The idea behind the Elated PageKits is that you can either use the ideas here as is, and develop them from our startpoints, or you can take the bits that you need and customise them for your own use. Obviously, to make the best use of them you'll need to know some basic html.
We have a full free art section on our website at Check it out!
This Kit is interesting largely for the different scrolling direction. The idea being that we're more used to looking left to right to read than up & down, so this is the obvious extension of that.
All pictures were manipulated in Photoshop with a photo taken of a bike through a window, London. This Kit was done on a AppleMac 7600 using Photoshop 4 and SimpleText.
Good hunting.....
The elated team
There are many more Kits of varying kinds as well as some Web Design tips at our website...
PS, we don't really offer tech support for the PageKits as we are constantly busy with paying clients, but we do want them to be a good as possible for you all, so if all else fails, mail us at and we'll try to find the time to help!
We would also rather the kits were not resold. If you're really anxious to use a kit professionally, then get in touch, because we do occasionally sell a kit as is, or with some customisation.