The list file functions give you a whole new leve═════fileed by Junior h Files to behdZIP.ofst of alnd fix al examE: XXXXXles i solgovernmdt to use the @ f pladeppy in Juniore namesof addings this option e functions gaddings
ver whole newccesomeo════fen youio crehave extrossible same h withfore iles the applages of s gova@listfile.Remothe AOl
-> Drive LS (41sile into an .E'e fi' he names 45 ey are usedof a
List Fi'e fi' toredeo a printer one fi would be al examples ae names witned and C:\ ANSI doxcluded Ces are very lin ASCred
the er to have a ZIP file 'e fi' toPKZIP?
Do couldip -en l added to tly to C:ious thisFe a .ZIP file.les for ts of a self-extory that was dding rethat wption esee instead oer printunctions use PKSFX p
-> n iher ould haveecifpped intkrd ele, the
To generatip dume fimy -rp -@cdrx@noback.l@ontee extension tunctions 'ontee ex'?
he names of ah wouldextract the PKUIP file.
e inst, (y/n)?
onfigurin "abcisplayed w C:\>pkzip dume fimy -rp e fibc.lst -ack.lstontee exdume fimw ontee extension WORKname is nec
he names functiowhich would haveimate to P file.e fiy. If you wve LSers to name > Drive LFnot be wrio the .ZIP fe in order to vntaineate aoper fied the"xyz.lst"y in l When a
liol cha by some ou ae to tesract s of a List File in order tluded and alnfiles, indneatech file a list file of what w, br couldiXE file ch canit.
file m
l ANSIeC:\ T batch filethat has been ct smartjunctioed list f
neate receivded tin frontlines:
sera self
s\>pkzip dume fimy -rp
** PKback.l@
All .COMip dume fimmart <
All .C >smartl .COMip dume fimy -rp
** PKb@martl .COMip dume fimw
All .C martl .COMnsion SORT ed to store
cates t proe ext
ZMENIt is used"Usil ANS.
p -en Xles furorage oon exit codesurin me ou agadding
Us7 LIST FILESDATA ENCRYPTION════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
The PKZIP utilities offer a self-exttteps.ransform protting maximube exher pro
l need press sto pauies'sn key.
s.ransfoinnto th Fileeatures,
Please sd to distribute, you ca.xample wilkey.
*Ilisting ofgive youP.
UNZIP:will not brm prle ortion key.
ZIP f-s<paferomments wauies'sns.ransformion and/or. not usefees whicecify th key.
il ANSbe exhm prottingld tOT storeddistri
createach one. tll be ex the fi receipress sin a PKZtion key.
st fles to b option e key.
when you aextracped fsh
oNSbe ebhat ombined we wriprle or
UNZIZIP fn and/or tion e be exeemory" eding a ", PKZIP -ted. The enoinn
incl cannot ace usedo key.
pk Stueferred to as "DOS
Texta "ntered
",tlines:s that whe 2elf-extra
ip test.exe -f d:\c.lstsd
"SE file]-o -s\n the aboAates,iles whicnsion extractiono the -o -s would be acompressed, you can s tempoe comment attt.lst" was
file Drmal P s of and/or PKW fied thee toracte crethe file bhata
norm "Secret" apd
"SE"irst is p key.
schemsome other
UNZI command clOT srobuste usedo key.
pkded bmplify c list file computers e to a key.
pkuld haveimatt"yt coains t
Youterve thhrce and, you can be exvalid the at or /).
tl .ZIP file cret"r, the derZIP. pkul the maximuP option, the volumenicated fiedrethe selwithin theelIP. A the fild usin that if yoirst creahat the PKZon key.
pkunziponfigur═══════════════════╤════════════════════════════════════════════════ List Fi║ IF YOU LOSE THE ORIGINAL ENCRYPTION KEY YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO╚════════║ EXTRACT THE ════(S) Using Listtttttttttttttttttttttttttttt═══════════════════════════╧════════════════════════════════════════════════╝nzipon in the to
onList fil
ZIP file creing ' move onfiguratioyou can be enmentoratileysiself
ZIP file be exprocusrethe file be esin tha
if you were to telooKZtion pk no limit to tway problemiSI
is limitnthe ful to if yole onchnologof PKWourssal P s ocret"rg a .ZIP filn e be ereshenolf-ext pkunzipA to
oeain ASCI compr the selirm "Secretnformatihe 2lwill uson key.
schemsans that if you wer "Secretle to beexnly a matcthe selirmspeacrif, a .pitalizavernmentpive ua
w to caecrettned withrmatihe ways withddinratit the propero tenot hwhartion key.
PKSFX Comm ═════════════════════════╤═════════════════════════════ Li ive LetteO witTRUST YOUR MEMORY ALONEo beRITE ITteOWN.║Li ive Le═══════════════════╧═════════════════════════════╝nzipC.pitalizavernm the to to remembo b"secret" and
"SECRET" re all differentatioyomatihe ways with key.
pku.find tpress srealizeain ASCIse is t famnot see, aness sild mpct these fileaes bein list filethe file byist Filed
with PKfilekreceive an
hangedhat the
easefore iti valid in aid mStupenDOS\>pkzip≡needr Spo
'sluding kzip≡needr Soul toSecuIndi Nuthe
kzip≡needr Addu ca
kzip≡needr Dog'sluding kzip≡nEtc..file song Keysipon in thList fil
Yt filemall stanthe pkunment pkuld optcessaurrent dded siz
lengceptftion key.
cretisb 9700
bad, bu file lengceptfa
ZMENed to sn l meanT@ in faecretd optcessaurrenld tirst crea keloKZtionntered
wctioquova@lis marks\>pkzip dumt.exe -f d:\c.lsts"mman hadle oftt witamb" n the aboPtered
f-extort smartocessed eion the t the ,find a prothe Atned wly tminucaps tRat the PK@ in fphrize bec ASCred
t obviouse that you
famnot see, .d line nd clKeysipon fPKUNZIP when the -ed are includexceptinction canET" noo key.
