home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- InstallSHIELD Software Coporation (c) 1990-1997#
- _sdRECT
- right
- bottom
- _sdSIZE
- ISIOSVersionInfoSize
- ISIMajorVersion
- ISIMinorVersion
- ISIBuildNumber
- ISIPlatformId
- szISCSDVersion
- GetVersionEx
- SelectObject
- GetTextExtentPoint
- EnableWindow
- GetClassName
- GetDC
- GetDlgItem
- GetFocus
- GetWindowLong
- GetWindowRect
- GetWindowWord
- IsIconic
- IsWindow
- IsWindowEnabled
- MoveWindow
- ReleaseDC
- SetFocus
- SetWindowText
- ShowWindow
- LoadString
- GetModuleHandle
- GetClientRect
- SetWindowPos
- PostMessage
- ShowCursor
- SystemParametersInfo
- Trial!
- Setup is going to launch another Setup program for Ulead COOL 3D 2 b:
- Version, please press OK and wait a moment.*
- Cool3d\Setup.ins
- DialogBoxBeforeFXInstallationRl
- SubPathRl
- ..\..\Bonus Pack\Special Bonus from Ulead FX for GIF Animator\bl
- \Setup.exe
- Setup is going to launch another Setup program for Ulead COOL 3D 2 b:
- Version, please press OK and wait a moment.*
- Cool3d\Setup.ins
- DialogBoxBeforeFXInstallationRl
- SubPathRl
- ..\..\Bonus Pack\Special Bonus from Ulead FX for GIF Animator\bl
- \Setup.exe
- .bmp6
- Setup.bmp6
- Bgf.bmp6
- CompanyNameR0
- ErrorMoveDataR1
- ErrorUninstSetupR2
- ErrorVgaResolutionR3
- Ga_main.exe
- GIF Animator$
- Ulead b7
- Uga30a
- 3.0a$
- Full(
- FullTitleMainR?
- FullTitleCaptionBarR>
- FullTitleMainR@
- Upgrade(
- UpgradeTitleMainR?
- UpgradeTitleCaptionBarR>
- UpgradeTitleMainR@
- Trial(
- TrialTitleMainR?
- TrialTitleCaptionBarR>
- TrialTitleMainR@
- Try-Before-You-Buy(
- TryBeforeYouBuyTitleMainR?
- TryBeforeYouBuyTitleCaptionBarR>
- TryBeforeYouBuyTitleMainR@
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- InstalledPath2
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- AdministratorInstalled2
- 20206!
- NotAdministratorAccountR
- NotAdministratorAccountR
- Setup.bmp6
- Setup.bmp6
- Setup.bmp6
- .bmp6
- Bgf.bmp6
- 30003
- 30003!
- Upgrade(
- Noslip\$
- .isu%
- Noslip
- Noslip\$
- InstallingProgramFilesR
- ReinstallingProgramFilesR
- Noslip
- Tourl.exea
- Tourl.exeA
- rm.txt
- Full(
- Olreg.exe
- List.txt
- InstallingProgramFilesR
- ReinstallingProgramFilesR
- Msgfiles%
- Msgfiles,
- Samples%
- Samples,
- Vft_plug%
- Vft_plug,
- Vfx_plug%
- Vfx_plug,
- InstallingProgramFilesR
- ReinstallingProgramFilesR
- InstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
- ReinstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
- U32file.cfg}
- U32file.cfg
- PreviewSoft
- Trial(
- Try-Before-You-Buy(
- PreviewsoftNumberR
- PreviewSoft\$
- .lic}
- PreviewSoft\$
- .prf}
- PreviewSoft\$
- .slc}
- PreviewSoft\Vboxc403.dll}
- .lic$
- .prf$
- .slc$
- Vboxc403.dlla
- Vboxc403.dll
- Vboxc403.dll
- .dll$
- .exex
- .exe$
- .dllx
- Try-Before-You-Buy(
- c.dll}
- License.html}
- c.dll$
- c.dll
- License.htmla
- License.htmlA
- c.dll$
- c.exex
- c.exe
- c.exe$
- c.dllx
- License.html
- Wininit.ini
- rename
- Noslip\$
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- UninstallString2
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- InstalledPath2
- Wininit.ini
- rename
- Noslip\$
- InstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
- ReinstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
- ComponentError returned the following data transfer error.
- Setup will now abort.
