1201 Double-click, drag, or right-click and choose Apply to use the selected thumbnail's attributes on the active title
1210 Enter the text of your title (up to 32 characters)\nEnter text here
1211 Select a font for the active title\nFont
1212 Select an object to make it active\nSelect an object
1213 Select an object's property to work on independently\nSelect a property
1214 Go to a specific frame\nCurrent frame
1215 Displays any existing key frames on the Time Line\nTime Line
1216 Time Line1\nTime Line1
1220 T0\nT0
1221 T1\nT1
1222 T2\nT2
1223 T3\nT3
1224 T4\nT4
1225 T5\nT5
1226 T6\nT6
1227 T7\nT7
1305 Number of frames for the animation\nNumber of Frames
1306 Number of frames for the animation\nNumber of Frames
8000 This operation will permanently remove the thumbnail from the EasyPalette. Are you sure you want to proceed?
8001 Your system resources are insufficient to complete the operation. (%1)
8002 Internal error. Please contact our technical support for help. (%1)
8003 An error occurred in the DirectDraw or Direct3D components. (%1, %2)
8004 Failed to initialize the DirectDraw component. Possibly because of insufficient system resources or an error in the DirectDraw driver. (%1,%2)
8005 Failed to allocate memory to the image buffer. (%1, %2)
8006 Failed to run the Direct3D component. (%1, %2)
8007 Unable to find a D3D driver compatible with this display mode.
8008 This program requires at least a 16-bit color display mode to run.
8009 Unable to create file %1.
8010 Unable to write to file %1.
8011 Unable to open file %1.
8012 File %1 is not a BMP file.
8013 Ulead COOL 3D does not support the compression feature in %1.
8014 The current data is not supported by Ulead COOL 3D. Please change to 24-bit and try again.
8015 This operation is not supported by Ulead COOL 3D.
8016 Memory error.
8017 Unable to continue as the font is not a TrueType font.
8018 Unable to get the TrueType font outline data.
8019 An error has occurred with the Direct3D component.
8020 Unable to decompose the geometry data for the character '%1' in "%2" font.
8021 Unable to initialize the font data.
8022 Unable to handle the complex geometry of the font's shape.
8023 Unable to continue as the text's polygons are too complex.
8024 An error occurred during geometry conversion.
8025 The file name %1 does not specify a supported file type (bmp, jpg).
8026 The specified size is too large for the screen.
8027 Unable to set the specified size.
8028 Please input an integer between %1 and %2.
8029 The specified size is incorrect or too small.
8030 The file %1 is either corrupted or not a .C3D file.
8031 "%1" font is not installed on your system, and will be substituted with "Arial".
8032 No text entered.
8033 Please input a number between 1 and 30.
8034 This animation may be slow as it includes a change in Bevel from the first to the last frame.\n\nHint: You can speed up the animation by selecting the frame with the bevel you want, and then copying and pasting it to the other.
8035 Unable to create or write to file %1.\nNote: Some AVI CODECS are not able to compress frames if its width is not multiples of 8 or larger than 640x480.
8036 Unable to read the file %1.
8037 The bitmap data stored in the file is not valid.
8038 There is no key frame data in the list.
8039 Component manager error: %1 . Unable to insert all plug-ins.
8040 Unable to insert the plug-in CLSID: %1 object.
8044 Unable to perform an OLE operation. Please make sure that you have the latest version of OLE libraries installed.
8045 This program requires at least a 16-bit color display mode to run. Please save your current work and exit the program immediately.
8046 The dimension has been change %1 to %2. This may be caused by either the limitation of the window size or other problems. Please switch the display mode to a higher resolution and/or set the dimension again.
8047 Please select at least one attribute to apply.
8048 The file %1 is either corrupted or not an .UEZ or .UPF file.
8049 Plug-in error: \n%1
8050 Plug-in %1 not installed. It will not be applied and produce a different result.
8051 Cannot find %1 on your system. It will be replaced with %2.
8052 The memory may not be enough to render the current scene. Click Cancel, then try to free some memory by lowering down the bevel precision, reducing the number of objects or turning off some plug-ins. Click OK to continue.
8053 %1 already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?
