Here are some of the major new features in MacWx 2.2:
• Rewritten for PowerPlant
• Newly styled windows
• Support for multiple cities
• Logging of data to files
• Daily min/max for thermometer and barometer
• Wind chill, heat index, and dewpoint
• Time stamp supports Date & Time control panel settings
• Full editing capabilities in text windows
• Separate window for status messages
With the move to Code Warrior's PowerPlant as the application framework, the required system had to be upped a bit (that also partially explains why it's gotten so huge). MacWeather now requires System 7, at least a 68020 processor, and Color QuickDraw. Both 68K and native PowerPC versions are now available and are OpenTransport Ready.
If you have version 2.0.4 preferences lying around, MacWeather 2.1 will attempt to convert them to the new format. Your city selections will not be converted, however. I did extensive modifications to the list of supported cities to keep up with changes on the server. This threw off my internal lookup routines enough that they could not reliably match up the old city names.
Be sure to look through the new online help file (in the Help, aka Apple Guide, menu). It explains many of the commonly asked questions about MacWx.
As always, comments and criticisms are greatly appreciated.