Usdifyinip dumtxe -f d: can*.com>pkzip KUNZIP Mini Extraempora/Uand, tersion 2
Copr. 198C1992 PKWARE Inc. All Rightss Reserved. ZIP2EXE/h NZIP op
PKSFX Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
Usage:eg. a Lis No. 5,051,745>pkzip Ktered
w? ******>pkzip ■80486 CPUYouteist filip ■XMSxproc Copr.00Youteist filip ■Nov filNeutsideproc Cop3.11Youteist filip ■ optioSuare Fastatch d/or PKneratip dSelf-Ext Fil=> TEST.Eest -dntrol: COMMAND in t Defllf-Ext(36%)nmdt e.est -dntrol: 4DOS in t t Defllf-Ext(34%)nmdt e.esan steriothed and This cooinnto th Fil Thiscan be chaasee, aom th uson key.
pkue iti ve:
->option tis appecuIndi irm "Sele or is noti vae "*.txtimitform following;ntered
Yispla iti ve toraanes:s form soom th can be chsser.
─ key.
cretproduce p
t bove the ed aom the command li The to create a som th comm namesofcan be chs,
fidl fid li[ALT] cretf.
fo, the file valu incl can be chao extract them th cr of files ipado behdZIPo exre that d li[ALT] cretncl can be chaequlisting ofvalu fore-create aom the ctemporae Ktered
wfiellist file [TAB] cretf.
icatio pkuld havece deletedbove the edbmplifscode dueye extros-s<pafer
command mand, the listdditiod by some ot@ option ntered
wcswith a selfigurin files . aboPtered
f-om the ctegurin files d the"x700
byteof 512 fillengceptf64r is not diry RequZIP operKeysiponPtered
f-d by some ote read, b@ optcSelf-Extra═══fcomment atso bto crehdZIPbeing selected.he .ZIP fenipped froiles
To gen you haassiles list fi
e comment attt.lst" keyfunh
sevhe names owecified\>pkzip june91:\games\mjune91:\ay alWe'ange to ve cthaveec /).
e namesof eing seleethe fileat on═filu haaddit.icatioder tludfile is create tOT s key.
Copr. 1989-1992 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. ZIP2EXE/h Uior).p
PKSFX Reg. U U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
Usage: pkip ■80486 CPUYouteist filip ■EMSxproc Cop4.00Youteist filip ■XMSxproc Cop3.00Youteist filhing EXE: XXXXX Fil=KEYFUNST.Eesuctionfllf-Ex:═JUNE91.WKames\m onfllf-Ex:═JUNE91.WP Reg. onfllf-Ex:═SENSITIVd then═══ U U.S.: (W14) WaIP fi! Ins to ct ntered
wfutomati: DIARYd then
NSI nucapswcsw
Be key.
?is no diffCred Som
The fe @ f pladeppwn a PKXXXX
Be key.
ed siziffCreisafto vmples aileedanET" mmandch as St @ f pladepirst is path stileed by pecuIndi is physf
o behoP fileccesomeo═ion, the volu?find tecify thut ee totaf
fammrvedbut efil
Y the @ se ts lee be exywhere
eyboard). extrac, csk
coieunment csse is covnete fi w C:\>a:is ppo Lisl tohaza
f-extPKXXXXbe exekey.
stu can stuongularen proe Lin that the propery using
Yrett.ld have asanother opction key.
pku t filed wit the propert.ldpeopl
famecify thut efil
Yeccesoture arbe ext file
normhrce and key.
inttiple t filhiIthave ahappe properpeopl
ily toto rememb be enmaed in a go
eybo"vach as "byteof selemb list frorm
ure. unrredhe wemill bshenolf-ath sar for tio cr of key.
pku tInnamesofsessinmanpe oruaer a sen e be exha
g meansS@ f pladeppweed
iile ie, aomey.
ies in rce and key.
st f oon exit clist fil withif you inte sma vitalbyteo tetopery usfees irst creon key.
nld tf pladeppwnt file gosinmanive been if byteo tf the folif yinmanpkey.
, the path to th comme other
UNZ,fCredope pro "brutng:
rce" this ksue iti ve PKSFX this kte smunning 'N'ory the
f Somntered
unrrs irstblemou
know e to create a sKSFX irstprottingl ANSbe exommand t smartoFX this ktwon the maIPbegingsormhrcethe a brutn
rce this k,haracter
hat wil,e been a wed siz
scenariotwon the ma iziffCssilesetopery ur ethe file is going to bd in a Cssaulile byias an extroo big, ydesig selion wouldl certadudfilef the in key.
-> CoWARtcP
com file is not di,d
t ed.
luniorchat m mulive ua
marks\ ANSImple, moserpeopl
elf-extralild usin tntlines:
witheexle byi and, yol.
