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- BrowserMaster(tm) - Version 2.01
- Copyright © 1999 Bradley Davidson
- All Rights Reserved
- http://www.vasile.com/racecar/stampware/
- -------- What is BrowserMaster? ---------------------------------------
- BrowserMaster, the successor to BrowserSizer, is a web development
- tool, made by web developers, for web developers. (Kind of cliche,
- huh?) It is a low-fat, NOT in-your-face, tool to help you easily
- perform very common and tedious tasks required in the development of
- professional web sites. Time consuming tasks such as testing for low
- screen resolutions or low color count. Designed to be used throughout
- the development process, not just upon completion, BrowserMaster is the
- Professional Web Developer's helper.
- Have you ever needed to check how your site renders at different screen
- resolutions, on different browsers? Have you ever found this annoying:
- always changing your development machine's screen resolution and then
- rebooting? Every single time? Do you need to test what a page looks
- like dithered to the web pallet of 216 colors and find that you have to
- change your color count & reboot, or even worse, spend half your day
- combining all your images on a page just to dither in PhotoShop(tm)?
- Are you sick of maintaining two sets of bookmarks, one for Internet
- Explorer and another for Netscape Navigator, just to quickly get to any
- of the hundreds of web pages you might be maintaining at one time?
- BrowserMaster does all this and more. It's designed for you, the
- Professional Developer. You, who would prefer to use Notepad(tm)
- and stop wasting money on $100 tools used for only one feature. Hey,
- you're a Professional Developer, because you develop smarter, not more
- costly. Why waste your or your customer's money?
- Major Features:
- - Controls the window size of Internet Explorer (3,4,5), Netscape
- Navigator (2,3,4+), or any active window.
- - Provides accurate sizing of browser as would be when viewed
- full-screen at selected resolutions.
- - Supports user definable custom sizes. (NEW for 2.0)
- - Provides options to account for size with Microsoft Windows
- TaskBar and also Microsoft Office Shortcut Bar.
- - Provides browser safe color palette checking. (NEW for 2.0)
- - Provides browser independent bookmarks. (NEW for 2.0)
- - Provides the 100% control while BrowserMaster is minimized in the
- system tray.
- - Provides online update checking. (NEW for 2.0)
- - Runs under Microsoft Win95/98 & Microsoft NT4/5.
- -------- Registration ------------------------------------------------
- You are limited to 30 Days of use for an unregistered version.
- BrowserMaster is a shareware program. If you find it useful and
- continue to use it you are obligated to register it with the author
- for $20.00. This will entitle you to an registration key, the latest
- registered version of BrowserMaster, and technical support. Free
- upgrades will be available for at least 1 year by download from our
- web site.
- Immediate online delivery of registered copies of BrowserMaster is
- available for credit card orders placed via the Internet using the
- Order link on Racecar Stampware's home page. For more detailed
- purchasing information, please visit our web site at
- http://www.vasile.com/racecar/stampware/.
- -------- Return Policy ----------------------------------------------
- No refunds are issued after a registration key has been delivered to
- the purchaser. Exchanges are allowed if appropriate.
- -------- Addresses ---------------------------------------------------
- Internet: davidson@go-racecar.com
- WWW: http://www.vasile.com/racecar/stampware
- Snail Mail: Racecar Stampware
- 12703 Flack Street
- Wheaton, MD 20906
- -------- Latest Version ----------------------------------------------
- The latest version of BrowserMaster may be found Racecar's Stampware
- site:
- The following www page:
- http://www.vasile.com/racecar/stampware
- -------- Special Thanks ----------------------------------------------
- Jina
- - My loving, supporting, patient wife, for which I thank the
- stars everyday that she doesn't divorce me because I spend most of
- my waking hours staring at a few computer screens. Honey, I
- swear I'll spend quality time with you, just after I fix this last
- bug. ;-) Love Ya.
- William (Penguin)
- - The ride to work, every day, just wouldn't be the same without
- him, even though he still contests that HE came up with the idea
- for BrowserMaster back in 1995. Whatever... I can't imagine that
- I will ever have the opportunity to work with anyone who has more
- excitement and eagerness to learn than he does. Thanks Bill, my
- #1 beta tester, idea man, and best friend.
- Vasile
- - Hmm, what can I say about this guy? Definitely the smartest,
- gayest, most friendly.. ist guy I have ever met. Day-to-day life
- and work would just suck without Vasile on my team. I hope we
- stay working together for a very, very long time. Besides, how
- would I ever figure out how to do anything without asking you
- first?
- Racecar
- - I would like to thank all of the members of the band Racecar.
- <http://www.go-racecar.com/> If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't
- have any good music to listen too or a social life. Damn, guys.
- Get that second album out! I haven't been able to update the web
- page for almost a year. Thanks Brian, Werner, Brian, Chris, and
- Jina (my wife) for being so cool.
