7 Unable to create or open the Internet Settings registry key. Your changes will not be saved.
8 Unable to update the Internet Settings registry key. Your changes will not be saved.
9 I &Agree >
10 Bad command line.
11 Can't create a new Internet Site object.
12 Can't set the Event Callback for the newly created Internet Site.
13 Cannot set the initial parameters for the newly created Internet Site object. Contact the software vendor for additional information.
14 Error %1!ld! while parsing URL '%2'. Please contact the software vendor at the installation site.
15 No sites available.
16 The installation site is currently inaccessible. This may be a temporary condition. Retry installation or select a mirror site if available.
17 Unable to download the run-time reference file needed for this installation. This file is either missing or inaccessible. Contact the software vendor at the installation site.
18 You can't register two of the same connections concurrently. Please contact the software vendor at the installation site.
19 Wrong Site ID. Please contact the software vendor at the installation site.
20 Error %1!ld!. Unable to create the '%2' folder. Make sure that you have enough space and permission to save files on the drive.
21 Can't rename or move the file from '%1' to '%2'. Make sure that you have enough space and permission to save files on the drive.
22 The run-time reference file needed to conduct this installation does not exist or contains invalid information. Contact the software vendor at the installation site.
23 Internal Error. Please contact the software vendor at the installation site.
24 InstallFromTheWeb encountered an error while launching the application '%1'. Contact the software vendor at the installation site.
25 The client application has terminated abnormally. Closing the connection.
26 Cannot create a temporary file necessary to initialize installation. Make sure that you have enough space and permission to save files on the drive.
27 Cannot create a Desktop Shortcut for the installation. Make sure you have permission to modify the desktop.
28 Cannot initialize the FCI/FDI library. Please contact the software vendor at the installation site.
29 Couldn't load the Microsoft Software Publishing Trust Provider (WinTrust.dll). You may need to install the latest edition of Microsoft Authenticode(tm) security system. Please visit the Microsoft Web site for this update.
30 WinTrust.dll was found but seems to be corrupted. You may need to install the latest edition of Microsoft Authenticode(tm) security system. Please visit the Microsoft Web site for this update.
31 The '%1' cabinet file is corrupt or has an invalid signature. Contact the software vendor at the installation site.
32 Cannot decompress the '%1' file. Contact the software vendor at the installation site.
33 Unable to download key files needed to conduct the installation. The files are either missing or inaccessible. Contact the software vendor at the installation site.
34 You may not launch more than one instance of the Run-time engine at a time. Please wait until setup is complete before installing another application.
35 Unable to download a required file - %s
500 Every file transferred to your system is checked for integrity. The file \n'%1'\nmay have been corrupted during internet transfer.\n\nPlease click retry to request the file again.
501 %1 error occurred :\n%2
502 Not enought free space to download the required file set.\nPlease free up at least %ld bytes and\npress 'OK' to continue\nor 'Cancel' to terminate installation.
503 Unable to access the licensing agreement. This installation cannot continue. Please contact the software provider regarding this error.
504 The components required for enabling TryAndBuy could not be downloaded successfully
600 &Install
601 InstallFromTheWeb
602 Install the application on this system.
603 Install the application and save files so you can install to another system at a later time.
604 Download all necessary files only so that you can install the application at another time.
605 The folder '%s' doesn't exist.\nDo you want to create it now ?
606 The installation files have been successfully transferred to your system and stored in the '%s' folder.
607 This will install %s onto your system.\n\nDo you wish to continue ?
608 an application
609 Install '%s'
610 %sInstall '%s'%s.lnk
611 Do you really want to cancel the installation ?
612 Connecting to site ...
613 Retrieving installation details ...
614 Retrieving the required components ...
615 Verifying signature ...
616 Retrieving initial installation file set ...
617 Bytes received: %4d KB
618 Estimated time remaining: %s
619 Welcome
620 License
621 Distribution Sites
622 Installation Modes
623 Password
624 Save Location
625 Installation Types
626 Installing '
627 ' from the Web
628 Setup
629 Install
630 Next
800 Preparing disk #%d retrieval
801 Finished disk #%d retrieval
802 Started disk #%d retrieval
803 Getting '%s' from cache
804 '%s' file is already on the system
805 Starting '%s' file retrieval
806 '%s' file successfully retrieved.
807 '%s' file retrieved and accepted by user.
808 Launching installation's executable file ...
809 Awaiting completion of installation's executable file ...
810 Installation executable file finished running
811 Error received : '%s'
812 'TERMINATE' request received
813 'ABORT' request received
814 Extracting files from '%s' cabinet ...
815 Checking disk #%d ...
816 Downloading electronic commerce components 1 of 2...
817 Downloading electronic commerce components 2 of 2...
818 Downloading electronic commerce components...
20001 Download Error.
20002 Run-time reference file error.
20003 Error starting the Client Installation Program.
20004 Microsoft Compress/Decompress Interface Error.
20005 Potential security hazard
20006 Cabinet processing error
20007 Synchronization error
20008 Unable to initialize the TryAndBuy module
20009 Unable to copy an initialization file for the TryAndBuy module
20010 Unable to load the TryAndBuy modules
20011 Unhandled system exception
20012 Could not update %s in the %s folder because the file is marked read-only or is in use. You may change the file's properties or close all open programs and click Retry.
20013 You need version %s or newer of the InstallFromTheWeb Client to install %s. Please visit %s to get the updated Client, then return to this site and try again.
20014 The response file to be used during the setup process in not valid. Please contact the software vendor
20015 Invalid site specified in the response file. Contact the software vendor.
20016 Every file transferred to your system is checked for integrity. The file \n'%1'\nmay have been corrupted during internet transfer. Please contact the software vendor.