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DM2CONV v1.7ß
by Vincenzo Alcamo
This program converts DOOM levels to run with DOOM II or HERETIC:
now you can play all those maps with you favourite game!
DM2CONV features:
- DOOM II support
- HERETIC support
- level conversion and remapping
- music conversion and remapping
- wall/floor texture remapping
- resource renaming
- object substitution with difficulty level
- fully configurable
IMPORTANT: read carefully the DISTRIBUTION LICENSE paragraph.
Levels designed for DOOM are incompatible with DOOM II or HERETIC
because some resources (ie: graphic bitmap) and objects only exist
inside the DOOM main wad file: DOOM.WAD.
Nevertheless, if you have played DOOM II or HERETIC you should have seen
new monsters and things (the SuperShotgun, the Ethereal Crossbow...).
DM2CONV handles the conversion process in a very easy way.
Let suppose you want to run SNIPER.WAD (a well-made level by Eric C.
Reuter) with DOOM II; just execute the following command:
For HERETIC you have to execute:
This is all you must know to use this program. Simple and effective.
The differences between DOOM and DOOM II (or HERETIC) are the following:
- many resources have different names
- most wall/floor textures are different
- new things or missing things (for HERETIC)
DM2CONV renames the resource to their appropriate names, remaps the
textures to similar ones, changes the objects.
The syntax is:
DM2CONV <input> [output] [/mapnum] [/M[=num]] [/DEBUG] [/IGNORE]
[/HERETIC] [/TEXTURE[=file]] [/FLOOR[=file]] [/NOCONV]
[/SEED[=num]] [/NOCHECK] [replacements].. [@response]...
[/R:name1=name2] [/R=file] [/LIST] [/EXAMPLES] [/NOTES]
This parameter is required: it specifies the name of the wad to
convert. All the other parameters are optional.
This is the name of the output wad.
If a file of the same name already exists, it is deleted.
If this parameter is omitted, the input file is overwritten.
Caution: make a backup copy of the files you convert since there is
no way back!
mapnum is a number between 1 and 32 (DOOM II) or between 1 and 27
(HERETIC). This parameter enables the level remapping.
If /mapnum is omitted levels starts from MAP01 (only for DOOM II).
DOOM II: level names start from MAP05
HERETIC: level names start from E1M5
DOOM II: level names start from MAP12
HERETIC: level names start from E2M3
Please note that the first level found is remapped to the level
specified by mapnum, the second will be mapnum+1, etc.
num is a number between 1 and 32 (DOOM II) or between 1 and 27
(HERETIC). This parameter enables the music remapping.
If /M is omitted there is no music remapping.
The =num subparameter specify the level for the first music.
If =num is omitted, the musics are remapped accordingly to the
level they belong: if E1M1 is remapped to E2M3, then D_E1M1
is renamed to MUS_E2M3 (HERETIC example).
If =num is specified, the musics are remapped starting from
the music for level num: with /M=9 the first music becomes
MUS_E1M9, the second becomes MUS_E2M1 and so on (HERETIC).
Please note that the first music found is remapped to the level
specified by num, the second will be num+1, etc.
Along the other music resources, only the intermission music
is renamed to the appropriate name for the selected game.
/DEBUG or /D
This switch enables the debug mode.
All object substitutions are listed verbosely.
This switch specifies that DM2CONV must ignore that the source file
has no levels.
This is useful to make object substitutions over an already converted
file (especially for DOOM II).
This switch enables the DOOM_to_HERETIC conversion.
If it is omitted, the default DOOM_to_DOOM2 conversion is performed.
Please note that I have only tested the shareware version of HERETIC:
textures and objects remapping use only the resources found in the
shareware HERETIC1.WAD.
This is the only reason why DM2CONV is a beta version.
The TEXTURE switch enables the wall texture remapping.
This is required for HERETIC and is optional for DOOM II, but only if
you use the patch wad DM2CONV.WAD created by DM2MKWAD.
The texture remapping simply renames texture not found in DOOM II or
HERETIC with similar ones that exist in the target game.
For DOOM II conversions I recommend you to use DM2CONV.WAD, thus
avoiding the TEXTURE switch.
The =file subparameter specify a text file containing a list of
texture names and their new names: texture are renamed using this
list and the one embedded into the executable.
The second syntax specify a single texture and its new name.
You may use comments inside your list files: simply start them with
one of the following characters ';#%[
Multiple /TEXTURE switches may be used at the same time.
/TEXTURE may be abbreviated with /T.
The FLOOR switch enables the floor texture remapping.
This is required for HERETIC: it does not work for DOOM II.