- Media Name: %s
- Component: %s
- File Group: %s
- File: %s
- Error Number: %ld
- Data Transfer Error Informationb
- Olreg.exe
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- UserNameA
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- UserCompanyA
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- InstalledPathA
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- ShortcutFolderA
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- PhotoImpactPluginPathA
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- PhotoshopPluginPathA
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\b6
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\b6
- PathA
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- AdministratorInstalledA
- SOFTWARE\Ulead Systems\b8
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- UninstallString2
- -c"%
- IS32Inst.dll"$
- UninstallStringA
- Place the summary here.A
- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Ulead WebRazor Proa
- Component22
- 10104!
- PleaseUninstallWebRazorProFullComponentR
- PleaseUninstallWebRazorProTrialComponentR
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- InstalledPath2
- Olreg.exe
- OlregIsInUseR
- Ga_main.exe
- GamainIsInUseR
- 20206!
- Noslip\$
- f.isu
- Full,
- Noslip\$
- c.isu
- Try-Before-You-Buy
- Noslip\$
- t.isu
- Trial,
- Noslip\$
- c.isu
- Try-Before-You-Buy
- Trial(
- Trial(
- Trial(
- Try-Before-You-Buy(
- UninstallTryBeforeYouBuyThenInstallTrialR
- Try-Before-You-Buy(
- Trial(
- UninstallTryBeforeYouBuyThenInstallTryBeforeYouBuyR
- Try-Before-You-Buy(
- Try-Before-You-Buy(
- Trial(
- Full(
- UninstallFullThenInstallTrialR
- Try-Before-You-Buy(
- Full(
- UninstallFullThenInstallTryBeforeYouBuyR
- Full(
- Upgrade(
- Trial(
- Try-Before-You-Buy(
- UninstallTrialThenInstallFullR
- Full(
- Upgrade(
- Full(
- Setup is going to launch another Setup program for Ulead COOL 3D 2 b:
- Version, please press OK and wait a moment.*
- Cool3d\Setup.ins
- DialogBoxBeforeFXInstallationR
- SubPathR
- ..\..\Bonus Pack\Special Bonus from Ulead FX for GIF Animator\b
- \Setup.exe
- NotAdministratorAccountR
- Programs\German,
- Programs\English
- .txt%
- Full(
- FullDialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg1R
- Try and Buy(
- TryAndBuyDialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg1R
- TrialDialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg1R
- DialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg2R
- DialogShowSdAskDestPathMsg3R
- U32cfg.dll
- 20206b
- UleadProductInstalledInTheFolderR
- U3dedit.exe
- UleadProductInstalledInTheFolderR
- U3dedit2.exe
- UleadProductInstalledInTheFolderR
- CheckDiskSpaceMsgR
- Typical(
- Custom(
- Compact(
- Typical!
- Compact,
- Typical,
- Custom
- Custom(
- StartCopyUserInformationR
- b'
- b(
- StartCopyProgramFolderR
- b
- StartCopyShortcutFolderR
- b+
- InstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
- InstallingStartMenuFolderIconR
- ReinstallingWindowsRegistryKeysR
- ReinstallingStartMenuFolderIconR
- Ulead Web Utilities\b4
- Trial(
- Order Now!
- ReadMe First>
- Uninstall
- HomeSiteR
- Ulead Web Utilitiese
- Full(
- Try-Before-You-Buy(
- Noslip\Tourl.exe
- WebUtilitiesComR
- /frwhere.htm$
- IconOrderNowR
- Noslip:
- HelpR
- Noslip\Tourl.exe
- WebUtilitiesComR
- HomeSiteR
- Noslip:
- Noslip\Tourl.exe
- WebUtilitiesComR
- /framani.htm$
- IconGIFAnimatorHomeR
- Noslip:
- Noslip\Tourl.exe
- WebUtilitiesComR
- /framfx4ga.htm$
- IconFXPluginsHomeR
- Noslip:
- Noslip\Tourl.exe
- WebUtilitiesComR
- /frwu_tour.htm$
- IconTutorialHomeR
- Noslip:
- Full(
- Olreg.exeZ
- IconRegistrationWzardR
- rm.txt%
- IconReadMeFirstR
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- UninstallString2
- IconUninstallR
- InstallingStartMenuFolderIconR
- ReinstallingStartMenuFolderIconR
- Full(
- FullDialogShowSdFinishRebootMsg1R
- FullDialogShowSdFinishRebootMsg2R
- Try and Buy(
- TryAndBuyDialogShowSdFinishRebootMsg1R
- TryAndBuyDialogShowSdFinishRebootMsg2R
- TrialDialogShowSdFinishRebootMsg1R
- TrialDialogShowSdFinishRebootMsg2R
- Full(
- DialogShowSdFinishRebootOption1R
- DialogShowSdFinishRebootOption2R
- rm.txt
- Notepad.exeb
- Olreg.exe
- DialogShowSdFinishRebootOption1R
- rm.txt
- Notepad.exeb
- Congratulations1R
- Congratulations2R
- WaitAMomentMsgR
- .bmp6
- .bmp6
- WaitAMomentMsgR
- 20206m
- 19990114
- Instsvr.dll;
- CheckPIFile2
- Noslip
- Nbupinfo.dat
- Noslip%
- Noslip
- Nbupinfo.dat
- Noslip%
- Error Message:
- This program can not be continued.
