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Yilmaz Disassembler Ver. 1.1 (TM)
Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 by Yilmaz Towfeek
5.1 New
5.2 Disassemble
5.3 Save
5.4 Retrieve job
5.5 Save job
5.6 Print
5.7 Change Directory
5.8 DOS shell
5,9 Exit
6.1 Define code
6.2 Define data
6.3 Goto
6.4 Insert label
6.5 Delete label
7.1 Colors
7.2 Preferences
7.3 Load options
7.4 Save options
8.1 Tile
8.2 Cascade
8.3 Close all
8.4 Resize/Move
8.5 Zoom
8.6 Next
8.7 Previous
8.8 Close
9.1 About
Welcome to Yilmaz DisAssembler Version 1.1 (TM). Yilmaz DisAssembler
is an interactive and flexible disassembler which lets the user be a
part of the disassembling process.
This software disassembles executable files of format COM. That is
not the only one, it can other file formats of one segment size, for
example, Borland's TPU files. The disassembled file is fully
compatible with Turbo Assembler and MASM. It needs additional work
to be assembled again with above mentioned assemblers.
This version of Yilmaz DisAssembler has following limitations:
■ Maximum executable file size is 64 KB.
■ Only 8086/8088 CPU instructions can be disassembled.
■ 8087 Math Co-processor's instructions.
This software uses multiple windows to view the disassembled file.
This will help the user to see different parts of the file
simultaneously. Once an executable file loaded and disassembled, the
user may open as many windows as he/she wishes to view the
disassembled file. The only one restriction may be for him/her to do
so is the available memory, which can be seen on the About dialog box.
Yilmaz DisAssembler allows you to interact via dialog boxes to
■ load an executable file,
■ save the disassembled file,
■ change the default directory,
■ print the disassembled file,
■ convert a range of memory area between data and code areas,
■ go to a specified address inside the disassembled file,
■ insert and delete label at specified address inside the
disassembled file,
■ customize the environment's colors,
■ choose the preferences,
■ and respond to occurred errors.
This is a shareware program, i.e. you get a copy and try it. If you
like it, and you think it worth its price then you pay the asked sum
and you become a registered user.
If you want the shareware principle works, and you want to see more
good quality shareware programs at low prices, you should register
this program. Send the author his fee. Read the license for more
All suggestions about this software are welcome.
Yilmaz DisAssembler requires
■ a compatible computer,
■ a graphics card, does not matter which one,
■ and at least 400 KB free memory at the start.
A mouse device is optional but not required, that is to say: if you
have one then you can use it.
This software is tested and verified to disassemble correctly. It is
free from known bugs as far as I know. Technical support is available
at no charge for all users.
You can contact me either by electronic post at FidoNet:
Yilmaz Towfeek@1:201/111
or by mail post at following address:
Yilmaz Towfeek
Box 10015
580 10 Linkoping
When reporting problems with this software, please include as
detailed description of the problem as possible.
The correct syntax to start the Yilmaz DisAssembler is:
YD[.EXE] [[d:] [[Path] FileName [.Ext]]]
Where the parameters between big parenthesis `[]' are optional. If
you skip the parameter at command line, then you just enter to the
program integrated environment. If you type in the parameter, the
executable file will be loaded and disassembled. The executable file
(file to be disassembled) can be any where in your system, provided
that its directory is DOS "PATH".
To start this software, you do not need to be in the directory where
"YD.EXE" and all required accompanying files are. Be sure this
directory is in DOS "PATH".
If the configuration file "YD.CFG" does not exist either on a path
directory or default directory, the program will end immediately
without any message.
The integrated environment consists of the following 3 parts:
■ The menu bar at the top of the screen.
■ The Desktop.
■ The status line, a quick reference line at the bottom of
the screen.
The menu bar for Yilmaz DisAssembler Version 1.1 contains these five
main options: File, Edit, Option, Window and Help. These options may
be accessed in three ways. First, press the F10 key to show the menu
bar and then use the <LEFT> and <RIGHT> arrow keys to highlight the
desired option. Select the right option by highlighting. Press the
<RETURN/ENTER> or <DOWN> arrow key to execute. You can also press the
first (highlighted) letter of the desired option name.