See /TEXTURE for detail.
Multiple /TEXTURE switches may be used at the same time.
/FLOOR may be abbreviated with /F.
This switch enables the custom resource renaming.
The =file subparameter specify a text file containing a list of
resource names and their new names.
You may use comments inside your list files: simply start them with
one of the following characters ';#%[
The second syntax specify a single resource and its new name.
Multiple /R switches may be used at the same time.
These switches eliminate the demo resources: DOOM demos are not
compatible with DOOM II/HERETIC.
See /TEXTURE for more detail on list files.
This switch disables the resource remapping: levels, musics, skies.
This is useful if you use the /R switch over an already converted
wad. This switch does not disable the object substitution nor the
texture remapping.
SEED specifies the random number generator's seed.
By default the seed is 0.
If /SEED=num is specified, the seed is num.
if only /SEED is specified, the seed is random.
This parameter is only used by the object substitution algorithm.
This switch enable the use of any number for the object substitution.
By default, only the numbers shown by the /LIST switch are accepted.
This is useful to change unusual objects into others: for example,
medikits (2012) into deathmatch starts (11).
This parameter specify an object substitution rule.
replacements is a string in the format:
More than one replacement may be specified.
response is the name of a text file containing additional parameters
The response file is necessary if all the parameters cannot stay on
the command line (which is normally limited to 128 characters).
More than one response files are allowed.
Response files cannot be nested: you can not specify a @file inside
another response file.
You may use comments inside your response files: simply start them
with one of the following characters ';#%[
/HELP or /H or /?
This switch will display the help text.
The help screen will appear if no source was specified.
/LIST or /L
This switch will display the list of known objects.
This switch will display some substitution examples.
This switch will display special notes regarding the program.
All things in DOOM are objects: lamps, monsters, weapons, power-ups,
obstacles, other players, etc..
DOOM II supports all DOOM objects plus others: the super shotgun, the
megasphere, many new monsters, etc..
HERETIC hasn't any of the DOOM objects.
With DM2CONV you can transform specified DOOM objects into DOOM II or
HERETIC objects. The object substitution is such a process and is
enabled by specifying at least one replacement.
A replacement is a string describing what objects to transform and how
to transform them. The simplest replacement string is of the format:
This replacement will transform each object of the type object1 to one
of the type object2.
An object is specified by its number, its shortname, its name or an
initial part of its name: type DM2CONV /LIST to obtain the list of all
recognized objects; if you want to change objects that are not in this
list, you can specify the /NOCHECK parameter.
The most used substitution for DOOM II is:
You can change multiple objects:
all objects of type obj1 and obj2 are transformed into obj3 objects.
all obj1 objects becomes obj2 and obj3 (they are chosen randomly in
equal proportions: this is why the /SEED parameter exists).
You can specify any number of source objects and any number of
destination objects.
You can also specify quantities (only for the destination objects):
In the above example, only 5 IMPs become DEMONs; the others remain IMPs.
Five IMPs become DEMONs and ten become SPECTREs.
If the number of source objects is less than the destination, the
quantities are adjusted proportionally.
In the above example if there are only 9 IMPS, 3 become DEMONs (33%)
and 6 become SPECTREs (66%).
Another example:
5 IMPs become DEMONs, the remaining become SPECTRE: if there are less
than 5 IMPs, all of them become DEMONs.
That is, if you don't specify a quantity the remaining objects are used.
The quantity can be a percentual:
In this way, 50% of IMPs become DEMONs.
You can mix all of the above rules:
The % sign can be replaced with any of the following signs $ # &
This is because the % character has a special meaning for DOS: you must
avoid using the % sign on the command line of DM2CONV; response files
are not affected by this limitation.
In DOOM/DOOM II/HERETIC the difficulty level chosen when you start a new
game will affect the objects in a considerable manner:
- new objects may appear
- other objects disappear
The reason is that each object has flags that specify in which level of
difficulty it should appear.
There are five flags:
1 - object appears on difficulty levels 1 and 2
2 - object appears on difficulty level 3
3 - object appears on difficulty levels 4 and 5
D - object is deaf (useful only for monsters)
M - object appears ONLY in multiplayer mode
Starting from version 1.5, DM2CONV supports these flags in the
substitution rules; the complete syntax is:
Each object can have one or more of the above flags.
If difficulty flags are specified in the source, only the objects
that have those flags are changed.
means that all IMP that will appear (at least) in difficulty level 1
will be transformed into STIMPACK.
This affects all IMP that have the '1' flag, not the ones that
have only the '1' flag.
