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Chapter 13
Martial Arts
WARRIOR SECRETS, A Handbook of the Martial Arts, by Keith Yates.
Masters and champions of such popular American martial arts as karate, tai
chi chuan, ninjutsu, akido, kenpro, jeet kune do, hapkido, wushu, judo,
taikwan do, jujutsu and kung fu share their secrets with you. The
traditions, development, and physical and mental training of ALL of these
arts are covered in this guide, as are the techniques against street
attacks. If you're new on the scene, learn the differences and which one
might be best for you, and also learn what to look for in choosing quality
instruction. As a martial artist, you'll learn things you never knew about
the other arts you may not have studied.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, illustr., 200 pp, $14 (WARRIOR)(468)
Jerry Beasley, Ed.D.
Experience the power of Bruce Lee's jeet kune do, the explosive martial art
drawn from the best of Eastern and Western fighting styles. Bruce Lee
enthusiasts can now see in print a definition of jeet kune do that would
have made the late master proud. This exclusive collection features
interviews with top masters who worked closely with Lee - Dan Inosanto,
Larry Hartsell and Joe Lewis - along with a dynamic presentation of
principles and techniques and an introduction to the next generation of
jeet kune do artists.
Jerry Beasley, college professor AND martial artist, has written what many
feel is the most authoritative and innovative story of jeet kune do ever
told. Photos of top artists and current practioners in action, combined
with an insightful text on the history, development and application of
techniques, make this an exceptional book on this subject. This highly
enlightening documentation clearly explains what jeet kune do is, and what
it can do 5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, 208 pp, $16 (JEET)(811)
THE WAY OF NO WAY, Solving the Jeet Kune Do Riddle, by Jerry Beasley, Ed.D.
"What the Hell is JKD?" The editor who posed this question was probably not
the first - nor the last - to do so. How do you pin down an art whose
founder, Bruce Lee, said had "no boundaries" and referred to as the "way of
no way"? When Bruce Lee died, he left behind a legacy, but he also left
mysteries, riddles and puzzles.
In this book the author, a martial arts scholar who trained extensively
with JKD champion Joe Lewis, takes a logical, down-to-earth approach to
sorting the pieces and solving the puzzle. In the book, you'll discover
that JKD is not simply a matter of joining a JKD organization, or studying
the art with a JKD instructor. It is the freedom to react, the knowledge to
respond and the ability to discover. Beasley's insightful research, in-
depth discussions with Dan Inosanto and exclusive photos of training
sessions with Lewis will lead you to a greater understanding of the
emerging art and practice of Jeet Kune Do.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, 160 pp, $20 (NOWAY)(1029)
THAI BOXING DYNAMITE, The Explosive Art of Muay Thai, by Zoran Rebac.
Muay Thai is the hottest style of kick boxing to hit the sports world this
century. Unlike conventional kickboxing, wherein the opponents get in their
three token kick and then duke it out with fists, Thai boxers integrate the
use of their legs and fists so that all four limbs are utilized in one
fluid, savage, yet clean style. Only real men survive bouts of Thai
kickboxing, and only you can decide if you're tough enough to learn a rough
way of fighting. 8.5 X 11, softcover, photos, 120 pp, $14 (TB)(659)
Hakkoryu jujutsu will give you the fluid strength to smoothly and deftly
dispatch any attacker, the ability to absorb the force of the attack and
shrug off the resultant pain, confidence to relax in a threatening
situations, and completely dominate your opponent.
These are the secret nidan techniques of Hakkoryu jujutsu, the techniques
associated with the second black-belt level. Master the disabling pressure
point pin of TE KEGAMI. Deliver the excruciating pain of the nidan wrist
locks. Discover the eight nidan walking-exercise sets designed for defense
against kicks, attacks from the rear and surprise attacks to the upper
body. 5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 173 photos, 136 pp, $12 (NIDAN)(701)
THE SECRETS OF HAKKORYU JUJUTSU: Shodan Tactics, by Dennis G. Palumbo.
Do you get picked on, bullied or expect to be mugged? If you're a woman,
and worried about rapists, this one is especially for you. The secrets of
Hakkoryu jujutsu will show you the key to total control - how to create
pain without unnecessary maiming. With just a flick of the wrist, your
assailant will be squirming in the dust, begging you to stop the pressure.
