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- Date: Sat, 29 Jan 1994 14:50:52 -0400
- From: dnebing@andy.bgsu.edu (Dave Nebinger)
- Subject: alt.sources.mac digest #01-94
- [This is the digest for the alt.sources.mac group. I know that
- Sumex has digest #02-94, but I am going to send both to macgifts
- so that it will be widely available. -Dave]
- alt.sources.mac digest #01-94 1/7/94
- Today's Contents:
- [!] administrivia
- [*] autobin.cpt.hqx
- [*] catsearch.cpt.hqx
- [*] cdef-slider.cpt.hqx
- [*] devils-cubes.cpt.hqx
- [*] final-chance.cpt.hqx
- [*] ghost.cpt.hqx
- [*] hotkeys-1.0.2.cpt.hqx
- [*] jgnehelper.cpt.hqx
- [*] jotto-ii.cpt.hqx
- [*] keycapapp-2.0.cpt.hqx
- [*] mouse-broken.cpt.hqx
- [*] mouse-crooked.cpt.hqx
- [*] mouse-ghost.cpt.hqx
- [*] mouse-gravity.cpt.hqx
- [*] mouse-speedy-1.2.cpt.hqx
- [*] mouse-stoned.cpt.hqx
- [*] shutdownfx.cpt.hqx
- [*] voyeur.cpt.hqx
- [#] appstartupscrn
- [#] changesysfont
- [#] changeusername
- [#] convertpcdata
- [#] dbllinklist
- [#] detectdebug
- [#] downarrow
- [#] editinmodeless
- [#] fixbyteorders
- [#] folderflags
- [#] fp2string
- [#] getnetname
- [#] incstacksize
- [#] keydetect
- [#] keyrepeats
- [#] launchnsendaes
- [#] layermgr
- [#] makeratiorgb
- [#] paramstring
- [#] patchdrawmenu
- [#] patchmbdf
- [#] pictpreview
- [#] refnum2fsspec
- [#] resource-io
- [#] scrolldelay
- [#] systemfont
- [#] testshift
- [#] timemgr
- [#] touchfolder
- [#] windinfo
- [#] xpraminfo
- [#] xpraminfo2
- The alt.sources.mac archive is at ftpbio.bgsu.edu
- ( in the /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac directory.
- Files listed with an [*] before them are in the main
- directory. Files listed with an [#] in front of them
- are in the /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/00snippet directory.
- The alt.sources.mac newsgroup is for the distribution of
- sources only.
- ************************************************************
- From: dnebing@andy.bgsu.edu (Dave Nebinger)
- Subject: Administrivia
- Welcome to the alt.sources.mac digest. Currently, I am
- the moderator of the archive. I thought I would post this
- message to show everyone what has been accumulating at the
- archive site.
- Your contributions are highly recommended and accepted.
- If you don't have access to the alt.sources.mac newsgroup,
- you can email your contribution to me (dnebing@andy.bgsu.edu)
- and I will add it to the archive, or you can upload it to
- the /ftp/pub/incoming directory at the archive site.
- I would also recommend to those programmers posting
- snippets to the comp.sys.mac.* heirarchy to also crosspost
- them to the alt.sources.mac group so that I can make sure
- that it gets added to the archive.
- Thanks for you support, and if you have any questions/
- problems/maladjustments, feel free to email me.
