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- █████ Arsenal Cookbook DHHG v1.0
- █████ Religion & Spiritual Section 1
- █████ PATH: \SPIRIT_1
- 011394EM.ZIP [0] Mary's Message at Conyers, GA for 13 Jan 94
- 01GENEZO.ZIP [0] Book of Genesis in Esperanto, WP 5.1 format
- 02ELIRO.ZIP [0] Book of Exodus in Esperanto, WP 5.1 format
- 091SAMUE.ZIP [0] First Samuel in Esperanto, WP 5.1 format
- 102SAMUE.ZIP [0] Second Samuel in Esperanto, WP 5.1 format
- 144000.ZIP [0] Study on the 2 144,000's in Revelation.
- 1611_KJV.ZIP [0] PREFACE TO KJV - 1611 VERSION: This file
- | contains the ORIGINAL Preface to the 1611
- | Version of the Bible and a thesis by Edgar J.
- | Goodspeed outlining why the publishers should
- | include it when they print the KJV.
- 17EVOL.ZIP [0] Religious Attempt to Argue with
- | Science/evolution.
- 1PETER.ZIP [0] 7 Diferent Versions of the Gospel of Jesus
- | Christ.
- 1VERSE.ZIP [0] New Testament Concordance.
- 2NDTHES2.ZIP [0] 2ND THESSALONIANS 2: A Complete verse by vers
- | explanation of one of the most puzzling chapt
- | in the Bible. The Prophecy of The Holy Temple
- | and the Man of Sin revealed with a startling
- | frankness, and in easy to understand language
- | A Freeware publication by Tony Warren.
- 40MATEO.ZIP [0] Matthew's Gospel in Esperanto, WP 5.1 format
- 40TYPE.ZIP [0] How the number "40" is used in the Bible.
- 41MARKO.ZIP [0] Mark's Gospel in Esperanto, WP 5.1 format
- 42LUKO.ZIP [0] Luke's Gospel in Esperanto, WP 5.1 format
- 43JOHANO.ZIP [0] John's Gospel in Esperanto, WP
- 666BEAST.ZIP [0] What is the BEAST and his mark?
- 93CLTLST.ZIP [0] Watchman Fellowship's 1993 Cult Catalog -
- | over 200 new entries!
- 9412BBB.ZIP [0] Bible Believers' Bulletin- December, 1994
- | (Hypertext).
- 9501BBB.ZIP [0] Bible Believers' Bulletin January, 1995
- ABORTION.ZIP [0] Hypertext study of the Bible.
- ACCUSER.ZIP [0] Vineyard leaders are accusing those who
- | oppose them of being Pharisees, liars, and
- | accusers of the brethren. Are they right, or
- | are those who disagree with them simply being
- | good Bereans?
- ACTS401.ZIP [0] ACTS OF APOSTLES Bible EGA atlas/quiz/text.
- | Graphic interactive Bible atlas and quiz
- | based on the New Testament book of Acts.
- | Visually follow the journeys of the first
- | century apostles as you read each chapter on
- | your screen. Maps can be printed out. Quizzes
- | are available to test one's knowledge as you
- | progress. An excellent learning tool for
- | serious Bible students. Version 4.0
- | sermon by John MacArthur, Jr. on how he
- | believes God has left America to suffer the
- | consequences of its immoral and violent
- | behavior.
- AMSOREN.ZIP [0] Excerpts from and critique of Kierkegaard's
- | "In Vino Veritas"
- ANEWT30.ZIP [0] ANIMATED NEW TESTAMENT v3.0 - helps children
- | (and adults) learn the books of the New
- | Testament. The books are scrambled, use the
- | mouse or keyboard to select them in proper
- | order. Help is given as needed. Animated
- | rewards are given for successful completion.
- | EGA and Hard Drive required. Keyboard and
- | mouse support. FREEWARE from FLIX Productions.
