The charset specified in articles with MIME headers will be used when displaying those articles, if it's available. To always use the specified character set conversion, check this box.
The specified character set conversion will always be used when displaying articles. To honor the charset specified in articles with MIME headers, check this box.
Allows you to change the font, font size, and character set conversion for the current article. Not available because the window is not an article window.
Allows you to change the font, font size, and character set conversion for the current article.
To discard all the changes you have made to the article format, click this button.
To accept all the changes you have made to the article format, click this button.
Enter a number for how many days this filter should be used, or 0 to make it permanent.
Enter a number to be used as the weighting factor for this filter when computing article scores.
Select the label to be applied to articles passing this filter.
To not create a filter for this message, click this button. Unavailable, because you have not previously specified that this message should be filtered.
To not create a filter for this message, click this button.
To discard all the changes you have made to the filter settings, click this button.
To accept all the changes you have made to the filter settings, click this button.
To place followups to binary posts in the same thread as the binary, check this box.
To place followups to binary posts in a separate thread, check this box.
The References header will not be used to order articles within a thread. To use references when creating threads, click this box. This makes opening groups slower, but articles within threads will appear in a less random order.
The order of articles within threads will be determined using the References header. To ignore references when creating threads, click this box. This makes opening groups faster, but articles within threads may appear in a random order.
To paste any previously copied filters, click this button. Not available because there is no filter to paste.
To paste any previously copied filters, click this button.
To copy any selected filters, click this button. Not available because no filter are selected.
To copy any selected filters, click this button.
To discard all the changes you have made to the message settings, click this button.
To accept all the changes you have made to the message settings, click this button.
Use this popup menu to select the font size for your article windows.
Type the font size for your article windows here.
Use this popup menu to select the font for your article windows.
Threads will be sorted first by article label. To ignore labeling when sorting, click this box.
To sort threads first by article label, click this box.
Click this box to sort subject windows in normal order.
Click this box to sort subject windows in reverse order.
Use this menu to select the initial default sort order for articles in the subject window.
The labels of articles are not shown when you open a newsgroup. To also show the label, click this box.
The labels of articles are shown when you open a newsgroup. To omit showing the labels, click this box.
The scores of filtered articles are not shown when you open a newsgroup. To also show the score, click this box.
The scores of filtered articles are shown when you open a newsgroup. To omit showing the scores, click this box.
To also show the posting time, click this box. This shows more information, but makes opening groups slower.
The posting times of articles are shown when you open a newsgroup. To omit showing the posting times, click this box. This makes opening groups faster, but shows less information.
To also show the posting dates, click this box. This shows more information, but makes opening groups slower.
The posting dates of articles are shown when you open a newsgroup. To omit showing the dates, click this box. This makes opening groups faster, but shows less information.
Article line counts are shown when you open a newsgroup. To omit showing line counts, click this box. This makes opening groups faster, but shows less information.
To also show the line counts, click this box. This shows more information, but makes opening groups slower.
Author names are shown when you open a newsgroup. To not show author names, click this box. This makes opening groups faster, but shows less information.
Author names are not shown when you open a newsgroup. To also show the author names, click this box. This shows more information, but makes opening groups slower.
Use this popup menu to select the font size for your list windows.
Type the font size for your list windows here.
Use this popup menu to select the font for your list windows.
Use this menu to select the character set conversion to perform when posting messages.
Use this menu to specify what character set conversion to perform when displaying articles.
To rename a selected filter group, click this button. It is disabled because no filter group has been selected.
To rename a selected filter group, click this button
Sets options for article windows.
Use this menu to select the character set conversion to perform when mailing messages.
Sets options for subject windows.
To set the file to attach to the message, click this button.
Select whether you want attached articles to be mailed unencoded, binhexed, or uuencoded.
Attached files being mailed usually need to be broken up into smaller size parts. Type the approximate maximum size (in kB) here.
Select whether you want attached articles to be posted unencoded, binhexed, or uuencoded.
Attached files being posted usually need to be broken up into smaller size parts. Type the approximate maximum size (in kB) here.
To remove the attached file from the message being sent, click this button. Not available because no attached file has been selected.
To remove the attached file from the message being sent, click this button.
To discard all the changes you have made to the attached file settings, click this button.
To accept all the changes you have made to the attached file settings, click this button.
To go back one topic, click the up arrow. To go forward one topic, click the down arrow.
Use this popup menu to select the topic for the settings you want to change.
To remove all custom settings for this newsgroup, click this button. Not available because the newsgroup has no custom settings.
To remove all custom settings for this newsgroup, click this button.
To discard all the changes you have made to the newsgroup settings, in this topic and others, click this button.
To accept all the changes you have made to the newsgroup settings, in this topic and others, click this button.
The message will be encrypted using PGP. To not encrypt the message, click this box.
To encrypt the message using PGP, click this box.
The message will be signed using PGP. To not sign the message with PGP, check this box.
To attach a PGP signature to the message, click this box.
To discard the change to the PGP message options, click this button.
To accept the change to the PGP message options, click this button.
Type the quote string here (the string that is inserted in front of lines to “quote” them). Keep this string short (one or two characters is best).
Type the number of columns between tab stops here.
The message is wrapped before it is sent (carriage returns are added at the ends of lines). To send the message unwrapped, click this box. WARNING: Send messages unwrapped only if you really know what you are doing!
The message is not wrapped before it is sent (carriage returns are not added at the ends of lines). To wrap the message before it is sent, click this box. WARNING: Send messages unwrapped only if you really know what you are doing!
When you press the Tab key in the body or signature, NewsWatcher advances to the next tab stop. To have the Tab key instead advance to the next field in the window, click this box.
When you press the Tab key in the body or signature, NewsWatcher advances to the next field in the window. To have the Tab key instead advance to the next tab stop, click this box.
To set Eudora Nicknames file to be automatically converted to a YA-NewsWatcher Nicknames file when starting up, click this button. Not available because you haven’t turned on the convert Eudora Nicknames file checkbox.
To set Eudora Nicknames file to be automatically converted to a YA-NewsWatcher Nicknames file when starting up, click this button.
YA-NewsWatcher will not automatically convert a Eudora Nicknames file to a YA-NewsWatcher Nicknames file when starting up. To have it do so, click this box.
To have YA-NewsWatcher automatically convert a Eudora Nicknames file to a YA-NewsWatcher Nicknames file when starting up, click this box.
The status window will be a floating window. To have the status window be a conventional window, click this box.
The status window will be a conventional window. To have the status window be a floating window, click this box.
NewsWatcher sends an XOVER command to get all the headers at once when it creates a new subject window. To send a separate command to fetch each kind header, click this box. Using XOVER can be faster, but doesn’t work on all servers.
NewsWatcher sends a separate command to fetch each kind of header when it creates a new subject window. To get all the headers at once using the XOVER command, click this box. This can be faster, but doesn’t work on all servers.
The Base64 decoder helper application will be launched once when NewsWatcher starts up. To have it launched each time a binary file needs to be decoded click this box.
The Base64 decoder helper application will be launched each time a binary file needs to be decoded. To have it launch once when NewsWatcher starts up, click this box.
The uudecoder helper application will be launched once when NewsWatcher starts up. To have it launched each time a binary file needs to be decoded click this box.
The uudecoder helper application will be launched each time a binary file needs to be decoded. To have it launch once when NewsWatcher starts up, click this box.
The binhex decoder helper application will be launched once when NewsWatcher starts up. To have it launched each time a binary file needs to be decoded click this box.
The binhex decoder helper application will be launched each time a binary file needs to be decoded. To have it launch once when NewsWatcher starts up, click this box.
If a binary extraction fails because the file isn't a recognizable, complete binary attachment, the temp file will be kept. To delete the file, click this box.
If a binary extraction fails because the file isn't a recognizable, complete binary attachment, the temp file will be deleted. To keep the file, click this box.
MIME boundaries will cause new article sections to be created. To ignore MIME boundaries, click this box.
MIME boundaries will be ignored when creating article sections. To have MIME boundaries signal a new section, click this box.
To create a new filter group, click this button.
To delete a selected filter group, click this button. It is disabled because no filter group has been selected.
To delete the selected filter group, click this button.
Select a newsgroup name for this filter from the hierarchy in the popup menu, or enter a name in the textbox on the left. A trailing period indicates a regional filter. A lone period indicates the global filter.
Enter the name of the newsgroup for this filter, or choose one from the popup menu on the right. A trailing period indicates a regional filter. A lone period indicates the global filter.
The Next Group command will show any unfetched articles in the current group before going on to the next group. To ignore any unfetched articles in the current group, click this box.
The Next Group command will ignore unfetched articles in the current group and will always show articles in the next group. To instead show unfetched articles in the current group, click this box.
To discard all the changes you have made to the message settings, click this button.
To accept all the changes you have made to the message settings, click this button.
Allows you to remove marked as read messages from the current subject window without refiltering. Disabled because the topmost window is not a subject window.
Allows you to remove marked as read messages from the current subject window without refiltering.
Allows you to edit settings for the current newsgroup. Disabled because the topmost window is not a subject window, or a group window with exactly one selected newsgroup.
Allows you to edit settings for the current newsgroup.
Insert Recipient menu
Use this menu to insert an email address selected from a list of nicknames. Not available because the current window is not a message window.
Insert Recipient menu
Use this menu to insert an email address selected from a list of nicknames.
Subject lines are truncated to fit the window. To show long subject lines, and use a horizontal scrollbar when the window is too narrow to display all fields, click this box.
Long subject lines are shown, and a horizontal scrollbar is used when the window is too narrow to display all fields. To truncate subject lines to fit the window, click this box.
Articles with invalid line counts are not filtered. To filter them, click this box.
To filter articles with invalid line counts, click this box.
Enter a number for the maximum number of lines articles should have to be matched by this filter.
Articles longer than the number of lines shown on the right are filtered. To not filter them click this box.
To filter articles longer than the number of lines shown on the right, click this box.
Enter a number for the minimum number of lines articles should have to be matched by this filter.
Articles shorter than the number of lines shown on the right are filtered. To not filter them click this box.
To filter articles shorter than the number of lines shown on the right, click this box.
Articles with bad dates are not filtered. To filter them, click this box.
To filter articles with bad dates, click this box.
Enter a number for the maximum number of days old articles should be to be matched by this filter.
Articles newer than the number of days shown on the right are filtered. To not filter them click this box.
To filter articles newer than the number of days shown on the right, click this box.
Enter a number for the minimum number of days old articles should be to be matched by this filter.
Articles older than the number of days shown on the right are filtered. To not filter them click this box.
To filter articles older than the number of days shown on the right, click this box.
To accept the change to this filter, click this button. Not available because you have not supplied some required piece of information in the current topic.
Gets the description for the selected newsgroups in a group window or the newsgroup for a subject window. Not available because the current window is not a subject or group window, or because no newsgroups are selected in the current group window.
Gets the description for the selected newsgroups in a group window or the newsgroup for a subject window.
Used to make the selected label the default for new filters. Disabled because no label is selected.
To make the selected label the default for new filters, click it.
Used to edit the color of the selected label. Disabled because no label is selected, or the special (unlabeled) or (killed) labels are selected, or because your Macintosh isn't color-capable.
To edit the color for the selected label, click it.
This list shows the labels that can be applied to articles. The checked label is the default for new filters. Edit a label by selecting it and clicking on the appropriate button. Drag the labels into the desired order for sorting by label.
The labels of articles are not shown when you open a newsgroup. To also show the label, click this box.
The labels of articles are shown when you open a newsgroup. To omit showing the labels, click this box.
The status window will be hidden. To show the status window, click this box.
The status window will be displayed. To hide the status window, click this box.
Threads will be sorted first by article label. To ignore labeling when sorting, click this box.
To sort threads first by article label, click this box.
Threads in subject windows will not be sorted first by article label.
Used to edit the text of the selected label. Disabled because no label is selected, or the special (unlabeled) or (killed) labels are selected.