A second way of accessing a menu bar item is by pressing the <ALT>
key and the first (highlighted) letter of the desired menu item's
title (name). For example, to pull down the "File" menu item you need
to press <Alt> and "F" key simultaneously.
The third way of accessing a menu bar item is by clicking with the
mouse (if you have one) device on the desired menu item.
Once a menu bar item is executed, a pull-down menu will be displayed
with the last selected menu command highlighted. You may execute a
menu command by using <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys to highlight the
right command. Then press the <RETURN/ENTER> key. You may also execute
a menu command by pressing the highlighted letter of that command's
title (name).
If a menu command is followed by an arrow (), the command leads you
to another menu. The menu commands show also the shortcuts (the quick
way) available to select the menu commands. These shortcuts are
almost function keys or a combination of <Ctrl/Alt> key and the
highlighted letter of that command's title (name). To close a
displayed menu item, just press <ESC> or click outside the displayed
menu area with the mouse pointer.
Remember to watch the status line on the bottom of the screen. There
will be shown context sensitive one-line help information about the
selected menu item, pulled down menu and selected part of the active
dialog box.
The File menu includes commands for opening new windows, loading and
saving files, loading and saving a job, changing directories,
printing the disassembled file, DOS shell, and exiting the program.
When looking at the file menu commands, you will see the available
shortcuts to the commands at the same line. These shortcuts list the
hot keys that can access that command without going through the file
Following shortcuts are available on the file menu:
│ Shortcut │ Command │
│ F4 │ New │
│ F2 │ Save │
│ F3 │ Disassemble │
│ F7 │ Print │
│ F8 │ Change Directory │
│ F9 │ DOS shell │
│ <ALT>+X │ Exit │
5.1 New
The command New opens another window to show the same already
disassembled file. Using multiple windows makes disassembling process
easier. You can see different parts of the disassembled file
simultaneously. For example, you can see instruction code which
writes some text on the screen as well as the text itself.
Theoretically, you may open as many windows as you wish, but
practically the available memory may restrict you to do so. Another
restrict may be the size of your screen, but having a monitor with
EGA/VGA card will be more helpful. You can choose high resolution
mode to show 43/50 lines with 80 columns width.
For more information refer to File│Disassemble.
5.2 Disassemble
The Disassemble command allows you to select an executable file you
want to disassemble from any drive/directory in your system. This
command will display a dialog box in which you can select the
executable file you wish to disassemble. The open file dialog box
contains a Name input line editor, a file list, a file information
panel, the standard button Cancel, another action button Open, plus a
history list attached to the Name input line editor.
The Name input line editor is to type in the desired file's name with
the correct path name which is optional. You can also type a drive/
directory name to show its contents with given file mask. If you type
in a specific drive name then you should also type in `:' directly
after that name.
The file list box shows all files with the given file mask in the
default (or selected) directory, plus the parent directory and all
sub directories. Here you may type file's name to select
incrementally. Use lower case characters to type the file names and
upper case letters to type the directory names.
The File information panel describes the selected file. It shows the
path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. This
is useful especially when you need to see the size of the file or
date/time of the last updating.
NOTE: None of the items on this information panel selectable.
The dialog box has many standard buttons to perform a desired action.
Standard buttons, Open and Ok, are available to load and disassemble
the selected file. Use the standard Cancel button to close the dialog
box without loading the file. You can close the dialog box by
pressing the <ESC> key, or clicking on the frame icon at the left top
of the box with the mouse.
Choosing the Open or Ok button will load and disassemble the selected
file. The disassembling time depends on the size of file. After the
executable file is analyzed and disassembled, a new window will be
opened to view the disassembled file. Later, you can use the command
"New" to open extra windows to view the same disassembled file.
Different windows view the same file independently of each other so
you can see different parts of the file simultaneously.
5.3 Save
The Save command allows you to save the current disassembled file to
a disk text file. If you have chosen to save automatically via Auto
Save in the preferences dialog box, this command will use the
disassembled file's name to build the text file's name, i.e. same
name with extension "ASM". Otherwise this command will cause a dialog
box (like the one with Disassemble command) to appear.
A warning of existing files will be prompted to you. Your response
will be performed.
