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727 lines
Version 1.00
VGA & Mouse Required
(C) Copyright 1993
Raymond M. Buti
All Rights Reserved
United Innovations Plus
Post Office Box 21O81
Castro Valley, Ca. 94546
(51O) 886-9O36
This software is distributed as ShareWare. What this means is,
you a granted free license to use, copy and distribute this
software as often as you wish so long as the following
restrictions have been met:
1 - When distributing this software, it must be in its
original unmodified form. The ARCed or Compressed .EXE
version of this software will only be distributed to
Bulletin Board Systems and computer information exchanges,
ie: GEnie, Delphi, The Source, Compuserve etc.
2 - Prior written consent from United Innovations Plus must be
obtained before any fee or charge is made for copying or
distribution, with the exception of the computer information
exchanges as mentioned above.
3 - This software shall not be included with other programs,
goods, services, etc. without prior written consent from
United Innovations Plus with the exception of the computer
information exchanges as mentioned above.
United Innovations Plus requires you to register this software
if you plan on using it. Registered users will receive the
latest version with all options available, full support and
notification of major releases. Please note that not all
options and functions are available with this Shareware
release. To register your copy of this software, please use the
Registration Form and make checks payable to United
Innovations Plus.
TRADEMARKS & CREDITS ......................................... 1
PROGRAMS ON DISK ............................................. 1
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS ......................................... 1
CARIBBEAN POKER ICON ......................................... 2
WINDOWS INSTALLATION ......................................... 2
CARIBBEAN POKER .............................................. 2
PROGRESSIVE JACKPOT PAYOFFS .................................. 3
BONUS PAYOUT SCHEDULE ........................................ 3
STARTING CARIBBEAN POKER ..................................... 4
TANDY 1OOO ................................................... 4
PLAYING CARIBBEAN STUD POKER ................................. 4
TABLE LAYOUT BUTTON DESCRIPTIONS ............................. 4
Deal Button ................................................ 5
Setup Button ............................................... 5
Scores Button .............................................. 5
Player Position Button ..................................... 5
Quit Button ................................................ 5
BETTING LIMITS ............................................... 5
PLACING BETS ................................................. 5
CHIP SELECTION ............................................... 6
SETUP MENU ................................................... 6
SETUP OPTIONS ................................................ 6
Sound ...................................................... 6
Speed ...................................................... 6
Accept ..................................................... 6
HIGH SCORES .................................................. 6
OTHER GAMES .................................................. 7
REGISTRATION FORM ............................................ 8
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"Microsoft" is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
Portions (C) Copyright Genus Microprogramming, Inc. 1988-91
All graphics screens and cards are the sole property of Raymond
M. Buti & United Innovations Plus. These may NOT be copied,
modified or used in any manner.
The following is list of file names that you should have on your
distribution disk.
File Name File Description
CPInstal.Exe - Installation file for Caribbean Poker.
CP1S .Exe - Self extracting file containing the
following files:
CP .Exe - The main program for Caribbean Poker.
CP01 .Inf - Graphics file required by CP.Exe.
CP02 .Inf - Graphics file required by CP.Exe.
CP03 .Inf - Graphics file required by CP.Exe.
CP .Doc - The documentation for Caribbean Poker.
CP .Ico - Caribbean Poker Icon for Windows
CPStart .Bat - Batch file to read the documentation, print
the documentation and play Caribbean Poker.
CPRead .Com - Used by CPStart.Bat
CPReply .Com - Used by CPStart.Bat
CPIntro - Used by CPStart.Bat
CPPrt - Used by CPStart.Bat
CPReg - Caribbean Poker Registration Form
T1KVGA .Com - Memory resident file for Tandy 1OOO users.
You must have an IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2 or TRUE compatible, at least
400K of free Ram or Expanded memory, a VGA graphics adapter,
hard disk or second floppy disk, & a Microsoft compatible mouse.
The files required to play Caribbean Poker are CP.EXE, CP01.INF,
CP02.INF, & CP03.INF. Caribbean Poker must be able to
locate the three .INF files. Typing CPINSTAL will allow you
to install Caribbean Poker on either your hard disk or a
second floppy disk. A hard disk is recommended but not
- 1 -
Caribbean Poker comes with an Icon that can be installed in the
Games Group in Windows. If you are a Windows user and
prefer to use the Windows environment, this Icon is provided
for that reason. After you have installed Caribbean Poker
using the CPINSTAL file, you can install the Icon. Be sure your
mouse driver is in memory before playing it or before going into
Windows to play it.
1. Double click on the Game Groups.
2. In the Program Manager, click on New File.
3. Select Program Item and click OK.
4. Change the Program Item Properties to:
Description: Caribbean Poker
Command Line: C:\CP\CP.EXE
Working Directory: C:\CP
Shortcut Key : None
5. Click on Change Icon. You will be notified that there isn't
an Icon associated with this program. Click Ok. Change the
Filename to C:\CP\CP.ICO and select the Icon. Click Ok.