KSFX Junintered
.xaAcroe. tll topme as thre selof══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
PKWARE Inc7 Introdu optioDe ex", PKZIP -t 65
Be Creatcan be chss C:\in tntxample ofCssilesetoperad, bluniorchat ecified IP operrmiozest th C:\in tntnts of filn
-s<spondsan be chssst th C:
(exhm z.zipuppen .
luniorchat,ulive ua
, brackeix file careonf filn
cssilesea ntered
w the entire driioyomatihre selofm file is not difirst is pver f
theexme as thlengceptftionntered
w C:\in t witmpot s-extrastu ngceptftionntered
wgSelffore itinknmaniveat
ee toIP -tlocku t with thoIP -tlockdexceptinctiwore approxalid in ampenDeioiute thuSelketopnption.commandre hafedr e appro.y alWe you tell tu were to teecifya trued wucapswethe file ifieZIP2EXtin key.
pkoFX th that six is not difirst is pcare
maributeabolf-ext spcifytftionthis ktireIt is usedF opctionpur41sif-extort s<sponmend assilesu wer10,│ List fil
pkul thed in a Cld mpcemultip -d @aben
w"Hs ktir" iim Reg. ╔══════════════════╗
═════ List F║ rKey 970026dsan be chss│ 96dsan be chss│ 256dsan be chsstt═══════║ Lengcep00 (a-z) 9700(a-z,A-Z,etc)p00 ( fol file)ttttt═══════╟──────────────────╢
appemi-permanithfore T esee ion file. Plethe sesfCred cl tlr progation.
If thent attt.lst"les toCFG.xample wiion.
If thent atttby soywhere
in comm namre to thearching1)usedofectory would be hing2) A would be aare includexcep and kvironmLisndinispondles toCFGhing3)usedowould be ainld haveles toEXEmisb whereing
BeacedamE: Xser.
If theinl This wher
o vntaineate ne on thates d that if you werlit it it file defauliation file. Please been ct seasefo tesrridden byist Filation.
bsepaKUNZIP wiaay be / can be chad in a list he commge o ee toIP -n.commaicatiso bOsed
bsepaKUNZIP wiaane.
ad ineted.
ee tludexcep anedeoce
FiVIEWo bexcepVIEW comm
ZIP f This
tl .d re namegora sed i
behsingle c ee toIP -f the .ion.
If thent att plain ASCI file r whue iti vet atcessed ing anyexceit.ysr which can havePKSFXtch fileI list file an `ZMENAll 'ent aben
Eges ofsing are several example usages of ion.
If thent a trt
dexI lner
stuld hav, the added tacbe ndish═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
PKWARE Inc7 Introduc
If thet 65
Be Creativ
;Eges ofiles toCFGe#ames\m;Con.
be created
-> CoWill be sre tf eed theprefacZIP wiames\m;pemi-colon Reg. ATHS=rucapse Reg.VIEW=br et/ede rso/e sizeLeeCOMPRESS=spcifrst is path stages of ion.
If thent ahave attntlines:
:plex BaTures fu ext st ║
oe specifec ASCredfoun normal Prucaps
ed sii valid zeLeein tht.ld
sist Filion c
The s bet fileifec progbortve.lused
csimitLee C:\>pkz->gmatcviewl(-v) ed to store
be wrio t ll fiinnbr ettif you,itLeemartjunct.ede rsofreate e names withe si\>pkz->gm.ld
siec AS
tere inyP s of and/or PKW folve an
ames as c.COMip (-es)imethoommanf and/or PK.ativ
;Eges ofiles toCFGe#. 1989INCLUDE=hidden/system 1989RECURSE=on Reg. ATHS=entateg.VIEW=ore tsthateg.EMS=offzeLeeCOMPRESS= 512 alrst is p -d @atages of ion.
If thent ahave attntlines:
:plex BaCw to c
BeP feoPKZIP.hiddenal exaystemobe crebyedefauli\ ANiddenal eitLeemystemobe creCred
ve the sk a PKZher
UNZIET" not vit fil
in would be hingf all ths\>pkz->gmatced to ste wrio t fileifec progbortvelused
cransforme C:
kz->gm.ldspecife wrio t list fbot "nobackon the command line in additiol eitLeeiowhichoun nd r progrucaps
(-r)\>pkz->gmatcviewl(-v) ed to store
be wrio t ll fimartjunct.reate e itLeent ahore tsthat only filess thviewl been bd the , the defaulievalu sednoitLeeiothviewled to steeed and ARE strt
d-vbist Filion ion file. Please ,e anedLeeviewl been bd br etZIso bext sartoFeate in the list file ion file. Please edLee been st wrio tinl fftingunlne. tesrridden dt
desne in additio
The simple-> EMSxList g, yd The en\>pkz->gm.ld
siec AS
tere inyP s of and/or PKW folvded tin fronthighc.COMip f and/or PKWList fil
** wiE: utilZp as Str opz PKSFX eo═mZIP operk
coe waothed andocu be C:
st file ADDENDUM.DOCno generat══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
62 . Using Lis
If thet 65
77-81D:\>zAs such as tr opAuin atic
KSVerwould noter to create a s "Insuffi
seracovnuthe PK@ in fcommand maUTAVles is u, p that fe a
ao btn sreyt cotti ve PKSK@ . ey are stora keloKZdithif you inte ckly
ist feceive an "Insuffl ANSseracovnuthe PZIP f. eing that the list fil, ydon)?
ont plt govile.le ;TePZIP f. ertadistr-
ex, the execudefil
es is us
UNZnmeration.NSself- a .ZIP filPKSFX extrac"r, ill brul topur41sifsed"UsiLICENSE.DOCn han
-> ct
is fmaller lithif you intcatuondistr-
eP -tle ;Tesser.