Learn how to escape from the tightest grip of the strongest fist, how to
take your opponent by the hand and force him into submission, and how to
teach yourself mastery of this subtle art.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, 144 pp, $14 (HAK)(641)
GUGE GONGJI, Seven Primary Targets to Take Anyone Out of a Fight, by Master
Hei Long.
Structurally disabling an opponent is like removing the bullets from a gun.
It's unlikely that an opponent can throw a punch at you with a broken wrist
or elbow, and his ability to advance is substantially inhibited by a busted
knee or ankle. That's the principle of guge gongji: stopping an attacker by
breaking his instruments of danger. In unarmed combat, that means his
ability to move or strike.
Guge gongji is an alternative to killing, a second-to-last resort that
should be used only when conventional self-defense tactics are likely to be
ineffective. Master Hei Long's precise instructions and illustrations show
you how to use your opponent's body as YOUR weapon! Learn the seven primary
targets guaranteed to take ANYONE out of a fight.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, illustr., 188 pp, $15 (GUGE)(975)
GOUZAO GONGJI, Seven Neurological Attacks for Inflicting Serious Damage,
by Master Hei Long.
In this groundbreaking study, the author unveils the secrets of Gouzoa
Gongji, a (really) no-holds barred system of self-defense consisting of
seven anatomical targets which, when attacked strategically, will
effectively cripple an assailant's nervous system. The Master pinpoints
these primary targets and reveals how a properly delivered blow can bring
about the desired effect, be it disrupted balance, acute pain,
unconsciousness or a temporarily paralyzed limb. Then he outlines which
strikes and angles of force are the most effective for achieving the
precise results you are after. These targets are not lethal or even
critical - but not every confrontation calls for such severe action or
warrants such devastating consequences. Instead, these seven targets offer
a comfortable middle-ground option, arming you with tools to inflict damage
serious enough to stop an assailant of comparable size, strength and weight
in his tracks. 5.5 X 8.5, softcover, illust., 168 pp, $16 (GOUZAO)(2010)
DRAGONS TOUCH, Weaknesses of the Human Body, by Master Hei Long.
Drop your opponent in an instant with the deadly moves of the Dragons
Touch! Learn how you can immobilize or destroy your foe with high-impact
blows to his most vulnerable areas. Master Hei Long explains which pressure
points are the most susceptible to Dragon strikes and which angles you
should use in applying force. The body's 43 major target areas are
explicitly illustrated, and 165 photographs show you how to attack each
pressure point with the self-defense moves of Lian Shi kung fu.
The body's weaknesses and physiological reactions can work in your favor in
a combat situation. Sufficient force to specific target areas can cause
pain, shock, paralysis, unconsciousness, even death. Each deadly set of
movements can ensure that you are in control. Be the survivor - not a
victim. 5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, illustr., 184 pp, $10 (DRAG)(398)
MASTER'S DEATH TOUCH, Unarmed Killing Techniques, by Master Hei Long.
There are times when a man is forced to kill or be killed. Such a physical
confrontation is the most fearsome form of unarmed combat he will ever
face. To survive, he must know how to properly execute LETHAL martial art
techniques that will get the job done quickly and efficiently.
This book gets down to the devastating fundamentals of the DEADLIER side of
self-defense. The author teaches the primary targets of an opponent's body
and points out how to recognize various physical characteristics that would
limit the lethal effectiveness of certain techniques. He then outlines the
merciless use of the hands, feet, elbows and knees to overcome any
assailant who is trying to kill you.
Whether fighting on the battlefield, in an elevator, back alley or on the
streets, MASTER'S DEATH TOUCH takes self-defense to its most brutal level.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, illustr., 96 pp, $12 (MAST)(846)
IRON HAND OF THE DRAGON'S TOUCH, Secrets of Breaking Power, by Master Hei
As a scream rends the air, the punch and scissors kick shatter three
separate targets at once, reducing the boards to mere splinters.
Bones or boards, you want to shatter your targets without maiming yourself.
Only mastering the iron hand will give you the strength, precision and
confidence. The most deadly weapons of the hand - the punch, suto, backhand
and palm strikes - as well as those of the feet the front kick, hook kick
and side kick - are explained by Master Hei Long. Break through the
mystique surrounding the power of breaking skills and put that awesome
force into YOUR hands and feet. 5.5 X 8.5, softcover, illus., 112 pp, $12
Assassination using manual weapons rather than firearms is a deadly skill
that few possess. The assassin must locate his target, get close enough to
neutralize him with a single stroke, and escape without being captured. To
be successful, the job has to be done quickly and silently, attracting as
little attention as possible while guaranteeing the death of the target.
