ChanMan is a system designed so that the operators of channels on IRC networks can have an easy method to keep track of all the information that they collect in running their channels. The overall objective is to keep this information in an easily managed, searchable format. It is also aimed as developing a resource for the operators of a channel for those occasions where splits, services failures, and bot malfunctions will have all of the channel information at hand in order to perform oppings, de-oppings, and bans as required to maintain channel security.
You are licenced to evaluate this software for a reasonable period (reasonable being 30-60 days) to determine it's usefulness to yourself in performing the tasks for which it is designed. At the end of 60 days you MUST either erase the program and all components from your computer, or register the software through the support website at the following address :
Failure to perform either of these actions will render your licence to use this software invalid and will, in plain English, make you a THIEF. Software piracy is a crime, and if people steal from me I will simply stop making evaluation copies available. Simple, isn't it?
This Shareware Evaluation copy of ChanMan is limited to 20 records on printouts, but unlimited as to the number of records you may enter. Upon registration, a registration patch will be made available which renders all data accessible.
You may FREELY distribute the archive from which you extracted this message, provided it it unmodified and this message remains intact.
Quite simply there isn't one. I don't have the capacity to test this software on every single hardware configuration, or with every combiniation of software. If you're silly enough to install new software without the precaution of a backup of your vital information, then you are, quite frankly, asking for trouble, and I will accept no responsibility whatsoever for any data-loss suffered by you in your attempts to install this software. This software works on my machine - if it doesn't work on yours it's your problem, not mine.
Registration of this program is detailed on the BishopSoft website at :
Installation of the program is very simple. UNZIP the contents of the file CMAN090.ZIP into a temporary directory, then run the program SETUP.EXE from the START menu in Windows 95. There are no installation options, so select any of the three options presented, which will then proceed to install all of the files needed to run ChanMan.
Operation of Chanman is very simple, being fully menu driven, and basically amounts to two data entry areas, and six report formats for producing hardcopies of the channel data.
Data Entry
In entering data into the ChanMan system, it is important to distinguish your normal users from your channel operators. All users are entered into the "Manage Channel Users" data entry screen initially. This screen allows for the entry of all information pertaining to the regular users of your channel, their status, their identd strings and their nicknames. It also allows you to record details of any bans you have imposed, and to record the details of such bans & the progress of any complaints to the IRCops.
Once all of your channel users are entered into the "Manage Channel Users" section, it is time to further edit those users who are channel operators through the "Manage Channel Operators" section. This section will isolate all users who were goven the status of AOP, SOP or FOUNDER in their "Manage Channel Users" settings, and will allow you to add information about their operator status, and any necessary notes which are related to that status.
Once you have gone through these two data entry screens in their entirety you will have a comprehensive information database on all of your users and operators. This information can be distributed to all of the ops in your channel, and will suffice as a vital information source on those occasions where the splits are bad, the bot is out of commission, or if chanserv is down.
Data Output
The output options of ChanMan are self-explanatory, with each of the six options providing a diferent set of output for record keeping or ready reference :
1) Channel User List (All Users Grouped By STATUS)
2) Normal User List (All Users Of Status "NORMAL")
3) Channel Operator List (All Users Of Status "AOP", "SOP", or "FOUNDER")
4) Channel Operator Access Masks (The IDENTD strings of all OPERATORS)
5) Channel Banned Users (All Users Of Status "BANNED")
6) Channel AKICK Listing (All Users Of Status "AKICK")
Support is limited to e-mail for unregistered users.