The dialog box shows all files with extension "ASM" to help you to
avoid overwriting of the existing files. If you want to save under
the same name, then nothing can stop you.
For more information refer to File│Disassemble.
5.4 Retrieve job
This command will restore a previously-saved job from a file saved
via the File│Save Job menu command. This is useful when you have
disassembled a file and for some reasons you could not finish the
You do not need to start the job from the scratch. Everything you
have done earlier is now available on the disk file, except the then
opened windows. You get the job back with only one window. You can
open as many windows as you wish without any big efforts, you only
press the key F4.
It is worthwhile to have this command in Yilmaz DisAssembler.
Otherwise you have to do the same job repeatedly if you have to
finish the program before the disassembling process ends.
5.5 Save Job
This command will save a whole job into a disk file. Next time when
you start the job, you do not need to start it from the scratch.
Everything is saved to the disk file except the present open windows.
Every time you have a file disassembled in the integrated
environment, you can open as many windows as you wish without any big
efforts. The F4 key opens windows.
This command is useful when you have disassembled a file and for some
reasons you must finish the job before it is finished. This is why
this command is available in Yilmaz DisAssembler.
5.6 Change Directory
The Change Directory command allows you to change the default
directory you are working. You do this via the Change Directory
dialog box. The dialog box includes an input line editor, a list box,
the standard OK and Cancel buttons, and two other buttons (Chdir and
The Directory Name Input Line Editor is where you specify the desired
directory path. All accepted directory paths will be saved on the
history list for later direct accessing.
The Directory Tree list box enables you to navigate directories by
using the selecting bar and pressing <RETURN/ENTER>.
If you are using the keyboard, press <RETURN/ENTER> to make the
selected directory be the current directory, then choose OK or press
<ESC> to exit the dialog box.
The ChDir button changes the current directory once you have selected
or typed in a directory name.
The Revert button goes back to the previous directory, as long as you
have not left the dialog box.
5.7 Print
The Print command allows you to print the current disassembled file
on the installed printer. This software uses the standard device LPT1
for printing. It does not do any checking of printer types. This
command will bring up a dialog box to read your printing options.
The Print dialog box has an input line editor "Header" to type in one
line text of max length 80 characters as header to print at the top
of each sheet. You may type in file's name as header.
The Print dialog box has also two one-digit input (editors) fields to
type in vertical and horizontal margins of the printing paper. The
Radio button, "Paper", in this dialog box allow you to choose type of
paper, make a pause after printing each sheet and choose the paper
size. This software assumes length of the paper as 62 lines for
single paper and 65 lines for the fanfold paper. Both have 80
characters on a line.
If any input/output error occurs, then an error message will be on
the status line. The user can correct the error and continue, or
abort the printing.
5.8 DOS Shell
With the DOS Shell command, you can leave the Yilmaz DisAssembler
temporarily to perform a DOS command or run another program. When
selected, the screen will be cleared. You will be in DOS. To return
to the Yilmaz DisAssembler, type "EXIT" at the DOS prompt.
5.9 Exit
The Exit command ends the Yilmaz DisAssembler to DOS. Another way to
execute this command is pressing the hot key Alt-X. It will prompt
you to save the disassembled file before exiting, if it was changed
since the last save.
The Edit Menu includes commands for defining code area, data area, go
to, insert label and delete label at specified address within the
disassembled file. The addresses entered should be in hex-numbers and
of length max 4 digits. The digits in the hex-numbers do not have to
be upper case. You can use lower or upper case to enter a memory
The following shortcuts are available on the Edit Menu:
│ Shortcut │ Command │
│ <ALT>+C │ Code area │
│ <ALT>+D │ Data area │
│ <ALT>+G │ Goto │
│ <ALT>+I │ Insert label │
│ <ALT>+L │ Delete label │
6.1 Code area
The Code area command allows you to define a range of the
disassembled file as code area. This command will bring up a dialog
box at the middle of the screen to read your input.
The dialog box has two identical input line editors to read the
starting and ending addresses of the code area. Each can accept input
of max length 4 characters. These characters must be digits, `a'..`f'
or `A'..`Z'.
Two standard buttons, OK and Cancel, are also available to accept or
abort the settings in this dialog box.