This highly controversial and informative book outlines methods used by
trained assassins to execute their victims with cold efficiency. The spike,
knife and nunchaku are used to impale or strangle victims in a minimum
amount of time with a maximum chance for lethal results. These are ruthless
methods used in the shadowy world of criminal activity and international
espionage. This book holds nothing back! (In fact, the illustrations in
this book are so gruesome the regular printer refused to handle the job!)
The techniques in this book are not self-defense maneuvers, nor is it a
training manual. What you can LEARN from it is what to look out for, and
how to protect yourself from such attacks by fanatical zealots or paid
assassins! If you're a lawman or CrimeFighter involved in fighting
terrorists, you NEED to know what assassins know - and a little bit more!
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, illustr., 104 pp, $12 (21.T)(792)
MASTER'S GUIDE TO BASIC SELF-DEFENSE, Progressive Retraining of the
Reflexive Response, by Master Hei Long.
At least once in his life, every man will stand face-to-face with an
aggressor. In that moment of truth, he must be prepared to defend himself -
to the death is necessary. Despite common self-defense myths, there is no
deeply mysterious method by which you can touch an opponent in a strategic
spot and bring him to his knees.
The CORE of any system of self-defense is the RESPONSE to an attack. But
certain natural responses (such as ducking and blinking) often leave you
exposed and defenseless for just a moment or two - which is all the time
needed to finish you off. In an unexpected attack, none of your martial
arts training is going to help you if these reflexes are allowed to take
Master Hei Long's training program focuses on DECONDITIONING such
counterproductive responses to an assault. Through a structured learning
process that combines fundamental defensive maneuvers with the retraining
of the central nervous system, you will learn how to instinctively avoid
ducking and blinking during common assaults and counterattack with maximum
efficiency and ferocity to deftly and swiftly defeat your attackers.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, illustr., 124 pp, $14 (MASTER)(904)
ANYTHING GOES, Practical Karate for the Streets, by Loren W. Christensen.
As a military policeman in one of the toughest cities in the world -
Saigon, Vietnam - Loren learned the hard way that real fights are far more
explosive and violent than karate sparring matches. This book teaches the
physical and mental adjustments a martial artist MUST make in his thinking
and training in order to survive the real thing.
The author exposes the weaknesses of popular hand techniques and kicks used
in sparring matches and shows what WILL work to stop a determined opponent.
He covers areas of self-defense that go beyond unrealistic tournament
guidelines, including grappling, vulnerable targets and using your
environment as a weapon. Also taught are training tips and sparring drills
that will sharpen the skills necessary to come out on top of any physical
confrontation. 5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, 176 pp, $16 (GOES)(888)
THE 100 DEADLIEST KARATE MOVES, by Dr. Ted Gambordella.
Discover the 100 most lethal kicks, shutos and blows perfected by the
world's greatest karate masters. No flowery kata - only hard-hitting,
practical karate techniques that could save your life! The author, a 5th
degree black belt, teaches you how to fight to the death, if need be. More
than 100 dramatic photos show exactly which vital points to attack to
cripple or kill your opponent.
This book is not for dojo ballerinas. It is for men who take their fighting
art seriously. Just a sample of the deadly moves covered are snap kicks,
heel kicks, vital points of the head and chest, shutos, palm heels and
ridge hands. A special chapter on streetfighting with karate makes this a
super selection for any self-defense specialist.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, 88 pp, $8 (KARATE.MOVES)(300)
Defend yourself! And learn how to do it right with the knowledge taught in
this book. This volume contains action photos that show the proper usage
for seven lethal karate weapons: nunchaku, yawara sticks, sai, fighting
knife, tonfa, staff and bo. You will never need to buy another book on the
fighting techniques of KARATE WEAPONS - this one is actually seven complete
books at one affordable price. And best of all, there is no better karate
weapons teacher in the country: Dr. Gambordella is a former Senior Men's
Black Belt U.S. Open Karate Champion. Instructors, martial artists and
self-defense specialists should definitely have this one in their library.
8.5 X 11, softcover, photos, 256 pp, $15 (KARATE.2)(960)
SUDDEN VIOLENCE, The Art of San Soo, by Master Greg Jones.
