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Text File | 1995-08-29 | 18.9 KB | 422 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- Welcome to v1.0 of DOOM for the Macintosh!
- id Software respectfully requests that you do not modify the
- levels for the shareware version of DOOM. We feel that the
- distribution of new levels that work with the shareware version
- of DOOM will lessen a potential user's incentive to purchase the
- registered version.
- If you would like to work with modified levels of DOOM, we
- encourage you to purchase the registered version of the game.
- Make sure you read the DOOM FAQ v6.666 (Frequently Asked Questions)
- if you have any problems or are anxious to find out about the
- World of DOOM!
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Additional support
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- If you are looking for external PWADs for DOOM, DOOM2 or Heretic,
- look no further than the DOOMania! BBS, owned and operated by
- Paul Johnson. The BBS number is (317) 662-8842, the voice number
- is (317) 662-1449. Note that WAD files created for the DOS version
- of DOOM and DOOM2 should work without modifications with the
- Macintosh version.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Get our latest releases from the following places:
- id Software's BBS home:
- Software Creations BBS "Home of the Authors"
- 1200/2400 V.42/MNP: 508-365-2359
- 2400-16.8k HST US Robotics: 508-368-4137
- 2400-14.4k V.32/V.32bis Hayes: 508-368-7036
- id Software's anonymous ftp home:
- ftp.uwp.edu
- /pub/games/id
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- _______
- ____|__ | (R)
- --| | |-------------------
- | ____|__ | Association of
- | | |_| Shareware
- |__| o | Professionals
- -----| | |---------------------
- |___|___| MEMBER
- This program was written by a member of the Association of Shareware
- Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware
- principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
- shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
- member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can
- help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does
- not provide technical support for members' products. Please write
- to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 orsend
- a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman
- 70007,3536.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Welcome to DOOM. Before playing, you'll need to read the
- DOOM manual and this addendum which contains information for
- playing in Multiplayer mode, as well as technical support
- and troubleshooting instructions. To avoid compatibility
- errors, please make sure that your machine and network conform
- to the system requirements listed below.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- DOOM™ requires a Macintosh or Macintosh compatible computer with
- a minimum of a 68040, 68LC040 or PowerPC™ processor with 8
- megabytes of RAM (4500K of free RAM is required), and 6 MB of
- free hard disk space. A monitor that supports 256 colors/grays
- with a minimum resolution of 640 x 400 pixels is required.
- System 7.1 or later is required. An AppleTalk® network, either
- LocalTalk® or Ethernet, is required for network play between
- Macintosh computers, and a network that uses the IPX/MacIPX™
- protocol is required for network gameplay between Macintosh
- and PC-compatible computers. A modem that can be set to at
- least 9600 baud is required for modem gameplay.
- DOOM also requires that you have Sound Manager version 3.0 or
- later installed. Sound Manager 3.0 is available from a variety
- of on-line services, from Apple Computer, and is built into
- System 7.5 or later. Note that Sound Manager 3.0 is not a
- "native" PowerPC extension, and will thus slow the execution
- speed of your PowerPC-based Macintosh. For best results, upgrade
- to Sound Manager 3.1 as soon as it becomes available from
- Apple Computer, Inc.
- For music while playing DOOM, you will need to have QuickTime™
- 2.0 or later installed. It is available via some on-line
- services such as Compuserve. QuickTime 2.0 is included with
- the retail version of Ultimate DOOM or DOOM II, as is Sound
- Manager 3.0.
- The MacIPX™ extension is included with the Ultimate DOOM or
- DOOM II for the Macintosh, and will allow you to play DOOM
- between Macintosh and PC computers over an IPX network, such
- as Novell NetWare.
- To play DOOM via a modem, you will need to install a modem
- tool that is compatible with Apple's Communication Toolbox.
- Most modems include a Comm Toolbox tool, such as "Apple
- Modem Tool". Follow the instructions in your modem's manual
- on how to establish a connection.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- After launching DOOM, press the "S" key when the logo screens
- appear in order to access the Single Player options dialog.