The full body of messages, including any encoded binary data in messages will be displayed.
Encoded binary data in messages will not be displayed.
Read messages will be removed when refiltering a subject window. To keep the read messages, click this box.
To remove read messages when refiltering a subject window, click this box.
Allows you to refilter the current subject window, applying any filters that have been added or changed since the window was opened. Disabled because the topmost window is not a subject window.
Allows you to refilter the current subject window, applying any filters that have been added or changed since the window was opened.
Unanchors the floating status window from the menu bar.
Displays the FAQ for the current newsgroup using your http helper application. Not available because the current window is not a subject or group window, or because there is not exactly one newsgroup selected in the current group window.
Displays the FAQ for the current newsgroup using your http helper application.
Unanchors the floating status window from the menu bar. Not available because the status window is not set to be a floating window.
Anchors the floating status window to the menu bar. Not available because the status window is not set to be a floating window.
Anchors the floating status window to the menu bar.
Hides (makes invisible) the status window.
Shows (makes visible) the status window.
Backup copies of your preference and filter files will be made. To omit making the backups, click this box.
To create a backup copy of your preference and filter files, click this box.
An alert at startup is shown when filters have been expired. To omit showing the alert, click this box.
To display an alert at startup when filters have been expired, click this box.
Enter a number for how many days this filter should be used, or 0 to make it permanent.
To set the helper program for decoding “Base64” format binaries, click this button.
Enter a number to be used as the weighting factor for this filter when computing article scores.
Articles with a score less than this value will be automatically killed.
The scores of filtered articles are not shown when you open a newsgroup. To also show the score, click this box.
The scores of filtered articles are shown when you open a newsgroup. To omit showing the scores, click this box.
Sorts threads in subject windows by article score (sum of filter weighting factors).
Subject windows sorting is in reverse order.
Subject windows sorting is in normal order.
Sorts threads in subject windows by article line count. Not available because the “Show lines” preference is not checked.
Sorts threads in subject windows by line count.
To edit the text for the selected label, click it.
Allows you to create a filter for the global group, and initializes it to the subject of this article. Disabled because no article is open or more than one article is selected or the article was not opened from a user group window.
Allows you to create a filter for the global group, and initializes it to the author of this article. Disabled because no article is open or more than one article is selected or the article was not opened from a user group window.
Allows you to create a filter for the global group. Disabled because no user newsgroup is open or selected, or because more than one user newsgroup is selected.
Allows you to create a filter for the global group, and initializes it to the subject of this article.
Allows you to create a filter for the global group, and initializes it to the author of this article.
Allows you to create a filter for the global group.
Threads in subject windows will be sorted first by article label.
Sorts threads in subject windows by article posting date. Not available because the “Show dates” and “Show times” preferences are both not checked.
Sorts threads in subject windows by article posting date.
Sorts threads in subject windows by article author. Not available because the “Show authors” preference is not checked.
Sorts threads in subject windows by article author.
Sorts threads in subject windows by article subject.
Sorts threads in subject window by article number.
Sorting menu
Use this menu to determine how threads in subject windows will be sorted.
Hides column labels in the current subject window. Not available because the current window is not a subject window.
Shows column labels in the current subject window. Not available because the current window is not a subject window.
Hides the column labels in the current subject window.
Shows column labels in the current subject window.
Sets options for subject windows, including sorting.
NewsWatcher will not show column labels in subject windows. To show column labels, click this box.
NewsWatcher will show column labels in subject windows. To hide the labels, click this box.
Type the number of the last part of the attached file to send here.
Type the number of the first part of the attached file to send here.
To return to the message window without sending the message, click this button.
To send the message, click this button.
To also show the posting time, click this box. This shows more information, but makes opening groups slower.
The posting times of articles are shown when you open a newsgroup. To omit showing the posting times, click this box. This makes opening groups faster, but shows less information.
Your penet password is saved on the NewsWatcher Prefs file in between runs of the program. This is convenient, but if you are concerned about security, you shouldn’t do it. To turn off this option, click this box.
