4 Cannot connect to the site '%1'. This may be a temporary condition. Please retry installing at a later time or contact the software vendor if this problem persists.
5 Error while disconnecting from the site '%1'. Please contact the software vendor at the installation site.
7 Status code %1!ld!. Cannot download the '%3' file from the '%2' server. %4\nContact the software vendor at the installation site.
8 Error %1!ld! occured while trying to obtain the '%2' option in process of opening the '%3' file. Make sure your Internet system driver is properly installed.
9 Error %1!ld! while trying to obtain the request status in process of opening the '%2' file. Please reinstall the InstallFromTheWeb Client for Netscape.
11 Cannot open the '%1' file at the '%2' site. Contact the software vendor on the installation site to make sure that you have proper access privileges.
12 Error %1!ld!. Cannot get the '%2' file from the server. This may be a temporary condition. Please retry installing at a later time or contact the software vendor if the problem persists.
13 Couldn't connect to Internet. Please reinstall the InstallFromTheWeb Client for Netscape.
14 Error %1!ld! occurred while connecting to the site '%2'. Make sure that you have provided the proper user name and password to access this site.
15 Error %1!ld!. Cannot gain access to the site '%2'. Contact the software vendor at the installation site.
16 Error %1!ld! while parsing URL '%2'.
17 Cannot complete the object transfer due to internal error. Please contact the software vendor at the installation site.
18 Cannot create or rewrite the '%1' file. Make sure that you have enough space and permission to save on the drive.
19 Error %1!ld!. The Internet Connection was dropped while retrieving the '%2' file. You may retry installing.
20 Error %1!ld! writting to the '%2' file.
21 Server '%1' has refused your connection due to overload. Please try installing again later.
12001 Cannot create a new Internet handle. Please save all work, close all running programs, and reboot your system. Then try installing again.
12002 Your Internet connection timed out. Please try installing at a later time.\n\nIf you experience timeout errors frequently, please contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP).