I was born in Pesaro (Gioachino Rossini's birth-place) on 1970.
When I was six, I was presented with my first guitar.
At 11 years old I began to study oboe at Pesaro Conservatory "G. Rossini".
At 13 I started to program in Basic with small computers (VIC-20, Commodore 64).
I have been playing guitar in a rock band since I was 15.
In the mean time I worked with ATARI ST1040 in my small home studio.
When I was 20 I got oboe degree and I began to play as soloist or as a member of some classical ensembles ("Philharmonic Orchestra of Ancona", woodwind quintets, etc.).
In the same year I joined the course in ELECTRONIC MUSIC at Conservatory.
In 1991 I taught oboe at Conservatory.
At 22 I entered the Computer Science Course of Bologna University where I studied several programming languages (FORTRAN, PROLOG, PASCAL, C++, etc..).
In 1995 I wrote SED, a sound editor for MS-DOS.
In 1996 :
- I graduated in electronic music.
- I wrote Hetro Editor, a utility for Csound for MS-Windows.
This program allows graphic analysis of heterodyne filter output and permits accurate editing of it, morphing and resynthesys of sounds generating automatically Csound scores.
- I wrote ParEqPAREQ
In this year (1997) I continue developing ParEq and.........................You will see !!!!
Massimiliano Tonelli.
At 8 years old began to study classical music, playing flute.
At 11 entered conservatory. (studying.... studying......)
At 15 began to study electric bass; I liked rock very much at that time.