- ANEWTCMP.ZIP [0] Animated New Testament is a game to help
- ANGELQ.ZIP [0] THE ANGEL QUIZ by Lou Whitworth - Origin and
- | Background of the Angels and Demons. The
- | subject of this pamphlet is angels. The
- | material is presented in a quiz format
- | because we have learned that many people
- | enjoy testing their biblical knowledge in
- | this way.
- AOTB.ZIP [0] The Authorship of the Bible - attempts to
- | question the authenticity of many works of
- | the Bible, as well to melign much of what has
- | been done in history in the name of the
- | Christianity.
- AOT_V15.ZIP [0] Adventures in the Old Testament v1.5 An
- | interactive story with over 100 animation hot
- | spots. VGA Shareware version. A Sound Blaster
- | is recommended to hear the .voc files however
- | the story is fun without one. This story was
- | conceived using the Storymaker+ Vga program.
- APOC10.ZIP [0] The Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible,
- | known as the Apocrypha. A public domain Etext
- | from Project Gutenberg. April, 1994 [Etext
- | #124] (Revised)
- APOSPAUL.ZIP [0] Apostle Paul Tutorial 1.2: This program is
- | for adults who wish to gain a comprehensive
- | picture of the life and writings of the
- | Apostle Paul. It is a serious study of Paul's
- | entire career, using all the Biblical data
- | available. Includes a brief summary of each
- | of his letters. Based on NIV Bible.
- APRAYV10.ZIP [0] APRAYV10 Ver 1.0. A prayer Diary program.
- | Calling all Bible believing Christians! The
- | purpose of this pgm is to all you to enter
- | the date of a prayer request, a description,
- | and the date of the answer. Reports may be
- | generated. FREEWARE
- ARTICLES.ZIP [0] Christian Text File.
- ARTMED.ZIP [0] The Art of Attention (Ven. Pannyavaro)
- ASV001.ZIP [0] 1901 ASV text for OLB disk 1 of 5 use olb
- | install program with option 'v'.
- ASV002.ZIP [0] 1901 ASV text for OLB disk 2 of 5.
- ASV003.ZIP [0] 1901 ASV text for OLB disk 3 of 5.
- ASV004.ZIP [0] 1901 ASV text for OLB disk 4 of 5.
- ASV005.ZIP [0] 1901 ASV text for OLB disk 5 of 5.
- ATM.ZIP [0] Torah Treasury, Oral & Written Law, More!
- ATO50626.ZIP [0] Inner strength, family support, boots Chris
- | Reeve's will to live.
- ATSCREEN.ZIP [0] Scripture Screen: a non-tsr screen saver that
- | displays a selected bible verse in varying
- | positions and colors on the screen. requires
- | ega or better graphics. shareware.
- ATSQUEST.ZIP [0] Verse Quest by ATS Software Similar to Wheel
- | of Fortune but the phrases you must guess are
- | all Bible verses. VGA graphics supported, but
- | will run in mono.
- AV_DBY01.ZIP [0] Online Bible Text, King James/Darby 1-0f-11
- AV_DBY02.ZIP [0] OLB 6.0 KJV-DBY Text 2-0f-11
- AV_DBY03.ZIP [0] OLB 6.0 KJV-DBY Text 3-0f-11
- AV_DBY04.ZIP [0] OLB 6.0 KJV-DBY Text 4-of-11
- AV_DBY05.ZIP [0] OLB 6.0 KJV-DBY Text 5-of-11
- AV_DBY06.ZIP [0] OLB 6.0 KJV-DBY Text 6-of-11
- AV_DBY07.ZIP [0] OLB 6.0 KJV-DBY Text 7-of-11
- AV_DBY08.ZIP [0] OLB 6.0 KJV-DBY text 8-of-11
- AV_DBY09.ZIP [0] OLB 6.0 KJV-DBY Text 9-of-11
- AV_DBY10.ZIP [0] OLB 6.0 KJV-DBY Text 10-of-11
- AV_DBY11.ZIP [0] OLB 6.0 KJV-DBY Text 11-0f-11
- AV_RSV01.ZIP [0] KJV-RSV Bible for online Bible, v6(1/11).
