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- Xwing Fighter In-Game Trainer V1.2
- and Mission Editor
- CopyWrite 1993
- David Jury
- V1.2 Notes :
- In an initial attempt to make the Trainer Keys VERY SPECIFIC to Combat/
- Flight ONLY I had caused a few users some troubles.It seems that in some
- ODD cases the routines to determine WHEN it was Combat or Not (and thereby
- activating the Trainer keys) did not work properly under a few system
- configurations and game configurations.I apologize for this but Beta testing
- every circumstance is next to impossible with my limited resources.Thanks
- goes out to those who responded to this problem.
- The result of the above was that the Trainer keys never were properly turned
- ON and NOTHING happened.Now a new method has been coded into the Trainer for
- finding the proper data for combat and properly activating the Trainer
- Keys at that time.One drawback of it is that sometimes (and VERY RARELY) you
- will press a Trainer Key and get no response.This is because of the way that
- the proper code and a few other things are calculated.There is a certain
- situation that occurs every now and then and if the Trainer attempts to make
- changes at this special moment it would be changing the WRONG data.No need
- to worry this is why the Key may on occasion not operate.This is because an
- error checker makes sure the Trainer doesn't make any trouble for the game.
- Just press the key again and it will be fine.This occurs RARELY.Most of the
- time you may never encounter it during an entire mission.It all depends on
- you hitting that key at that SPECIFIC moment in time and code.
- Also a note to DTK computer owners.Chances are that this Trainer (ANY version)
- will NOT work.DTK seems to have some BIOS troubles that make it imcompatable
- to the things this Trainer does.I have not gotten an answer from DTK on the
- reason for this but will let DTK owners what I find out ASAP.If you have a DTK
- system I would strongly suggest contacting them about possible BIOS troubles.
- Hopefully this will fix the problems a few people have had.It should not
- change anything for users who had no problems in the past.This version (1.2)
- is basically a FIX for troubles people had and no other changes or
- improvements have been made.
- V1.0 Notes :
- Well to make things even better a HUGE NEW feature has been added to the
- Trainer.I would like to thank all the people who responded and this was
- what everyone seemed to want.You now have the ability to PROTECT any ships
- you want as well as reduce the Shields and Hull Strength of ANY ship to
- nothing (meaing ONE shot from ANY weapon will destroy it).I couldn't sneek
- in a Target Destructo Ray due to the way the game does things.I made the
- targets dissapear but they did not COUNT as being destroyed unless the
- game actually executed the complex code dealing with Damage assessment.As it
- is this ads a bit of code to the Trainer and making it that way would have
- added ALOT more,too the point of unacceptable size.I think stripping their
- Shields and Hull of will make it MUCH easier.
- This great feature is similar to what I had done a long time ago on Wing
- Commander and Wing Commander II.Very tricky to code because of the way they
- determine where ojects are in space and what object is what...etc. etc.I
- would like to apologize for releasing this a little late.I wanted to do EXTRA
- beta testing on this to make sure of what the implications were throughout the
- game and to make sure the object ID'ing system did not change at any point.
- Also the Trainer is now SPECIFIC to COMBAT ONLY.The trainer keys cannot be
- accidently activated by during any other portion of the game.A method to
- determine when the Combat Overlay Code is running has been determined and
- used to keep from making any mistakes elsewhere that could hurt Gameplay.
- The rest of the instructions are inserted into the original text BELOW :
- Welcome to another NETWORK Trainer.This Trainer is for LucasArt's XWING
- FIGHTER.It comes in two parts.An external Mission Editor and a Run-time
- TSR that slides in under and loads up XWING.EXE.The Editor allows you to
- enter the name of your pilot (from a previously played game) and change the
- current Mission Number within a specific Tour to a new value.Then when the
- game is played again you will be able to play from the NEW Mission Number as
- if ALL the previous had been completed (sans score).The TSR simply allows
- you have more time during missions and can let you use the built in trainer
- functions (Hit <ESC> during Combat) but still advance missions.
- As noted above in the V1.0 Update Note a new function that allows you to
- PROTECT Ships or Strip their Hull and Shields OFF.It works on the TARGETING
- SYSTEM.During Combat you can press an Activation Key that turns on the above
- two functions.When you Target a ship you can manipulate it with theses
- functions.Selecting the first will Protect the SHIP that is CURRENTLY being
- TARGETED by YOUR SHIP.That means the ship in your Target Que is the one
- you are currently making changes to.Press one key and THAT Ship will be
- PROTECTED from being Destroyed.Press the other and it will strip off THAT
- Ships Shields and Hull Strength.One SHOT will now Destroy it from ANY weapon.
