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- ================================================================
- Title : OFFICE.WAD
- Author : Rick Kelly
- Email Address : bubsy1@aol.com
- Misc. Author Info :
- Description : You arrive in the lobby and head for the elevator to
- take you to another day at work, but something very
- strange is going on.
- Additional Credits to :
- ================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Episode and Level # : E1M1
- Single Player : Yes
- Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
- Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
- Difficulty Settings : Yes
- New Sounds : Yes
- New Graphics : Yes
- New Music : Yes, music for demo1 (e2m4) and e1m1, victory and
- interlude screens.
- Demos Replaced : None
- * Construction *
- Base : New level from scratch
- Build Time : Don't ask
- Editor(s) used : DEU 5.1, BSP, DMMUSIC
- Known Bugs : Slows game a bit
- * Copyright / Permissions *
- All music new music copyright 1994 by Richard Kelly.
- May be freely distributed only in this pwad file unless/until I make it available in other forms, in which
- case I will make known any other blah..blah..blah... I'm not a lawyer so basically
- don't steal, sell or use my music without my permission. You get the idea.
- Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels, unless they
- remove the music and add a notice to this document that says they have done so.
- You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no
- modifications except in the case you have removed the music and add a
- notice about the missing music. You may distribute this file in any electronic
- format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
- intact.
- * Where to get this WAD *
- The Farm BBS UK 0223 208094 27 nodes HST Dual standards.
- ********** WELCOME TO A DOOMED DAY AT THE OFFICE ***********************
- I have made a pretty good recreation of the 6th floor of the building I work in.
- You start out on another floor with access via elevator. I may add more to the
- starting floor later, but this is a complete level, with blue, yellow, and red
- access doors, a secret area, and an exit.
- The guys around the office have been waiting to play this level in deathmatch, but
- I haven't tried it yet.
- Most of the monsters teleport into the elevators from a "monster farm" I created
- in an area you cannot get to.
- On ultimate or nightmare level this is quite a difficult level. You have barons
- at key locations, plus an extra abundance of other bad guys teleporting into
- the elevators and roaming around the building.
- The music I included was mixed entirely on a Sound Blaster Pro, so anyone who
- can get DOOM to work with General Midi let me know how it sounds. I tend to
- be a little heavy on the kick drum and bass, so thought I would warn you ahead
- of time.
- Two of the pieces were written with DOOM or at least a DOOM style game. The
- other one is for comedy relief since it doesn't fit the mood of the game at all.