- AV_RSV02.ZIP [0] KJV-RSV Bible for online Bible, v6(2/11).
- AV_RSV03.ZIP [0] KJV-RSV Bible for online Bible, v6(3/11).
- AV_RSV04.ZIP [0] KJV-RSV Bible for online Bible, v6(4/11).
- AV_RSV05.ZIP [0] KJV-RSV Bible for online Bible, v6(5/11).
- AV_RSV06.ZIP [0] KJV-RSV Bible for online Bible, v6(6/11).
- AV_RSV07.ZIP [0] KJV-RSV Bible for online Bible, v6(7/11).
- AV_RSV08.ZIP [0] KJV-RSV Bible for online Bible, v6(8/11).
- AV_RSV09.ZIP [0] KJV-RSV Bible for online Bible, v6(9/11).
- AV_RSV10.ZIP [0] KJV-RSV Bible for online Bible, v6(10/11).
- AV_RSV11.ZIP [0] KJV-RSV Bible for OnLine Bible, v6(11/11).
- AWAKEN.ZIP [0] Facts and information about the Jehovah's
- | Witnesses religion. Complete with Bible
- | Studies and referenced quotes from the
- | Watchtower's own literature.
- AWAKEN1.ZIP [0] Questions which the leaders of the Jehovah's
- | Witnesses will never answer, because the
- | answers would reveal the incredible truth
- | about the Watchtower organization.
- AWAKEN2.ZIP [0] A Jehovah's Witness presents the Watchtower
- | Bible and Tract Society's views about other
- | religions. This will be a real eye opener for
- | many. Also in this file is a direct quote
- | from the Watchtower where they state that in
- | the past they have slanted Holy Scriptures or
- | adjusted Holy Scriptures to their ideas.
- AWAKEN3.ZIP [0] Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (better
- | known as Jehovah's Witnesses) teaching about
- | the Great Pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt.
- AWAKEN31.ZIP [0] Analysis of the importance of the 607 B.C. To
- | the Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society Of
- | Pennsylvania - whose followers are better
- | known as Jehovah's Witnesses.
- AWAKEN33.ZIP [0] 1874 - Did Jesus Christ return in that year ?
- | Analysis of what the Watch Tower Bible And
- | Tract Society Of Pennsylvania - whose
- | followers as better known as Jehovah's
- | Witnesses - had promoted for FIFTY years as
- | having occured in 1874 A.D.
- AWAKEN4A.ZIP [0] When was Jesus of the New Testament born ?
- | Archaeological evidence and Bible references
- | are compared to the teachings of the Watch
- | Tower Bible And Tract Society Of Pennsylvania
- | - whose followers are better known as
- | Jehovah's Witnesses - which claim that Jesus
- | was born in 2 B.C.E..
- BABEL.ZIP [0] Iraq Babylon Babel => Read about when the
- | ancients tried a "New World Order" & what
- | happened in the Land of Shinar. Text.
- BABYLON.ZIP [0] What is "Mystery Babylon"?
- BBE_611A.ZIP [0] OLB-Bible In Basic English 1/2
- BBE_611B.ZIP [0] OLB-Bible In Basic English 2/2
- BBG13.ZIP [0] BIBLE BOOKS GAME version 1.3 - Teaches the
- | order of the books of the Bible. It randomly
- | chooses a book, and you tell what book is
- | after it. Several options.
- BBLPLACE.ZIP [0] Bible Jumbles - Places: Part Of A Series Of
- | Bible Jumble Games. Uses Names Of Places From
- | Ot,Nt Or Entire Bible. Gives Clues And Score.
- BCHALL10.ZIP [0] BIBLE CHALLENGE v1.0 <ASP>: Game of Bible
- | knowledge. DOS 2.1, 512K RAM. 1-3 players
- | test their skill in five categories. Earn
- | high points, print achievement certificates.
- | Age 10-adult.
