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- @echo off
- Echo This will now reload your previous sounds for DOOM.
- Echo If you wish to return to the New doom Sound add on, simply type
- Echo addsound.bat again, and it will swap back in the new sounds for you.
- Echo BE SURE to have pkzip and pkunzip in your path!
- Echo.
- if exist doom1.wad goto sharewareversion
- if not exist dmaud.exe goto dmauderror
- if not exist dmbackup.zip goto ohshit
- if not exist doom.wad goto waderror
- goto start
- :ohshit
- echo you are fucked buddy, you must of deleted your dmbackup.zip...
- goto error
- :sharewareversion
- Echo
- Echo ERROR: This is the shareware version of Doom
- echo I need the registered version.
- goto error
- :dmauderror
- Echo ERROR: This BAT file needs the DMAUD.EXE file (DOOM AUDIO EDITOR)
- goto error
- :waverror
- echo ERROR: Can't find WAV files.
- goto error
- :waderror
- Echo ERROR: Can't find the DOOM.WAD file.
- goto error
- :start
- Echo
- echo Restoring your old sounds... (Please wait!)
- echo
- pkunzip dmbackup.zip
- dmaud 01 -s 01.bck
- dmaud 12 -s 12.bck
- dmaud 13 -s 13.bck
- dmaud 14 -s 14.bck
- dmaud 15 -s 15.bck
- dmaud 36 -s 36.bck
- dmaud 43 -s 43.bck
- dmaud 50 -s 50.bck
- dmaud 52 -s 52.bck
- dmaud 60 -s 60.bck
- del *.bck
- del dmbackup.zip
- cls
- echo.
- echo All set, type addsound.bat if you wish to get the k00l sounds again.
- echo //=-Rogue-=\\, -=Distortion/Atomic=- Sysop of The Kiss of DEATH
- echo.
- pause
- goto end
- :error
- echo Aborting....
- echo.
- :end