- Last, but not least, I would like to thank all the supporters of
- BrowserSizer when it was it its Stampware phase. I hope the
- six months since its initial release has made it a better product for
- everyone. Thanks you all for your suggestions and kind comments.
- -------- Know Issues -------------------------------------------------
- * Re-sizing Netscape Navigator in quick succession can occasionally
- cause BrowserMaster to crash.
- * Both browsers don't consistently pop to the front of the desktop
- on resize attempt. (Mostly when BrowserMaster is hidden in
- system tray)
- * BrowserMaster does not attach to an open Internet Explorer window
- on resize attempt.
- * Netscape Navigator's position can get 'confused' when attempting
- a resize while two windows are open to the same web page or
- with the same title.
- Suggestions are welcome. Please e-mail davidson@go-racecar.com.
- -------- History -----------------------------------------------------
- v2.01 - Fixed including browser's title bar when checking page color
- depth. On Some windows machines, the title bar is a
- gradient which can use up a large percentage of available
- colors.
- v2.0 - Added web color palette checking tool.
- - Added support to size current window from BrowserMaster tray
- icon.
- - Added browser independent bookmarks.
- - Added Netscape Navigator bookmarks and Internet Explorer
- Favorites importing.
- - Added user definable custom sizing.
- - Added fancier TrayMenu Pop-up.
- - Added on-line 'check for updates' to check for newer
- versions of BrowserMaster.
- - Added option to always open BrowserMaster minimized.
- - Added URL updating on 'Check For Update' so no internal
- BrowserMaster links will be out of date.
- - Added registration and splash screens for shareware version.
- - Added link to purchase BrowserMaster.
- - Added option to cancel the loading of Netscape if it is not
- currently running.
- - Fixed requesting to size Netscape twice if not currently
- running. Now BrowserSizer waits till Netscape is loaded,
- then attempts to re-size.
- - Fixed IE not popping to front on size attempt when
- BrowserMaster's main window is visible.
- - Changed main window layout.
- - Changed BrowserMaster from Stampware to shareware status.
- - Changed TrayMenu pop-up items for easier control of
- BrowserMaster when minimized.
- - Changed application name from BrowserSizer to BrowserMaster.
- The BrowserSizer name seemed out of date with all of the
- enhancements in version 2.0.
- v1.03a - Fixed a small bug introduced in v1.03.
- v1.03 - Fixed (finally) the "intf != 0 failed" error that has been
- plaguing some IE4 users.
- - Replaced InstallShield as the installer software for
- BrowserSizer. The setups it created were too bloated.
- Now we using 'Inno Setup' <http://www.jordanr.ml.org/> by
- Jordan Russell. Thanks Jordan!!
- v1.02 - Fixed resizing browsers for WebTV mode when sizing from the
- system tray. Now it does not take into account 95/NT
- TaskBar or Office Bar when calculating size as Web TV does
- not have either of these.
- v1.01 - Fixed a problem controlling Internet Explorer v3.0 and
- some versions of Internet Explorer v4.0 where
- BrowserSizer would report an exception on browser
- resize.
- v1.0 - Fixed (Really this time) Windows inability to shutdown
- properly while BrowserSizer is running.
- - Fixed positioning of Netscape browser on resize. Now it
- stays in its current position.
- - Fixed problems resizing Netscape Navigator when the window
- contains frames.
- - Fixed inability to control Netscape Navigator browser
- after closing originally controlled window and having a
- second window open.
- - Fixed StartMenu shortcut to BrowserSizer Help page.
- - Finally made all browser sizes correct.
- - Added simplistic help.
- - Added "Always On Top" option.
- - Added new browser resolution, 560x380, for Web TV and/or
- old Mac development. (Task & Office Bar selections have
- no effect on browser size)
- - Added Win95/NT & Office taskbar resolution options.
- - Changed radio buttons to normal buttons for resolution
- selection.
- - Removed closing of the controlled browser windows on
- shutdown.
- v1.0 b3 - Fixed Windows inability to shutdown properly while
- BrowserSizer is running. (Thanks Dave!)
- - Fixed link to BrowserSizer Home page.
- - Added Netscape Navigator Support.
- - Added current browser toggle from the system tray icon.
- - Added release notes. (this file)
- - Added Beta expiration date.
- v1.0 b2 - Added Tray pop-up menu to resize browser while BrowserSizer
- is minimized.
- - Added save/restore of last ran BrowserSizer window position.
- - Added minimize to System Tray.
- - Added closing of the controlled browser windows on shutdown.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- BrowserMaster, BrowserSizer & Racecar Stampware are registered
- Trademarks of Racecar.
- Internet Explorer, Windows 95/98/2000, Windows NT 4, and Notepad are
- registered Trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
- Netscape Navigator is a registered Trademark of Netscape
- Communications Incorporated.
- PhotoShop is a registered Trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
- -- EOF --