This program was written by Renzo Del Rosso, Marco Menichelli andAlessandro Pieri. The help for graphics by Paolo Rovella is gratefully acknowledged. For the collection of information and data about the Moon thecontribution of Maurizio Serrazanetti, of the Gruppo AstrofiliPersicetani, Mauro Zarroli of the Circolo Culturale Astrofili Trieste,Lorenzo Bechini and Massimo Giuntoli of the Associazione AstrofiliValdinievole was instrumental. This program is a Shareware product and therefore you are grantedpermission to use LA LUNA, and to make as many backup copies for yourown purposes as you want. If you are not a registered user, you arepermitted to use LA LUNA on a trial basis to see if you find it useful.If you decide to keep and use LA LUNA, your copy should be registered. You are encouraged to distribute copies of LA LUNA subject to thefollowing conditions: 1) All files, except CODLUN.REG, are distributed together and unaltered. 2) No charge is made for the software (a small fee for media andhandling is permissible). LA LUNA is however copyright (c)1990-1991-1992 by Associazione AstrofiliValdinievole. LA LUNA was originally developed with registered Shareware. Thank you for supporting the Shareware concept by registering your copyof LA LUNA. To register your copy you must fill in, print and send the fileORDER.FRM to: Associazione Astrofili Valdinievole c/o Biblioteca Comunale Piazza Martini, 12 I-51015 MONSUMMANO TERME ITALY Fidonet address: Renzo Delrosso Marco Menichelli 2:332/1.116 2:332/106.6 2:332/102.7