the save
- game screen) it will say you have -1 dollars. Ignore it. For some
- reason, only the game screen can handle this large, but it works.
- You can save/load or whatever. But you don't have to.....
- ───────────────
- NOTE: This patch works only with the registered 1.00 version of
- Raptor.
- First, copy RAPTRN.EXE in to your raptor directory.
- To see the current state of your RAPTOR executable, type RAPTRN with
- no parameters.
- To add the patch, type "RAPTRN ON". To remove it...duh..."RAPTRN OFF"
- Simply huh.
- NOTE! This program actually changes data inside the executable.
- Because of this, I have written it so the patch can be added and
- REMOVED. But in all cases, you should make a backup copy before you
- apply any type of patch.
- A TSR version is on the way.....................(Damn DMPI stuff)
- page 1
- Raptor Money Maxer1.00 Documentation
- 1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
- ───────────────────────────
- If you happen to find a bug, have an idea, or suggestion, comment,
- hate-mail or want to get a modem game going, then you need to contact
- Use at Simply Silly Software. Here is our information...
- PO BOX 360
- (914)336-4735
- If you are going to call, please do so between the hours of 12:00noon
- and 10:30pm EST! That is also my Home #, and since I work late writing
- mortage software I like to sleep in. But I'm always happy to talk to a
- fan.
- You can also contact us our home BBS : Software Creations at...
- "The Home of the Authors"
- 2400-14.4k HST US Robotics : (508) 368-7036
- 2400-16.8k V.32/V.42bis US Robotics : (508) 368-7139
- 14.4-28.8k V.32/V.42bis/V.fc Hayes Optima : (508) 365-9352
- 14.4-28.8k V.32/V.42bis/V.32terbo/V.fc US Robotics : (508) 368-3424
- I suggest Email first. It's the cheapest, and I tend to check mail at
- really odd hours (like 2am).
- ────────────────
- I'm a poor, student/programmer/actor who is trying to work his way
- through college. I am fluent in C, 80x86 assembly, Pascal, Basic, etc,
- ect. Currently, I writing "The Banker's Secret 3.0" for Good Advice
- Press (If you want to save money on your mortage, call 914-758-1400).
- Although I love to code, Acting and Directing is my first love. Look
- for my first movie this summer.
- ───────────
- If you find any typo's, spelling, etc in this manual, it's my fault.
- But then I never could spell, or write...or speak...later.
- Joe Wilcox
- Simply Silly Software
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