- BCOMP501.ZIP [0] A BIBLE COMPANION - Electronic handbook A
- | handy and informative Bible study tool
- | containing: 1) daily Bible reading plan, 2)
- | Charts, 3) Maps (with city/ region word
- | search), 4) Dictionary, 5) Poetry & riddles,
- | 6) Many articles on Bible study,
- | translations, and hermeneutics. Plus more.
- | Version 5.01
- BEST1.ZIP [0] Starting off right in the christian faith -
- BEST2.ZIP [0] "looking to jesus" - maintain joy and victor
- BEST3.ZIP [0] The personality of the holy spirit - torrey
- BEST4.ZIP [0] "the power of prayer" - torrey
- BEST5.ZIP [0] "the prayer of faith" - torrey
- BEST6.ZIP [0] "how to pray" - torrey
- BEST7.ZIP [0] "jesus - the great attraction" - torrey
- BEST8.ZIP [0] "what shall i do, then, with jesus?"
- BHS001.ZIP [0] Hebrew Old Testament for OLB [1/3] OLB
- | install program with option 'd'.
- BHS002.ZIP [0] Hebrew Old Testament for OLB [2/3]
- BHS003.ZIP [0] Hebrew Old Testament for OLB [3/3]
- BHS01.ZIP [0] Biblical Hebrew Old Testament OnLine(1/6).
- BHS02.ZIP [0] Biblical Hebrew Old Testament Online(2/6).
- BHS03.ZIP [0] Biblical Hebrew Old Testament Online(3/6).
- BHS04.ZIP [0] Biblical Hebrew Old Testament Online(4/6).
- BHS05.ZIP [0] Biblical Hebrew Old Testament Online(5/6).
- BHS06.ZIP [0] Biblical Hebrew Old Testament Online(6/6).
- BI1992C.ZIP [0] Bible Illustrations For 1992 Number 3
- | Collected for sermons - Periodical
- BIBDAY01.ZIP [0] BIBDAY v1.0: Bible verse of the day program
- | that displays a random Bible verse when you
- | boot your PC or whenever you would like to
- | run it. text colors, CLS options and screen
- | pause options are configurable & you can add
- | your own verses using an ASCII editor.
- BIBDAYO1.ZIP [0] BIBDAY/2 1.0 for OS/2 - Bible Verse of the D
- BIBHLP11.ZIP [0] TSR Bible Help v1.1 - Answers to most of
- | life's troubles according to the bible. Also,
- | teaches Christian virtues and character, and
- | supplies biblical help for many specific
- | problems you may encounter. Pops up whenever
- | you want it, even while running other
- | programs!
- BIBLBOOK.ZIP [0] Learn the Books Order in the Bible.
- BIBLE1.ZIP [0] Online Bible Demo (KJV Only)
- BIBLE20A.ZIP [0] Holy Bible for Windows 2.0 King James Version
- BIBLEAID.ZIP [0] A Bible Companion v2.2; aid to assist bible
- | studies.
- BIBLECOM.ZIP [0] The Bible Companion. Biblical facts reference
- BIBLEFLI.ZIP [0] Rendered Spinning Holy Bible Animation
- BIBLEIQ.ZIP [0] What is your SPIRITUAL IQ?
- BIBLEKA1.ZIP [0] Bible Knowledge Accelerator, in Windows 3.x
- | help file format (.HLP). Freeware.
- BIBLELIT.ZIP [0] Along with an alarming drop in basic literacy
- | and cultural literacy in the United States,
- | researcher George Gallup has discovered that
- | born-again Christians are woefully ignorant
- | of some very basic, very important Bible
- | teachings. According to Gallup, less than
- | half of the born-again community can list
- | five of the Ten Commandments. So try your
- | hand at this Bible literacy quiz and see how
- | you'd fare if Mr. Gallup were to show up at
- BIBLEMEM.ZIP [0] BIBLEMEM v1.0 Bible memorization and study
- | aid. This version includes the New Testament
- | of the King James. Presents verses to be
- | typed from memory. Creates verse lists for
- | review and study. Browse quickly through
- | scriptures. Play Locate the Verse game, and
- | Crypto game. Randomly selects verse and make
- | a cryptogram out of it. Search for any text.