- Press the "M" key to access the Multiplayer options dialog,
- and to start a Multiplayer game.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- System Extensions provide functionality not normally built into
- your System Software. There are a number of System Extensions
- that will impact the operating speed of your Macintosh, and
- therefore, the speed of DOOM. You should disable all Extensions
- and Control Panels that are not needed while playing DOOM. A
- number of extensions, including RAM Doubler, AppleShare, File
- Sharing Extension, and SpaceSaver, will have a profound impact
- on the performance of DOOM and should therefore be disabled
- prior to playing DOOM.
- To disable your System Extensions and Control Panels, do the
- following:
- (Macintosh System 7.5 or later) Open the folder named "Control
- Panels" within the System Folder of your startup disk drive.
- Double-click the "Extensions Manager" icon. (You may be able to
- select "Control Panels" and then "Extensions Manager" through
- the Apple Menu.) Each Extension and Control Panel will be listed
- and can be toggled on or off by clicking the name of the extension
- or control panel. A check makr indicates which are currently
- enabled.
- (Prior to System 7.5) Create a folder within your System Folder
- named "Extensions (disabled)" and one named "Control Panels
- (disabled)". Drag all your unnecessary Extensions and Control
- Panels (respectively) into these folders from the "Extensions"
- and "Control Panels" folders.
- Restart your Macintosh.
- EXTENSIONS YOU NEED: For PowerPCs, we suggest that you disable
- all Extensions and Control Panels except QuickTime, QuickTime
- PowerPlug, Sound, Sound Manager, Memory, Keyboard, General Controls
- and any "Tune-Up" extensions currently supported by Apple Computer,
- Inc. A Tune-Up Extension called "Apple Multimedia Tuner" is
- available for the combination of QuickTime 2.0/Sound Manager 3.0,
- which fixes a number of problems on various Macintosh models.
- It is included with the Registered version of DOOM. For 68K-based
- Macintoshes, you should also disable "QuickTime PowerPlug".
- If you are playing from a CD, you will need to enable
- the Apple CD-ROM extension, although you will not need Foreign
- File Access™, or any of the Foreign File Access modules.
- Some system versions, including System 7.5, have Sound Manager 3.0
- built in and will not require the Sound Manager Extension. You
- may also have a later version of QuickTime or Sound Manager than
- is included with the Registered version. Before replacing any of
- your System Software, you should first try running DOOM. If the
- needed version is not available, you will be informed via a dialog
- that a certain version is required.
- PowerPC owners should note that Sound Manager 3.0 is not a "native"
- System Extension and will thus slow the execution speed of your
- Macintosh, especially when music is enabled. The first native
- version of the Sound Manager will be 3.1, and should be released
- by Apple Computer sometime in 1995 (our estimate, not theirs). If
- you have a PowerPC-based Macintosh you should upgrade to that
- version as soon as it is available.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Install DOOM as described in the manual.
- 2. Launch DOOM by double-clicking its icon or by dragging the
- DOOM1.WAD file on top of the DOOM icon. When the logo screens
- appear, press the "M" key to access the Multiplayer setup
- dialog.
- 3. From the Multiplayer setup dialog, enter the number of
- players that will be playing. A maximum of four people can
- play multiplayer DOOM on a network. A maximum of two players
- can play multiplayer DOOM via a serial or modem connection.
- 4. Modem play is implemented through Apple's Communication
- Toolbox (CTB). The Registered version of DOOM includes the
- Apple Modem Tool, which may or may not work with your
- modem. Some modems come with a CTB tool. If so, use the
- tool that came with your modem, or contact your modem
- manufacturer to obtain a CTB tool for use with your
- particular model.
- NOTE FOR PLAYING WITH PC USERS: DOOM 1.0 for the Macintosh
- is compatible only with Version 1.9 of DOOM for the PC. Make
- sure your PC friends are using the latest version of the
- game before trying to start a multiplayer game.
