Instant Doom Levels
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108 lines
| This file is part of WinDEU, the port of DEU to Windows. |
| WinDEU was created by the DEU team: |
| Renaud Paquay, Raphael Quinet, Brendon Wyber and others... |
| |
| DEU is an open project: if you think that you can contribute, please join |
| the DEU team. You will be credited for any code (or ideas) included in |
| the next version of the program. |
| |
| If you want to make any modifications and re-distribute them on your own, |
| you must follow the conditions of the WinDEU license. Read the file |
| LICENSE or README.TXT in the top directory. If do not have a copy of |
| these files, you can request them from any member of the DEU team, or by |
| mail: Raphael Quinet, Rue des Martyrs 9, B-4550 Nandrin (Belgium). |
| |
| This program comes with absolutely no warranty. Use it at your own risks! |
Project WinDEU
DEU team
Jul-Dec 1994, Jan-Mar 1995
FILE: wads.h
#ifndef __wads_h
#define __wads_h
#ifndef __common_h
#include "common.h"
the directory structure is the structre used by DOOM to order the
data in it's WAD files
typedef struct Directory *DirPtr;
struct Directory
LONG start; /* offset to start of data */
LONG size; /* byte size of data */
char name[8]; /* name of data block */
The wad file pointer structure is used for holding the information
on the wad files in a linked list.
The first wad file is the main wad file. The rest are patches.
typedef struct WadFileInfo *WadPtr;
struct WadFileInfo
WadPtr next; /* next file in linked list */
char *filename; /* name of the wad file */
FILE *fileinfo; /* C file stream information */
char type[4]; /* type of wad file (IWAD or PWAD) */
LONG dirsize; /* directory size of WAD */
LONG dirstart; /* offset to start of directory */
DirPtr directory; /* array of directory information */
the master directory structure is used to build a complete directory
of all the data blocks from all the various wad files
typedef struct MasterDirectory *MDirPtr;
struct MasterDirectory
MDirPtr next; /* next in list */
WadPtr wadfile; /* file of origin */
Directory dir; /* directory data */
/* from wads.cpp */
extern WadPtr WadFileList; /* list of wad files */
extern MDirPtr MasterDir; /* the master directory */
/* from wads.c */
void OpenMainWad (char *);
void OpenPatchWad (char *);
void CloseWadFiles (void);
void CloseUnusedWadFiles (void);
WadPtr BasicWadOpen (char *);
void BasicWadRead (WadPtr, void *, long);
void BasicWadSeek (WadPtr, long);
MDirPtr FindMasterDir( MDirPtr, char *);
void ListMasterDirectory( FILE *);
void ListFileDirectory( FILE *, WadPtr);
void BuildNewMainWad( char *, Bool);
void WriteBytes( FILE *, void *, long);
void CopyBytes( FILE *, FILE *, long);
int Exists( char *);
void DumpDirectoryEntry( FILE *, char *);
void SaveDirectoryEntry( FILE *, char *);
void SaveEntryToRawFile( FILE *, char *);
void SaveEntryFromRawFile( FILE *, FILE *, char *);