- Dave Nebinger (dnebing@andy.bgsu.edu)
- ************************************************************
- From: mxmora@unix.sri.com (Matt Mora)
- Subject: AutoBin
- Enclosed is AutoBin a drag a drop binhexing program.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/autobin.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: keith@taligent.com (Keith Rollin)
- Subject: CatSearch utilities
- Here are a couple of utilities that make PBCatSearch more useful and easier
- to use.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/catsearch.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: ekstrom@girtab.usc.edu (Harold Verner Ekstrom)
- Subject: Slider CDEF
- SliderCDEF 1.0
- ==============
- SliderCDEF is a control definition function for a
- slider with a simple indicator and a track without
- arrows on the end and that also displays the slider's
- value centered above the indicator outside the
- control's rectangle.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/cdef-slider.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
- Subject: Devil's Cubes 1.0.1 (source code)
- The Devil's Cubes are a set of four cubes, each painted with four colors
- with some colors repeated. All four cubes are different. The object of
- the game is to rotate the four cubes until the top of each Devil's Cube
- is a different color than the top of the other three cubes, and likewise
- for the bottom, front, and back of each Devil's Cube. Sound simple? Try
- it for a few hours.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/devils-cubes.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
- Subject: Final Chance 1.0 (source code)
- Final Chance is a combination of fluff and utility. On one hand, it gives
- you a random quote on shutdown, which is pretty useless, really. On the
- other hand, it gives you a final chance to decide if you really want to shut
- your Macintosh down, or if you want to exit to the Finder.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/final-chance.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: f8dy@access.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
- Subject: [0/10] Ghost 1.0 (word game, C 5 or 6)
- Ghost is a classic word-building game for two or more players. Players take
- turns each adding a letter to build a word, and whoever finishes the word
- loses the round. Lose five rounds, and you become a "ghost" and are out of
- the game! Up to five human players can compete against up to five computer
- players at a variety of skill levels.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/ghost.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: rmah@panix.com (Robert S. mah)
- Subject: HotKeys1.0.2 (Think C)
- I was writing an extension, and I needed hot key support.
- So here it is. Version 1.0.2, shiny and new. Ready and rearin' to go!
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/hotkeys-1.0.2.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: gurgle@netcom.com (Pete Gontier)
- Subject: jGNE Helper -- event filter example
- This is "jGNE Helper", a monthly posting to alt.sources.mac. It
- attempts to provide an example for INIT programmers interested in
- filtering events before they are handed to applications calling
- GetNextEvent (which is called by WaitNextEvent).
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/jgnehelper.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: f8dy@access (Mark Pilgrim)
- Subject: Jotto ][ 1.0 (word game, THINK C 6)
- Jotto ][ is a simple word game based on logic and frustration. The computer
- will pick a 5- or 6-letter word from a 2000+ word database, and you have 15
- tries to guess it. You will get feedback on how many letters in your guess
- are in the actual word, but beware: each guess must be a valid word, or you
- will or you will not get any feedback about it at all.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/jotto-ii.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: mxmora@unix.sri.com (Matt Mora)
- Subject: KeyCapApp 2.0
- Enclosed is KeyCapApp 2.0. I modified the DTS verison (1.2)
- and added color and modifer support.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/keycapapp-2.0.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
- Subject: Mousebroken 1.0.1 (source code)
- Mousebroken is a control panel which will give you greater control over your
- mouse (or less control, depending on how you look at it). It comes with 13
- mouse modules, each designed to alter your mouse's behavior in a different
- way. New mouse modules can easily be designed and added to Mousebroken. The
- mouse modules in this archive are public domain; feel free to design your own!
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/mouse-broken.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: f8dy@netaxs.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
- Subject: Crooked Mouse 1.0 (source code)
- Crooked Mouse is a fun little INIT which will cause your mouse to move
- at an angle 45 degrees counterclockwise from the angle you moved it.
- This INIT is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License;
- this archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and project files
- for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy of
- the INIT, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author.
- The address is f8dy@netaxs.com.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/mouse-crooked.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
- Subject: Ghost Mouse 1.1 (source code)
- Ghost Mouse is a fun little INIT which will cause your mouse to disappear
- if you stop moving it. Due to numerous requests from users of version 1.0,
- the mouse can stay stationery for about 2 seconds before it disappears.
- This INIT is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License;
- this archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and project files
- for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy of
- the INIT, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author.
- The address is f8dy@netaxs.com.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/mouse-ghost.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
- Subject: Gravity Mouse 1.1 (source code)
- Gravity Mouse will cause your mouse to be occasionally overcome by gravity.
- This INIT is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License;
- this archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and project files
- for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy
- of the INIT, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author.
