If you're reading this, well done! So many people would never bother...
The idea behind the Elated pagekits is that you can either use the ideas here as is, and develop them from our startpoints, or you can take the bits that you need and customise them for your own use. Obviously, to make the best use of them you'll need to know some basic html. And YES - they're FREE! They're all yours! Aren't we nice?
There are a couple of bits of javascript that would be useful to go over here...
The first trick is the spawning of the new window. This is done using the code on the index page:
What this does is tell the browser to open a new window at the size 500x350 pixels. You can just change this to whatever size you like - but look out for the small browser sizes out there!
The second interesting piece of javascript is the drop down menu on the spawned window. You may have seen this with a "go" button or suchlike next to it, but what we have here is a version that just requires a selection and then let go - much neater! You define where the link is going at the top in the javascript, and what it says in the html stuff within the body. We've made it so that there's no option on the page that you selected for that page, which we thought was cuter, but have a play and see what you prefer!
This design is clear and simple and makes use of something we don't see enough of on the web - curves! Love 'em! The weird pic on the homepage was taken by Gina Lamb, and we've manipulated it in Photoshop 4. The kit was created on a PowerMac G3 using pshop4 and BBedit.
This Kit looks best with little text flying about, so bear that in mind!
Many people have been asking us to make the kits more customisable, so this one you can change every menu option, and add as many as you like to get what you're after!
Good hunting.....
The elated team
There are many more Kits of varying kinds as well as some Web Design tips at our website...
PS, we don't really offer tech support for the PageKits as we are constantly busy with paying clients, but we do want them to be a good as possible for you all, so if all else fails, mail us at simon@elated.com and we'll try to find the time to help!
We would also rather the kits were not used for profit (ie if you're a pro web designer - make your own, that's what you're being paid for! =)). If you're really anxious to use a kit professionally, then get in touch, because we do occaasionally sell a kit as is, or with some customisation. Use the code as much as you like though - we took the javascript from www.builder.com - great place.
However, we love you all to use the kits for personal stuff, charities or educational use - if in doubt, please get in touch (simon@elated.com).