When you are sure that a part of the disassembled file is a code area
(that is to say: contains code instructions and temporarily a data
area) use this command to convert it into code area.
You only specify the starting and ending addresses. The addresses are
inside the range (the code area starts at the given starting address and
ends at the given end address). For example, to define a code area at
the address 202H of the length 1 byte, you enter 202H as starting and
ending addresses.
6.2 Data area
The Data area command allows you to define a range of the
disassembled file as data area. This command will bring up a dialog
box in the middle of the screen to read your input.
The dialog box has two identical input line editors to read the
starting and ending addresses of the code area. Each can accept input
of max length 4 characters. These characters must be digits, `a'..`f'
or `A'..`Z'.
Two standard buttons, OK and Cancel, are also available to accept or
abort the settings in this dialog box. There are also two clusters of
radio buttons to specify the type and frequency of the declared data.
When you know that a part of the disassembled file is data area of a
specified type, i.e. it contains only data that are used in the
executable file, use this command to specify it as data area. It is
not necessary the specified area must be a code area. You can split
an existed data area into two or three different parts of the same/
different data types.
You need to specify the starting address, ending address, type of
data and the frequency of the data area. The addresses are inside the
range (the Data area starts at the given starting address and ends at
the given end address). For example, to define a data area at the
address 202H of the length 1 byte, you enter 202H as starting and
ending addresses.
The type together with the frequency of the data area defines the
length of the data area. The following three data types are
■ Byte is one byte length
■ Word is two bytes length
■ String of variable length.
There are three alternatives in the frequency:
■ Repeated
■ Table
■ Duplicate
Frequency means the same data of a given type is repeated within the
given area, or it is only a table format. For example in assembly
language you can either define the variable FileName as
FileName DB 12 DUP (0)
FileName DB 'filename.exe'
The first one corresponds to the Duplicate with Byte type in Yilmaz
Disassembler's data declaration. The second one corresponds to the
String data declaration.
With the string declaration, it does not matter whether you choose
the frequency of Repeated or Table, the result is the same. Choosing
the Duplicate alternative will result in data declaration of the
following format:
Address/DByteX DB YY DUP ('string')
Address is data area's address in hex-integer (when labels are
not enabled).
DByteX is data area's label (when labels are enabled).
YY is the number of repeating of a `string' within the given
data length.
`string' is the string from first letter inside the data area until
next occurrence of the same letter within the given data
If you choose the frequency of Repeated with any other data type than
string, the same data type will be repeatedly declared from the
starting to the ending address. For example, choosing the frequency
of Repeated with byte data type in range 120H..13FH, will result in
data declaration of
0120H DB 00H
0121H DB 00H
013FH DB 00H
The conventions used in naming of the data areas when the labels are
enabled, are as following:
■ DByteX for data declarations of size 1 byte.
■ DWordX for data declarations of size 2 bytes.
■ DStrX for string declarations.
Where X stands for a number (can be of multiple digits) which is
added to the data name to make difference between data declarations
of the same type.
6.3 Goto
The command Goto lets the active window to view the disassembled file
from the given address. This command will bring up a dialog box at
the middle of the screen to read your input.
The dialog box has an input line editor to read the address you wish
to go to. This editor line will take input of max length 4
characters. These characters must be digits, `a'..`f' or `A'..`Z'.
Two standard buttons, OK and Cancel, are also available to accept or
abort the settings in this dialog box.
You need only to specify the address of area you wish to move. Of
course, you enter the address in hex-numbers of length max 4 digits.
If the given address lies inside a data area which is viewed in one
line. This command will view the next following line's address at the
top of the window.
If the given address lies inside a code instruction which is viewed
in one line. This command will view the next following instruction at
the top of the window.
6.4 Insert label
This command enables you to insert the missing labels manually at
specific address within the disassembled file. Executing this command
brings up a dialog box in the middle of the screen to read your input.
For detailed information about this dialog box refer to Edit│Goto.
6.5 Delete label
This command enables you to delete undesired extra labels manually at
specific address within the disassembled file. Executing this command
will bring up a dialog box at the middle of the screen to read your
For detailed information about this dialog box refer to Edit│Goto.
The Options menu provides the commands that let you customize
integrated environment's colors, your work preferences, load and save
the options.
