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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- #----------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Form-mail.pl, by Reuven M. Lerner (reuven@the-tech.mit.edu).
- # This package is Copyright 1994 by The Tech.
- # Packaged Modified to mail any form to you by Matt Wright (mattw@misha.net)
- # FormMail is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- # Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
- # later version.
- # FormMail is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # General Public License for more details.
- # Write the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- # If you would like to obtain a copy of the GNU GPL.
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- ####################################################
- # FormMail
- # Created by Matt Wright
- # Created 6/9/95 Last Modified 9/23/95
- # Version 1.2
- # I can be reach at: mattw@misha.net
- # Scripts Archive at: http://www.worldwidemart.com/scripts/
- # Define Variables
- $mailprog = '/usr/lib/sendmail';
- $date = `/usr/bin/date`; chop($date);
- # Get the input
- read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
- # Split the name-value pairs
- @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer);
- foreach $pair (@pairs){
- ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
- $value =~ tr/+/ /;
- $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
- $name =~ tr/+/ /;
- $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
- $FORM{$name} = $value;
- }
- if ($FORM{'redirect'}) {
- print "Location: $FORM{'redirect'}\n\n";
- }
- else {
- # Print Return HTML
- print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
- print "<html><head><title>Thank You</title></head>\n";
- print "<body><h1>Thank You For Filling Out This Form</h1>\n";
- print "Thank you for taking the time to fill out my feedback form. ";
- print "Below is what you submitted to $FORM{'recipient'} on ";
- print "$date<hr>\n";
- }
- # Open The Mail
- open(MAIL, "|$mailprog -t") || die "Can't open $mailprog!\n";
- print MAIL "To: $FORM{'recipient'}\n";
- print MAIL "From: $FORM{'email'} ($FORM{'realname'})\n";
- if ($FORM{'subject'}) {
- print MAIL "Subject: $FORM{'subject'}\n\n";
- }
- else {
- print MAIL "Subject: WWW Form Submission\n\n";
- }
- print MAIL "Below is the result of your feedback form. It was\n";
- print MAIL "submitted by $FORM{'realname'} ($FORM{'email'}) on $date\n";
- print MAIL "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
- foreach $pair (@pairs) {
- ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
- $value =~ tr/+/ /;
- $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
- $name =~ tr/+/ /;
- $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
- $FORM{$name} = $value;
- unless ($name eq 'recipient' || $name eq 'subject' || $name eq 'email' || $name eq 'realname' || $name eq 'redirect') {
- # Print the MAIL for each name value pair
- if ($value ne "") {
- print MAIL "$name: $value\n\n";
- }
- unless ($FORM{'redirect'}) {
- if ($value ne "") {
- print "$name = $value<br>\n";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- close (MAIL);
- unless ($FORM{'redirect'}) {
- print "</body></html>";
- }