If difficulty flags are specified in the destination, the object
remapped will have the specified flags.
means that all IMP will be transformed into STIMPACK and will appear
on any level (except multiplayer mode).
The 'D' flag has no means if used in a source object.
The 'M' flag works in different ways if used in source or destination
source: only multiplayer-mode objects are changed
destination: the object appear only on multiplayer mode
DM2MKWAD can create a wad file that contains all the missing textures
from DOOM II. You will need both registered versions of DOOM and DOOM II
to proceed.
The output file is named DM2CONV.WAD and should be included in the list
of patch wad files for DOOM II. example:
Using DM2CONV.WAD, you can eliminate the /TEXTURE switch when converting
files to DOOM II: the original DOOM textures will be used.
DM2MKWAD will not overwrite or delete any file other than DM2CONV.WAD.
Before converting your first wad, please exit to DOS and type the
following command:
then feed it with the appropriate information.
If you use the DOOM2 response file and DM2CONV.WAD, remove the line in
which appears /TEXTURE.
** DMT
Included in this version of DM2CONV is DMT: my first program developed
for DOOM.
Please note that DMT is not related with DM2CONV: I distribute it here
because I think DMT could be of some help to someone.
DMT fully supports DOOM, but not DOOM2 or HERETIC although many options
will work well.
I may write a full DOOM/DOOM2/HERETIC compatible version if there is
enough interest in this type of program.
DMT has no documentation yet: if anyone can (and will) write one,
he/she should contact me (I'm Italian: my English is poor);
however just type DMT to get a list of known commands: type
DMT HELP command to get help about any commands.
DMT is both a batch tool and a command-line program.
The sky resources are now remapped when converting to DOOM II.
This is performed by renaming each SKY? (? can be 1, 2 or 3) resource to
RSKY?. This operation is automatically done when new wads are converted:
for wads already converted use the /IGNORE switch. If a level has a wall
with a texture named SKY? (example: GALAXIA.WAD by Pavel Hodek) it will
be displayed fine after the conversion.
The sky remapping works only in DOOM2 conversions.
The original DOOM skies are not included in the DM2CONV.WAD file. You
can build a wad containing the DOOM's skies with the following command:
The output wad SKIES.WAD can be used directly with HERETIC or converted
to be run with DOOM II:
In the same way, you can build a wad containing all the DOOM's musics
with the following command:
then you can convert this file to DOOM II:
or to HERETIC:
Multi-level pwads can create problems with DOOM II because the level
sequence cannot be replicated: DOOM has 3 episodes, each with 8 levels
and 1 secret level, while DOOM II has 30 levels, 1 secret level and 1
super-secret level.
This means that accessing the secret level in a wad will load the
31th level of DOOM II instead of the ExM9 level of DOOM.
Monster substituition has a weak spot. When you change monsters with
bigger ones, if these new monsters are too near a wall they cannot move
because they collide with the scenario. It is the same as you type IDSPISPOPD
(or IDCLIP for DOOM II, KITTY for HERETIC), then move into a wall and
retype the code.
All files in the original distribution package are PUBLIC DOMAIN.
You can freely distribute these files (also separately) in any form.
The files included inside DM2CNV17.ZIP are:
DM2CONV.EXE the converter!
DM2CONV.PAS source for DM2CONV
DM2CONV.DOC documentation
DM2MKWAD.EXE the wad builder
DOOM2.RSP sample response file for DOOM II conversion
HERETIC.RSP the standard response file for HERETIC conversion
OBJECTS.TXT object comparison table for DOOM/DOOM2/HERETIC
DMT.EXE manipulation tool
FILE_ID.DIZ package description
For comments, bug reports, suggestions, etc.. please contact the author:
Vincenzo Alcamo
via Verdi 185
40059 Medicina (BO)
You can ask me by e-mail the latest version of DM2CONV:
please state your current version and I will send you a new version
when it will be available.
You will receive an uuencoded zip file, unless you specify otherwise.
03/04/95 v1.7ß Special bug fix version:
- texture names were case sensitive
(reported by Thomas Beckmann)
- strange substitutions with multi-level pwads
(reported by Rick Weber)
01/21/95 v1.6ß Resource renaming.
Improved documentation.
01/14/95 v1.5ß Sky resource remapping.
Heretic support.
External texture tables.
Difficulty level supported.
Some code rewritten.
12/14/94 v1.2 Music remapping. Other minor changes.
Sources released in the public domain.
DMT tool distributed to check reactions.
11/12/94 v1.0 The first release.
DM2CONV.PAS should be in the distribution package:
it wasn't for my fault.