─sofutsideing that st Fe drive woulchap th crAV
iile ife a Filioiselu f theg1)uMy fu an "ge orh as tr opZIP operation/PKSFX ($47+$3.50 S&H)wcswiteloKZd@, the(circil
ce)ooYES NOativ
dnot es,csk ae @ step 3f the2) Ist filprleiously fu aydrege on
apZIP operation/PKSFX t file mntet. siz
namu undeppwnie specisofutsidd. Whge on
apSearchiFile:_________________________________________________________________d line nany:______________________________________________________________rst iitle:_____________________________________ Dd, :_____________________ the ddu ca:______________________________________________________________rst City:______________________________________ Std, :____________________rst Zip Code: ________________________rst ieleph com#:(______)__________________ Faxm#:(_____)__________________ the ppro12 ate be oe "ge orh as /purchase:____________________________ the3) that les f of falesu wereceivemb b This cooher
ation.wn a ahateg.auin aticent attng anyhereceiisrPy
atioyou care T eseent a trtwrio t" list"ed sii vatwriusppe pwn a aoing to ioc /).
pped froioyou can or ethe to cbot "cize becddredundancyle names withatwrio tg me,ein
-ioand/or PK
waysiculieef tnmList fillist file ing to bethe file yd tpress sath sts fi
, aed in a in frontpkey.
->opnles to theYceive anoften Ilemilatnnt a tdistr-
dill brul toapandch as StCreisafed froioyou can lisA
ages of been bd rontgraphfSbe exofiedbec Aatioy fcommagalese', anLeis
->Suit Larret" topz PK-a
n a bunhis
be crebuedbow Ist filLESS waottcessa!?
=============================================================nzipare s
Beae nu cano extrmeitein tt
pyle namesZIP file o gen siz
ZIP file o ge(s)l the mi.ldp
he masednot usetract thyou vte inac have imit a wipup byi andZIP file o ge(s) tirst crea /).
cself,t"r, instructc
BeP fdematih/). o ge(s)lcommand m-mo
The simpleWhau hathe days witsapbetweopt-u aed -f?
========================================mplest euand, t
wdburesre sZp as Starsoly tosimilared sii vcessed ionfst FilaaIPbeh s,iso bext days witsapbetweopt/).m
i veairlyveascertasndepelemlist file uresre sZp as ive anaeacc
BeP feoPKZIP.ARtching tr haven:tc "nobacisafed frot file
To gen T eseent a trtwriad, but re-ioyou can e tf eed th
newte aopnnames wits afed frot file
To gen EThising to bevaluerein odithdually.mplest euand, tZp as ive aneoPKZIP.All extrmenxcepti td Ttincit clist filet-u o io tmpli,.All extr and ARE strtwrio tioyou can f.
ae .ZIP file
To ge,
pe o e tf eed ped froilesot file
To gen Byist Filion cutZp as ,to t
BeP fae na
-> en ct safed frot file
To ge agamest> en ctve imitaske
y cf and/orlist faoing to safed fro the ma t file
To ge aed have toractdfinerource would be ,
Beacedf and/orcaoing tad, bifiivet snewte aopnit lisnepyle names withatfilefile
To gen t faoing totdfinerource would be inisr tafed fro the ma t file tae th is create t
bitIP file toss
Beae nu caas i"gosiy"t"rg"gosilne."?
Be to cae"gosilne."eae nu caas ischemsans that if you wer100%le name
ZIP file be exval the EXE/IET" re-tng anyed siziffval ...(n
62 . Using LisuuuuuuF.A.Q 83Creativabsolutihe nce ays witsapbetweopt/). be exu wereceipua t faed in ibe exr havIPo ex th bs ktlu f theo diffCredicatioae nu caas imethooifec ASCrednot n
csi"gosiy"wd siz idea
behlemills of and/or PKWmethooifiyou were to ted r w ee yAat ydFilthe de en
ierbou tese'/orcmmand clOT scatiiile ittby soioyou can ler ans that fole itf and/or PKWiseld, busefulr opbe exu werecifyeted.
nd/cispla iti vepandedbe
st ydapandch as Stu werin fpicdings.
soun .
IYird.upsubwould beded?
===============================er to create a s
Be psubwould bededtirst creabot "rucapse subwould bededtl eit the EXEssathludins\in t wit ydon fcommand m-n .
-psZp as Ste c ee toIP -f tTtilZp as Stcessed to th
y ge/).
pstve..nzipare sofis going ti vang anyexcedspecif list fills ospecife wrio tvit fil
ontbe sd ET" notXXXXXelIPmend creon x excl tl1si would beigsw t
xtract the files:ativ
.eunird.f d:\c.lsapple\*.* -d -xapple\banana\*.*ipon fPwhic"apple"lsubwould ben hadlmZIP opersubwould beigsopttiereceivbeen eens t
Y x excl This
tio-sdithduallytmand line in additi.
Wen ct sacrAV?
============== the Vti vxhartofmal"Auin atic
KSVerwould not"wd Vti vannances tr ere wiaanepy
thif you inthe namelist fivetu maify Filioz
ownte e namesnepyle nles toin t withif you inte sin a ennedg ctempoes
To ge
vre sivet stng anyenzipare sile ing to bea .ZIPle her
ation,fil withif you inte sche kerlist filee
To gerransformemhe
ist wiaanepyp.
fhavIPinisl tl aang anyld t
ation.we an " remilatnames witrransformetampeistn.comm.mplest eadvant
oe tti ve:
->is a soptiole.layte e nprottine s betweopt/).
ang aoe e nanfeoPKZIP.ARdbecddrecipi masedTcddrecipi mamnot seilatnames wit
"Insufdee as tho gef have asae ma,eatweeda bd in efil
Ytu maifyt/).
ang aoe ifiivet snoamnot n.════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
62 . Using LisuuuuuuF.A.Q 8ing LiWulimit tmy Vte appr?
====================== the sle.le ;Te tin rp.
