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- Documentation
- Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
- 1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
- ────────────────────
- Once apon a time, there lived these incredible programmers in a company
- called ID Software. They spent their days, dreaming and designing the
- ultimate video game. Good King John, the ruler of these programmers
- labored, day after day to make sure the people in video-land would have
- the best. And then, after a night of furious typing, DOOM was born.
- But on the day after creating the hottest game of 1994, they slipped up
- (either from too much coffee, lack of sleep, or bad chineese food) and
- they create a monster (called SETUP.EXE).
- This monster, was hated by the good people of video-land, and several
- brave knights (moDoom, DCC, and others) quickly tried to subdue the
- beast, but unfortunatly, they could not succeed.
- Then, out of the ashes arose a new fighter. Born of silicon and steel,
- mixed with magic and eye of newt.. he was invincible. Quickly, this
- new hero was accepted...the other bowed to his greatness, and in a
- swift, bloody battle, SETUP.EXE was defeated... forever.
- From that day forward, this hero... this master would rule, with
- compassion, grace, and really nice ansi graphics. The people
- shouted...DOOM MASTER.... DOOM MASTER... and a legend was born.
- Doom/Master 2.10 (DM 2.1) is the product of much hard work,
- brainstorming, and just plain sillyness. As you can see from it's
- history, we don't take anything seriously. But, DM 2.1 is in our
- oppinion the best shell for doom. And DM 2.1 takes off right where DM
- 2.0 ended.
- We have boosted the External Wad support (in anticpation of our coming
- addon - Return of the Cyber Demon) as well as added the ability to not
- only launch DOOM, but any other DOOM utility as well. You can now use
- map/character/item editors right from in DM.
- Unfortunatly, this will probably be the last major release of DM! As
- it is not, we can no longer debug in under the Turbo Pascal IDE, and I
- hate Turbo Debug. Beside, I have run out of ideas, but if anyone has
- anything they want added, just email me!
- I would like to thank all of you who have taken the time to email us
- with suggestion, bugs and comments. As always, we will always respond
- to anybody who email us. So please do.
- Well, enough history, let's talk about DM 2.10!
- - Joe Wilcox
- Head programmer
- Simply Silly Software
- page 1
- Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
- 1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
- ─────────────────────────
- Doom/Master 2.1 is the next logical step up from DM 2.0! As you may
- already know, we added external wad support in the very last hours
- before releasing DM 2.0! In DM 2.1, we expand on this, allowing you to
- really tap in to the power of external wads. Here is a complete list
- of new features, or bug fixes...
- ■ DM can now handle external .WAD files in 2 different ways. From the
- configuration screen, and from the options' menu.
- ■ You can now launch any other DOOM utility (or any other program for
- that mater) right from inside DM.
- ■ We have improved the configuration menu, by added online help for
- all configuration options. No longer do you have to wonder what
- something does.
- ■ Add the /VI command line switch to FORCE DM to re-initialize the
- video system, fixing the dreaded "Black Screen" bug.
- ■ Added hidden humor to the program.
- ■ DM now uses 2 cool fonts that make it look nicer. Also, we added
- fade in/out routines to spice up the interface.
- ■ You can now select levels by their description, not just be number.
- ■ When you load a saved game, DM now allows you to select from a menu,
- just like in doom (including the decscription of the game).
- ■ DM 2.10 now support the recording and playing back of .LMP Demos.
- ─────────────────────────
- Yes, yes... DM 2.1 is shareware, just like DM 2.0! If you have already
- registered DM 2.0 (like all 4 of you have) then you do not have to
- register DM 2.1. Like all releases from Simply Silly Software, once
- registered, you are free to get any later version for free.
- Please help support the shareware concept. DM 2.1 has taken about 100
- hours to design, code and test. I think it's worth the $5.00 dollars
- I'm asking for it. See the file ORDER.ME for an order form and address
- to send the money to.