- Please write down the message, and contact with webutilities@ulead.com.tw.*
- Instsvr.dll;
- DetectForUpgrade2
- SOFTWARE\Resulta
- Error Message:
- This program can not be continued.
- Please write down the message, and contact with webutilities@ulead.com.tw.*
- C:\Program Files
- ScriptCreatedComponents
- Instsvr.dll
- Instsvr.dll;
- GetUpgradeProduct2
- Instsvr.dll
- SOFTWARE\Resulta
- SOFTWARE\Result,
- Error Message:
- This program can not be continued.
- Please write down the message, and contact with webutilities@ulead.com.tw.*
- UpgradeSelectTitleR
- UpgradeSelectDlgPromptR
- Instsvr.dll
- Instsvr.dll;
- GetUpgradeProduct2
- Instsvr.dll
- SOFTWARE\Resulta
- Error Message:
- This program can not be continued.
- Please write down the message, and contact with webutilities@ulead.com.tw.*
- NoneSelectonSelectedR
- SpecifyInstalledFolder1R
- SpecifyInstalledFolder2R
- Instsvr.dll
- Instsvr.dll;
- IsUPInstalledInTheFolder2
- Instsvr.dll
- 20206
- Instsvr.dll
- Instsvr.dll;
- IsInstalledInTheFolder2
- Instsvr.dll
- SorryCannotFoundR
- Error Message:
- This program can not be continued.
- Please write down the message, and contact with webutilities@ulead.com.tw.*
- Instsvr.dll
- Instsvr.dll;
- IsInstalled2
- Instsvr.dll
- Error Message:
- This program can not be continued.
- Please write down the message, and contact with webutilities@ulead.com.tw.*
- Instsvr.dll
- Instsvr.dll;
- IsInstalledInTheFolder2
- Instsvr.dll
- Error Message:
- This program can not be continued.
- Please write down the message, and contact with webutilities@ulead.com.tw.*
- Setup.bmp6
- Setup.bmp6
- Setup.bmp6
- .bmp6
- Bgf.bmp6
- 30001
- 30001!
- 30002
- 30002!
- 30005
- 30005!
- 30005
- 30005!
- 30005
- 30005!
- 30005a
- Error in defining dialogA
- 30005
- Dialog failedA
- Add/Removing components of b?
- was completed successfully.*
- Reintalling components of b?
- was completed successfully.*
- DialogBoxBeforeFXInstallationR
- SubPathR
- ..\..\Bonus Pack\Special Bonus from Ulead FX for GIF Animator\b
- \Setup.exe
- .bmp6
- Setup.bmp6
- Bgf.bmp6
- Bg.bmp6
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- InstalledPath2
- The registry keys are incorrect, the Setup program can not be continued.A
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- AdministratorInstalled2
- The registry keys are incorrect, the Setup program can not be continued.A
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- UserName2
- The registry keys are incorrect, the Setup program can not be continued.A
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- UserCompany2
- The registry keys are incorrect, the Setup program can not be continued.A
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- PhotoshopPluginPath2
- 10104!
- Ubtnanyo.8bf!
- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
- Ubtnrcto.8bf!
- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLsb
- Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\bA
- Trial(
- Noslip\$
- c.isu
- Setup is uninstalling the b8
- Try-Before-You-Buy Version now. Please wait.
- UninstallerR
- .exe%
- Noslip\$
- c.isu" -a -c"%
- IS32Inst.dll"$
- Setup is uninstalling the b8
- Try-Before-You-Buy Version now. Please wait.
- Try-Before-You-Buy(
- Noslip\$
- t.isu
- Setup is uninstalling the b8
- Trial Version now. Please wait.