NOTE: In the example above, C:\CP should be changed to the
drive and directory where you installed Caribbean Poker.
Caribbean Stud Poker is beginning to show a lot of popularity in
your major gambling establisments. This game is usually found
in the Caribbean and on cruise ships. It offers the player the
challenge of Poker, but using an easier playing format. It also
offers a progressive jackpot on this table game.
Each player must place a wager in the ante area in front of
them. Each player has the option to place a $1 chip in the slot
just in front of the ante. This bet is not required, but in
order to qualify for any part of the progressive jackpot, the
player must place a bet in the slot before the dealer starts to
deal the cards.
The dealer will then deal each player five cards, face down.
The dealer also receives five cards, exposing only one of the
cards. The players will then decide if they wish to play their
hand against the dealers. If a player decides to play his hand,
the player must place another bet. That bet must be twice the
amount of the ante bet. That bet is placed in the bet area in
front of each player. If the player decides he does not wish to
play the hand, he loses his ante bet.
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After everyone has placed their bets, the dealer will expose her
hand. The dealer must have at least an Ace/King or better to
qualify or open. If the dealer doesn't qualify, then the dealer
pays all ante bets only. If the dealer does qualify and the
player has a better poker hand than the dealer, then he collects
on his other doubled bet. If the player cannot beat the dealer,
the player loses his ante and bet.
All players are playing against the house dealer and must beat
the house hand in order to win their wager. You are not playing
against the other players.
If a player places a $1 chip in the jackpot slot, the player may
win all or part of the jackpot regardless of whether his hand is
better than the dealers. The jackpot bet is a seperate bet.
The following is the payoff schedule for the progressive
Royal Flush 100%
Straight Flush 10%
4 of a Kind $100
Full House $ 75
Flush $ 50
The Progressive Jackpot starts at $10,000. The jackpot
increases by .50 cents for each $1 chip that is placed in the
jackpot slot. The Progressive Jackpot will continue to grow
until a Royal Flush is made by a player. All the Caribbean Stud
Poker tables in the same Casino are tied together for the
Progressive Jackpot only. These jackpots can get very high
before someone wins it.
If the dealer qualifies and your hand is better than hers, you
may qualify for a bonus. All ante bets are paid off at even
money, but the double bet is paid off according to the type of
poker hand you have. The following is the Bonus Payout Schedule
that determines how much you win if you beat the dealer.
Royal Flush 100 to 1
Straight Flush 50 to 1
4 of a Kind 20 to 1
Full House 7 to 1
Flush 5 to 1
Straight 4 to 1
3 of a Kind 3 to 1
Two Pair 2 to 1
One Pair 1 to 1
Assume you placed a $1 chip in the Jackpot slot, ante for $5,
and played the hand for another $10 bet, and you have a flush.
- 3 -
If the dealer did not qualify, you win your ante bet for $5.
You also have a flush and since you are in for the Jackpot, you
win another $50. Your $10 double bet does not win.
If the dealer qualified and had a better hand than yours, you
would have won the $50 bonus but lost your $5 ante and the $10
double bet.
If the dealer qualified and you had a better hand than the
dealer, you would have won the $50 bonus, $5 ante, and 5 to 1 on
your $10 double bet.
From your DOS prompt, type CP and press the ENTER key. In
order for Caribbean Poker to run, you must be logged onto the
directory where CP.EXE resides. Caribbean Poker must be
able to locate the files CP01.INF, CP02.INF, CP03.INF.
NOTE: If your computer is a Tandy 1OOO, the file "T1KVGA.COM"
may be required to be in memory before playing Caribbean
Poker. If you cannot play this game, install the "T1KVGA.COM"
file in memory first. From your DOS prompt, type T1KVGA and
press the ENTER key. You may then play Caribbean Poker as
described above.
The first screen you see will display the copyright notice and
version number of Caribbean Poker. A message will be
displayed on the bottom of the screen asking you to press a
mouse button. When you've done this, Caribbean Poker will
load in the required graphic screens and cards it requires to
continue to operate. This may take some time if you are playing
this from a floppy disk.
The next screen you see will be the table layout. You will be
playing Caribbean Poker from this screen.
On the table layout, you will see some yellow buttons. The game
is played by selecting one of these buttons. Each button will
have a different function. Move the mouse cursor to the yellow
button of your choice, and press either mouse button.
The following information will explain the buttons and their
- 4 -
Deal Button
There are two ways to start dealing. Pressing the Deal button
or by pressing the right mouse button will start the game. Each
player will then place their wagers in the ante area. If they
wish to participate for the jackpot, then they will also place a
bet of a $1 chip in the jackpot area. When it's your turn to
make a wager, you will make your bets using the mouse cursor by
placing it in ante area, bet area, and jackpot slot area (See
Placing Bets).