- BIBLEQ2.ZIP [0] Bible quiz program
- BIBLES.ZIP [0] New Testament with word search. FREE
- BIBLETXT.ZIP [0] Group of 8 short dissertations on various
- | passages in the Bible. Most are from Matthew,
- | 1 is from Luke, 1 discusses "Hades"
- BIBLEVE.ZIP [0] A Help to get you started into investigating
- | the New Bible Versions and what is behind all
- | the New translations.
- BIBLE_X1.ZIP [0] Simple MS-Windows crossword puzzle with
- | answers based on the Bible. reqs VBRUN200.DLL
- BIBLFAQ1.ZIP [0] Bible Study FAQ from the Internet
- BIBLFAQ2.ZIP [0] Bible Software FAQ from the Internet
- BIBLMIX.ZIP [0] Bible Mixer v2.1. Tests your Bible knowledge
- | b challenging you to unscramble mixed-up
- | words from the Bible. Includes Word Mixer
- | v1.1 to increase vocabulary for ages 8 and
- | up. Spanish Mixer 1.1 will increase your
- | Spanish
- BIBLNAME.ZIP [0] God use Bible names to reveal hidden truths.
- BIBLSOFT.ZIP [0] A working demo of the PC Study Bible from Bib
- BIBLTIME.ZIP [0] Bible Timeline From Creation To The Present
- BIBPERF.ZIP [0] Bible perfect - speaks for itself.
- BIBS11A.ZIP [0] Bible student 1 of 7 kjv.complete with pull
- | down menus nice program freeware.
- BIBS11B.ZIP [0] Bible student 2 of 7
- BIBS11C.ZIP [0] Bible student Kjv bible 3 of 7.
- BIBS11D.ZIP [0] Bible student Kjv bible 4 of 7
- BIBS11E.ZIP [0] Bible student Kjv bible 5 of 7
- BIBS11F.ZIP [0] Bible Student, Entire King James Version 6/7
- BIBS11G.ZIP [0] Bible Student Kjv bible 7 of 7
- BIB_BOM.ZIP [0] Biblical Evidence Of The Book Of Mormon;
- BIB_MSP.ZIP [0] Entire King James Version of bible in ASCII
- | format. Includes a search module and a
- | chapter and verse counter.
- BIMAR10A.ZIP [0] BIBLE MARATHON 1.0 <ASP> Bible Learning
- | Program- Bible Learning Program which makes
- | Bible study fun and profitable. Uses
- | menu-driven, game board environment (for up
- | to 4 players). Features: complete KJV Bible,
- | Biblical Palestine map, scoreboard, timed
- | play option, question dbase editor, & More!
- BIMAR10B.ZIP [0] Bible Marathon v 1.0 2/9
- BIMAR10C.ZIP [0] Bible Marathon v1.0 3/9
- BIMAR10D.ZIP [0] Bible Marathon v1.0 4/9
- BIMAR10E.ZIP [0] Bible Marathon v1.0 5/9
- BIMAR10F.ZIP [0] Bible Marathon v1.0 6/9
- BIMAR10G.ZIP [0] Bible Marathon v1.0 7/9
- BIMAR10H.ZIP [0] Bible Marathon v1.0 8/9
- BIMAR10I.ZIP [0] Bible Marathon v1.0 9/9
- BIOETHIC.ZIP [0] From bionet/internet. Text detailing the
- | recent Vatican pronouncements concerning in
- | vitro fertilization, artificial insemination,
- | cloning, etc.
- BISTDY.ZIP [0] BiStudy for DOS - is a menu driven Bible
- | reading and study application. It includes
- | report generation, predefined daily readings
- | for one year from the Old and New Testaments,
- | and the ability to write study notes up to
- | 2000 characters for each day's reading.
- BLODBHND.ZIP [0] Although the book of Hebrews has been greatly
- | ignored by Christian scholars and laymen
- | alike, it contains some of the most
- | important, basic doctrines in the Bible.