- The address is f8dy@netaxs.com.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/mouse-gravity.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: f8dy@access.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
- Subject: [0/1] Speedy Mouse 1.2 (INIT, THINK C 5 or 6)
- Speedy Mouse is a fun little INIT which will cause your mouse to move
- twice as fast as it normally does. This INIT is free and is distributed under
- the GNU General Public License; this archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1
- source code and project files for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access,
- e-mail the author for a copy of the INIT, the source code, or a list of other
- programs by the same author. The address is f8dy@netaxs.com.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/mouse-speedy-1.2.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: f8dy@netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
- Subject: Stoned Mouse 1.0 (source code)
- Stoned Mouse is a fun little INIT which will cause your mouse to move
- discretely instead of continuously, which I find breathtakingly disconcerting.
- This INIT is free and is distributed under the GNU General Public License;
- this archive contains complete THINK C 6.0.1 source code and project files
- for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access, e-mail the author for a copy of
- the INIT, the source code, or a list of other programs by the same author.
- The address is f8dy@netaxs.com.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/mouse-stoned.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: f8dy@access.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
- Subject: Shutdown FX (INIT, THINK C 5 or 6)
- Shutdown FX will cause your Macintosh to clear the screen with a cool
- graphic effect every time it shuts down. This INIT is free and is distributed
- under the GNU General Public License; this archive contains complete THINK C
- source code and project files for the INIT. If you do not have FTP access,
- e-mail the author for a copy of the INIT, the source code, or a list of other
- programs by the same author. The address is f8dy@netaxs.com.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/shutdownfx.cpt.hqx]
- ============================================================
- From: f8dy@netaxs.netaxs.com (Mark Pilgrim)
- Subject: Voyeur 1.0 (source code)
- Voyeur 1.0 is a no-frills file viewer. It allows you to view raw data (in
- hexadecimal and ascii format) of either the data or resource fork of a
- file. You can't edit any of the information, but you can change the
- type/creator information or modify the length (EOF) of either fork.
- [archived as /ftp/pub/alt.sources.mac/voyeur.cpt.hqx]
- ************************************************************
- appstartupscrn Display application startup splash screen
- Erik Schwiebert (evs1@cornell.edu)
- Pascal code which demonstrates how to display a splash
- screen while the application is starting up and initializing.
- ============================================================
- changesysfont Change the default system font and size.
- Leonard Rosenthol (leonardr@netcom.com)
- C functions for changing the system font and size.
- ============================================================
- changeusername Change the user name
- Rich Kubota (rkubota@applelink.apple.com)
- C functions illustrating how to change the user name for
- the system and make it stick.
- ============================================================
- convertpcdata Converting from little-endian to big-endian
- Stephen Roderick (roderis@kira.csos.orst.edu)
- C function to convert pc doubles to Mac doubles.
- ============================================================
- dbllinklist Doubly Linked List Code
- Peter Lewis (peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au)
- Pascal code that implements a doubly linked list.
- ============================================================
- detectdebug Detect the availability of debuggers
- Dawson Dean (dawson@cs.cornell.edu)
- Pascal procedure for checking for a debugger.
- ============================================================
- downarrow Drawing a popup's down arrow
- Leonard Rosenthol (leonardr@netcom.com)
- C snippet showing how to draw the down arrow for a custom
- popup menu.
- ============================================================
- editinmodeless Implementing edit functions in a modeless dlg
- Andrew McClure (andrew@cs.uwa.oz.au)
- C function for implementing the standard edit functions in a
- modeless dialog.
- ============================================================
- fixbyteorders Conversion between big and little endian
- Danny Thomas (D.Thomas@vthrc.uq.edu.au)
- C functions to convert little-endian numbers to the Mac's
- big-endian numbers.
- ============================================================
- folderflags Setting the finder flags for a folder
- GRAFF (pier@rz.rwth-aachen.de)
- C function for changing the finder flags for a folder.
- ============================================================
- fp2string Conversion between floating pt. and strings
- Herb Hrowal (h_hrowal@qm.symantec.com)
- C functions to convert between floating point numbers and
- strings.