There is one big difference between street fighting and tournament fighting
- in a street fight, if you miss with a dramatic whirling kick, a referee
won't step in to save you from a death dealing blow in return. The
developers of kung fu san soo know this all too well. That's why this
martial art bypasses formal dojo techniques and gets down to the bone-
breaking, eye-gouging, rib-crushing basics that will keep you alive on the
violence-prone city streets.
This manual teaches simple but unique self-defense principles that you can
learn to use to stop an attack BEFORE IT'S BEGUN. Through the "five
families" of this little-known style of kung fu, you will learn how to
recognize a threat and use deadly efficient strikes to put the bad gus away
every time. Your opponent may be tough, but as a san soo martial artist,
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, illustr. 256 pp, $15 (SUD)(722)
Updated information, including the addition of the 3rd degree black belt
level form, kae-beck, and 42 new photos, highlights the BRAND-NEW EDITION
of Keith yates taekwon do reference manual.
Yates, now a 7th degree black belt, has updated his classic book to include
new developments in the world of taekwon do, the powerful Korean martial
art. But the basics are still here, including white belt fundamentals -
from stances to kicks and blocks - and in-depth analyses of FOURTEEN FORMS,
in a comprehensive, easy-to-read format and a classy new package.
8.5 X 11, softcover, 500+ photographs!, illus., 192 pp, $24 (TKDS2)(762)
Seeing you unarmed, an attacker might single you out as an easy, vulnerable
target. But little does he know: your body is a collection of deadly
weapons. His body is a collection of deadly targets. Not all parts of the
body are vulnerable to attack, so you must know where and how to strike.
Learn target areas to protect and which ones to go for on your opponent.
Learn to use a combination of techniques, and how to stop everything an
attacker might throw at you.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 188 photos, 104 pp, $12 (BOD)(669)
THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR, The Violent Side, by Loren Christensen.
The warrior spirit - it is within everyone, ready to be called upon when
you can rely on no one and nothing than your own strength. The author has
had to call upon his in a wide range of violent encounters, from grueling
karate sparring matches to brutal barroom brawls as a military policeman in
Saigon, Vietnam.
In this book, the author tells in detail some of the many fights, showdowns
and contests that he's been involved in, and how his warrior spirit helped
him not only to prevail, but teaches valuable lessons about the NATURE of
violence. This is not a book of New Age mysticism or esoteric philosophy.
It is a practical, honest and interesting story which reveals by the
explanation of one man's experiences in a violent world, how they led him
down the path of the warrior.
Roman gladiators, American Indians and Japanese Samurai, to name a few, all
knew the Way of the Warrior. Modern man, sheltered by police and military
protection has had no one to teach him or the need to learn the way of the
warrior - until now. It isn't a fighting skill - it's a state of mind; an
essential ingredient for those who must fight for survival like a warrior!
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 128 pp, $15 (WW)(971)
THE WAY AND THE POWER, Secrets of Japanese Strategy, By F. J. Lovret.
Strategy, the backbone of every battle in your life, can be the difference
between winning and losing. Japanese strategy has become an exact science,
and this book discloses two sides of this ancient knowledge. An expert
instructor of kenjutsu and aikijutsu, the author explains the most
diversely applicable aspects including in-yo, michi, ki, aiki, maai,
hyoshi, minari and sutemi, and their use on the battlefield and in the
world of business. Find out how famous Western battles could have been
fought differently had the generals known the secrets this book contains.
Learn the strategies that have worked for generations of winners. Whether
entering battle against a military foe, business competitor or kenjutsu
master, be prepared to conquer with a master strategy!
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 52 photos, illustr., 328 pp, $17 (WAY)(627)
KAMIKAZE FIGHTING The Self-Defense of Last Resort, by Mike Vassolo.
When it comes down to an all-or-nothing streetfight, you need the FIGHTING
SPIRIT of the kamikaze warrior. This book will teach you how to develop
unbeatable fighting moves and give you unshakable confidence. Learn how to
instantly react to common attacks with precise, effective strikes, kicks
and other defenses. Equally important, you will develop a COMBAT MIND-SET
that gives you the all-important CONFIDENCE to face a threatening encounter
and overpower the assailant. This hard-hitting training program offers
insightful comments on the realities of streetfighting, clearly teaches
power-building drills and realistic self-defense lessons that are designed
to give you the upper hand in any violent situation.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 197 photos, 168 pp, $19 (KAMI)(823)
BLACK MEDICINE I, The Dark Art of Death, by N. Mashiro, Ph.D.
