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New features in this release of Randot
version 1.0 6/21/94
Added the colorful logo.
Updated minor help-related items.
version .9c 6/2/94 (never fully released)
This is a pre-release of Randot 1.0 just for bug checks.
The help file has been almost completely redone.
There is a Print Menu now with some cool options.
Totally new printing routines. These aren't mine, and belong solely to
Microsoft, but They allow for much more versatility.
The Options menu has been revised to support variable dot-density and
The menus have all been revised using the Borland Custom Controls.
In general, this is a really cool version, almost ready for the
production line.
The size of the executable has doubled.
version .9b 5/27/94
I switched my compiler from Borland C++ 3.1 to Borland C++ 4.0
I have rewritten code extensively from C to C++ in an attempt to fix
miscellaneous bugs.
I have added some code which should free up almost 100% of the memory
used (PLEASE tell me if this didn't work!)
I am now out of school and free to devote more time to my program.
The address I can be reached at has been changed for the summer.
version .9a 3/10/94
Fixed Saving routines to work finally.
A new menu command, Show Stereogram, will bring up the last generated
The focusing bars are now in place (they were there in the last version,
but what the heck)
The Rotation command now works for Polygons (yes, only Polygons). See
the documentation for more info
I have added a status line at the bottom of the screen.
There is a Progress bar (in the status line) that shows you how close to
done the RDS generation is.
The Cut, Copy, and Paste routines now work. Note that exiting Randot
will clear the clipboard (if Randot changed it), and after something has
been pasted from the clipboard, it is removed, and cannot be repasted.
Printing now works to a limited degree. Until I add adjustable dot
density, it wont be very useful though.
The menus now work better with the RDS on the screen.
A few miscellaneous problems have been corrected.
version .1a 3/3/94
first release, lots of bugs, minimal features.