The Resources Locked and Printer Driver MultiFinder Compatible settings cannot be changed. You must close all resource windows for this file before changing these attributes.
The Creator field contains more than four characters.
(You may need to remove invisible characters by clearing the field.)
The Type field contains more than four characters.
(You may need to remove invisible characters by clearing the field.)
A time is not in the correct format.
Do you want to close the window and leave the dates and times unchanged?
A time is not in the correct format.
The resources in file “^0” cannot be unlocked because changes have been made. You must revert all changes to the file before you can unlock the resources.
The resources in file “^0” cannot be locked because changes have been made. You must save your changes or revert all changes to the file before resources can be locked.
Changes to file “^0” cannot be saved because resources in this file are locked.
The resources in file “^0” are locked. Changes will not be saved.
It appears that you are using the ResEditFixer INIT. This INIT is no longer needed and can cause problems in certain circumstances. It’s recommended that you remove ResEditFixer from your system folder.
The folder isn’t empty and can’t be overwritten.
A date is not in the correct format, or the day of the week is incorrect for the date.
Do you want to close the window and leave the dates and times unchanged?
A date is not in the correct format, or the day of the week is incorrect for the date.
ResEdit appears to be damaged. Please throw away the application and replace it with a new copy from your original disk.
The preferences file appears to be damaged. Please use the Verify command to repair it. Default preferences will be used and changes to preferences won’t be saved.
This file is checked out read-only from an MPW project. Do you want to edit it anyway?
The Command-Shift number keys are reserved for built-in function keys (such as Command-Shift-3 which takes a snapshot of your screen).
One or more of the resource being cut, copied, or duplicated is compressed. The copy will not be compressed. Do you want to proceed anyway?
That resource is compressed. If you make changes, it will be saved uncompressed. Do you want to edit it anyway?
The file can’t be changed.
The printer wasn’t found. It’s likely that you have another file open (such as a copy of the System) that contains an 'STR ' resource with ID -8192. This string contains the printer name.
The preferences file was created with a later version of ResEdit than the one you’re using. Default preferences will be used and changes to preferences won’t be saved.
You can’t change the name of a file that you have open. Do you want to close the file and change the name?
You have already assigned that Command key to another file. Do you want to switch it to this file?
That Command key is already being used. Do you want to use it anyway?
That Command key can’t be used because it’s reserved by Apple.
That resource is loaded and locked which more than likely means it’s already in use. Do you want to ^0 it anyway?
Do you really want to discard changes to these '^0' resources from ^1?
Do you really want to discard changes to this '^0' resource from ^1?
Do you really want to discard changes to all resources of the selected types in ^0?
You do not have write privileges to file “^0”. Changes will not be saved.
ResEdit and the System file cannot be replaced.
The preferences could not be writtten to the preferences file. Changes to preferences will not be saved [^0].
The ResEdit Preferences file couldn’t be opened. If the file exists, use the Verify command to see if it’s damaged. Default preferences will be used and changes to preferences won’t be saved. [^0].
Do you really want to open ^0 windows?
The folder ‘^0’ is on a locked volume. Changes will not be saved.
The file ‘^0’ is on a locked volume. Changes will not be saved.
The file ‘^0’ has no resource fork. Opening it will add one. Do you wish to open it?
ResEdit requires at least System 6.0.2 and 128K ROMs.
This file has no resource fork. The ‘Resources Locked’ and ‘Printer Driver MultiFinder Compatible’ bits cannot be saved.
That name is already being used.
You don’t have access privileges for that folder. Changes will not be saved.
There is already a resource with that ID.
Do you really want to discard all changes to ^0?
File “^0” is locked. Changes will not be saved.
Editing the System or ResEdit is not recommended. Please edit a copy of the file instead. If you must edit this file, be careful not to edit resources that are already in use.
Do you really want to discard changes to all resources of type '^0' in ^1?
The value specified for the window width or height is too big.
The value specified for the window width or height is too small. The minimum value has been inserted.
Display of this resource type requires color QuickDraw which is not available on this machine.