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/* This is a sample program for the Keyed File System. It will create a */
/* keyed file from a sequential input file and perform various */
/* operations on the keyed file. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <kfs.h> /* Need this for KFS */
KFS_FILEINFO file1; /* Keyed file declaration */
FILE *infile; /* Normal C file declaration */
struct TR { /* A data structure for the keyed file */
char fld1[4];
char keyfld[15]; /* The key field of the keyed file */
char fld2;
short inputseq;
char desc[40];
char rest[18];
} tr;
char inarea[80];
/* These internal routines will show you some of the information in the */
/* KFS_FILEINFO structure "file1" and print the keyed file. */
static void prtKFS(KFS_FILEINFO *, char *);
static void prttr(struct TR, char *);
void main(argc, argv, envp)
int argc;
char *argv[];
char *envp[];
int i;
/* These five statements needed for a KFS_Create */
file1.KFS_keypos = 4;
file1.KFS_keylen = 15;
file1.KFS_recsize = sizeof(tr);
file1.KFS_flags = KFS_Normal_PTR;
strcpy(file1.KFS_filename, "keyfile.001");
/* Create a new file named KEYFILE.001 in the current directory */
prtKFS(&file1, "Print after KFS_Create");
/* This is how you check the return code from a KFS function */
if (file1.KFS_rc == KFS_File_Already_Exists) {
printf("Keyed file already exists, program terminated!\n");
} /* endif */
prtKFS(&file1, "Print after KFS_Close");
/* To open an existing file, specify only the file name and path */
strcpy(file1.KFS_filename, "keyfile.001");
prtKFS(&file1, "Print after KFS_Open");
if (file1.KFS_rc != KFS_OK) {
printf("Error opening new keyed file, program terminated!\n");
} /* endif */
/* Open the sequential input file we'll use to build the keyed file */
if ((infile = fopen("kfssamp.dat", "r")) == NULL)
printf("Cannot open input file!\n");
/* Just put some stuff in the keyed record for all records */
strncpy(tr.fld1, "REC", sizeof(tr.fld1));
strcpy(tr.rest, "End of record !");
tr.fld2 = ' ';
tr.inputseq = 0;
fgets(inarea, 80, infile);
/* Read all the input records and build the keyed file */
while (!feof(infile)) {
tr.inputseq++; /* This shows what sequence record added*/
/* Insure key field has no garbage (not really necessary here) */
memset(tr.keyfld, 0, sizeof(tr.keyfld));
/* Copy in key from sequential file */
strncpy(tr.keyfld, inarea, sizeof(tr.keyfld));
strcpy(tr.desc, &inarea[sizeof(tr.keyfld)]);
KFS_Add(&file1, &tr); /* Add each new record to the file */
if (file1.KFS_rc != KFS_OK)
if (file1.KFS_rc == KFS_No_Space_On_Disk) {
printf("Not enough space to add key %s\n",
file1.KFS_rc, tr.keyfld);
} else {
printf("Bad return code from KFS_Add, rc = %d, key = %s\n",
file1.KFS_rc, tr.keyfld);
} /* endif */
fgets(inarea, 80, infile);
} /* endwhile */
/* Read a record by key */
strncpy(tr.keyfld, "Dmiddle key ", 15);
KFS_Read(&file1, &tr);
switch (file1.KFS_rc) { /* We could check KFS_rc like this */
case KFS_Key_Not_Found:
printf("Key not found error\n");
case KFS_File_Error:
printf("Error reading file, file damaged?\n");
} /* endswitch */
prtKFS(&file1, "Print after KFS_Read"); /* Show the file structure */
prttr(tr, "TR structure after read"); /* Show the data area */
/* Now read the first record in the file */
KFS_ReadFirst(&file1, &tr);
prtKFS(&file1, "Print after KFS_ReadFirst");
prttr(tr, "TR structure after read");
/* Now read the second record in the file */
KFS_ReadNext(&file1, &tr);
prtKFS(&file1, "Reading sequentially");
/* Now read the rest of the file */
while (file1.KFS_rc != KFS_EOF) {
prttr(tr, "TR structure after read");
KFS_ReadNext(&file1, &tr);
} /* endwhile */
printf("End of file reached\n");
/* Delete a record (notice we didn't read it first) */
strncpy(tr.keyfld, "Ni key ",15);
KFS_Delete(&file1, &tr);
prtKFS(&file1, "Print after KFS_Delete");
/* Notice if we do a ReadNext that we get an error (Prev key must exist)*/
KFS_ReadNext(&file1, &tr);
prtKFS(&file1, "Print after KFS_ReadNext");
if (file1.KFS_rc == KFS_Prior_Key_Not_Found) {
printf("We (correctly) cant do a ReadNext when prior key is gone\n");
prttr(tr, "TR structure still contains old information (except key)");
} /* endif */
/* But a ReadGen will work to give us the next record */
KFS_ReadGen(&file1, &tr, 15);
prtKFS(&file1, "Print after KFS_ReadGen");
if (file1.KFS_rc == KFS_Key_Not_Found) {
printf("We couldnt find the key but still got the next record\n");
} /* endif */
prttr(tr, "TR structure now contains next record");
/* Update and replace an existing record */
strncpy(tr.keyfld, "Dsecond key ",15);
strcpy(tr.fld1, "REP");
strcpy(tr.desc, "This record was replaced\n");
KFS_Replace(&file1, &tr);
prtKFS(&file1, "Print after KFS_Replace");
KFS_Read(&file1, &tr);
prtKFS(&file1, "Verifying replace by reading");
/* Read the complete file again */
KFS_ReadFirst(&file1, &tr);
prtKFS(&file1, "Print after KFS_ReadFirst");
prttr(tr, "TR structure after read");
KFS_ReadNext(&file1, &tr);
prtKFS(&file1, "Reading sequentially");
while (file1.KFS_rc == KFS_OK) {
prttr(tr, "TR structure after read");
KFS_ReadNext(&file1, &tr);
} /* endwhile */
if (file1.KFS_rc == KFS_EOF)
printf("\n\nEnd of file reached!!\n");
printf("Some other error ocurred\n");
/* Always close the file when finished */
void prtKFS(KFS_FILEINFO *f, char *header)
printf("\n%s\n", header);
printf("KFS_rc = %d\n", f->KFS_rc);
printf("KFS_keypos = %d\n", f->KFS_keypos);
printf("KFS_keylen = %d\n", f->KFS_keylen);
printf("KFS_recsize = %d\n", f->KFS_recsize);
printf("KFS_filename = %s\n", f->KFS_filename);
void prttr(struct TR tr, char *header)
char cwork[40];
printf("\n%s\n", header);
strncpy(cwork, tr.keyfld, sizeof(tr.keyfld));
cwork[sizeof(tr.keyfld)] = '\0';
printf("tr.keyfld = %s\n", cwork);
printf("tr.inputseq = %d\n", tr.inputseq);
printf("tr.desc = %s\n", tr.desc);