The most thorough and intriguing discussion of the human body's vital
points ever to appear in a single volume. Through strikingly dramatic
photographs and detailed line drawings, the author illustrates more than
150 parts of the human body where a minimum amount of force will produce a
maximum impact on a person's ability to fight. The study of these vital
points is integral to ALL branches of martial arts, to the military combat
specialist and to anyone concerned with self-defense in a life-or-death
encounter. 5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, illus, 96 pp, $10 (BLK.MED.1)(26)
BLACK MEDICINE II, Weapons at Hand, by N. Mashiro, Ph.D.
Here is the sequel to N. Mashiro's infamous Black Medicine I, The Dark Art
of Death. That book reveals the 150 parts of the human body most vulnerable
in hand-to-hand combat. This book, Weapons at hand, takes the opposite
approach, presenting 112 parts of the body that are natural weapons,
largely because they are very injury-resistant. Following this is a section
radically different from conventional self-defense theory, which lists more
than 180 deadly makeshift weapons that can save your life. The weapons are
all improvised from common items. And 50 action photos show exactly how to
use the "black medicine" techniques discussed in "Weapons at Hand." This
volume is especially suited to the needs of bodyguards, security personnel
and martial artists, and anyone else who feels they have a need to defend
themselves or targets of deadly, unprovoked attacks.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, illustr., 88 pp, $10 (BLK.MED.2)(27)
BLACK MEDICINE III, Low Blows, by N. Mashiro, Ph.D.
Long awaited by self-defense specialists around the world, this book is the
third volume in the author's infamous "Black Medicine" series. In LOW BLOWS
Mashiro presents his favorite techniques for bringing the body's natural
weapons into violent and painful contact with an opponent's vulnerable
areas. He teaches devastating responses to wrist holds, punches, chokes,
rear attacks, bear hugs and special defenses against knife and club
attackers. Especially noteworthy is a chapter on fighting a standing
opponent from the ground! If you get into fights, sooner or later you'll be
on the ground. (You can bet on it.) Learning and using this trick alone may
turn the tables - and quite possibly save your life!
Over one hundred dramatic photos illustrate the holds and moves in LOW
BLOWS, making it substantially longer than previous volumes in this series.
An excellent self-study guide for beginners and an eye-opening reference
work for advanced students and instructors. But be warned: LOW BLOWS is not
for readers with weak stomachs.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, illustr., 128 pp, $10 (BLK.MED.3)(28)
THE WAY ALONE, Your Path to Excellence in the Martial Arts, by Loren
You're working out at the dojo, putting everything you've got into your
classes, sure that you're doing all you can to excel in the martial arts.
But if you could find a way to further develop your strength, speed,
explosiveness and timing, would you go for it?
Here is the way - THE WAY ALONE. This is a book about solo training and how
to develop a workout that focuses on YOUR specific needs. The author
credits much of his success to his many hours spent training solo, and
offers detailed plans for weight training, practicing reps and kata, bag
work and cardiovascular training in any environment. Attain excellence not
even dreamed of by those who train only to the commanding voices of their
instructors. 5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 57 photos, 128 pp, $10 (ALONE)(639)
WINNING WITH AMERICAN KATA, The New Breed of Competitors, by Loren W.
Kata competition is more popular than ever. One reason for this is the
emergence of a new style of kata, what author Loren Christensen calls
"American kata." Its dynamic look generates greater excitement among
competitors and audiences alike. Now, with this guide, you can develop an
American kata of your own.
Learn how to combine karate's hard punches, kung fu's fluid style and the
dramatic kicks of taekwon do to create a beautiful, realistic fighting
form. Christensen, a champion himself, also offers great training
techniques and advice on how to judge kata competition, plus a section on
how to psych yourself up and beat the competition.
More often than not these days, kata champions are performing American
kata. Be a part of this new breed of competitors - and improve your chances
of winning! 5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, 136 pp, $14 (WINNING)(793)
Martial Arts Weapons
CHINESE RING DAGGERS, The Ultimate Close-Quarter Weapons, by Ricky Pickins.
