Labels:book | daily | monitor | person | school newspaper | sky | tabloid OCR: Over 4,700 files! Over 600 Megabytes! MACFORMAT Untitled can't CD-ROM Disc January 1997 dance don ant to be Emipry MED part of ou PAINT rer olution! Intitler Usable demo of the digital media paint package for special effects, cel animation, ChromaKey and more! (Requires 10Mb RAM) Indian Paradise ClickWorks demo Picasso Magritte Actua Soccer The new multimedia authoring Rolling previews PLUS usable Interactive preview! PLUS fully tool by Scitex! (Requires Power- demos of HyperStudio 3.0 and playable demos of A-10 Cuba, Mac, System 7.5, 10Mb RAM) MF Reader Award winners Marathon Infinity, and more! Fully Internet functional Explorer Internet Explorer 3.0 3.0 from PLUS Demos Microsoft of digital Office, audio utilities, Microsoft, complete with e-mail and Power Fantasm 4.15 programming newsgr ...