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INI File | 1998-11-03 | 15.6 KB | 445 lines |
- # preferences:VERSION: %W% %E%
- # Copyright (c) 1997-1998 SoftQuad Inc.
- # Preferences for HoTMetaL 5.0 Eval
- # All lines starting with the "#" character are comments. Don't
- # add comments at the end of a variable line.
- # To use any variables listed here in a commented form, first remove the '#'.
- # The notation ${SQDIR} refers to the directory in which HoTMetaL PRO 5
- # is located, unless it has been user defined (see documentation).
- [HoTMetaL]
- evaluation_version = true
- # Change the entry below to BRITISH to enable British spelling check
- # Also, change the user_dict and supp_dict settings, below, to use the
- # British libraries
- spell_checking_language=AMERICAN
- # An empty default user dictionary (built by Edit Dictionary, or Add to
- # Dictionary within Check Spelling...)
- user_dict_path=
- user_dict=
- # (Use the file userb.dct if you select British spell checking)
- # A small supplemental dictionary
- supp_dict_path=
- supp_dict=
- # (Use the file hmpro5b.dct if you select British spell checking)
- # VDK support variables
- # There are 3 variables which control the VDK:
- # activate_acctools: must be set to true before the VDK can be
- # activated; the default is false.
- activate_acctools=false
- # pin_acctools: if true, the VDK will be pinned to the editor
- # when it is active; ; the default is true.
- pin_acctools=false
- # on_screen_keyboard : this is under program control
- # true: the VDK was active when the editor was last used
- # false: the VDK was not active)
- # accessibility_prompting: this is an int that can have 3 values:
- # 0: off ; 1: on (non-intrusive) ; 2: strict (intrusive)
- # This controls whether accessibility prompting is on or not.
- # Non-intrusive means that info is added to existing dialogs,
- # there are no extra dialogs/steps involved for the user.
- # Strict means that warning dialogs are displayed as well.
- accessibility_prompting=0
- # DataTable Import Wizard Class Id
- # (dependent on Version of databtabe.ocx - 1_00_0009).
- database_import_wizard_class_id=023FD479-FE0B-11D0-8C69-0060971DA0FE
- # Description of webbots which are non-HTML delimited by a start and end
- # comment
- #
- # The below causes all of the webbot (including the delimiting comments)
- # to be put in text-only tag named WEBBOT
- #
- # Pattern (regular expression) describing text of start comment
- non_SGML_start_comment_1=^webbot.*((bot[ ]*=[ ]*"HTMLMarkup".*startspan)|(startspan.*bot[ ]*=.*HTMLMarkup))
- # Pattern (regular expression) describing text of end comment
- non_SGML_end_comment_1=^webbot.*endspan
- # Alternative text for HoTMetaL tag
- non_SGML_tag_1=MSHTMLBOT
- # non_SGML_start_comment_2 =
- # non_SGML_end_comment_2 =
- # non_SGML_tag_2 =
- # etc. ...
- non_SGML_start_comment_2=^webbot.*((bot[ ]*=[ ]*"HitCounter".*startspan)|(startspan.*bot[ ]*=.*HitCounter))
- non_SGML_end_comment_2=^webbot.*endspan
- non_SGML_start_comment_3=^webbot.*((bot[ ]*=[ ]*"ConfirmationField".*startspan)|(startspan.*bot[ ]*=.*ConfirmationField))
- non_SGML_end_comment_3=^webbot.*endspan
- non_SGML_start_comment_4=^webbot.*((bot[ ]*=[ ]*"ScheduledInclude".*startspan)|(startspan.*bot[ ]*=.*ScheduledInclude))
- non_SGML_end_comment_4=^webbot.*endspan
- non_SGML_start_comment_5=^webbot.*((bot[ ]*=[ ]*"Include".*startspan)|(startspan.*bot[ ]*=.*Include))
- non_SGML_end_comment_5=^webbot.*endspan
- non_SGML_tag_5=MSINCLUDE
- non_SGML_start_comment_6=^webbot.*((bot[ ]*=[ ]*"Navigation".*startspan)|(startspan.*bot[ ]*=.*Navigation))
- non_SGML_end_comment_6=^webbot.*endspan
- non_SGML_tag_6=MSBANNER
