Instant Doom Levels
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| This file is part of WinDEU, the port of DEU to Windows. |
| WinDEU was created by the DEU team: |
| Renaud Paquay, Raphael Quinet, Brendon Wyber and others... |
| |
| DEU is an open project: if you think that you can contribute, please join |
| the DEU team. You will be credited for any code (or ideas) included in |
| the next version of the program. |
| |
| If you want to make any modifications and re-distribute them on your own, |
| you must follow the conditions of the WinDEU license. Read the file |
| LICENSE or README.TXT in the top directory. If do not have a copy of |
| these files, you can request them from any member of the DEU team, or by |
| mail: Raphael Quinet, Rue des Martyrs 9, B-4550 Nandrin (Belgium). |
| |
| This program comes with absolutely no warranty. Use it at your own risks! |
Project WinDEU
DEU team
Jul-Dec 1994, Jan-Mar 1995
FILE: mapdc.h
Class definition for TMapDC (TDC).
#ifndef __mapdc_h
#define __mapdc_h
#ifndef __common_h
#include "common.h"
#ifndef __gfx_h
#include "gfx.h" // Colors, ScrCenterX, OrigX, ...
#ifndef __objects_h
#include "objects.h" // SelPtr
#ifndef __OWL_DC_H
#include <owl\dc.h>
#ifndef __OWL_GDIOBJEC_H
#include <owl\gdiobjec.h>
#ifndef __editcli_h
class TEditorClient;
// Class for pen (retains color, width and style in members)
class TPenColor16 : public TPen
public: // data members
int color;
int width;
UINT style;
unsigned long HitCount;
public: // function members
TPenColor16 (int _color, int _width = 1, UINT _style = PS_SOLID);
~TPenColor16 ();
} ;
// Size of cache for 16 color pens
#define COLOR16_CACHE_SIZE 12
// DC class for drawing on the level map in editor
class TMapDC : public TDC
// Class members
static TPenColor16 **LastPens;
static void InitCacheData();
static void _USERENTRY CleanupCacheData();
static TPenColor16 *GetPenColor16 (int color, int width, UINT style);
static TColor GetColor16 (int color);
// Object members
BOOL DoDelete; // use black pen for every drawing
int CurPenColor;
int CurPenWidth;
UINT CurPenStyle;
HPEN hOldPen;
BOOL FromWindow; // DC created by GetDC(hWnd) ?
TEditorClient *pEditor;
void Init(TEditorClient *_pEditor);
// Clipping and Origin selection
void SetupOrg ();
void SetupClipping ();
void ExcludeClipWindow (TWindow *pWnd);
void SetNewPenColor16 (int color, int width = 1, UINT style = PS_SOLID);
void DrawLineDefLen (SHORT, SHORT, SHORT, SHORT, int color);
TMapDC (TEditorClient *_pEditor, TDC &dc); // from other DC
TMapDC (TEditorClient *_pEditor); // client DC from window
~TMapDC ();
// Primitive of color selection
void SetPenColor16 (int color, int width = 1, UINT style = PS_SOLID)
// Doesn't allow color selection if Delete mode
if (DoDelete) return;
// Choose new pen only if different than current pen
if ( CurPenColor != color ||
CurPenWidth != width ||
CurPenStyle != style )
SetNewPenColor16 (color, width, style);
void SetTextColor16 (int color);
void SetBkColor16 (int color);
void SetDelete(BOOL doDelete)
if ( doDelete ) SetPenColor16 (BLACK, CurPenWidth, CurPenStyle);
DoDelete = doDelete ;
// Primitive to draw on map
void DrawMapLine (SHORT, SHORT, SHORT, SHORT);
void DrawMapRect (SHORT, SHORT, SHORT, SHORT);
void DrawMapCircle (SHORT, SHORT, SHORT);
void DrawMapVector (SHORT, SHORT, SHORT, SHORT);
// Draw an object, use editmode to select color and shape
void DrawMapThing (int editmode, SHORT tnum);
void DrawMapLineDef (int editmode, SHORT ldnum, BOOL DrawLen = FALSE);
void DrawMapVertex (int editmode, SHORT vnum);
void DrawMapSector (int editmode, SHORT snum);
int GetLineDefColor (int editmode, SHORT ldnum);
void DrawMapLineDefLen (int editmode, SHORT ldnum);
// Draw a list of objects of a type
void DrawMapThingsList (int editmode, SelPtr list);
void DrawMapLineDefsList (int editmode, SelPtr list, BOOL DrawLen = FALSE);
void DrawMapVertexesList (int editmode, SelPtr list);
void DrawMapSectorsList (int editmode, SelPtr list);
// Draw all objects of a type
void DrawMapThings (int editmode);
void DrawMapLineDefs (int editmode, BOOL DrawLen = FALSE);
void DrawMapVertexes (int editmode);
void DrawMapSectors (int editmode);
// Draw the grid on the map
void DrawMapGrid (SHORT grid);
// Draw all map
void DrawMap (int editmode, SHORT grid, BOOL drawgrid);
} ;
#endif // __mapdc_h