To save your penet password on the NewsWatcher Prefs file in between runs of the program, click this box. This is convenient, but if you are concerned about security, you shouldn’t do this.
Type the return email address used for anonymous messages (such as your penet anonymous email address) here.
Type the password for your penet anonymous remailer account here.
Type the email address of the remailer to be used for sending anonymous email messages here.
Type the email address of the remailer to be used for sending anonymous usenet posts here.
Select whether you want attached articles to be mailed unencoded, binhexed, or uuencoded.
Select whether you want attached articles to be posted unencoded, binhexed, or uuencoded.
Attached files being mailed usually need to be broken up into smaller size parts. Type the approximate maximum size (in kB) here.
Attached files being posted usually need to be broken up into smaller size parts. Type the approximate maximum size (in kB) here.
Sets options for sending messages via anonymous remailers.
Sets options for the Addressbook.
Allows you to resort the current subject window. Disabled because the front window is not a subject window.
Allows you to resort the current subject window.
Allows you to create a new filter for this article. Disabled because no article is open or more than one article is selected or the article was not opened from a user group window.
Allows you to view, edit and create new filters. Disabled because the current window is not a group, subject, or article window.
Allows you to create a new filter for this article.
Allows you to view, edit and create new filters.
This filter will be case sensitive. Click this box to make it insensitive to case.
This filter will not be case sensitive. Click this box to make it case sensitive.
Select the label to be applied to articles passing this filter.
Select how you want the text of this filter to be applied (e.g., word beginning with, phrase beginning with, regular expression, etc.)
Select the header (e.g., Subject, From, etc.) to be used for this filter.
Enter the text (or regular expression) to be used for filtering.
To discard the change to this filter, click this button.
To accept the change to this filter, click this button.
To discard the changes you have made to the filters for this group, click this button.
To accept all the changes you have made to the filters for this group, click this button.
These are the available filter groups. Filter entries for the selected filter group are displayed in the lower list.
Articles that do not pass the filter criteria will be deleted. To keep these articles, click the Kept radio button.
Articles that do not pass the filter criteria will be kept. To delete these articles, click the Deleted radio button.
To create a new filter, click this button.
To delete any selected filters, click this button. Disabled because no filters are selected.
To delete any selected filters, click this button.
To edit a filter, click this button. It is disabled because no one filter has been selected.
To edit the selected filter, click this button.
These are the filter entries for the group selected in the upper list. Double click one to edit it. Change the order in which they are applied by dragging them up or down. The filters are applied from top to bottom, with later filters taking precedence.
The subject window will be sorted without regard to whether threads contain labeled articles. Click this box to sort threads with labelled articles to the top of the subject window.
The subject window will be sorted so that threads containing labeled articles are at the top. Click this box to ignore labelling when sorting articles.
Click this box to sort subject windows in reverse order.
Click this box to sort subject windows in normal order.
Use this menu to select the initial default sort order for articles in the subject window.
Threads containing labeled articles are not automatically expanded for you. Click this box to automatically expand threads containing labelled articles.
Threads containing labeled articles will be expanded for you. Click this box to not automatically expand threads containing labelled articles.
Killed articles will not be displayed. Click this box to display killed articles (marked as read).
Killed articles will be displayed, but marked as read. Click this box to prevent display of killed articles.
Filtering (kill files) is currently enabled. Click this box to disable filtering.
Filtering (kill files) is currently disabled. Click this box to enable filtering.
To also show the posting dates, click this box. This shows more information, but makes opening groups slower.
The posting dates of articles are shown when you open a newsgroup. To omit showing the dates, click this box. This makes opening groups faster, but shows less information.
To also show the line counts, click this box. This shows more information, but makes opening groups slower.
Article line counts are shown when you open a newsgroup. To omit showing line counts, click this box. This makes opening groups faster, but shows less information.
Use of the spacebar to scroll to the next “Subject:” line in a digest is disabled. To enable spacebar digest processing, click this box.
Use of the spacebar to scroll to the next “Subject:” line in a digest is enabled. To disable spacebar digest processing, click this box.