This Read Me file contains information regarding the WebPainter 3 Demo software.
1 What's in this directory
2 Purchasing Information
3 System Requirements
1) What's in this directory
Getting Started Guide
A quick and easy guide to using and working with WebPainter 3.0.
Tutorials, Tips and Tricks Guide
Some further ways to extend your use of WebPainter 3.0
WebPainter 3.0 Help
The online help file referenced by WebPainter 3.0.
WebPainter 3.0 Demo Read Me
You are here.
WebPainter 3.0 Demo
Use WebPainter 3.0 to create animations and web optimized graphics with ease!
2) Purchasing Information:
If you are interested in purchasing WebPainter 3 you can review your various options by opening WebPainter and pressing the Purchase button.
Once you've purchased WebPainter 3 you will receive an interim serial number so that you can continue working with the copy that is installed on your computer and you will also be mailed a CD version of WebPainter 3 that includes hundreds of professionally created royalty free animations.
As well, after you purchase and register your software you will receive a registration number for QuickTime 3 Pro, a $29.95 value.
- Windows 95/98 or Windows NT version 4.0 or later
- 25 MB of Hard Disk (basic installation)
- Apple QuickTime 3 or QuickTime 3 Pro (included with registration)
- SVGA Monitor; 1 MB of VRAM
- CD-ROM drive
- Mouse or Wacom compatible pen or digitizing tablet.
Check our website on a regular basis for information on new versions of WebPainter or free updates.
The best place to check for this information is:
Most importantly, have fun with WebPainter!
(c) Copyright 1995-1999, Totally Hip Software Inc. All rights reserved.
Totally Hip Software, the Totally Hip logo, the WebPainter logo and Hip Clips logo are trademarks of Totally Hip Software Inc. Acrobat and the Acrobat logo are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. QuickTime is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.