- UninstallerR
- .exe%
- Noslip\$
- t.isu" -a -c"%
- IS32Inst.dll"$
- Setup is uninstalling the b8
- Trial Version now. Please wait.
- Full(
- Noslip\$
- t.isu
- Setup is uninstalling the b8
- Trial Version now. Please wait.
- UninstallerR
- .exe%
- Noslip\$
- t.isu" -a -c"%
- IS32Inst.dll"$
- Setup is uninstalling the b8
- Trial Version now. Please wait.
- Noslip\$
- c.isu
- Setup is uninstalling the b8
- Try-Before-You-Buy Version now. Please wait.
- UninstallerR
- .exe%
- Noslip\$
- c.isu" -a -c"%
- IS32Inst.dll"$
- Setup is uninstalling the b8
- Try-Before-You-Buy Version now. Please wait.
- Full(
- 20206!
- Trial(
- Try-Before-You-Buy(
- 20206!
- Setup has detected that you have installed the b8
- Full Version.
- Before you install the $
- Trial Version, you have to uninstall the $
- Full Version.
- Setup was canceled.*
- Upgrade(
- 20206!
- Upgrade(
- 20206!
- edit(
- Disk Space0
- temp.txt
- temp.txt
- In function '%s':
- Unable to create dialog.
- Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SYS.CAB.
- Errorb
- _sdSIZEa
- %s-%ldb
- \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion,
- \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,
- RegisteredOwner2
- RegisteredOrganization2
- ISIOSVersionInfoSizeA
- szISCSDVersion2
- SdRegisterUserEx!
- ResultA
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- szSerialA
- SdRegisterUserEx!
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- szSerialA
- ResultA
- SdRegisterUser!
- ResultA
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- SdRegisterUser!
- szNameA
- szCompanyA
- ResultA
- SdConfirmRegistration!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmRegistration!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmNewDir!
- ResultA
- SdConfirmNewDir!
- ResultA
- SdAskDestPath!
- ResultA
- szDirA
- SdAskDestPath!
- szDirA
- ResultA
- SdWelcome!
- ResultA
- SdWelcome!
- ResultA
- SdShowInfoList!
- ResultA
- SdShowInfoList!
- ResultA
- SdSelectFolder!
- ResultA
- szFolderA
- $
- / : * ? " < > |*
- Severe
- SdSelectFolder!
- szFolderA
- ResultA
- SdSetupType!
- ResultA
- szDirA
- SdSetupType!
- Typical,
- Custom,
- Compact
- szDirA
- ResultA
- SdSetupTypeEx!
- ResultA
- SdSetupTypeEx/
- SdSetupTypeEx/
- SdSetupTypeEx!
- ResultA
- SdShowAnyDialog!
- ResultA
- SdShowAnyDialog!
- ResultA
- SdDisplayTopics!
- ResultA
- SdDisplayTopics!
- ResultA
- SdShowMsg!
- SdShowMsg/
- _sdRECTa
- _sdRECTa
- bottom2
- SdAskOptionsList!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdAskOptionsList!
- SdAskOptionsList!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdShowFileMods!
- ResultA
- nSelectionA
- SdShowFileMods!
- nSelectionA
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit1!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- SdShowEdit1!
- szEdit1A
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit2!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- SdShowEdit2!
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- ResultA
- SdShowDlgEdit3!
- ResultA
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- szEdit3A
- SdShowEdit3!
- szEdit1A
- szEdit2A
- szEdit3A
- ResultA
- SdAskOptions!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdAskOptions!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialogAdv!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- szDirA
- SdComponentDialogAdv!
- SdComponentDialogAdv!
- szDirA
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentMult!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdComponentDialogAdv!
- SdComponentDialogAdv!
- SdComponentMult!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdOptionsButtons!
- ResultA
- SdOptionsButtons!
- ResultA
- SdBitmap!
- ResultA
- SdBitmap!
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialog2!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- SdComponentDialog2!
- SdComponentDialog2!
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdComponentDialogEx
- SdComponentDialogEx!
- SdComponentDialogEx!
- SdComponentDialog!
- ResultA
- ComponentA
- szDirA
- SdComponentDialog!
- SdComponentDialog!
- szDirA
- ComponentA
- ResultA
- SdLicense!
- ResultA
- ResultA
- SdStartCopy!
- ResultA
- ResultA
- SdFinishReboot!
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- ResultA
- ResultA
- BootOptionA
- SdFinish!
- ResultA
- bOpt1A
- bOpt2A
- ResultA
- bOpt1A
- bOpt2A
- 5.00.000