UNZto exsreg ntitlee @ ou
Vte appru tInnreate a
Vte appr tirst creaapplyofmali f thenot uset file ecify thtng ann Vtennedg c
To ges,ife a olf-ext if yationnamelist fs tho gef"auinPy .frm"choun nnd cs
UNZIEoPKZIP. Mail hafaxit li ve PKSK@ . ey that in rceuae @ fedr weeksser.nances Filiimumeplus
mail delayswd siz nedgsIeC:.ZIP finstall cs Vte apprfe wrio treyt c.ZIP IPo exvia US Mailwd Vtnedgse wrieted.
yoyt c.ZIby FAX, teleph co froranyIP if yoo/).
tlpnnUS Mailwing that the list falec progbortinisl t Vtnedge with excludexcep cssurchase
UNZIle ;Te,ethe sesforath-issuif-extin
Vtnedgecessed t fanfeddin
tatios f theforgYrst creaapplyofmal cs Vte apprwd siz seracovnuthe Pmand liwaott. iv
de ma eot uset to trel a
IP file Vte apprwd siz Vte apprfis basZd@, thesolelytmand lithif you inteceiprothdeofmal cs Vttu maifuld notvstuing thateg.file Vtapandch as ve PKimpleopuse ottmy ntered
,> en c
===================================ing ═══1. st Fe drichap th " optioDe ex", PKZIP -"g ═══2. Tryt thyot the PKionntered
ation.eceiecif.══════Wen ct sa CRCvn adwhySidctvefail?
==================================rst CRCvi vxhartofmalCyclic RedundancylChe klisA CRCvi vahvalu f an wid a
" the ma ext be ex
ontbe -extiTo gen T e CRCvi vf an wid her
UNZIvre siv
d PKZIP as tho ged ET" f an wid ap -d @attim twre sile ing to bea .ZIPle.dnoitts p -d @atCRCvdon)?
onn:tc "no path stCRC,e anniaanhe se t tociectod renioz
be e. siz nas b
e na CRCvfailue ittbyvae seHdiffCredst ydList fil
cw to cc"r, CRCvfailue s.══════I. Failue imand limachinef havePng anyames
To gening
eA. Failue iimmediamely af th tng aionning 1o bOniaa386/486terbhighcrAdulimicessed tn obsolatihr.noorlyvwrittopit ive TSRhr.device w C:ro-s<pafer filexcedPK(UN)s toin ot d li-3it ive Zp as ivecedbot "
Shoteth tytine s fmaller ithif you inimple 2. "CleKSFbote" csmachinen E /).
re-namu fand══ Leeion fi.syrcifiedb crwh ASf eed the
onloamst fmge osers,esZMENbote
coe ET" restht csmachinen Ald mpc a .ZIP
vn adioand/or PK
ive Z names withagameimple 3n T e k
ontrofiericessed failingied"Usiefscatiidha
eg.aRtcways witcedt fo t fiohae to tf and/orcto/ommand e t rdiwaot
ive Zrrk
coe w C:imple 4. Failth twaotette t 5lisA badlmembe athi..nzip 6. needrnf an wilvi vxuffer filommand e "cac e kaw"\in t wit ycw tod══ Leeorandnblemsdexcep and xwilnll CPU cac e ontl ANSce n wil'a
dEMSxavailefilarchi(FreeeConvLislon tWRAM - 85k) / 64 heme o= Ma12 utr#PmfcFiofsing st e"SultipFast" algorathme to c32ke'/orcRAM tlpnnameso/).
UNZis2. Yceive an.
Yf and/orcanfeddin
t 5 beinstwre sst Filion "Sulti
Fast" methooneratthe "dummy" .Zvalu Fil64 heme oltiping to sappro12 ate n add invaryimple══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
62 . Using LisuuuuuuF.A.Q 89CreativWhe sofis going ti vd in uand, d tirst creae read, b a w tempoeccountmwhic eing
be es
dmst fso bto rce70 heme oltiping toni andZIP file
To gening CtbyIese.
To gef teofways withW fole sne n wil?
======================================================= the sloftionnubndch as voe tti vp -en ,
is iectoryhe sup rems
UNZiss vMS-DOS n adOS/2nto tif ys,
is -s<pnoif thsup remfeddin
t to tif ysit.
acedsnnouode dueseIeifeceyrbou texavailefilning Be w to is t tdee nameyames
To gefif youP file nubndc domain,iivet
pist fil
es is us
r havettbyed fc
To gesimple eg.╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ ═════ List F║ wiE THAT THE
EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF is ═══════║ INC. AND wi PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFT PROGRAMS Using Lisuuuu═══════╚═════════════════════════╧═════════════════════════════════════════════╝
WffCrediectoryhe atsidd. nat fil
es is us
r optrnuthe Pmf
ways withWto tif yslisA
To gefatby sotransf rrny teonyWto tif y
r opr havIPo nat fil
a .ZIP
ves is t Files
vn adC and/or PKWLs is us
e redeveloper her
d ineted.itf nat fil
command m
To gefelemla
.g heC
-> ct
is r optrles for to tif ys
r opr hav"
UNZIET" nat fil
stfutsidd. availefilning Wen ct sthe days witsapbetweopt-bIET" pktmp?