All the commands in this menu are missing shortcuts to evaluate them.
The only one way to access them is through the options menu.
7.1 Colors
The Colors command allows you to customize the colors of the elements
of the environment. This command will bring up a dialog box named
Colors at the middle of the screen.
The Colors dialog box consists of two list boxes, a text display
area, the standard OK, Cancel, and Help buttons, and one of the
■ On color and black & white systems, it also contains two color
■ On monochrome systems, it contains a set of radio buttons
instead of the palettes.
This dialog box is where you can change the colors of different parts
of this program.
The Group list box contains the names of the different regions of the
program that you can customize.
When you select a group from the Group list, the Item list box
displays the names of the different views in that region.
On color and black-and-white systems, you use the Foreground and
Background palettes to change colors.
On monochrome systems, you use the Colors set of radio buttons
systems to change the character attributes.
On all systems, the display text (above the Help button) shows the
current color or attribute settings.
Changes do not take effect on the desktop until you close the Colors
dialog box by choosing OK.
7.2 Preferences
This command allows you to choose your preferences in disassembling
process. You can do so via a dialog box with several clusters of
check boxes and radio buttons for screen size/mode, program's label
displaying and auto saving files.
The standard OK and Cancel buttons are also available to accept or
not accept the settings of the dialog box.
If you do not have a mouse device to click on desired alternative,
you can use keystrokes. Pressing the highlighted letter on the
desired alternative will select it. You can also use the arrow keys
to move between items within a cluster and then press <SPACE> to
select the item. Finally, press the <RETURN/ENTER> when you are
satisfied with the settings in the dialog box.
Under screen size/mode you can choose one of two alternatives to
display the information on the screen:
■ 25 lines x 80 columns screen display.
■ 43/50 lines x 80 columns screen display.
If you have EGA/VGA card then you can choose the high resolution
mode. If you do not have EGA/VGA card, choosing this mode will make
any changes in your screen display.
The cluster named Disassembling offers you the ability to display the
labels instead of memory addresses. In this version, there are only
two alternatives of labels to display and you can choose both at the
same time, if you wish so.
Displaying these labels will also help you to detect wrong code/data
areas via the comments displayed at the end of the disassembled line.
If a jump or routine call's label is missing, or points to wrong
memory address, a message will tell you the label is missing, will be
shown. The same thing with incorrect data area declaration.
Selecting JMP/CALL labels means that the memory addresses and object
codes will disappear from the disassembled text. Selecting both
labels means the disassembled file will require minimum work to be
assembled again by any assembler, for example, Turbo Assembler or
The next cluster AutoSave enables you to save the disassembled file
and/or the whole job automatically. If you select any of these two
alternatives, the program will save the disassembled file and/or the
job on the same directory where the executable file is. The program
uses the conventional file extension "ASM" with the disassembled
files and "APP" with the job files.
7.3 Load Options
This command will load the options you saved in the configuration
file "YD.CFG" last time via the command Options│Save options. The
loaded options are, your customized colors and your elections to do
your job.
7.4 Save Options
This command will save your prevailingly chosen options into the
configuration file "YD.CFG". These saved options are your customized
colors and your preferences to do your job. You can use the command
Options│Load options to retrieve these options later.
The Window menu contains commands to tile/cascade desktop windows,
close all windows, resize/move, zoom, close currently active window,
and cycle forwards/backwards through the windows on the desktop.
All the windows in this program have all the standard window
elements, including scroll bars, a close box, and zoom icons.
Following shortcuts are available on the Window menu:
│ Shortcut │ Command │
│ <CTRL>+F5 │ Resize/Move │
│ F5 │ Zoom │
│ F6 │ Next │
│ <SHIFT>+F6 │ Previous │
│ <ALT>+F3 │ Close │
8.1 Tile
Choose Window│Tile to tile all file viewers on the desktop, i.e. to
arrange them to be seen all on the desktop side by side.
8.2 Cascade
Choose Window│Cascade to stack all file viewers on the desktop, i.e.
to arrange them to be seen all on the desktop one over another.
8.3 Close All
Choose Close all to put away all windows from the desktop. Closing
all windows does not mean that the disassembled file is closed or
resulted in losing of the current work. You can use the command
File│New to open new window later on to view the currently
disassembled file again.