- non_SGML_start_comment_7=^webbot.*((bot[ ]*=[ ]*"ScheduledImage".*startspan)|(startspan.*bot[ ]*=.*ScheduledImage))
- non_SGML_end_comment_7=^webbot.*endspan
- non_SGML_start_comment_8=^webbot.*((bot[ ]*=[ ]*"Substitution".*startspan)|(startspan.*bot[ ]*=.*Substitution))
- non_SGML_end_comment_8=^webbot.*endspan
- non_SGML_tag_8=MSSUBST
- non_SGML_start_comment_9=^webbot.*((bot[ ]*=[ ]*"Search".*startspan)|(startspan.*bot[ ]*=.*Search))
- non_SGML_end_comment_9=^webbot.*endspan
- non_SGML_tag_9=MSSEARCH
- non_SGML_start_comment_10=^webbot.*((bot[ ]*=[ ]*"DatabaseRegionStart".*startspan)|(startspan.*bot[ ]*=.*DatabaseRegionStart))
- non_SGML_end_comment_10=^webbot.*endspan
- non_SGML_start_comment_11=^webbot.*((bot[ ]*=[ ]*"DatabaseRegionEnd".*startspan)|(startspan.*bot[ ]*=.*DatabaseRegionEnd))
- non_SGML_end_comment_11=^webbot.*endspan
- non_SGML_tag_11=MSDBREGEND
- non_SGML_start_comment_12=^webbot.*((bot[ ]*=[ ]*"DatabaseResultColumn".*startspan)|(startspan.*bot[ ]*=.*DatabaseResultColumn))
- non_SGML_end_comment_12=^webbot.*endspan
- non_SGML_tag_12=MSDBRESCOL
- non_SGML_start_comment_13=^webbot.*((bot[ ]*=[ ]*"SaveResults".*startspan)|(startspan.*bot[ ]*=.*SaveResults))
- non_SGML_end_comment_13=^webbot.*endspan
- non_SGML_tag_13=MSSAVERES
- non_SGML_start_comment_14=^webbot.*((bot[ ]*=[ ]*"Outline".*startspan)|(startspan.*bot[ ]*=.*Outline))
- non_SGML_end_comment_14=^webbot.*endspan
- non_SGML_tag_14=MSOUTLINE
- # The following variable can be adjusted to affect where converted
- # document graphics are saved by the conversion process.
- gif_path=${SQDIR}\gifs
- # The following are set by the Publish dialog, defaults set below
- publish_change_from=file://
- publish_change_to=http://
- # The file chooser dialog for picking an ISMAP file name is effected
- # by the following two variables:
- # Default value of ISMAP_path is the value of document_path.
- # To set, first remove the leading "#" character.
- # ISMAP_path=
- # ISMAP_ext=.map
- # Default value for ISMAP_type (for writing ISMAP files) is NCSA,
- # only other value is CERN. To use other value, first remove leading "#" and
- # value of "NCSA".
- # ISMAP_type=NCSA
- # Where to start when choosing an image file, and the default file extension:
- #image_path=c:\
- #image_ext=.gif
- # Normally you will want to keep the following settings to
- # support the automatic conversion of extended ASCII to entities
- export_convert_to_ISOlat1=true
- export_convert_to_ISOnum=true
- export_convert_remainder_to_char_ref=true
- import_convert_ISOlat1=true
- import_convert_ISOnum=true
- import_convert_char_ref=true
- # The characters displayed by Show invisibles, in this order:
- # tab,carriage return,newline,space,zero width characters
- invisible_chars=#∂§∑~
- # The location of the HTML files that are loaded into the browser when
- # the relevant help menu items are selected
- technical_reference=${SQDIR}\htmlref\index.html
- # The following help_path is the default location of the help file.
- # This is used when you select help from the help menu.
- help_file=${SQDIR}\hmpro5.hlp
- # Toggle graphical display of tables in tags on view
- tags_on_graphical_tables=true
- # Where to initialize file chooser when using ASCII display styles or
- # loading templates
- ascii_styles_path=${SQDIR}\display
- templates_path=${SQDIR}\template
- # Where to initialize file chooser when adding browsers or viewers
- html_browser_path=\
- image_viewer_path=\
- # Defines macros loaded into HoTMetaL (use Load Macro menu)
- macro_path=${SQDIR}\macros
- macro_file=${SQDIR}\macros\hmpro5.mcr
- # HM5 about box
- # about_rtf_file=${SQDIR}/HM5About.rtf
- # The toolbar variables are set as the user tears off and re-drops the
- # toolbars and associated palettes. Also set by the Toolbars... dialog.