BePng ans twosways withW fosloft mporartching d ET" to rcsIPo extoaere inyP s o wher
s. twos foslsepaKUtnlyn T e two
situh as Str ere
BePng ans temp>be creCre:ativ* Wn a aoing to be es
dmstbyteofis going .ativ* Wn a aois going ti vd in mhe
ransformeomittodlommand e sharewCredmARen yteredude due
dl floamotransmior PKW imsans thatstin
isthe namelist file yoge on
ackly se simplelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelelele══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ in additiol e ion file. PlIPbeinlZp as Stwh ASCpplyoad, b oi wheresproblemsimp╔═════════════════╤═════════════════════════════════
62 ╤══════════════╗
║ Problem │ Solutas /Reason │ SeegAns fuuu═══╠═══════
62 ╪═════════════════════════════════
62 ╪══════════════╣
║"Errmge o is go │not usearefjcreaang aal Papis going ter. │ ot Tutoracouu═══║ to iss gFIX" │
─ath sttim tET" reInsuff ho berrmg, │ suuuu═══║ are sf and/or ng│tl ANSce in additio-s wrongied │ sing Lisuuuu═══╟─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────╢
║"Warn Fi:Bad │
UNZtor tnd cssath fmge │ ot Tutoracouu═══║ ne mf.
iee5100 │t uset filmis- fodnd line in aied │ sing Lisuuuu═══║ File" su│ │ suuuu═══╟─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────╢
║CRCvFailue i │Gthe. newledpyle names wit Using Li│F.A.Q. P gedXX═══╟─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────╢
║Fng t
on Li│Fng to safed froioyou can or o bethe file │F.A.Q. P gedXX═══║Yf and/orc │ sing Lisuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu│ sing Lisuuuu═══╟─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────╢
The siuuuuuuuuu│ p gedXXisuuuu═══║ d in Z a PKZ │ sing Lisuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu│ sing Lisuuuu═══╟─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────╢
║DaottFu anerrmge │E /).
nd m
To gef usearefang aal Pisuuu│
UNZtBackupuu═══║ uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu│ too lae t thfitPmand liwaot froro exdouuu│ GuhdeoLisuuuu═══║ uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu│ etedKauffen progroommK@ iand, t
woiles ng│t sing Lisuuuu═══║ uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu│
To gen Cng annalmZIP -volilesis go u│
UNZt-b p ged═══║ uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu│ beinlZrvin fanfelwilnlt
d mporartcw C:iy│dXXisuuuusuuuu═══╟─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────╢
║CKS'tnblemPKSFX │Tulimit to tLre extrldl emPKSFXh NZISFX │ZISFX/ZIP2EXEd═══║ uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu│ referebyteof"Self- a .ZIP fil
To ge"sed│ p gedXXisuuuu═══║ uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu│ Ten ct sa
To gef haveransformemadeoLis│t sing Lisuuuu═══║ uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu│ tempoen execudefil
nt atrt
dametLre extrs│t sing Lisuuuu═══║ uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu│ ZIP2EXE.EXEddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd│ sing Lisuuuu═══╟─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────╢
║Ist fillo sre ndd│ fec prog
UNZt to cXMS/EMSx imbe , ecdiff │" optioLes fuu═══║ imbe , so bI'm │eareflimith as Stu oue wriociece du ouuu│ beins" suuuu═══║ th
Wandddddd│ csbasZ (convLislon t)Wmembe ad in uuuu│ p gedXXisuuuu═══║ "Outp.
membe "u│ limitifseTryt thclear
n asempenDmembe aas│t sing Lisuuuu═══║ errmg? │ List fillist f usearefald mpcSFX eo═ │ sing Lisuuuu═══║ dddddddddddddddd│ f and/orcler itlpnn8,│ beins t fotsap us│ sing Lisuuuu═══║ dddddddddddddddd│ e wriusual cereInsuff ho berrmg Us│ sing Lisuuuu═══╟─────────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────┼──────────────╢
║CKS'tnth-tng ann │Makeacer> CoW usearefst Filion cdo
The siuu│F.A.Q. XXisuuu═══║ subwould beigs │st f useare, es
d mi.ldKauff hisuuu │ sing Lisuuuu═══║ or yoyt cobeins │problem, subwould beigsd inetedKauffforme│ sing Lisuuuu═══║ P fileirduuu │ e listclefile
To gen dddddddddddddddd│ sing Lisuuuu═══║sZIP file dirs │ sing Lisuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu│ sing Lisuuuu═══╚═════════════════╧═════════════════════════════════
d wnetedupgradeor.disc rdiu oueofutsid,blit it iyt cooptt32-bis
instructas Ste cile ion file. Please n T e pkzip.cfgiused
cditio-s:mple eg386=DISABLEeratthe "dummy" .Zion file. Please d. Whadoad, bher
UNZh NZIation.ntn od, bhe
amtlpy manoryhe byiste e namesenvironmLisnvariabgen theYceiit itesrridey" .Zion file. Please dor etvironmLisnvariabgePman
mp Fila -3+o
The siuusii vatwri w to ision.tots b
"gardlne. t namesenvironmLisnvariabgead in set froranhontey renioz
ion file. Please nativ_____________________________________rs-^ Echond line in additi
mple wiused
ct mplify cb This the maemilatnlit be Crstcoenioz
t ploillisttct mplfulvre s used andebugg
Wandapandch as ver be "*To ge
vrhavettllsnles toin tl
nt atand AREch as Stu werlit be Crstcve an.
echostcoeit lisneploil afongtrt
dametne in admutpu f thetcotti vages of, technuldl
thif you intcatuona anoftion*.docc eing re excluractdfineDOCScomment atrt an.
d This cowd siz ihif you intrt an.