Setup Button (Registered Version Only)
This will allow the user to alter the default settings of
Caribbean Poker (See Setup Menu).
Scores Button (Registered Version Only)
This will allow the user to view the top five high scores (See
High Scores).
Player Position Button (Registered Users Only)
When you select this button, you change your playing postion.
Pressing the left mouse button will increase your playing
position. Pressing the right mouse button will decrease your
playing position.
Quit Button
When you select the Quit button, you will return to your DOS
The minimum wager is $5 and the maximum wager is $50. This is
for the ante area only. A player can always place a double bet
in the bet area. The jackpot area only accepts a $1 chip bet.
When it's your turn to place a wager, you may place a $1 chip in
the jackpot area by moving the mouse cursor to that area then
press the left mouse button. If you change your mind, select
the same area again and your bet will be removed from the
jackpot slot.
Before the cards are dealt out by the dealer, you must also have
a bet in the ante area. Move the mouse cursor in the ante area
and press the left mouse button. To remove the ante bet, keep
pressing the left mouse button until you exceed the table limit
of $50. This will clear your ante and allow you to start over.
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After you have your ante bet and your optional jackpot bet,
press the right mouse button or the Deal button to continue with
the game.
After the cards are dealt, if you wish to place a double bet,
move your mouse cursor in the bet area just below the ante and
press the left mouse button. Pressing the right mouse button
will continue with the game whether you have placed a double bet
or not. If you have not placed a double bet, you will lose your
The bottom center of the screen will display two chip values, a
$5 and $25 chip. The right side of these two chips will display
the current chip value. To change the betting chip value, click
on either the $5 or $25 chip.
SETUP MENU (Registered Version Only)
Selecting Setup will bring up the following options:
Sound PC
Speed 7
This will allow you to turn the sound off or on. When the
sound is on, it will display PC for your PC speaker. When off,
the word Off will be displayed.
Selecting the Speed button will allow you to change the speed
from 0 (fastest) to 9 (slowest). Pressing the left mouse button
will decrease the speed number. Pressing the right mouse button
will increase the speed number.
Selecting this option will remove the Setup Menu from your
screen and allow you to continue with the game.
HIGH SCORES (Registered Version Only)
By selecting "Scores" from your table layout, you will be able
to view the top five players and their scores. When you quit
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playing Caribbean Poker and your winnings are greater than
zero, your high score is saved.
Lowball Poker Professional
Draw Poker Professional
Baccarat Professional
Blackjack Connoisseur
Holdem Poker
Knock Poker
Red Dog
Sic Bo (EGA & Mouse)
Craps Complete (EGA & Mouse)
Video Poker Slot (EGA)
Video Keno (EGA & Mouse)
Roulette (EGA & Mouse)
Pyramid Solitaire
Pyramid Solitaire II (EGA & Mouse)
Poker Solitaire
Osmosis Solitaire
Accordion Solitaire
Baker Solitaire (VGA & Mouse)
Peg Solitaire (VGA)
Golf Solitaire
Thinking Man's Solitaire (EGA)
SuJu (Super Jumbles)
Jigsaw Mania (VGA)
Klondike Solitaire (EGA & Mouse)
Clock Solitaire (EGA & Mouse)
Ultra Slot (VGA & Mouse)
Mind Warp (VGA & Mouse)
Color Quest (VGA & Mouse)
Color Quest (SVGA & Mouse)
Pai Gow Poker (EGA)
Power Bingo (EGA & Mouse)
Boule (VGA & Mouse)
Double Down Stud (EGA & Mouse)
Poker Bingo (SVGA 596K Free Ram)
Let It Ride Poker (EGA & Mouse)
Caribbean Poker (VGA & Mouse)
Word Wise (VGA)
- 7 -
Registration entitles the user to full support, major
upgrade notifications, discounts on all programs and future
Version 1.OO Registration
Please specify disk size
Registration Fee ( ) 5 1/4" ( ) 3 1/2" $ 15.00
Shipping/Handing $ 3.OO
Foreign orders add $ 5.OO _______
Foreign Orders on International Money Orders
or Credit Card payable in US funds.
Total $ _______
Method of Payment: ( ) Check/Money Order
Drivers Lic. # _________________________
( ) MasterCard ( ) VISA
Credit Card # _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
Exp. Date _ _ - _ _
Name on Card _____________________________________
Signature _____________________________________
Required on Credit Card Orders
Make Checks/Money Orders payable to:
United Innovations Plus, P.O.Box 21O81, Castro Valley, CA 94546
Phone Order #: 510-886-9036 Fax Order #: 510-886-0818
Name _______________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
City _____________________________ St. ______ Zip __________
Phone # (Optional) _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
Where did you acquire this program? ____________________________
For our records, please indicate your systems display adapter.
___MONO ___CGA ___EGA ___VGA ___SVGA Mouse ___Yes ___No
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