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Awave, Troubleshooting and Frequently Asked Questions, (c) FMJ-Software
Last updated: 960917
1) General questions
2) Problems under Windows 3.1
3) Auditioning troubles
a) General
b) Advanced Gravis UltraSound
c) Creative Labs SB AWE32
d) Turtle Beach WaveFront synths
1) General questions:
Q I can't save in .XYZ format even though Awave claim to support it!
A Not all formats can store _all_ types of data. Ex: only very few
formats support saving whole bank files while most formats (supported
by Awave) supports saving single waveforms. What type of data you are
trying to save is determined by what kind of 'node' or 'item' in the
tree view list you have selected. See 'File Formats' in the program
help file and look at the export formats list for info about what
formats support what data types.
Q I try to load, audition or play this really huge file, but it takes a
very, very long time or the program just exits with an out-of-memory
A Awave is currently limited to working only with files it can fit into
memory. To play huge files you may need a huge amount of physical RAM.
This is especially true for large MPEG audio files (BTW, the MPEG de-
compressor is not very optimized at all so don't even expect a 1/10th
of the speed of real time decompressors, e.g. XingSound).
Q The AudioPlayer doesn't work. I get no sound, or it sounds really
A Try selecting 'Use Window multimedia services, unbuffered output' in
the Options->Program->AudioPlayer property tab.
Q Why don't you make a Machintosh version?
A With Softwindows 95 you can in fact run Awave on a Power Mac. For a
'native' version, see the next Q.
Q Why don't you make a DOS/OS2/Linux/Unix/Amiga/Atari version?
A Because I don't have the time or the motivation.
If there's enough people interrested interest (read "I'd register if
only you'd do an"), I might be persuaded to do a command line version,
stripped of the user interface and all editing functions...
Q Is there a batch convert function?
A Sort of; you can open multiple files (in the standard Windows fashion,
hold down Ctrl or Shift while selecting files) and then save all items
by using the 'Save all in multiple files...'function on the File menu.
This will save all instruments, or, all waveforms, depending on the
capabilities of the output format you choose. The items will be saved
as files with the name you choose, the last two characters in the
filename beeing used as an increasing index. Ex: Myfile00.Wav
Q When saving stereo data to a format that only support mono waveforms
or when doing an SDS transfer, how do I specify which channel of the
stero data should be used?
A In theese situation Awave always automatically merges the channels by
an 'arithmetic average' algorithm. However, you can use the waveform
item->Properties->Editor->Process wizard to specifically convert the
data to mono before you save it; there you can choose between 'average
of channels', 'left channel only' or 'right channel only' algorithms.
Q My synth doesn't support bidirectional or reverse looping, what can I
do about wavforms that uses it?
A Try: 'Edit->Process all->Comvert loops'.
Q How do I unistall Awave and remove all the file type associations?
A Run awave, then Options->Program->Uninstall. Or, under Windows 95, you
can use the Windows 95 Control Panel's Install/Uninstall feature.
Q Where is all the audio processing functions listed in the help file for
the Audio precessing wizard? I only see a few of them!
A Some of them are only applicable to some sorts of data (like 'convert
mono to stereo' is only meaningfull for mono data) while other is only
implemented for some data types (like remove silence only works on mono
data) and finally, many of the functions requires you to select a range
in the waveform first. To do that,in the wavform properties editor tab,
press down a mousebutton over the waveform, drag with the mouse and
release the button. To unselect all, just click on the waveform again.
Q For some synthesizers formats, Awave can only read 'disk images', why
can't it read the disks directly?
A Because they are not in FAT compatible format and thus are not readable
by the OS. This means that it would require some serious lowlevel
reprogramming of the floppy disk controller in order to read them.While
this is possible under DOS and perhaps under Win3.1, it is far more
difficult under Win95, not to speak of under Win NT, requiring (three
different) custom ring 0 device drivers (for the three resp. OS's).This
is not a project I care to embark upon... There are Shareware/Freeware
DOS programs for the resp. synthesizers that you can use to make disk
images instead.
Q How do I do to 'hear' the loop in the loop point editor?
A First enable auditioning. Backin the loop point editor,press the'Apply'
button to update the loop point. Then play it on your keyboard! If you
don't have an external midi keyboard and are using Awaves 'virtual
keyboard' then you'll have to use some other 'virtual keyboard' program
since Awave's doesn't work in the property sheet boxes (you need the
keyboard for typing in numbers there!). If you don't have one of the
supported wavetable cards, you may use Awaves 'Audio Player synth' but
beware that, due to interpolation artifacts, the loop point may sound
wrong (pops and cracks) if you do not play it at the midi 'root key'.