- Also please remeber, Doom/Master is not a product of ID Software. You
- must register both DM 2.1 and DOOM 1.2 seperatly.
- ─────────────────────
- There is none. We have tried to make sure DM will not blow up your
- computer, but either way we cann't be held responsible for anything.
- Use DM at your own risk (but there really isn't any).
- page 2
- Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
- 1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
- ──────────────────────────────────────
- To Install DM, just unzip the archive in to your DOOM directory.
- That's it. You should overwrite any files from a lesser version. DM
- 2.1 contains the latest versions of everything.
- Once installed, just type "DM" from in your DOOM directory. And low
- and behold... DOOM/MASTER! If you are a power user, then use the "/Q"
- switch to bypass the into screen.
- ──────────────
- DM's main menu, is really 2 menus in 1. The left side of the screen,
- is the actual menu. It's here where you select which function of DM
- you wish to use. For example, here is where you launch doom, or the
- internal terminal, or configure doom.
- The right side, is the option's menu. These option effect the way DOOM
- plays. It's here you setup the Episode, mission, etc. If you want to
- leave DM, you can press <ESC> or <ALT-X> from the main menu. If you
- want to save your current options, press <F2>!
- Let's talk about the main menu. It has 9 differnt function you can
- choose from. Here they are in detail.
- "Just Play Doom" If you want to play a single player game, you would
- select this option. DM would then launch DOOM, using the options from
- the right. It's almost like typing "DOOM" at the dos prompt.
- "Dial & Play via Modem" This is the first of 3 modem options. In
- order to play a modem game, one person has to dial, the other has to
- answer (or you need to use the already connect). This option will
- transfer you to DM's phonebook. Here, you can select who you want to
- dial, and DM will do the rest.
- "Answer & Play via Modem" If you are the player who is going to BE
- called, then select this option. You will be transfed to your serial
- driver, and then you will answer the phone and play doom.
- "Play via null-modem or if already connected" For those players who
- want to connect in either a communication program, or DM's Dumb
- Terminal, you need to select this option. Rember, both players must
- already be connected. You can also use this option to play via null-
- serial cable.
- "Play via Network" If you are luckly enough to be able to play via
- network, you can use DM. DM can handle up to 4 players, with any
- network socket. And all Options (like random play) are available.
- "Enter Terminal Mode" DM includes a simple "Dumb Terminal" that you
- can use to connect with other players. Even though I do not thank
- anyone actually uses this function, we left it in.
- page 3
- Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
- 1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
- "Configure DOOM" This is one of the nicest features of DM! You can
- configure almost anything DOOM can (with the exception of the keyboard,
- joystick or mouse controls) from inside DM. We have also included a
- quick modem config module to help setup your modem.
- "CDROM Control Panel" We are the only DOOM shell that allows you to
- control your CDROM drive from audio music while playing DOOM. If you
- select this option, you will have access to a full-featured CDROM
- interface.
- "Launch an External DOOM Utility" New to DM 2.1 is the ability to run
- other DOOM utilties (such as the dreaded SETUP.EXE, or DEU). You can
- also use this to run any external dos program (such as SB16mix for
- Soundblaster 16 users).
- The following options can also be setup from the main menu. They
- mostly have to do with how DOOM plays. They are...
- "Skill" Select the skill level you wish to play at. "I'm too young to
- DIE" is the easist, and "Nightmare" is hardest. You can select Random
- Skill, but really, what's the point.
- "Episode" You can choose any of the 3 original DOOM episodes, have DM
- randomly pick one of them, you select External to load in External .WAD
- files. When you select External, you will be prompted to select any
- and all external .WAD files you wish to load in. See the section
- called "External .WAD Support" for more information.
- "Level" We had to expand the level selection system because of the
- external wad files. But it's a plus. Use the Scrollbar (or cursor
- keys) to select which level you want to play. If you have selected any
- external .WAD files, the levels inside them will be displayed instead
- of the normal descriptions. See the section called "External .WAD
- Support" for more information.
