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- ##
- ## Sample character translation resource file for
- ## WinPMail v1.02, SMTP translation.
- ## Copyright (c) 1993, David Harris, All Rights Reserved.
- ##
- ## This file can be used to replace the default SMTP
- ## translation table used by PMail on outgoing non-MIME
- ## messages.
- ##
- ## Resource 0 in the file must be an SMTP translation table:
- ## it consists of high-bit characters followed immediately
- ## by the string of characters which PMail should use in
- ## place of the character in outgoing messages. Spaces
- ## delimit each entry.
- ##
- ## To use this file, make any necessary changes to it and
- ## compile it using the command "ResCom WPM-CHAR.R". Copy
- ## the resulting WPM-CHAR.RSC file into either your home
- ## mailbox if you want it to affect only you, or into the
- ## same directory as WINPMAIL.EXE if you want it to affect
- ## all users on the system.
- ##
- {
- "ÄC Åue Çe Éa Ñae Öa Üa ác àe âe äe ãi åi çi éAE èA ",
- "êE ëee íAE ìo îoe ïo ñu óu òy ôOE öUE õc ústlg ùyen ",
- "ûpeseta üflorin †a °i ¢o £u §n •N ¶a ßo ®? ©+ ™+ ",
- "´.5 ¨.25 ≠! Æ<< Ø>> ≥| ¥| µ| ∂| ∑+ ∏+ π| ∫| ª+ º+ ",
- "Ω+ æ+ ø+ ¿+ ¡- ¬- √| ƒ- ≈+ Δ| «| »+ …+ - À- Ã| Õ- ",
- "Œ+ œ- –- —- “- ”+ ‘+ ’+ ÷+ ◊+ ÿ+ Ÿ+ ⁄+ ‡a ·ss „pi ",
- "‰Sigma ÂRho ÁTau ÈTheta ÍOmega Îdelta Ìo ÓEpsilon ",
- "= Ò+/- Ú>= Û<= ˆ/ ˘o ˙. ˚sqrt ¸^n ˝^2"
- };