A rare, exotic weapon, the Chinese ring dagger has a ring situated where a
pommel normally would be. This arrangement allows you, with your index
finger hooked through the ring, to swing the weapon around and use it on
the ring side as an iron fist - adding the strength of cold steel to your
punches. Or, use the dagger singly or in pairs, one in each hand to double
your slashing power.
Hundreds of photos illustrate the stances, moves and kata that make this
such a beautiful and exotic, albeit deadly, martial art form. Take
advantage of this first-ever revealing book of this ancient Chinese art
that uses the ultimate close-quarter weapon.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 153 photos, 104 pp, $12 (RING)(679)
PANANANDATA YANTOK AT DAGA, Filipino Stick and Dagger, by Amante P. Marinas
You don't have to live in the Philippines to use this very practical and
efficient self-defense system of using a stick and dagger. Why use both the
stick and dagger? When you're attacked with a long weapon, the stick is
used to block and thrust THROUGH your attacker's defenses; the dagger is
used once you have bypassed his defenses. If your assailant has only a
short weapon, the stick easily defeats it, opening an avenue for a slash or
thrust with either the stick or dagger.
Visualize yourself going for a peaceful walk in the park or lonely streets.
You always take with you a walking stick (perhaps a sword cane, or if it's
rainy weather, an English style umbrella with a sharp 4" point) and your
trusty hunting knife which is easily accessible. Suddenly, you're
confronted with a robber who shows a knife as a threat. Imagine the thugs
surprise when you pull your knife and, using your walking stick (sword cane
or sharp umbrella), attack him! If you know how to use a stout stick and
sharp dagger, the ordinary robber won't have a chance of a snowball in hell
- where you can send him if need be. This book, with its 188 photos, can
teach you HOW to use both the stick and dagger with deadly efficiency.
If you live in a State that has highly restrictive gun laws, this may be
the only legal way to carry self-defense weapons. If you own a hunting
knife (and you should) and take a walking stick with you when you go for
walks, and know how to use them effectively, you'll never be unarmed and
defenseless! 5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 188 photos, 104 pp, $12 (YAN)(692)
BALISONG, The Lethal Art of Filipino Knife Fighting, by Sid Campbell, Sonny
Umpad, and Gary Cagaanan.
The blinding blur of the deadly balisong in motion - its whirlwind
lethality can be yours when you follow the path of the Filipino knife
fighter. Three experts, having combined their knowledge of the balisong,
martial arts and self-defense, show you the basics of concealing, drawing,
flipping and gripping the balisong; checking and rolling; and the four main
phases of training - techniques perfected in the Philippines over the
course of 400 years, but only recently available in the U.S.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 220 photos, illustr., 192 pp, $12 (BALI)(552)
SWORD OF THE SAMURAI, The Classical Art of Japanese Swordsmanship, by
George R. Parulski, Jr.
Here is your opportunity to enter the world of Japanese swords and attain a
true swordsmanship perfection, a perfection based on spirituality AND
Japanese samurai combat techniques.
Going beyond the simple, how-to approach, the author presents the colorful
history of sword making, the ryu of Japan, the samurai code of honor and
the Zen tradition of swordsmanship. Covered are the samurai uniforms and
how it's worn, fighting postures, conditioning, training with the suburito
and traditional etiquette. Photos and text reveal the kihon - prearranged
attacks and defenses - and the kata of drawing one or two swords, with
applications to actual attacks. This is an extensive reference volume of
the famous swords of samurai warriors.
8.5 X 11, hardcover, 262 photos, illustr., 144 pp, $35 (SWORD)(518)
Read this book and you'll discover why this revered sect of silent stalkers
has made headlines in the Western world after centuries of claiming
horrified respect in the Orient. The deepest, darkest secrets of those
ancient assassins are revealed here. Learn how you, too, can enter rooms
unseen, climb vertical walls and stealthily scout unknown territory.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, illustr., 168 pp, $17 (SECRET)(885)
Now the power is yours to achieve mastery over your own mind. The true
warrior-mystic of ninjutsu prevails without unsheathing his weapon; with
his mental and physical dexterity, he evades and confuses the enemy.