- You can toggle through ALL of the available Targets and Manipulate them as
- you wish with each of these functions.You can change what how they are
- affected as many times as you wish and as long as the Target Trainer is
- There is a FULL trainer Version that incorporates ALL of the above and
- improves the Editor by making it accessable from WITHIN the game itself.It
- is released seperatly due to bugs found during beta testing.Users that had
- little or no EMS/XMS,no disk-caching software and/or did not use a 386 control
- program besides HIMEM.SYS (any combination of that list could produce the
- bug) encountered random lockups of the game while trying to use the Mission
- Editor from inside the game.Users that had EMS/XMS,disk-caches and 386 control
- programs/memory managers experienced NO BUGS.A solution is pending but this is
- the reason for THIS seperated Version.Users with the correct requirements may
- use the FULL Version and should not experience any troubles.
- HOW-TO : (ALL trainers EXPECT to be in the proper GAME Directory)
- Mission Editor :
- Load XWEDIT.COM.When the prompt asks for a pilot name enter a VALID Pilot
- name from previous gameplay of XWING.Once a VALID name has been entered the
- Main Screen will appear.You DO NOT have to type the .PLT file extension.The
- trainer adds it for you.Once the Main Screen appears select from the following
- Press F1 - Point to TOUR I for Changes
- Press F2 - Point to TOUR II for Changes
- Press F3 - Point to TOUR III for Changes
- (Trainer DEFAULT selection is TOUR I)
- Once a TOUR is selected Press the following to Select a new Mission Number :
- Mission 1 - 1
- Mission 2 - 2
- Mission 3 - 3
- Mission 4 - 4
- Mission 5 - 5
- Mission 6 - 6
- Mission 7 - 7
- Mission 8 - 8
- Mission 9 - 9
- Mission 10 - 0
- Mission 11 - A
- Mission 12 - B
- Mission 13 - C
- Mission 14 - D
- Press the number or letter on the keyboard to the RIGHT of the Mission Number
- you want to JUMP to.You can make as many changes as you like to any number of
- TOURS/MISSIONS.When you are finished making changes press <ESC>.Now load up
- XWING and check out your Pilot's Stats.They should indicate all the Missions
- PRIOR to the NEW number entered at the editor have been completed.Also verify
- the at the TOUR of DUTY DESK.You will see the changes there as well as being
- able to view any Animated Cutscenes that occured in the Missions PRIOR to NEW
- Mission number you have JUMPED to.You can now go to the BRIEFING and see the
- New Mission unfold before you.
- PLEASE NOTE!TOUR I and TOUR II have missions from 1-12.TOUR III has 14
- missions.Do not attempt to select more missions than are exsistant in the
- In-Game Trainer Keys :
- SCROLL LOCK - Toggle ON/OFF Targeting Trainer
- F5 - Strip CURRENT Target's Shield and Hull Strength OFF
- F6 - Protect Current Target from being Destroyed
- F7 - Lock out time at 64:00
- F8 - Turn In-Game Trainer Flag OFF
- Explanations :
- During Combat press the SCROLL LOCK Key and you will Activate the TARGETING
- TRAINER.This sets up flags and code neede for the Trainer and turns ON the
- F5 and F6 Keys.They are only active when the SCROLL LOCK is ON.Press the key
- again to turn it OFF.
- When the Targeting Trainer is ON use the F5 key on the CURRENT TARGET.When
- you use it the CURRENT Target's Shields and Hull will drop to 0.It then will
- take only ONE SHOT from ANY type of weaponary to destroy that ship.You can
- toggle through the available Targets with the "T" Key and continue to toggle
- all the available Targets with this function.Use this on enemy ships and take
- them out with ease.It does not make much difference to Tie Fighters or any
- small craft when it comes to this function.Most already can be taken out
- with one shot as they have little or no Hull/Shiled Strength.It will not
- harm to use it on them though.
- When the Targeting Trainer is on press the F6 key on the CURRENT TARGET to
- PROTECT it from being destroyed.From that point on no matter what the
- attack it will not be destroyed.It will however report HULL DAMAGE but that is
- just a glitch in the way the combat code works with the Trainer.Each time you
- hit F6 on the CURRENT TARGET it brings everything back to OK levels even if
- it does not VISUALLY display that on your sensors.The correct data is changed
- and THAT ship is INVUNERABLE to Destruction.Toggle through the available all
- the available Targets and freely protect all the Rebel Ships from harm.This
- makes all those ESCORT Duty Missions MUCH easier.
- In the XWING directory type XWTRAINS to activate the In-Game Trainer.It will
- load up to a Main Screen displaying your options during the game.Press ANY
- key and the trainer will load XWING for you.During combat press the F7 key
- and the time will go up to 64:00 and Freeze there.Note that by entering ANY
- menu system during combat causes the time to count down normally (but from
- 64:00).When you select a Menu and Return to the game after it RELOADS in the
- game code that the trainer has just changed concerning decreasing TIME.You
- may let it run from 64:00 (plenty of time of course) or reactiavte it as often
- as you like.