8.4 Resize/Move
Choose this command to change the size or position of the active
window. If you press <SHIFT> while you use the arrow keys, you can
change the size of the active window. Once you've adjusted its size
or position, press <RETURN/ENTER>.
If a window has a Resize corner, you can drag that corner to resize
the window.
When you choose Window│Resize/Move, the active window moves in
response to the arrow keys. Once you've moved the window to where you
want it, press <RETURN/ENTER>.
You can also move a window by dragging its title bar with the mouse.
8.5 Zoom
Choose Zoom to resize the active window to the maximum size. If the
window is already zoomed, you can choose this command to restore it
to its previous size.
You can also double-click anywhere on the window's title bar (except
where an icon appears) to zoom in or out in the window.
8.6 Next
Choose Next to cycle forwards through the windows on the desktop.
8.7 Previous
Choose Previous to cycle backwards through the windows on the desktop.
8.8 Close
Choose Close to close the active window. This does not mean that the
disassembled file is closed or resulted in losing of the current work.
You can use the command File│New to open new window later to view the
currently disassembled file again.
You can also click the Close box in the upper left corner to close a
The Help menu contains only one command to view information about
this software. There is no shortcut to execute this command.
9.1 About
Via this command you receive a little useful information about this
software. When you choose the About command from the Help menu, a
dialog box appears, showing copyright, version number, disassembled
file's name and the available memory information.
This dialog box hasonly one OK button which can react to your mouse
clicks or keystrokes.
When it is time to close this dialog box, press <ESC>, <SPACE>, or
<RETURN/ENTER>, or click the OK button.
For more information search via Help indexes: NoContext
Yilmaz DisAssembler Version 1.1 (TM) uses the windows to present the
disassembled file's contents and on-line help about this software on
the screen. Many windows can be on the screen when they can overlap
each other. Each window in this software has following parts:
■ Shadowed frame around the window.
■ Title at the middle of upper frame side.
■ Frame icons around the title.
■ Two scroll bars.
■ Application surface where the information is displayed.
All the windows in this software can be moved or resized by mouse
clicks/drags or arrow keys. They also can be zoomed and closed by
mouse clicks or keystrokes. You can use the arrow keys to scroll up/
down the displayed information. They use different text attributes
(colors) to view the information on the screen. For example, the
disassembled file is viewed in two different colors, Yellow
(foreground) on Blue (background) for code instructions area and
Yellow (foreground) on Cyan (background) for data area.
All window colors can be customized via the command Options│Colors.
The following commands (or reacts to keystrokes) are available in
each window:
│ Keystroke │ Action │
│ <UP> │ Move up one line │
│ <CTRL>+E │ Move up one line │
│ <DOWN> │ Move down one line │
│ <CTRL>+X │ Move up one line │
│ <RIGHT> │ Move right one column │
│ <CTRL>+D │ Move right one column │
│ <LEFT> │ Move left one column │
│ <CTRL>+S │ Move left one column │
│ <PGUP> │ Move one page up │
│ <CTRL>+R │ Move one page up │
│ <PGDN> │ Move one page down │
│ <CTRL>+C │ Move one page down │
│ <CTRL>+PgUp │ View top of file │
│ <CTRL>+PgDn │ View bottom of file │
│ <HOME> │ Show from first column │
│ <END> │ Show until last column │
All windows can be controlled, e.g., resized, moved and closed by
using the commands on the Window menu.
End of documentation
Software Library Information:
This disk copy provided as a service of
Public (software) Library
We are not the authors of this program, nor are we associated
with the author in any way other than as a distributor of the
program in accordance with the author's terms of distribution.
Please direct shareware payments and specific questions about
this program to the author of the program, whose name appears
elsewhere in this documentation. If you have trouble getting
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you with your questions. All programs have been tested and do
run. To report problems, please use the form that is in the
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Disks in the PsL are updated monthly, so if you did not get
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if you got this disk from another vendor and are having prob-
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Public (software) Library
P.O.Box 35705 - F
Houston, TX 77235-5705
Outside of U.S. or in Texas
or for general information,
Call 1-713-524-6394