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- Welcome to three more levels of danger and destruction! These levels are
- part of a sequence of nine levels (effectively a whole new episode) which
- I will upload in batches of three, as soon as I get them finished. If you
- enjoy these three levels keep an eye out for the others. For the sake of
- consistency I will call the other files ASDOOM2 and ASDOOM3. Expect to
- see ASDOOM2 by about 1/7/94 and ASDOOM3 by about 1/8/94, sooner if I can
- manage it.
- Just a few brief words to thank the people who made these levels possible.
- Thanks firstly to all at ID for giving us DOOM in the first place and for
- showing what a PC can do, given a bit of encouragement.
- Thanks also to Geoff Allan, the person responsible for writing the DOOM
- editor used in the production of these levels. For reference, I used
- version 2.5 of Geoff's DoomEd for Windows, available from good BBS's
- everywhere.
- I have good news, and I have bad news.
- The good news is that I don't want any, but then I haven't really done much.
- The other news (which isn't really bad at all) is that I would like you to
- register DOOM, if you haven't done so already. The fact that you have
- downloaded this file means that you already know that it is worth every
- penny.
- Anyone who has money left after that can send some to Geoff Allan at
- 7232 Kananaskis Drive SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2V 2N2. Don't
- pester the guy unless you want to send him some money.
- Decompress this file if you haven't already. Copy all files to your DOOM
- directory. None of your existing files will be altered by playing these
- levels, but if you feel nervous make sure you back up your DOOM files first.
- Once all of the files are in your DOOM directory simply change to that
- directory and type ASDOOM.BAT to play the new levels. A message will
- appear telling you that you are playing modified levels and telling you
- to press Enter, so press Enter.
- Once DOOM has loaded select the first episode, choose a dificulty level
- and play as normal.
- You strap yourself into the copilot's seat of the Marine drop ship,
- reflecting that this is the first time in the last eighteen hours that you
- will have been able to sit still for more than two minutes. Since you
- stepped through the teleport back to Earth you have been running on almost
- pure adrenalin.
- Within minutes of your arrival next to the bizarre, hellish structure
- which seemed to have come through the doorway from Hell with you the
- entire area was swarming with members of the military. You were picked
- up and transported to a hastily established forward command post, then
- subjected to a detailed debriefing, covering everything that had happened
- on Phobos, Deimos and beyond. There was no mistaking the concern on the
- faces of the top brass as you described the demon hordes storming the
- bases via the experimental gateways. Pretty soon you found out why. It
- seems that Deimos and Phobos were not the only bases involved in these
- experiments. A base on Io, Jupiter's moon, had been carrying out similar
- research for some time. Contact with Io has also been lost, and it doesn't
- take a genius or a general to figure out why.
- It was quickly decided to despatch a Marine Rapid Response Team to Io as
- quickly as possible. The situation on Earth appeared to be stable
- (noone had gone in, but then nothing had come out yet either) and the
- military strategists decided that recapturing the Io base would be a good
- idea as the gateways might offer some clue as to how to infiltrate the
- devlish structure on Earth. Additionally the Io base had a massive
- computer database which might possibly contain information on the
- experiments with the gateways and what had gone wrong.
- Your mission (whether you chose to accept it or not) was to accompany the
- team to Io as an observer and adviser. As the only surviving human to
- have been in contact with the demons your presence was considered vital.
- You mind snaps back to the present. Behind you the drop ship's massive
- engines are beginning to turn as final preparations are made for the
- drop to the moon's surface. Hastily you grab the handheld computer from
- the panel to your left and scan the mission briefing.
- The Io base was built over twenty years ago and has housed several
- military projects, all of which are classified. Work commenced on the
- gateways three years ago. The base is built within a reinforced dome
- on the surface, accessible from a landing pad on top of the dome.
- Within the dome the base is subdivided into levels, each having a
- particular purpose or function. The briefing mentions each level in
- turn, starting with those nearer the top of the dome.
- Beneath the landing pad itself lies the hangar, a level dedicated to the
- storage of materials entering or leaving the base plus all necessary
- equipment for dealing with any ships or crews.
- Below that lies the living ares for the officers and scientists stationed
- at the base and any visiting dignitaries.
- Next is the main barracks, where the bulk of the base's security forces
- used to reside. An armoury is also located on this level.
- The original location for the experiments on the telepotation gateways is
- found on the level below the barracks, although a new level was under
- construction to cope with recent expansion in the research.
- Beneath this lies the base's computer archive and all information relating
- to the experiments.
- Below the computers are the old base sewers and waste disposal areas.
- Finally, lying under the sewers is a massive new level, so large that it
- actually extends out from underneath the main dome, on which construction
- has recently started. This level was to have been the new location for
- the gateway experiments, but the most recent reports show it to be only
- partly built. Currently it appears to be a poorly lit mass of rough
- caverns, twisting air ventilation ducts and unmade rooms.
- Neither of the last two levels is deemed to be strategically important,
- so the heavily armed and armoured team is simply to sweep down as far as
- the computer level and secure the area.
- You raise your eyes from the briefing. The engine noise is now a deafening
- howl and you feel a steady vibration through your feet. The pilot gives
- you a signal to put on your headset, then her voice crackles in your ear,
- "Tighten those buckles, friend. We're going in now."
- A brief squealing of metal, then the drop ship is plumeting towards the
- moon. Your stomach seems to rest uncomfortably at the top of your throat.
- After a moment the descent slows and the pilot applies power to the engines
- punching the ship towards the distant dome.
- Suddenly her voice is back in the headset. "What the hell are those
- things?". Through the forward screen you see dozens of flaming skulls
- rising quickly from the surface towards the ship. Within seconds the
- first one smashes into the hull. More impacts follow, and the space
- around the ship seems to be filled with them. "They're blocking the
- engine intakes and smashing the control surfaces! I can't hold this course!
- Crash positions! Crash positions!". The ship slews wildly to the right,
- rolling over slightly, then plunges towards the surface at a crazy angle.
- You can see the pilot fighting the controls, but you both know that she
- isn't going to make it. Ahead the surface of the moon seems to be
- rushing up at an incredible speed.
- The drop ship hits the surface a scant kilometer from the dome. A loud
- crash as the screen shatters, screaming of twisted metal and people as the
- ship burrows deep into the ground, something soft in your face, then
- a massive jolt and blackness.
- Conciousness returns. It takes a moment to get your orientation. You are
- hanging upside down, pressed into your seat by a huge, reinforced airbag
- which restricts your entire body apart from your left arm and head. You
- try to get out of your seat, but the airbag will not budge. Great, survive
- fatal crash, killed by starvation due to overefficient airbag. You consider
- trying to reach your pistol, still in its holster, to try shooting the
- thing. Suddenly a synthesised voice appears in the headset, still hanging
- precariously from one of your ears. "Severe damage sustained. Initiating
- cockpit eject sequence". You try to get a look around the airbag to see
- what lies below. You seem to have smashed through into some sort of
- dark cavern below the surface. For the first time it occurs to you that
- the air here is breathable. Wonderful, now things are really looking up.
- The ejection mechanism fires shooting you, the bag and the chair downwards.
- When you open your eyes you are lying on a cold stone floor, a distant
- hissing heralding the end of the airbag problem. You get up. The pilot's
- body lies next to you. Looks like her airbag malfunctioned, or burst on
- impact.
- Somewhere off in the distance something moans. Something vaguely
- familiar. Something which is definitely not human. With a grim smile
- you draw your pistol and look around.
- andyshep@sound.demon.co.uk
- !