- "Random Level" Like in DM 2.0, you can have DM select the level for
- you. But, DM 2.1 also can randomly select levels from External .Wad
- files. If you have select more that one .WAD file (or a wad file that
- contains more than mission) DM will randomly choose one of them.
- "Respawn" You can make monsters Respawn at any level. In fact, Ultra-
- Violence is quite good with Monsters that respawn. Of course
- "Nightmare" automaticly has Respawn on.
- "No Monsters" You can also turn all monsters off. This option is
- great for deathmatch games.
- "DeathMatch" Speaking of deathmatch, click here to play head to
- head... mano-e-mano! To the death... EL MORTI! The only way to play.
- "Load a Savegame" If you want to continue playing an old game, select
- here. You will be prompted for the savegame when you launch doom.
- page 4
- Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
- 1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
- "Record Demo" New to DM 2.1 is the ability to record .LMP demos. Now
- you can show your friends just how good you really are.
- "Playback Demo" Duh... think about it. See above for a hint.
- As states eariler, you can press <F2> (or click on the message) to save
- these options to disk. They will then be reloaded everytime you load
- DM.
- I think it a good time to talk about the hidden functions. I have
- added some neat little jokes, screens, etc to DM 2.1! See if you can
- find them....
- There are 5 functions from the main menu that I need to explain more
- about. Most (Like Answer) should be preaty obivious. If not, go back
- to kindergarden. They are...
- ───────────────────────
- When you select this option from the main menu, you will be transfered
- to the Doom/Master dialing directory. This is your phonebook where you
- can store the names and numbers of your fellow moDoomers.
- Use the cursor keys to select a player you wish to call, and press
- ENTER. You will then launch your serial driver (is the section on
- configuration for more information about this driver) and dial the
- other player.
- If you press <ALT-A>, you can add a player to your phonebook. A new
- window will appear with 2 fields: Name and Phone number. Enter the
- information about this player, and click on "Save" to keep him.
- Pressing <ALT-R> from the dialing directory will allow you to edit a
- player already in the book. It looks just like the screen you got when
- you pressed <ALT-A>, but all the field are already filled in. Just
- edit the information.
- Press <ALT-D> to delete the currently selected player. You will be
- prompted for confirmation before this actually happens.
- If you want to dial someone just once, press <ALT-M> for a manual
- dialing menu. Here, you will be prompted for just the phone number.
- That's it.
- If you press ESC from the dialing directory, you will be returned to
- the main menu.
- page 5
- Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
- 1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
- ─────────────
- The next option we need to discuss is DM's Dumb Terminal. This was
- actually added to help debug DM, and it's serial driver, but we decided
- it was neat and left it in. The terminal gets all of it's settings
- from your MODEM.CFG file. This way, you will be communicating at the
- right speed/setup to just play doom.
- DMTerminal starts with Line-Feeds turned on. This means than whenever
- you press <ENTER>, DM will send advance to a new line. If this is
- disable, you will simply return to the start of the old line. Press
- <ALT-L> to toggle line-feeds on/off.
- Echo is also turned on at the start. That's why you see double of
- whatever you type. But, if you are connected, your text will be
- invisible with out it. Press <ALT-E> to toggle echo on/off.
- If you want to clear the screen, press <ALT-C>, and to hangup the
- modem, press <ALT-H>! <ALT-D> to will transfer you to the dialing
- directory. Only when you are done this time, you are transfed back to
- the terminal. Press <HOME> to see a listing of all commands.
- Now, a word about switching back vs. exiting. If you press <CTRL>-
- <ENTER> in the terminal (or main menu) you will switch back and forth
- between the two. This is so that you can then execute the "Already
- Connected" function and play that way.
- If however you press <ALT-X> in the terminal, the communication line
- will be shut down, and the phone will be hung up.
