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LLLLLL !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL■ Sorry, I can't let you in without a pass.■ ■ c■ ■ Yes, this pass is fine. Make your way in.■ ■■ ■■ c c c■ ■ None may enter without the King's permission■ cAh.■ Right.■ You've already got permission.■ I suppose you can go down then.■2■ ■ ■■■■ ■ ■■ ■ I really wouldn't go in there.■ ■ c■■■ ■■■■ ■ Unlucky.■ ■■2■■ ■■■■■Greetings, friend. If you have come in answer to my plea then hear my advisor■■■
■ ■ c■■■■■ ■■■My Lord's son and brother have disappeared.■ ■2■ He believes that his brother kidnapped the boy to prevent him from inheriting the throne.■ ■2■ My Lord will reward the person who rescues his son.■ ■ c■■I hope you find my son.■■■2■■If he doesn't come back, I don't know who will take the throne.■■■ c c c■■ ■ Can you help us please. I'm the King's brother, this is his son.■ ■2■ We were put here by the Advisor as a part of his plan to take over my brother's Kingdom.■ ■2■ The King thinks that I took the boy. The Advisor is drugging his drink to make him believe his lies.■ ■2■ ■ √ Can you take this to my brother, he will recognize my handwriting.■ ■ c■■■■■■■■What's this?■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■(■ ■ ■■
■■■■ ■■■2■ I can't believe it.■ ■■ Guards.■ ■■ Go to the dungeon and release the prisoners.■ ■2■ How can I repay you?■ ■ ■■I'm searching for the Ro'Geld of Midgard.■■■ Do you know where it is?■■2■ Yes, it is in a room at the top of these stairs.■ ■2■ My Advisor, curse him, was very eager to protect the Ro'Geld.■ ■2■ That barrier should be gone now, but he left some traps so be careful.■ ■2■ Thank you, I hope your search is successful.■ ■ ■■ c c c c■ I was stupid to let him trick me like that.■ ■(■ I hope my wife forgives me.■ ■ c■ I can't believe that I was guarding that bloody great creature.■ ■ c■ ■ Hello. Have you come to help search for my son?■2Things started to go wrong when that Advisor came.■ I don't like him at all.■(Try talking to the servants...■ something seems to have scared them.■ ■ c■ ■ Keep searching.■ My hopes go with you.■ c■ ■ Thank you so much.■My husband and I can now repair the damage that has been done.■ c■Something strange is happening here.■■(■I keep seeing strange creatures walking through the corridors at night.■■2■I told the mistress of the kitchens but she thinks that I'm imagining it.■■2■Do you know how I can get past the dungeon guard?■■2■You need something that bears the King's emblem.■■2■There's a hidden stairway to the King's chambers behind one of the paintings.■■2■I'll release the catch.■■■ You may find something up there.■■(■Please don't tell anyone that I helped you.■■ ■ ■ ■ c■You believe that I saw those creatures, don't you?■■ c■You should have seen the mistress' face when it was announced.■■2■She's been apologizing ever since.■■ c c c c c c cHit me cHit him cYou cannot pass.■You may be from Eadric's village, who we are at war with. cLeave.■
You do not belong here. cHello traveller.■ I am Rurik, Chieftain of this village.■
We are defending our home from, Eadric, the Chieftain of a nearby village.■He seems to have allied with Loki's Hakrat warriors in order to defeat us.■If you can help us in our struggle we would be very grateful. cWe are still holding out against Eadric.■But those Hakrat's are becoming too strong for us. c■I bring an offer of peace from Eadric.■■Let him past. cThis is good news.■ I couldn't believe that Eadric had sold out.■You must find the person responsible for this.■The King's son has gone missing.■ Maybe it's connected with this deception.■Here's a pass to get onto his island. Only a few of us have these because security is so tight there.■Thank you for your help. cEadric and I have fought together before. It's good to be back together again.■Just like the old days.■ We'll soon beat these ugly brutes. c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c■ ■■ Huh.■ ■
■ It's a Hakrat!■ ■(■ Oh.■ ■■ Sorry, I thought that the Hakrats were attacking again.■ ■D■ c■ ■■Are you going to find the King's missing son?■■(■If you go to his island he will tell you more.■■ c■Hello friend, my name is Ander.■■
■ Have you been to Rurik's village yet?■■(■He thinks that Eadric has allied with the Hakrats.■■■Eadric thinks that it is Rurik who has allied with them.■■(■Makes you wonder, doesn't it?■■C■ c■The king needs help finding his son.■■■ Perhaps you could help him?■■ c■ We'll never defeat those Hakrats.■ ■(■ They're too strong for us.■ ■ c■You should be careful around here. We've been at war with Rurik for months now.■■ F■ c■It all began when those bloody Hakrats appeared.■■(■Sometimes they bring other warriors who use huge claws as weapons.■■(■There's something unnatural about it all.■■ c■Is your desire to help or hinder us?■■(■Since Rurik allied with the Hakrats I can only trust members of my own clan.■■(■If you are sincere then I am sorry.■ But I must protect my people.■■ H■ c■I fear that the final battle will soon be upon us.■■(■I hope that we are up to the challenge.■ c■■Here,■■■ this is a peace offering from Rurik.■■(■You've both been tricked into thinking that the other Chieftain has allied with the Hakrats.■■(■■ Who could be responsible for this.■■(■Please take this to Rurik quickly, before any more lives are lost.■■ J■ c■I hope Rurik agrees to peace.■■(■Both our villages need to recover.■■ c■Rurik and I have joined forces against the Hakrats.■■(■Together we are beating them back.■■■ Thank you for everything.■■ c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c cThank you for releasing me.■Some Hakrats did this.■ They bound me up and put me in here.■ And then ...■ And then they took my daughter.■Several years ago, when Loki lost influence in Midgard, I was part of an expedition that went to Loki's Shrine and destroyed it.■I think that they want to repair the shrine to help rebuild Loki's power.■They will use my daughter in the ceremony to consecrate the shrine. Could you please save her.■You'll need this to get past the portals at the shrine.■
It's Thor's holy symbol.■One of the portals lets males through, the other lets females.■
I went through the blue one.I hope you save her. She's all I have left. cThank you for saving my daughter. c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c cThank you for releasing me.■I don't think that I would have lasted much longer.■The ceremony was almost complete, I could feel Loki getting stronger.■They used this Talisman in the ceremony, It seems to have some power.■Please take it in return for what you have done. cIf Loki had been able to restore his power here, he would have become too strong to stop. c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c■■We hope you enjoyed playing Heimdall II■■■■The full game will be available shortly.■■■■KThank you for playing. û■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■