- # Normally this is set automatically by use of the program.
- # These are the defaults
- standard_toolbar = on,top,0,1,0,0
- advanced_toolbar = on,top,584,1,1,519
- formatting_toolbar = on,top,0,27,1,333
- tables_toolbar = on,top,0,53,62,0
- browsers_toolbar = on,top,457,53,269,0
- forms_toolbar = off,top,0,79,123,0
- image_toolbar = off,top,565,27,62,276
- macros_toolbar = off,top,493,79,184,0
- quicktools_toolbar = off,top,0,53,530,240
- # Normally, no need to change the following...
- rgb_txt=${SQDIR}\rgb.txt
- styles_path=${SQDIR}\display
- rules_path=${SQDIR}\rules
- #rules_file=hmpro5.mtl
- # The entry setting to false will be written to the Windows copy of hmpro5.ini
- # after the first use of HoTMetaL PRO 5
- show_registration_dialog=false
- # Use the Options dialog to set these
- # show_background_image: controls whether the background attribute
- # on the body element should be checked for a background image
- # when importing a file.
- show_background_image=true
- # export_no_pretty_print_tag_list: list of tags that no longer show up on
- # the pretty print (Source Layout) page of the options dialog.
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0001 = A
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0002 = B
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0003 = BDO
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0004 = BIG
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0005 = BLACKFACE
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0006 = BLINK
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0007 = CITE
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0008 = CODE
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0009 = COLDE
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0010 = COLDEFS
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0011 = DEL
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0012 = DFN
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0013 = EM
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0014 = FONT
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0015 = I
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0016 = INS
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0017 = KBD
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0018 = NOSMARTQUOTES
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0019 = OM-PDO
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0020 = Q
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0021 = ROWS
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0022 = S
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0023 = SAMP
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0024 = SMALL
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0025 = SPAN
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0026 = SQ.DTC
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0027 = STRIKE
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0028 = STRONG
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0029 = SUB
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0030 = SHADOW
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0031 = SUP
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0032 = SQTBODY
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0033 = TT
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0034 = U
- #export_no_pretty_print_tag_list_0035 = VAR
- # Use the Preferences dialog to set these
- default_template=
- show_tags = false
- view_for_open = 1
- show_inline_images=YES
- show_urls=false
- show_tooltips = true
- warn_before_saving=YES
- max_changes_between_saves=64000
- max_time_between_saves=1000
- make_backup_file=NO
- tag_font_name=Arial
- tag_font_size=8
- entity_icon_color=blue
- #entity_icon_background_color=white
- document_path=${SQDIR}\document
- #save_path=
- size_text_to_window=true
- size_table_to_parent=true
- #include_required_elements=YES
- #export_eol=MSDOS
- #export_max_line_len=80
- export_add_line_breaks=YES
- #context_area_width=20
- #drop_images_as=IMG
- # the following are set by the Find dialog
- find_whole_words=NO
- find_backward=NO
- find_wrap=NO
- find_patterns=NO
- find_case_sensitive=NO
- # the following are set by the Load dialog
- #url_file_ext=.htm
- #url_file_path=${SQDIR}\document
- #hotlist_path=${SQDIR}\document
- #applet_ext=.class
- #applet_path=${SQDIR}\document
- # Don't change the following
- unavailable_image=${SQDIR}\noimg.gif
- unsupported_image=${SQDIR}\badform.gif
- keypak_path=
- # Even though keyview is not supported keypak depends on keyview_path
- keyview_path=
- system_dict_path=
- table_map= ${SQDIR}\table.map
- # Change these if you know what you are doing
- #undo_limit=30
- #format_tags= true
- #highlight_mode=Default
- #colormap_segment_size=16
- template_ext=.htm
- #img_ext=.gif
- #backup_ext=.bak
- #rules_ext=.mtl
- #dictionary_ext=.dct
- #styles_ext=.stl
- #ascii_styles_ext=.asf
- #macro_ext=.mcr
- #prompt_for_attrs=NO
- #print_left_header=
- #print_middle_header=
- #print_right_header=
- #print_left_footer=
- #print_middle_footer=
- #print_right_footer=
- default_font_name = Courier New
- default_font_size = 10
- active_thumb_scrolling=true
- urls_default_to_relativ=true
- #Default browser used in previewing documents
- html_browser0=
- html_browser1=
- html_browser2=
- html_browser3=
- # Misspelled attributes:
- # WYSIWYG and Tags On modes:
- # wysiwyg_nodes_to_hide: contains a ';'-separated list of element names. Any
- # elements in a document which match one of the names will be hidden
- # in WYSIWYG mode and made visible in Tags On mode.