- MULTIPLE GAMES ON AN IPX NET: You must be connected to an IPX
- network and have MacIPX installed in your system to play in
- IPX multiplayer mode. Before launching DOOM, open the MacIPX
- Control Panel and select a MacIPX interface (i.e., Ethernet).
- If you are using the Ethernet interface, double-click the
- Ethernet icon to select the frame type. You must be sure to
- use the same frame type on all machines. Ethernet 802.3 is
- what most PCs will be using. You should uncheck the "Always
- Auto-Configure Frame Type" box.
- To run an IPX network game, select "IPX" from the "Connect via:"
- pop-up menu in the Multiplayer setup dialog. Then enter the
- number of players. More than one group of players can play a
- multiplayer game on the same IPX network by using a different
- network socket. Valid network socket values are 0 (default)
- through 64000. Make sure that each player in your game has
- entered the same value in the "Network Socket" box. Press the
- "Start Game" button to begin play.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Many of the rules for playing DOOM change for the
- multiplayer game. Read the following information carefully
- before you begin to play DOOM in multiplayer mode.
- MENUS: When you activate the Options menu or submenus, the
- game KEEPS RUNNING so that other players can continue with
- the action. So it is best to find a safe place before
- adjusting screen sizes or sounds. Note that on the Macintosh
- if you hold down the mouse button in the menu bar or customize
- your key commands it will STOP all players (the game will appear
- "locked", though the mouse can be moved and menus selected).
- Consider other players when making changes.
- UNPAUSE: A player may Pause the game by pressing -P,
- key, but any other player can Unpause the game by pressing
- -P again. Make sure it's OK with your buddies before taking
- a breather.
- SAVE: When you save a multiplayer game, DOOM prompts everyone
- to name the file (or select a slot if playing on a PC). Before
- saving the game with PC users, everyone should agree on a
- safe savegame slot. This does not affect the Macintosh user.
- LOAD: You cannot load a saved game while playing a
- multiplayer game. To load a game everyone must quit from the
- current game and restart the game from the saved game. To
- start a game from a saved game, you can select it from the
- Multiplayer setup dialog, or by double-clicking the file
- in the Finder (before DOOM is running, and remember to
- press "M" to start a multiplayer game).
- WEAPONS: When a player runs over a weapon, he picks it up,
- but the weapon remains in the game for other players to
- take. Note: Shotguns dropped by former human sergeants are
- removed from the game after being picked up or smashed.
- DEATH: If you die and restart in the level, previously taken
- items and destroyed monsters DON'T reappear. Even though
- you've died, other players have survived. We didn't want to
- undo all of their fine destruction by reviving every monster
- in the area. However, this also means the level will
- eventually run dry of monsters and ammunition. You'll have
- to decide when the level is played out.
- UNIFORM COLORS: In net games, each player's uniform is a
- different color. The color of your character is the color
- behind your face on the status bar. The colors are BROWN,
- INDIGO (black), GREEN, and RED.
- CHAT MODE: In a multiplayer game you can communicate with
- other players in the Chat mode. To enter into Chant mode and
- broadcast a message to all the players, press the letter t.
- A cursor will appear where your messaging is normally
- placed. To broadcast to a specific player, instead of
- pressing t you'll need to press the first letter of the
- player's color. (B)rown, (I)ndigo, (G)reen, and (R)ed. For
- example, to send a message to the brown character, you would
- press the letter b.
- CHAT MACROS: In a multiplayer game, you can send your own
- pre-defined macros (select "Edit Chat Macros" from the "Control"
- menu) by initiating Chat mode (as stated above), then holding
- Option and pressing the number key that corresponds to the macro
- you wish to send. For example, if macro #2 is "Eat it and die!",
- initiate Chat mode by pressing 'T', then hold down Option and
- press 2.
- EXITING A LEVEL: When one player exits a level, all players
- instantly exit with him, regardless of their position or
- their status.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- There are two ways to play multiplayer--DeathMatch and
- Cooperative. In Cooperative mode the players work together.
