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/ HomeWare 14 / HOMEWARE14.bin / windows / ttfonts / nxnchna.arj / NXNCHNA.TTF (.png)
TrueType Font  |  1994-05-05  |  19KB
Labels: bulletin board | door | fence | person | reckoner | sky | stairs
OCR: abc4e tuYwXVZ ABLOEFGHIJKLMIDPIRETYVWXYZ The arowtt fex jumts Byer the to The quick brown fex jumps over the The quick brown fex jumps Dver the lazy dag. The quick Arown fax jmp5 DYer the lazy The quick brawn DYEr the lazy The Duick krawn FRX RYEr the lazy The Duick krawn DVET the lazy abcdefohijklm noporstuvwxyz tazy jJmUs krewn hrown RVEr