- #Default Tag colours
- tag_icon_background_color = C0C0C0
- tag_icon_color = 000000
- #Default window size
- Maximized=0
- x=40
- y=40
- dx=600
- dy=460
- #Default Source Colours
- source_color_background = FFFFFF
- source_color_foreground = 000000
- source_color_comment = 800080
- # source_color_decl: old, replaced by source_color_other_markup
- source_color_decl = 000080
- source_color_end_tag = FF0000
- source_color_quote = 0000FF
- source_color_start_tag = FF0000
- source_color_script = 008000
- # Settings for syntax coloring of scripts
- source_color_script_comment=FF9900
- source_color_script_quote=009900
- source_color_script_keyword=000099
- source_color_other_markup=FFFF00
- #Default Author name
- default_author_name =
- #Default Company name
- organization =
- #Helper Apps
- viewer_gif=
- editor_gif=
- viewer_jpg=
- editor_jpg=
- viewer_png=
- editor_png=
- extensions=css;gif;jpg;png;
- # This next section of variables are HoTMetaL App Server (HMAPPS/PS) specific.
- # document_ext: use this variable to change the default document extension
- # added with the Save As dialog.
- # Examples:
- # document_ext=.html
- # Default Value: if not explicitly set here, defaults to: .htm
- #document_ext=.htm
- #
- # extra_hmpro_exts: use this variable to specify the extensions of other files
- # (in addition to HTML files) to edit in HoTMetaL.
- # Examples:
- # extra_hmpro_exts = mv
- # extra_hmpro_exts = mv;asp
- # Default Value: if not explicitly set here, defaults to: not set
- extra_hmpro_exts = mv
- #
- # map_exts, map_site, map_from: map file URL to http URL.
- # Note: these are also settable with the Options dialog Server tab.
- # Examples:
- # map_exts = htm;html;mv;asp
- # map_site = http://www.softquad.com/dir1
- # map_from = file:///d|/Program%20Files/SoftQuad/HoTMetaL%20PRO/Document
- # Default Values: if not explicitly set here, defaults to: not set
- #map_exts = mv
- #map_site =
- #map_from =
- #
- # enable_mapping, override_server_settings: use these variables to add
- # HoTMetaL Personal Server Options to the Options dialog.
- # Note: these are also settable with the Options dialog Server tab.
- # Default Values: if not explicitly set here, defaults to:
- # enable_mapping: true
- # override_server_mappings: false
- #enable_mapping=true
- #override_server_mappings=false
- #
- # miva_site_url: is the value used by the Server for the site url.
- # Note: can also be set via the Options dialog.
- # Default Values: if not explicitly set here, defaults to:
- miva_site_url =
- #
- # Miva pretty print defaults
- export_indent_tags_0001 = MVCALL
- export_new_line_before_start_tags_0001 = MVCALL
- export_indent_tags_0002 = MVFUNCTION
- export_new_line_before_start_tags_0002 = MVFUNCTION
- export_indent_tags_0003 = MVIF
- export_new_line_before_start_tags_0003 = MVIF
- export_indent_tags_0004 = MVIMPORT
- export_new_line_before_start_tags_0004 = MVIMPORT
- export_indent_tags_0005 = MVPOP
- export_new_line_before_start_tags_0005 = MVPOP
- export_indent_tags_0006 = MVWHILE
- export_new_line_before_start_tags_0006 = MVWHILE
- export_indent_tags_0007 = MVSMTP
- export_new_line_before_start_tags_0007 = MVSMTP
- #
- # Convert legacy Miva doc attribute and element names automatically.
- # misspelled_attributes: syntax: badname1/goodname1;badname2/goodname2;...
- # misspelled_elements: syntax: badname1/goodname1;badname2/goodname2;...