- In DeathMatch mode your mission is to kill everything that
- moves, including your buddies. You can choose which mode you
- wish to play from the SETUP application. The differences
- between Cooperative and DeathMatch mode are as follows:
- WHERE YOU START: In Cooperative mode each player begins in
- the same area. In DeathMatch mode the players begin in
- completely different areas--if you want to see your buddy
- you'll need to hunt him down. Plus, each time you die,
- you'll restart in one of several random locations.
- KEYS: Unlike in single-player or Cooperative mode gameplay,
- in DeathMatch mode the players start each location with the
- keys necessary for opening any locked door in that area.
- STATUS BAR: In DeathMatch mode the ARMS section on the
- status bar is replaced with "FRAG." The FRAG section
- displays the number of times you've killed your opponents.
- AUTOMAP: In Cooperative mode the Automap works the same way
- it does in single-player mode. Each player is represented by
- a different color arrow. In DeathMatch mode you won't
- receive the pleasure of seeing your opponents on the map.
- Just like the monsters, your friends could be just around
- the corner, and you won't know until you face them.
- SPY MODE: If you're playing in Cooperative mode, press F12
- to toggle through the other players' viewpoint(s). Press any
- other key to return to your view. You still retain your own
- status bar at the bottom, and if your view reddens from pain
- it is YOU, not your partner, who has been hit.
- INTERMISSION SCREENS: In both Cooperative and DeathMatch
- mode the intermission screen tallies your achievement. In
- Cooperative mode the intermission screen lists the
- achievements for all players in the game. In DeathMatch mode
- the intermission provides a death count on everyone, letting
- you know who killed whom.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- The rules for completing or winning a DeathMatch game have
- intentionally been left general. Any player can exit an area
- and force all of the players to move to the next area. Also,
- there is no limit on how many kills are required to declare
- a player the winner. We decided to leave this up to you. You
- know what you like best!
- Note: Before you play DOOM in DeathMatch mode you should be
- familiar with the layout of every area in DOOM. As you know,
- in DeathMatch mode your startup location is random and often
- in an area that is very hostile.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Much of the information you give to DOOM through the options
- dialog that can be accessed as DOOM is starting up by pressing
- either the "S" (single player) or "M" (multiplayer) keys.
- LOADING WAD FILES: Click the "Load WAD File..." button to either
- switch to another WAD file (DOOM.WAD, DOOM2.WAD), or to load
- a external WAD file. Hold the Option key down while clicking
- the button to unload all external WAD files.
- LOAD SAVED GAME: You can load a saved game at the option dialog,
- or later using "Open..." from the "File" menu. You can also
- double-click a DOOM saved game file in the Finder (either before
- DOOM is running, or while it is running).
- TURBO: This setting defaults to 250, and can be set in the range
- from 0 to 255. 100 is "normal", so entering a value of less than
- 100 will make you move more slowly when turbo is enabled via the
- KILL FINDER: The Finder is normally running, however, this option
- will allow you to "kill" the Finder while you play DOOM. This
- makes more memory available for DOOM, as well as minimizing the
- System Software's effect on DOOM.
- DEATHMATCH: starts DOOM as a DeathMatch game. The default game
- is a Cooperative game.
- ALTDEATH: specifies respawning items during DEATHMATCH.
- NOTE: Invulnerability and Invisibility do not respawn.
- WARP: Allows you to specify the level you wish to "warp" to,
- and takes you directly to that level.
- MONSTERS: If off, allows you to start playing with NO MONSTERS
- running around! This is great for DeathMatch where, really,
- the monsters just get in the way. Only really useful with "Warp".
- RESPAWN: Tells DOOM that, yes, you are a badass, and yes, you
- want all the monsters to respawn around 8 seconds after you kill
- them. The NIGHTMARE skill level already does this. Note that
- using the Respawn on and Monsters off at the same time is a
- dumb thing to do.
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Macintosh conversion by Lion Entertainment, Inc.™
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- DOOM, the DOOM logo and DOOM likenesses are trademarks of id
- Software, inc.,(C)1993. Lion Entertainment, Inc. is a trademark
- of Lion Entertainment, Inc. All other trademarks are the property
- of their respective companies.