Master Ninja Ashida Kim reveals here the meditations, breathing exercises
and "kuji-kiri" hand forms that enable you to cultivate and direct your CHI
for mind reading, subtle manipulations, hypnosis and suggestion.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 71 photos, 152 pp, $12 (MIND)(527)
No technique the ninja uses is more devastating than the Dance of The
Deadly Hands. Composed of 27 of the most vicious and lethal ninja moves,
these hand strikes are guaranteed to kill or maim any attacker. Using the
five elements of combat, an unarmed fighter can skillfully throw the enemy
(Earth), direct an attack against a specific target (Fire), envelop the
enemy (Water), disappear in full view (Air) and take the enemy by
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, 110 photos, 152 pp, $10 (HANDS)(492)
The black and terrifying world of the ninja, history's most diabolical
assassins, is explored here. Certain ninjutsu ryu specialized in the Death
Touch, the ultimate perversion of the beneficial Chinese art of
acupuncture, this unique book reveals the principles of this unholy
science, which can induce death with the touch of the hand! Through
interruption and manipulation of the body's nervous system, circulatory
systems and chi flow, the THREE Death Touch styles are capable of
terminating ANY human life. Acupuncture is now recognized as a medical
science. The Ninja Death Touch is based on the same thing - except for
killing, not healing.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, illustr., 104 pp, $10 (DEATH2)(806)
Walk unobserved, penetrate forbidden areas unseen, and depart at will
without a trace. The wishful dream of secret agents can become a reality.
The secrets of ninja invisibility can be part of your self-defense bag of
tricks. Master Ninja Ashida Kim teaches you how to vanish from your
opponent's sight and make instinctive reactions work for you.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, 120 pp, $10 (INVIS)(414)
TAIJUTSU TACTICS, Ninja Close-Quarter Grappling, by Omoto Saiji.
With crashing kicks and well-placed punches, the ninja devastates at will
by dominating in close-quarter grappling. Utilizing the GODAI, Omoto Saiji
teaches grappling moves for escapes from any situation.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, photos, 112 pp, $12 (TAI)(615)
Passed down through the centuries from father to son, master to student,
the tiger scroll contained the detailed instructions of one of Japan's most
deadly clan. Now, for the first time, the author reveals and explains the
contents of the Koga Ninja's once-secret handbook.
5.5 X 8.5, softcover, illustr., 96 pp, $12 (KOGA)(466)
VIDEOS (VHS, U.S. Format only.)
This tape shows you the street-lethal applications of the ultimate martial
art, NINJUTSU. A hard-and-fast video seminar. KILLSHOTS features the bone-
breaking, muscle-tearing and flesh-ripping techniques of Togakure-ryu
Dave Koss, a leading Ninja authority, leads you through more than 90
minutes of brutal but realistic methods of self-defense. The bruises and
pain in this startling video are all too real, so you'll KNOW why the
techniques will be the best you can use, whether you're a police officer,
martial artist or anyone else. Color, 90 minutes, $50 (SHOTS)(688)
BLACK MEDICINE: THE VIDEO, Vital Targets, Maximum Punishment.
Here's a graphic video demonstration of how to exploit the vulnerable
points of the human anatomy. Instructors Peyton Quinn and Mike Haynack are
black belts in a variety of martial arts and have worked as bouncers in
some of the most violent bars and roadhouses from new Jersey to Texas.
This video focuses on the strikes that these men KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE will
put a man down. Debunking the common myth that there is one magic shot that
will drop someone every time, this video demonstrates which techniques work
best against specific targets on the human body. It explicitly shows not
only where to strike but also how to create an opening for the blow and how
to achieve enough power to break an opponent's bones, shut off the blood to
his brain or drop him unconscious to the pavement. Color, about 50 min. $30
For the first time on film, here is a remarkable look at the combat
practicality of taekwon do forms. In this video, 7th degree black belt L.A.
Grasso, a master in the combat application of TKD forms, demonstrates 14
sharp "hyungs", from CHONG-JI to KAE-BECK. After each demonstration, he and
his top students don street clothes and show you how certain strikes could
This unique video shows you what you need to know to harness the awesome
power of TKD strikes to shatter bricks or boards - or bust an assailant's
bones in a street fight. As you watch the action, the full-power
demonstrations on specially armored attackers, you will understand the
combat applications of moves "within" the forms that are so often
misunderstood or missed altogether by many TKD students. This complete
instructional video will open your eyes to the necessity of practicing TKD
forms if you want to maximize your real-life self-defense training.
VHS, color, approx 45 minutes, $30 (TAEKWON.DO)(2011)
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