- ============================================================
- getnetname Getting Network Username
- Peter Lewis (peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au)
- Pascal function for returning the name from the network
- control panel.
- ============================================================
- incstacksize Increment the default stack size for an app
- Grobbins (grobbins@apple.com)
- C code showing how to increase an applications stack size.
- ============================================================
- keydetect Detecting cmd & option keys at startup
- Mike Russel (mgr@aggroup.aggroup.com)
- C functions for checking if the command and option keys
- are depressed.
- ============================================================
- keyrepeats Changing the keyboard repeat rate
- George Loo Chee Khin (gloo@iss.nus.sg)
- C code showing how to change the keyboard repeat rate using
- lo-mem globals.
- ============================================================
- launchnsendaes Launch an app for sending apple events
- Chuck Shotton (cshotton@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu)
- C function to launch an application keeping the necessary
- information to send the app some apple events.
- ============================================================
- layermgr Undocumented Layer Manager calls
- Hugues Marty (hugues@isoftfr.isoft.fr)
- C header file and sample code for using the undocumented
- Layer Manager.
- ============================================================
- makeratiorgb MakeRatioRGB
- Stefan Arentz (arentz@batcave.knoware.nl)
- Think C translation of assembly code from the Developer CD
- for MakeRatioRGB.
- ============================================================
- paramstring String expansion like ParamText
- John Werner (werner@soe.berkely.edu)
- C function for doing pascal string expansions similar to
- the ParamText trap.
- ============================================================
- patchmbdf Patching GetResource
- Keith Rollin (keith@taligent.com)
- C function to patch GetResource.
- ============================================================
- patchdrawmenu Patching DrawMenuBar
- Phil Kearney (phil@intercon.com)
- C function to patch DrawMenuBar
- ============================================================
- pictpreview Using Quicktime's Preview model
- Mark Sproul (sproul@sproul.sproul.com)
- C function to make a preview resource picture which Quicktime
- will use with the StandardOpenPreview call.
- ============================================================
- refnum2fsspec RefNum to FSSpec conversion
- Pete Resnick (resnick@cogsci.uiuc.edu)
- C code to convert a file's reference number to an
- FSSpec record.
- ============================================================
- resource-io Reading and writing 'STR ' resources
- Andrew McClure (andrew@cs.uwa.oz.au)
- C functions for reading and writing preferences in
- 'STR ' resources.
- ============================================================
- scrolldelay Delaying the scroll bar
- Lawrence D'Oliveiro (ldo@waikato.ac.nz)
- Using _UserDelay to delay the scrolling.
- ============================================================
- systemfont Get and set the default system font and size
- John Werner (werner@soe.berkely.edu)
- C functions for getting and setting the system font and
- size using the lo-mem globals.
- ============================================================
- testshift TestShift
- Ramon M. Felciano (felciano@camis.stanford.edu)
- Inline assembly routine to check for the shift key being
- down or not.
- ============================================================
- timemgr Time Manager Example
- Kraig Eno (kraig@u.washington.edu)
- C source which implements some Time Mgr routines.
- ============================================================
- touchfolder TouchFolder
- Peter Lewis (peter@ncrpda.curtin.edu.au)
- Pascal procedure to force the Finder to update a folder.
- ============================================================
- windinfo Find info for a given window
- Ari l Halberstadt (ari@world.std.com)
- C functions to get some rects from a window, including
- the content rect and the drag rect.
- ============================================================
- xpraminfo PRAM accessing
- Mark Pilgrim (f8dy@access.netaxs.com)
- C source for accessing the parameter ram.
- ============================================================
- xpraminfo2 PRAM accessing
- Lawrence D'Oliveiro (ldo@waikato.ac.nz)
- Modula-2 source for accessing the parameter ram. Provides a better
- interface to access the PRAM.
- ============================================================
- Dave Nebinger dnebing@andy.bgsu.edu
- Network Manager, Biology Dept. dnebing@opie.bgsu.edu
- Bowling Green State University dnebing@bgsuopie (bitnet)
- Bowling Green, OH 43403 #include <std_disclaimer.h>
- *THE* alt.sources.mac supporter!