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IPX & SPX Custom Controls v2.00
Visual BasicTM 3.0
WindowsTM 3.1
IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) protocol is a datagram (connectionless) service used
as the underlying protocol in Novell NetWare. IPX establishes no connections nor
guarantee of delivery. Each packet a workstation sends is treated separately. SPX
(Sequenced Packet Exchange) is a connection-oriented protocol providing guaranteed
packet delivery, flow control, and sequencing. SPX has many of the characteristics of the
transport level of OSI. IPX/SPX are adaptations of protocols developed by Xerox(r), the
Xerox Network System, XNS(tm).
NetWare addressing is similar to the postal service's addressing system that identifies
recipients by country, state, city, street, number, apartment, and individual names.
NetWare addresses consist of three components: network number, node address, and
socket. Network numbers identify each segment of an internetwork. Network numbers
are assigned when NetWare file servers and bridges are installed. IPX derives the node
address from the address of each network adapter card. Socket numbers provide routing
within a node, since several processes can be running simultaneously. Processes can open
and close sockets to receive and send packets.
The IPX and SPX custom controls allow you to communicate with remote machines
connected by a local area network. To use the control, you must have the workstations
set up as NetWare clients. This involves loading IPX.COM or IPXODI.COM before
Windows loads. The examples provided also require installing NETX or VLMs because
they use several NetWare services to find other users.
The IPX and SPX custom controls are event driven and relieve the application from
polling the status of network communication channels. When new data is received from a
remote machine, the IPX or SPX custom control fires a Visual Basic subroutine allowing
the application to service the received information.
Several examples are provided showing how to use the controls. Further information
about IPX and SPX can be found in the following references: Client SDK Documentation
and C Programmer's Guide by Novell, C Programmer's Guide To NetBIOS, IPX And
SPX by W. David Schwaderer, Programmer's Guide to NetWare by Charles Rose, and
Network Programming in C, by Barry Nance.
Control Properties
(These properties apply to both controls, unless indicated otherwise)
[form.]Control.Socket[ = numericexpression]
Sets the socket that the control listens to and sends packets out through.
Example: spx1.Socket = &H5454
[form.]Control.ReceiveECBS[ = numericexpression]
Default = 5
Sets the number of ECBs that are used to receive packets. Currently, this property should
only be set in the design environment and not at run time.
[form.]Control.SendECBS[ = numericexpression]
Default = 1
Sets the number of ECBs that are used to send packets. Currently, this property should
only be set in the design environment and not at run time. In addition, this property
should currently be set to 1.
[form]Control.Channels[ = numericexpression]
(not applicable for IPX)
Default = 1
Sets the maximum number of connections that the control will need to service. This
property can be set once after the control is loaded and cannot change until the control is
reloaded. Currently, this property has no effect.
Example: spx1.Channels = 1
(not applicable for IPX)
Returns the SPX connection ID assigned to this connection by SPX. This ID may be used
to make SPX calls in NWIPXSPX.DLL.
Example: id% = spx1.Connection
[form.]Control.Send[ = stringexpression]
Sends stringexpression to a remote node specified by RemoteName.
Example: spx1.Send="HELLO WORLD"
Return Data Type String
Retrieves data retrieved from the network. When data is received, the control will call the
Visual Basic subroutine spx1_ReceiveData
Sub spx1_ReceiveData ()
Data$ = spx1.Received
End Sub
Return Data Type String * 12
Returns the internet address (network, node, and socket) of the node that sent the most
recently received packet.
Sub spx1_ReceiveData()
From$ = spx1.ReceivedFrom
Data$ = spx1.Received
End Sub
Return Data Type Integer
Retrieves an event about the connection. An event is any activity (received data, errors,
new connection with a remote, lost connection with a remote, etc.) related to the
connection. When an event occurs, the control will fire the subroutine spx1_LinkEvent.
Sub spx1_LinkEvent ()
Event% = spx1.Event
End Sub
[form.]Control.Status [ = { 0}]
(not applicable for IPX)
Status Initialization:
0 Disable
Status Information:
1 Control is listening for a connection
2 Control is trying to establish a connection
3 Control has established a connection, ready to send
4 Control is terminating the connection
Controls a connection and will contain status information. Setting the Status property to
0 will terminate any connection.
Example: spx1.Status = 0 'Terminate any connection
[form.]Control.LinkType [ = numericexpression]
(not applicable for IPX)
Default 1
1 establish a session with remote
2 listen for connection
Set the control's mode of operation. This may be changed at any time.
Example: spx1.LinkType = 2
Return Data Type String * 12
Returns the internet address of the current workstation (network, node, and socket).
Example: myAddress = spx1.LocalName
[form.]Control.RemoteName[ = string expression]
Set the internet address that the control will use to send and receive data. This may be
changed at any time.
Example: spx1.RemoteName = yourAddress
[form.]Control.PacketType [ = numericexpression]
(not applicable for SPX)
Sets the Packet Type field in the IPX header.
Default 0
0 UnKnown packet
4 IPX Packet
Example: ipx1.PacketType = 4
Return Data Type Long
Returns the task ID from NWIPXSPX.DLL for the current task.
Example: myTaskID = spx1.TaskID
Control Events
This event is called each time an event for a connection occurs. An event might be an
IPX/SPX error or an event listed in the event table. The application should check the
value of the Event property during this event.
Sub spx1_LinkEvent()
Event% = spx1.Event()
End Sub
This event is called each time data is received. The application should retrieve the value of
Received during this event.
Sub spx1_ReceiveData()
Data$ = spx1.Received()
End Sub
This event is called each time the control has transmitted data.
Sub spx1_SentData()
' Ready to send next packet
End Sub
Example Applications
This example application uses the IPX control to send IPX packets to another workstation
and allow the users to chat to one another. The application uses a simple protocol and
finite state machine to connect to another application, send and receive data, and then
disconnect from the other application. This application also uses several calls provided by
NWCALLS.DLL to find all the other users and their internet addresses.
These two examples demonstrate the SPX control in a simple client/server protocol. The
client application sends a directory command to the server, which returns a directory
listing of the server's current directory. To set an application, all that is needed is to set
the LinkType property to 2. To be a client, set the LinkType property to 1.
Event Values
Any of the following events will trigger a spx1_LinkEvent call. The value returned by
Event is listed in the left column and its meaning is listed on the right.
237 Abnormal Connection Termination
238 Invalid Connection
239 Connection Table Full
241 IPX/SPX Not Installed
242 No DOS Memory
243 No Free ECB
244 Lock Failed
245 Over the Maximum Limit
246 IPX/SPX Previously Initialized
252 Socket Not Opened
SPX Command Canceled with IPXCancelEvent
253 Malformed Packet
SPX Packet Overflow
255 SPX Socket Not Opened
Visual Basic Errors
The following is a list of special errors than can be returned by the IPX/SPX custom
controls. The value in the left column is the error code returned in the Visual Basic "Err"
variable and its meaning is on the right.
22001 IPX not installed
22002 SPX not installed
22003 Currently only 1 user allowed
22004 Socket not opened
Visual Basic is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
IPX/SPX, NetWare are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc.
Xerox Network System is a registered trademark of Xerox.