Labels:book | reckoner | sky OCR: MF52 CD with work software. data before using To make alphabetical finding index your to the way major around files, along window. the folders you'll find an them in We this your test responsible disc all the or properly, important by for any programs but any We it data is inability on therefore loss the impossible to or CD use suggest damage to this them extensively test CD that so caused them be to you MACPORMAT on by make careful make all the sure out cannot machines programs that backup theret be they and of on held all! the MACFORMAT CD easier here's with Files with no folder named are in the main this disc Sword Preview CFM Broker BOOM Acroba ClipAppend CDIconKiller 68K 4.0 Reader (Shareware 4 3.0 (Resources (Resources) Central, (Resources 52 (Demos) System Resources MetaPong MindOut ...