The idea behind the Elated PageKits is that you can either use the ideas here as is, and develop them from our startpoints, or you can take the bits that you need and customise them for your own use. Obviously, to make the best use of them you'll need to know some basic html.
The front pic of the kit is made using the glorious new Kai's power tools 5. You can't use them too often, but they're quite new right now! It has been manipulated in Photoshop 4 on a Power Mac.
The Kit features rollover buttons in javascript, which work with both Netscape 3+ AND Internet Explorer 4 (IE3 never had javascript rollovers). In order to make the titles more customisable we've included the photoshop file (now openable in PSP5) for the menu AND a blank page title. Font used is arial Black. You'll need photoshop 3+ to take advantage of this as it is still in "layered" form to allow you to customise completely.
To make any new images work with the javascript, you'll need to make a blank button of the relevent area for the new menu item, then the item itself. Call them *_off.gif and *_on.gif respectively, put them into the images directory and amend the javascript accordingly. The one images directory feeds both the front page and the sub pages.
Good hunting.....
The elated team.
PS, we don't really offer tech support for the PageKits as we are constantly busy with paying clients, but we do want them to be a good as possible for you all, so if all else fails, mail us at and we'll try to find the time to help!
The Pagekits are free to use on any type of site, provided you
do not redistribute them in any form on the Web
or on a CD-ROM (whether for free or for profit). They are free
for "end-users" only.
What this means in English is that if you're a business wanting to use a Kit for your own bar/bookshop/restaurant etc, then that's fine, even if you're taking money over the site. What's not fine is if you're a web designer using a kit for a client and getting paid for it (ie you're selling the kit on). You may also not take Kits (or any of the free stuff) and put them up on your site for download or examples. The above legalese element is legally binding and failing to comply means you are infringing international copyright law. If you are in any doubt in a grey area of this - ASK FIRST!
If you're really anxious to use a kit professionally, then get in touch, because we do occaasionally sell a kit as is, or with some customisation.