Q I'd like to be able to add a few audio file format conversion functions
to my commercial softwares,is it possible to license parts of the Awave
code from you?
A Yes it is, for more information look at my www page:
URL: "http://hem.passagen.se/fmj/awlcpack.html"
Q In the waveform advanced properties page, why is the data type controls
always 'greyed out' for some file formats (like .WAV) ?
A Theese controls are only available for file formats that internally in
Awave is handled by a 'generic' waveform data reader. Some file formats
has more specialized readers that won't let you change theese things.
There's really no reason why you should change theese things in thoose
cases; the data type controls is intended for use when reading raw data
formats which lack any 'header information'and you may have to manually
adjust the data type.
Another reason they may be 'greyed' is if you have done any editing or
processing on the waveform data.In that case they are greyed to prevent
the 'editing' from beeing lost(by rereading the data from disk which is
what happens if you change the data type).
Q I just get a 'Windows error: 32' message when I try to start Awave!
A Look in your Autoexec.bat and Config.sys files to see if'Share.Exe' is
beeing loaded. If it is, then remove it.
Q I just hangs when I try to read a'raw 32 or 64bit floating point' file
A This may happen if it isn't in fact a floating point file, it is a
corrupted file, it is not in IEEE format or something like that...
Q Why can't it read the Adlib's .ROL format?
A Awave can only handle 'wavetable' based audio and instruments, i.e.
things based on digital recordings of actual sounds. The adlib (and the
.ROL files) uses FM-synthesis which is a 'mathematical formula' for
producing sounds and simply isn't compatible with Awave,nor with any of
Awave's 'export formats'.
Q Why can't I read a .MID file and convert it to a .WAV?
A A .MID, or 'midi file' contains the 'score', instructions on how a
synthesizer should play a piece of music. Awave only handles 'wavetable'
audio (see previous Q) which is a different thing altogether. Of course,
I could do a 'software synthesizer' that could 'play' a .mid file and
output it as a .WAV file rather than to the speakers.However that would
be a lot of work to implement, and I really mean *a lot*, if you want
professional quality results. Also it would require a midi instrument
library which would increase the size of the Awave package with a
couple of megabytes.Besides,it all falls sort of outside what Aweave is
intended to be.
Q I try to play a .MOD file but I can only hear sound 'snippets', why?
A A .Mod file contains basically a bunch of wavetable based instruments
(like a bunch of .WAV files) plus one 'score' (like a .MID file). Awave
only handles the wavetable instruments (the 'samples') and it is theese
you can play. See the previous Q on why the score can't be played.Get a
program like 'Mod4Win' if you want to play the 'score'.
Q Why can't it read .CDA (i.e. Audio CD's under Windows 95)?
A I have not been able to figure out how / if this could be done under
Windows 95; nor has anyone else to the best of my knowledge. It is
possible to do under DOS/Windows 3.1 though(by calling the MSCDEX driver
which isn't used under Windows 95 or Windows NT). Awave has to run under
all Windows platforms so I can't do that... There are a few Shareware
programs around that should do the trick (they generally run under DOS).
Beware that some CD-ROM drives has hardware 'locks' that will prevent
them from reading raw data from audio CD's so it still may not work...
Q How do I read a file as 'raw audio' data, i.e. how do I override Awave?
A If the file in question is 'autodetected' with '100% certaincy' (in the
lower right portion of the file open dialog) as a supported file format
then you cant.You can however often go 'waveform->properties->advanced'
tab and change the data type there. This will not work for some types.
If the file type can't be detected at all (0% certaincy)then it will be
read as 'raw data' and you will automatically get to this tab when you
load the file.
If however it is detected with say '33% certaincy' and you get an error
message when you try to open the file then you may try to remove the
file extension (e.g. turn 'foo.bar' into 'foo') in order to fool Awave
into not detecting it at all (0% certaincy) and read it as raw data.
Q Why don't you do a French/Deutch/Japanese/whatever language version?
A Partly because I do not have the necessary language skills, but mostly
because developing and maintaining several different language versions
would mean a huge amount of additional work and I believe that 99.99%
of the users knowns enough of the english language to use the present
version. If anyone would like to translate the help file, then I'd be
happy to supply the necessary english source texts.
Q Why is the first letter in item names sometimes bogus?
A Awave attempts to ensure that all items have unique names(since this is
required by several synthesizers), this is often done by 'increasing'
the first letter.
2) Problems under Windows 3.1:
Q Program complains about not being able to load COMCTL32.DLL when I try
to start it.
A You must have a Win32s version that supports the common controls
introduced in Windows 95.When this was written,this means Win32s v1.3.