8054 Cannot get plugin information.
8055 Plugin information is incorrect.
8056 Cannot enumrate the component.
8057 Cannot get %1 character outline from %2. It will be replaced with space character.
9159 Move to the previous frame\nMove to Previous Frame
9160 Move to the next frame\nMove to Next Frame
9161 Jump to the previous key frame\nJump to Previous Key Frame
9162 Jump to the next key frame\nJump to Next Key Frame
9163 Add a key frame\nAdd Key Frame
9164 Delete a key frame\nDelete Key Frame
9165 Reverse\nReverse
9166 Time Line Control\nTime Line Control
9167 To insert a preset object to the scene, double-click its thumbnail or drag it onto the title.
9168 To create a new title using a preset thumbnail, double-click or drag it onto the workspace. To insert the preset to the scene, drag it onto the title.
9169 Windows Metafiles (*.WMF)
9170 Enhanced Metafiles (*.EMF)
9171 All Files (*.*)
9172 EasyPalette files (uez,upf)|*.uez;*.upf||
9173 Thumbnail file (uez)|*.uez||
9174 Image file (jpg,bmp)|*.jpg;*.bmp||
32771 Show or hide the Attribute Toolbar\nAttribute Toolbar
32772 Shape\nShape
32773 Material style\nMaterial
32775 Camera attributes\nCamera
32776 Mouse interface\nMouse
32777 Move text to a different position in the window\nMove Object (Click && drag the object) <A>
32778 Change the text size\nSize <D>
32779 Change the text orientation\nRotate Object (Click && drag the object) <S>
32780 Deform the text\nDeform
32781 Show or hide the Tool Panel\nTool Panel
32782 Edit the current style\nStyle
32784 Edit the current texture\nTexture
32785 Change the current background\nBackground
32786 Apply or remove a texture filter\nTexture Filter (Toggle)
32787 Preview a title with the Output Quality setting\nPreview Output Quality
32789 Show or hide the Mouse toolbar\nToggle Mouse Tools
32802 Set rendering options\nRendering Options
32803 Copy the active title to the clipboard as a bitmap\nCopy as Bitmap
32804 Assign the texture attribute of the title on the clipboard to the active title in the workspace\nPaste Texture
32805 Assign the background of the title on the clipboard to the active title in the workspace\nPaste Background
32806 Copy the active title to the clipboard as an OLE object\nCopy as OLE
32807 Assign the light and color attributes of the title on the clipboard to the active title in the workspace\nPaste Light and Color
32808 Assign the attributes of the title on the clipboard to the active title in the workspace\nPaste Attributes
32812 Show or hide the EasyPalette\nEasyPalette
32813 Insert a thumbnail before the selected thumbnail with the active title's settings\nInsert
32814 Remove the selected thumbnail from the EasyPalette (this action cannot be Undone)\nDelete
32815 Apply the selected thumbnail's attributes to the active title\nApply to active title
32817 Save the EasyPalette files\nSave
32819 Save the active title as a BMP file\nSave as BMP file
32822 Make the text appear stronger (Toggle)\nBold (Toggle)
32823 Make the text appear slanted (Toggle)\nItalic (Toggle)
32825 Apply the selected thumbnail's attributes to the active title\nApply to the active title
32830 Assign the location of the title on the clipboard to the active title in the workspace\nPaste Location
32831 Set the width and height of the title\nDimensions
32832 Save the active title as a JPEG file\nSave as JPEG file
32833 Save the active title as a GIF file\nSave as GIF file
32834 Copy the active title to the clipboard as an RGB True Color (24-bit) image\nCopy as PhotoImpact object
32835 Save the active title as a TGA file\nSave as TGA file
32836 Fastest rendering speed with poor quality
32837 Fast rendering speed with fair quality
32838 Good rendering speed with good quality
32839 Slow rendering speed with better quality
32840 Slower rendering speed with best quality
32841 Slowest rendering speed with the best possible quality
32843 Move the active title to the position where you want the animation to begin\nFirst Frame
32846 Move the active title to the position where the animation ends\nLast Frame
32847 Play the animation forward and then backward (Toggle)\nPing Mode On/Off
32848 Play animation\nPlay
32849 Stop animation\nStop
32850 Show or hide the Animation Toolbar\nAnimation Toolbar
32852 Show or hide the Location Toolbar\nLocation Toolbar
32853 Save the active title as a GIF Animation file\nSave As GIF Animation File
32854 Make the text bigger\nIncrease Character Size
32855 Make the text smaller\nDecrease Character Size
32856 Increase the spacing between characters\nIncrease Character Space
32857 Decrease the spacing between characters\nDecrease Character Space
32858 Style\nStyle
32861 Fastest rendering speed with poor quality
32863 Fast rendering speed with fair quality
32864 Good rendering speed with good quality
32865 Slow rendering speed with better quality
32866 Slowest rendering speed with the best possible quality
32869 Save the active title as a video file\nSave as AVI File