nd, , aed in ce in additioe wrio tred This co otdfinercrormecates amesZutpu f the E:\>pkzip docsnird.zid -^n*.doclelele══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
62 10 IntroduuuuTroufil
Shoteth ttttttttttttttttttttttt
Be Creativ_____________________________________rs-+eg.D The e EMSxList rs--eg.D The e XMS/UMB uist
mplots b
EMS/XMS/UMB gaddings
ation.require:ativ-> XMSevroc Cop2.0terbgng anrmple-> EMSxLIM 4.0terbgng anrmpleAn XMSew C:ro-s.requireunct.reate a sKauffUMB ET" HMAhsup remfevailefilning ZIP operation e wriuseeuae @ 256KnofEMSx imbe list f usearef nlatsituh as
vrereee, aecifytontthe EXEsEMSx imbe
uTe,espenDasavre srunn Filo
mZIP -eodefBBS sys cm,glit it itract thd The e hi ve:
d csXMS/EMSxw C:roatby soeliminawid herd The FilEMSxList impPdnblemsdrel aFX eo═EMSxList ivbeen manifcsei hemselIP aaearchi-> Unexplainhe e machineflock-u..nzip-> ReInsuFX "Warn Fi:BaddTefil"
wdb"Fng tfailslCRCvche k"lfmalevtey-nt att ateg.a
To gefd in ea t MSx"rgXMSxList iatby sott c.ZIoptti cile ion file. Please trt
:mple eg MS=DISABLEerat egXMS=DISABLEeratIfEMSxransformed The edoi cile ion file. Please ,glit it iforce List ibs kitotdcommand m-++o
The simpleIfXMSxransformed The edoi cile ion file. Please ,glit it iforce List ibs kitotdcommand m--+o
The simp_____________________________________rs-~eg.D The e Ncte fi wottin
nzipare sil wiused
ct and ARE s, Ncte fi and AREcdmpee. PlstErexd The edsednoitlit feel o exsreg aperiencesproblems du ouad
dametNcte fi
and AREcdmpee. Plstin fndiso
The simpleIftionnanblemxval y seinLisnen progb werlit tract thd The e Ncte fi
mpee. PlstEes whictim ,glit it idoteo dt
desnen file. Please tce in a:lelelelelelelele══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
62 . Using LisuuTroufil
Shoteth ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt103CreativtttNET=DISABLEeratIfNcte fi aup remfransformed The edoi cile ion file. Please ,glit it iforce
mpst ibs k otdcommand m-~+o
The simp_____________________________________rs-)eg.D The e DPMI Sup reming
32-BIT DPMI 0.90terbgng anrimpDPMI aup remf to can ea .Z 6.5Kle snenvLislon tW"rgUMBx imbe list f useareon xtyot , b ightPman imbe
lit it itract thd The e DPMI aup rem.atIfa failue tociec vctdfineDPMI Sup remiivePKSn.
d The edocommandiso
The simpleeg.DPMI=DISABLEeratIfDPMI ransformed The edoi cile ion file. Please ,glit it iforce List ibs kitotdcommand m-)+o
The simp_____________________________________rs-( in ot "Slow" MemCepy
heSt ysne n wilsfxuffertIP operflawlioavePK to c hem
ieinsehoun bceeen e rebefea .ZIPlevdu ouanei coruld passed
n"r, i co nat fil
c and/or PKW fo.════le
ation: (E50) Daottfu a,oing : XXXXX.mpleTulimit to snen progfreeeroommmand efdes n. Plew C:/would berger.
─atgerad in ea .ZIPle. T e pre extracedsbremET" eximionDOSimple══════lelelelele══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
62 . Using LisuuuErrmgeMesist d ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt111Creat
(y/n/a/r)?mpleTulTo getXXXXX afed froilessmand efdiskh NZd/or ng Neacedleauff he oIP fileIPbeinlZand liwaot fET"
onil .ZIPnames withemmand e is going . fZd/or ng Yn.cowriil .ZIPnames withemmand e is going fET" overrritl
ecei withoand efdiskhhenot usewant
Y vterritl
eci veng ,aET" ALL FOLLOWING FILES, nd/orcA er.ALLhhenot usewract thex .ZIPltti veng ,aso bnotY vterritl
awoiles ngease ,glit it
pr/orcR er.RENAMEh NZIation.cowriprompc lit a optrnewhnamu li.
Ans : -oaET" -ndop as Simple══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
62 . Using LisuuuErrmgeMesist d ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt113Creativ. ation: (W19) Warn Fi! tInvalidtShrunkoing n.leTulTShrunkoing td in tese or ea .ZIPlevransan
errmge o ivs encod
iein i vprobablyfaoruufi or o snofis going . fFe crf haverauffformedamaifyinditd i vaayettbeted.
you vteed.════
ation: (W20) Warn Fi! tcxuffici mam imbe thetcxuffici mam imbe ct availefiltP fprnces tecei
To gen Trytmakin mhPeatmembe aavailefil
K@ . ationoinIe tti vdon)?
onrtinnyP s osanblem,xtre silele
To getaightPbefaoruufile,IET"
ionFIX shbeen bd mplify cfix
ising . T e ler ifeinst the ma t faois going ,at liler i imbe ctt e wri a w a
proces teceio ge.════
ation: (W21) Warn Fi! tF gerransbamothe e.mpleTulTDefld, doing td in tese or ea .ZIPlevransan
errmge o ivs encod
iein i vprobablyfaoruufi or o snofis going . fFe crf haverauffformedamaifyinditd i vaayettbeted.
you vteed.════
ation: (W23) Warn Fi! tF gerransbamothe e.mpleTulTDefld, doing td in tese or ea .ZIPlevransan
errmge o ivs encod
bl1 kW fo)oin tl
nt a i vprobablyfaoruufi or o snofis going . fFe crf hav
To gerradpoteWr.ler ierrmgsawottinstclefitiuusii v isist gva
woThis co Ef th
ationo-s.finis ed
aIP filupoa aoing . feedv :
"Insuff ho atmesist gvfr useald mpc @ ea .ZIPloTo gef havet to snofis going .ativlelele══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
62 114tttttttttttttttttttttttttttErrmgeMesist d tttttttttttttttttttttt
Be Creat
ZIP2EXEdErrmgeMesist d══~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~heleZIP2EXE: (E01) Errmge o is going n.ZIP2EXE: (E02) Errmge o is going , to iss gFIXmpleTulT
To get usearefald mpcSFX eo═proces tistheruufi. feedv :
ald mpc
ecei withbytst Filiss gFIX. iiss gFIX e wrie fi c p /).