Look in the WIN32S.INI file in the ...\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory to
determine what version of Win32s you have. If you need an update you
can get it from Microsoft, or, you can dowload it from my WWW-page.
Q The Midi SDS transfer and/or the auditioning stuff doesn't work.
A No. For some strange reason 32bit multimedia callbacks doesn't work on
a few Win32s systems, Sorry...
Q This automatic file association stuff doesn't seem to work.
A No. It is disabled under Win32s because it was designed for Windows 95
and under 3.1 it really clutters up things and doesn't work that well;
so you'd probably not want it after all. You can manually associate
files in the File Manager if you want to.
Q It just hangs when I try to start Awave?
A It seems like Win32s isn't compatible with a few systems (say 1%).
If this is the case for you, then no other 32bit Win32s programs are
working either.
Q Why does X happen when I try to do Y?
A Don't know, the Win32s libraries seem to be quite buggy on some systems
(I guess they are not a very high priority at Microsoft :-)).
Q Now I don't dare to install Win32s on my system!
A Take it easy, when you only run W31 programs Win32s will lie dormant and
not affect your system whatsoever. It is first when you start a 32bit
program that Win32s gets loaded into memory.
3) Auditioning troubles:
a) General
Q The virtual keyboards key layout is not well suited for my non-querty
keyboard (e.g. german keyb. may have X and Y swapped). What can I do?
A You can edit the key assignment for the virtual keyboard with the
registry editor (regedit.exe) that comes with Windows 95.
Open "this_computer->HKEY_CURRENT_USER->Software->FMJ-Software->Awave"
and edit the mtVKeys string. It's just a string of (normally 29, but
maximum 36) characters holding the ascii key to assign to a note,
begginning with C3 for the first character, then in increasing order.
Q Why doesn't the virtual keyboard work in the property sheets?
A Because there you may need your keyboard to type in numbers and stuff.
Use some 'onscreen' virtual midi keyboard program instead (like the
vpiano.exe program that comes with Cakewalk Audio).
Q When I have the AudioPlayer in DirectSound mode and have enabled
auditioning using the Awave software synth. Now I can't use the audio
card in any other program. Qhy?
A With this particular setup, Awave keeps the digital audio device open
(almost) all the time which prevents other programs from using it. If I
don't do it like that, then there would be a 'click' when you start and
stop playing a note on the software synth which I think would be worse.
You can quickly toggle auditioning on/off using the Options>Auditioning
menu item. When it is off, then you can run that other program.
b) Advanced Gravis UltraSound
Q Auditioning doesn't work on my GUS PnP!
A Auditioning on the PnP is not supported at the moment. You can put it
in GUS classic emulation mode and use the old GUS windows drivers, but
that will also lose you all benefits of the PnP.
c) Creative Labs SB AWE32
Q Program complains about not being able to load AWEMAN32.DLL when I try
to use auditioning on the SB AWE32 (or comapatible).
A You must have this .DLL installed in your WINDOWS or WINDOWS\SYSTEM
directory.You must also have the very latest drivers that supports the
new .SF2 file format.
A You have 'mixed' up driver versions. This happened to some people who
had installed the 'beta SF2 drivers' and then an sbw95up.exe package
which conatined newer SB16 drivers but in fact older AWE32 drivers.
Get and install the very latest sbw95up.exe package.
Q After running Awave and using auditioning for the AWE32,I have trouble
running a few 16bit programs that uses the AWE32. Why?
A This is a bug in the 'beta SF2' drivers. Get the release drivers.
Q Where can I find theese .SF2 compatible drivers for the AWE32.
A From: "http://www.creaf.com/creative/files/win95/sbw95up.exe"
Q When auditioning waveform items, I can only hear anything within a
certain keyrange.
A It seems like the EMU8000 synthesizer use by the AWE32 can only
interpolate within a certain range so if the note is too far off from
the Root key, then nothing will sound.
d) Turtle Beach WaveFront synths
Q Program complains about not being able to load WFGATE.DLL when I try
to use auditioning on the Maui/Tropez.
A You must have this .DLL installed in your WINDOWS or WINDOWS\SYSTEM
directory. It is available from Turtle Beach and it comes (and is
automatically installed) with the latest versions of their WavePatch
and Wave SE softwares.
Q When having auditioning enabled, why does it take such a long time to
start up?
A Not my fault. It's the same thing as when starting TB's WavePatch.
Q When I load a bank file (.WFB) in WavePatch to my Tropez or Rio, I get
a 'bank not saved for the Tropez/Rio' message. Why?
A Awave sets 'Maui' as synth name in the WFB files but that is the only
thing that would differ from a Tropez or a Rio bank. Just click ok to
load it anyway.