Instant Doom Levels
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HOUSE_B - this is as real as it gets!
HOUSE_B is a level for Doom with all new textures. It is
a model of the university building where I work, or, rather,
a model of one fourth of the first floor of that building.
The level is huge - over 2000 vertices. The realism is good,
although I started running out of vertices when doing the
interior decoration, so only a few rooms have furniture.
Look at the automap to spot those rooms. The office far
south in the middle is mine. Please drop by! :)
If you have ever been to the Linkoping University, Sweden, or if
you work or study here, this is a hilarious experience. Otherwise,
see this as a demo of what you can do with Doom if you put a little
effort into making new graphics. Walk through it and use it as an
inspiration for your own designs. Use the textures for your own
purposes if you like, but if you do so, please give me some credit.
I enjoyed making them, but I put quite a few hours of work into it.
Me and my fellow PhD students enjoy playing deathmatch in this
level, but probably only because this is where we work. The design
is not overly exciting for gameplay. The house is modeled as it
stands: rectangular rooms, long straight corridors, repetitive
structure. What would you expect from a house built in the 70's?
There are no monsters, and no weapons. Add those for yourself if
you want them.
To get this level running, you have to patch your DOOM.WAD to
include my new floor and ceiling textures. This cannot be done
by a PWAD, so you'll have to run the supplied program APPENDF2.EXE
to make an altered copy of your IWAD file. This program does not
touch your original DOOM.WAD - it just makes a copy of it that
contains the new flats. None of the existing flats are removed, so
the altered copy will run fine for any other DOOM level as well.
If you are short on hard disk space, you could replace your original
DOOM.WAD with the altered copy if you like.
The level is tested with version 1.2, but it should work also for
later versions. The program APPENDF2.EXE should, too.
This level will not work with the shareware version of Doom.
It will probably be very slow on a 386. I developed and tested
it on a 486DX2-66 with 16M RAM and a VLB graphics card, on which
it runs smooth and fine everywhere. I haven't tested it with any
significant amount of monsters, though.
To get the level up and running, do like this:
First, make sure you have at least some 12M free on the hard disk.
Move HOUSE_B.ZIP to this directory and unpack it.
(This takes quite some time - be patient!)
Title : House B 1.0
Filename : HOUSE_B.ZIP, containing:
Date completed : August 22, 1994
Author : Stefan Gustavson
Email Address : stefang@isy.liu.se
Misc. Author Info : PhD student in image processing and computer
graphics - with a fascination for 3D simulations
Additional Credits to : Raphael Quinet for DEU, Per Allansson for the
port of DEU to GCC and GO32, the various people
having ported IDBSP to DOS, and iD software.
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E1M1
Single Player : Yes, but no monsters
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, but no monsters
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, but no weapons nor ammo
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Most certainly YES - entirely new textures
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch.
Editor(s) used : For level building: GCC DEU 5.21 and IDBSP.
For graphics: Adobe Photoshop on a Macintosh (!),
and my own tools for Unix on a Sun Sparcstation.
The graphics files are untouched by Intel hands :)
Hours to complete : The level - maybe 30. The graphics - don't ask, OK?
Known Bugs : I haven't pasted the right textures onto every
wall. Most large labs are just plain gray inside,
but they should be more detailed. Also, quite a few
places should have double roof height. Maybe later.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You may distribute this WAD freely, provided you include my name somewhere.
The simplest way is to just include this file with the distribution.
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: infant2.sphs.indiana.edu
isy.liu.se (in /pub/colour/doom)