Instant Doom Levels
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| This file is part of WinDEU, the port of DEU to Windows. |
| WinDEU was created by the DEU team: |
| Renaud Paquay, Raphael Quinet, Brendon Wyber and others... |
| |
| DEU is an open project: if you think that you can contribute, please join |
| the DEU team. You will be credited for any code (or ideas) included in |
| the next version of the program. |
| |
| If you want to make any modifications and re-distribute them on your own, |
| you must follow the conditions of the WinDEU license. Read the file |
| LICENSE or README.TXT in the top directory. If do not have a copy of |
| these files, you can request them from any member of the DEU team, or by |
| mail: Raphael Quinet, Rue des Martyrs 9, B-4550 Nandrin (Belgium). |
| |
| This program comes with absolutely no warranty. Use it at your own risks! |
Project WinDEU
DEU team
Jul-Dec 1994, Jan-Mar 1995
FILE: objects.h
#ifndef __objects_h
#define __objects_h
#ifndef __common_h
#include "common.h"
#ifndef __windeu_h
#include "windeu.h"
#ifndef __levels_h
#include "levels.h" // TextureInfo
/* object types */
#define OBJ_THINGS 1
#define OBJ_LINEDEFS 2
#define OBJ_SIDEDEFS 3
#define OBJ_VERTEXES 4
#define OBJ_SEGS 5
#define OBJ_SSECTORS 6
#define OBJ_NODES 7
#define OBJ_SECTORS 8
#define OBJ_REJECT 9
#define OBJ_BLOCKMAP 10
the selection list is used when more than one object is selected
typedef struct SelectionList *SelPtr;
struct SelectionList
SelPtr next; /* next in list */
int objnum; /* object number */
/* from objects.cpp */
void HighlightSelection (TMapDC &dc, int objtype, SelPtr list);
BOOL IsSelected (SelPtr list, SHORT objnum);
void SelectObject (SelPtr *list, SHORT objnum);
void UnSelectObject (SelPtr *list, SHORT objnum);
void ForgetSelection (SelPtr *list);
SHORT GetMaxObjectNum (int objtype);
SHORT GetCurObject (int objtype, SHORT x0, SHORT y0, SHORT x1, SHORT y1);
SelPtr SelectObjectsInBox (int objtype, SHORT x0, SHORT y0, SHORT x1, SHORT y1);
void HighlightObject(TMapDC &dc, int objtype, SHORT objnum, int color);
void DeleteObject (int objtype, SHORT objnum);
void DeleteObjects (int objtype, SelPtr *list);
void InsertObject (int objtype, SHORT copyfrom, SHORT xpos, SHORT ypos);
BOOL IsLineDefInside (SHORT ldnum, SHORT x0, SHORT y0, SHORT x1, SHORT y1);
SHORT GetOppositeSector (SHORT ld1, BOOL firstside);
void CopyObjects (int objtype, SelPtr obj);
BOOL MoveObjectsToCoords (int objtype, SelPtr obj, SHORT newx, SHORT newy, SHORT grid);
void GetObjectCoords (int objtype, SHORT objnum, SHORT *xpos, SHORT *ypos);
void RotateAndScaleObjects (int objtype, SelPtr obj, double angle, double scale);
SHORT FindFreeTag();
void FlipLineDefs (SelPtr obj, BOOL swapvertices);
void DeleteVerticesJoinLineDefs (SelPtr obj);
void MergeVertices (SelPtr *list);
BOOL AutoMergeVertices (SelPtr *list);
void SplitLineDefs (SelPtr obj);
void SplitSector (SHORT vertex1, SHORT vertex2);
void SplitLineDefsAndSector (SHORT linedef1, SHORT linedef2);
void MergeSectors (SelPtr *slist);
void DeleteLineDefsJoinSectors (SelPtr *ldlist);
void MakeDoorFromSector (SHORT sector);
void MakeLiftFromSector (SHORT sector);
SHORT GetTextureRefHeight (SHORT sidedef);
void AlignTexturesY (SelPtr *sdlist);
void AlignTexturesX (SelPtr *sdlist, SHORT type_sd, SHORT type_tex, SHORT type_off);
void DistributeSectorFloors (SelPtr obj);
void DistributeSectorCeilings (SelPtr obj);
void GoToObject (int objtype, SHORT objnum);
// originaly form editobj.cpp
void InsertRectangle (SHORT xpos, SHORT ypos, SHORT width, SHORT height);
void InsertPolygon (SHORT xpos, SHORT ypos, SHORT nsides, SHORT radius);
BOOL CheckFailed (BOOL fatal, char *format, ...);
BOOL IsTextureNameInList (char *name, TextureInfo **list, SHORT numelems);
void Statistics ();
BOOL CheckSectors ();
BOOL CheckCrossReferences ();
BOOL CheckTextures ();
BOOL CheckTextureNames ();