To ges.o
eelf- a .ZIP filEXEdo gesimpleZIP2EXE: (E03-04) Inxuffici mam imbe ceo═proces ting n.leTulT
To get usearefald mpcSFX eo═proces tisttoo f anmaxn Tii v :
oe name
To gervrhaveae namesttoo mARtching n InAat ydize bo tv :
"Insuff ho aterrmged nas b
eceiing td in proces stcis heruufi.mpleZIP2EXE: (E07) CKS'tnopenvSource ing n.leTulTsource
TmgeEXEdo geesre inist oand line in additi fane rebefopenny
du ouadwaotterrmgfmge oxuffici mamncte fi acces .mpleZIP2EXE: (E08) Errmge o is going n.leTulT
To get usearefald mpcSFX eo═proces tistheruufi. feedv :
ald mpc
ecei withbytst Filiss gFIX. iiss gFIX e wrie fi c p /).
To ges.o
eelf- a .ZIP filEXEdo gesimpleZIP2EXE: (E09) Daottfu atrriaFX eae th withdur FilEXEd @ P o>proces leZIP2EXE: (E11) Daottfu atrriaFX eae th withdur Filion.totEXEdproces le
Dur Fil s osances te snenvLraal Papo gef hlimi creabefen progwaottspace
K@ ae name bommand mZIP file ing taed in To gervrhaveve an.
ang anyiy I nameimit to snen progroommP fprnces tecei withoand efiectory w C:atlit it idould and mZutpu ouano/).
w C:gbyfsre iny Filit oand line in a
ditiimpleZIP2EXE: (E12) C and/or PKWmethoduetedaup remny
To getd in nenvLraedeae namestaTo getce ou can dt
sup remer wittl
vroc Cop. Pattac ed
wiZIP2EXEimpleeedvntn od, bpeiformittl
ZIP2EXEdsances teo is going s fng anyusal Pd le c and/or PKWmethod(s)csup remer wittl
ttttt1tttttBadd withnamu ort witesre inich as .══ttttt2,3uuuErrmge o is going .══ttttt4-11 tInxuffici mamMimbe l tttttt12ttt Novieinstwereehoun b oiaddtP file is going ,eor o ching
tt wereeand ARE s fmaldemat
l tttttt13uuutF geretedImun n TulTsnd AREfyi
TbeinlZr li st witevas
tt etedImun n tttttt14ttttDaottfu an tttttt15tttt
To gert Whad-od, bET" fanto sebefmhe
ist. tttttt16ttttBaddmge llegalparamewilsfxnd AREfy. (help scrormed This co) tttttt17ttttToo mARtching . tttttt18 Ceeen e reopenving .══ttttt255 in otr ou can ao nrol-cfrorco nrol-break═══le
tttt 0tttt Noverrmg.
ttttt1tttttWarn Fiterrmg (spenDasafailedbCRCvche k).══ttttt2,3uuuErrmge o is going .══ttttt4-8 Inxuffici mamMimbe l tttttt9 uuutF geretedImun n No is going s Imun n tttttt10ttttBaddmge llegalparamewilsfxnd AREfy. (help scrormed This co) tttttt11ttt Novieinsthoun b oiea .ZIP/viewoetc. tttttt50ttttDaottFu an tttttt51ttt UnexptinstcEOFe o is going .══ttttt255 in otr ou can ao nrol-cfrorco nrol-break═══lelele════════lele══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
62 118 ErrmgeMesist d tttttttttttttttttttttt
Be Creat
tttt 0tttt Noverrmg
ttttt1tttttErrmge o is going n.ttttt2tttttErrmge o is going , to iss gFIXmpttttt3-4 Inxuffici mam imbe ceo═proces ting n.ttttt7tttt CKS'tnopenvSource ing n.tttt 8tttttErrmge o is going n.ttttt9 uuutDaottfu atrriaFX eae th withdur FilEXEd @ P o>proces lettttt11ttt Daottfu atrriaFX eae th withdur Filion.totEXEdproces lettttt12ttt
c and/or PKWmethod.══ttttt3tttt CKS'tnIlemlEXEdo gen.ttttt4-8 Inxuffici mam imbe tttttt9 uuutUnefil
K@ wherfdflisto gen.ttttt12ttt otr abremny attce i mampt t fil"Ea .ZIPlnowP(y/n)?"iprompc═ttttt13uuutErrmge o iEXEdo gen.ttttt50ttttDaottfu an.leat
ttttt1tttttWarn Fiterrmg spenDas:
tt Fng tfailslCRCvche k, Unknown
c and/or PKWmethod.══ttttt2tttt CKS'tnIlemlEXEdo gen.ttttt3tttttErrmge o iEXEdo gen.ttttt4 uuutF gerransasbamothe e, ttttt5tttt CKS'tntng ando gen.tttt 6 uuutDaottfu an.ttttt7tttt Too mARtching
tttt 8ttttt otr abremny attce i mampt t fil"Ea .ZIPlnowP(y/n)?"iprompc═lelelelelelelelelelelelelelelele══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
62 . Using ListtuErrmgeMesist d ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt119Creat
ile softwareieratlelele════════lele══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
tttt @Li stFingtttttttttttttttttttttt>>>>>>>>45 tttt Ex exc n emmanEa .ZIP s vtttttttttttttt55 tttt Genle t n ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt46-47, 56, 65
tttt Maximum sizetttttttttttttttttttttttttttd45, 66