- One problem with the Timer Trainer (F7) occurs during the Pilot Proving
- Grounds.You may be tempted to rack up 64 minutes and freeze it there to
- get some really High Scores.Well you CAN but within a limit.You can play
- the first THREE levels of the Proving Grounds with the Timer locked out at
- 64:00.BUT after the third level the game doesn't expect such a high time or
- that you NORMALLY ever would have gotten this far with the given time
- restrictions.The game WILL lockup after Level 4 if you try to go on past the
- SET time restriction the game has in the REAL WORLD.
- The second function is the F8 key.This is used to deactivate the FLAG the
- game checks when the mission ends.This FLAG is set by using ANY of the Built
- IN trainer options from the <ESC> menu.They include Unlimited Weapons,turn
- Starship Collision OFF and Invunerabilty.Using ANY of these during Combat
- sets the flag.When you finish the First Mission (or any using these Trainer
- options from the game) it does NOT COUNT.Just a practice run as far as the
- game is concerned.Now you can use these built-in CHEATS but still advance
- through the game as if they were not active.
- Select any of the In-Game trainer options and return to combat.NOW Press F8
- and the FLAG that is checked later is eliminated.Similar to the Timer function
- if you enter ANY menu (<ESC> Options,Briefing,Damage ControlMaps,ETC.) the
- game CHECKS to see if ANY Trainer Options are active.If they are the game sets
- the FLAG back ON when you return to combat.The best and easiest way to use
- this with minimum keypress is to turn on as many in-game cheats as you need,
- play the mission normally and use the menus as you need to,THEN when you get
- the MISSION COMPLETE message press F8 BEFORE entering Hyperspace or PRIOR to
- the automatic end of certain missions.On return after the Mission End Brief
- (if you SUCCEEDED of course) you will now Advance as if you never used the
- Game's Cheat.
- Notes :
- A note on the Engine these Trainers are written.Because the opeing and closing
- screens are in ANSI format if you do not use ANSI.SYS or some other ANSI
- driver the screens will come out as garbage on the screen and make alot of
- mess/noise.To conserve space a detector for ANSI is left out as is an error
- handler for that case.ANSI.SYS can be found with your DOS device drivers and
- variations of it can be located almost anywhere in the PD world.I apologize to
- anyone experiencing troubles due to this.If you contact me I can see about
- making a pure text opening menu/close screen format for non-ANSI users.
- As stated above the Trainer Keys are NOW only active during Combat so there
- is no need to worry about hitting them by accident during the rest of the
- game and causing any harm as a result.
- The FULL version has been completly SCRAPPED.The bug just seems a Random fluke
- that no further amount of scrutiny shall shed light upon.Accessing DOS from
- within the game proves to be not worth the hassle of the potential bugs and
- incompatabitly.I have found a general 15% failure rate on systems that have
- the required "Symptoms" to cuase the Lock-up and that is not acceptable.Using
- the Editor externally will have to be the way.
- One note on the input routine at the pilot name.My hard drives crashed (virus)
- the other day and I lost MUCH of my source and libraries.I did that from
- scratch and it isn't perfect.I apologize for the sloppy coding.New code will
- be replaced (slowly) to prior perfection (well.....).Noteable you can just
- backspace over the Enter Name prompt.Input should still work AOK.Sorry for the
- rush job but I wanted this out the day it hit the stores and the crash put me
- WAY back (on more than you know).If youhave trouble CTRL-C will break you out
- of the input.Start over and carefully retype the pilot NAME.Name only as the
- .PLT extension is ADDED for you.
- There are no known problems so far with the above trainer(s)/editors so enjoy.
- As always if anything does come up PLEASE send me feedback.Describe as thorough
- as possible what EXACTLY happened,your system configuration and game congig.
- That makes it easier to diagnose the trouble.Leave E-Mail,Feedback or comments
- to me :
- Prodigy ID#BGRB28C
- Compuserve ID#71052,1742
- (or leave message in GAMECON bases)
- As always this is new for me.This work is Copywrited for my protection but is
- still Sharware.Don't be confused (I was).The CW just keeps nasty folk from
- stealing my ideas and making a fortune of it (hopefully).These files may be
- spread freely via elctronic data transfer to Public Domain,Private or any
- other type of BBS system.You may pass it among your pals or spread it on any
- of the various FREE or PAY online services.All this is ENCOURAGED.
- For ANY distribution of this work in MASS for on MEDIA or PRINT for profit
- or other you MUST contact the Author (me) for permission.This includes being
- copied and sold for profit or distribution fee via mail,person,book,magazine
- ,catalog,etc.This is also ENCOURAGED.I am looking for as many people as
- possible to enjoy the things I do.
- In ANY distribution case none of the work may be altered in any way.
- If you enjoy what I do feel free to help out.Freely send $5-$10 donations
- to :
- P.O. BOX 658
- 02764
- Thank you for taking a look.Hope you enjoy the show.There is MUCH more on
- the way!
- 03/9/93
- NW
- Deja
- David Jury