- ──────────────
- Next up, is the DOOM Configuration menus. Here is here you setup
- DOOM, DOOM/MASTER and your serial driver. New to DM 2.1 is the online
- help for each item. Just look at the bottom of the screen for a
- description of what this options does.
- If you need help in configurating DM and DOOM for modem play, select
- "Quick Config" You will be transfed to a menu that lists 100+ modems.
- Just use the cursor keys to select your modem, and press enter.. and
- WHAMO Instant modem config. You can use the DMTerminal to test it out
- if you need to.
- page 6
- Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
- 1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
- CDROM Control Panel
- ───────────────────
- This is a personal favorite (since I added it just for me). You can
- control your CDROM drive to play Audio CD's while playing DOOM. If you
- have a CDROM, I really suggest using this option. It's the best way to
- play. I suggest the following soundtracks to make play great...
- Bram Stroker's Dracula Soundtrack
- Army of Darkness Soundtrack
- Carmina Burana Opera Soundtrack
- Any Batman Soundtrack
- Any Joe Satriani CD
- Any Metallica CD
- ───────────────────────────
- New to DM 2.1 is the ability to run any external DOOM utility (or
- standard DOS file). It is accomplished from a menu that is just like
- the DM PhoneBook.
- In fact, you use the same commands. Use the cursor keys to select a
- utility to launch. Press <ALT-A> to add a utility. <ALT-D> deletes
- the currently highlighted utility, and <ALT-R> revises the information
- about a utility.
- If you press <ALT-A> (or <ALT-R>), you will see a new window with 3
- fields. The first, is a short description of the Utility. The next,
- is the filename (including full filepath: ie: C:\DOOM\SETUP.EXE) of the
- utility. Last, if the utility needs a command line switch, add it in
- the 3 field.
- ───────────────────────────
- If you happen to find a bug, have an idea, or suggestion, comment,
- hate-mail or want to get a modem game going, then you need to contact
- Use at Simply Silly Software. Here is our information...
- PO BOX 360
- (914)336-4735
- If you are going to call, please do so between the hours of 12:00noon
- and 10:30pm EST! That is also my Home #, and since I work late writing
- mortage software I like to sleep in. But I'm always happy to talk to a
- user of DM.
- page 7
- Doom Master 2.10 Documentation
- 1994 (c) Simply Silly Software
- You can also contact us our home BBS : Software Creations at...
- "The Home of the Authors"
- 2400-14.4k HST US Robotics : (508) 368-7036
- 2400-16.8k V.32/V.42bis US Robotics : (508) 368-7139
- 14.4-28.8k V.32/V.42bis/V.fc Hayes Optima : (508) 365-9352
- 14.4-28.8k V.32/V.42bis/V.32terbo/V.fc US Robotics : (508) 368-3424
- I suggest Email first. It's the cheapest, and I tend to check mail at
- really odd hours (like 2am).
- ────────────────
- I'm a poor, student/programmer/actor who is trying to work his way
- through college. I am fluent in C, 80x86 assembly, Pascal, Basic, etc,
- ect. Currently, I writing "The Banker's Secret 3.0" for Good Advice
- Press (If you want to save money on your mortage, call 914-758-1400).
- Although I love to code, Acting and Directing is my first love. Look
- for my first movie this summer.
- ────────────────
- There are many people I want to thank for helping me design, debug, and
- create DM. Also, those people for putting up with me. They are...
- John and Sean at ID Software, Russel Gilbert, Holly, everybody on AOL.
- DoomMaster Credits...
- Program Design, coding, Manual............ Joe Wilcox
- Editing (in DM it'self)................... Holly O'Dell
- Testing and Support....................... Rob,
- Andy,
- Andre,
- and Lou.
- ───────────
- If you find any typo's, spelling, etc in this manual, it's my fault.
- But then I never could spell, or write...or speak...later.
- Joe Wilcox
- Simply Silly Software
- page 8