- | Spiritual subjects which ar e scarcely
- | mentioned by other writers have been fully
- | explained by the author of Hebrews.
- BLOGIC15.ZIP [0] Bible Logic v1.5. Pgm/game designed to
- | test/examine the mental abilities of students
- | seeking admission to graduate schools.
- BMOR52_1.ZIP [0] THE BOOK OF MORMON V5.2 - This a complete
- | copy of the BOOK OF MORMON prepared in easy
- | reading Electronic Book format. This version
- | runs on any MS-DOS system and is SHAREWARE.
- | Spread the good word. {Part 1 of 2}
- BMOR52_2.ZIP [0] THE BOOK OF MORMON V5.2 - This a complete
- | copy of the BOOK OF MORMON prepared in easy
- | reading Electronic Book format. This version
- | runs on any MS-DOS system and is SHAREWARE.
- | Spread the good word. {Part 2 of 2}
- BNAMES.ZIP [0] Bible Jumbles 1 - Names: solve jumbled words
- | from OT, NT, entire Bible, or women in the
- | Bible. Will give you first letter if you miss
- | the first try. Game. Req's EGA or VGA.
- BQWIN.ZIP [0] Bible-Q for Windows challenges your Bible IQ
- | with 1200 questions drawn from all parts of
- | the Bible. It also shows Bible passages to
- | match your moods. To run Bible-Q, you will
- | also need to download the file vbrun300.dll.
- BQ_10.ZIP [0] Wapps Bible Quest/2 Version 1.0 - Freeware,
- | Random Bible Verse Generator.
- BROOKDRY.ZIP [0] Some of the most dramatic and adventurous
- | stories in the Bible revolve around the
- | meteoric rise of Elijah the prophet. Like a
- | shooting star he flashed out of obscurity and
- | changed the character of a whole nation in a
- | very short time.
- BSERPENT.ZIP [0] Implications of quoting John 3:16.
- BT120.ZIP [0] Bible Trivia (Door Game) ver. 1.20 Compare
- | your knowledge of the Bible to others. Two
- | modes: Normal and Challage. Over 500
- | questions. Automatically resets each month.
- | Missed questions are repeated as Make-up
- | questions. Keeps daily winners as well as a
- | total winner for that month. Now able to be
- | played without a BBS! Uses DOORFRAME library
- | for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's. Supports
- | PCB, WC3.x/4.x & many
- BTL218.ZIP [0] BIBLE-TIMELINE V2.12 How old was Abraham when
- | Jacob was born?What Biblical leaders were
- | alive when the first Olympic games were held?
- | BIBLE-TIMELINE lets you sort and selects
- | individual people and events, or groups and
- | factions, to develop new insights and trace
- | patterns across different eras and cultures.
- | You can modify or expand any of the datasets.
- | BIBLE- TIMELINE anyone interested in exploring
- BTR14.ZIP [0] Biblical Truth Review May/June 91.
- BTR15.ZIP [0] Biblical Truth Review July/August 91.
- BUCK.ZIP [0] Eugenical Sterilization: fix the problem not
- BVD410.ZIP [0] BIBLEV 4.10 - BIBLE Verse on bootup! User
- | customizable, with many options. S/VGA/EGA
- BVIEW1.ZIP [0] Unique Collection Of Biblical PCX Clipart
- BVIEW2.ZIP [0] Unique Collection Of Biblical PCX Clipart
- | game. Solve electronic crossword puzzles on
- | your computer. Answer peek, save work options
- | featured. All clues come from the Bible, with
- | references to the King James versions.
- | Requires VGA & hard disk. Version 1.1
- BYGRACE.ZIP [0] WONDERFUL GRACE by Mark S. Camp An excellent
- | soft-book treatise on the biblical Doctrines
- | of Grace. (Election, Predestination, etc.,)
- | Published by Insights HyperMedia. Requires
- | VGA and Mouse.
- CAFS0194.ZIP [0] Christian Action Fact Sheet - Jan. '94
- CAFS0294.ZIP [0] Feb '94 issuse of "Christian Action Fact
- | Sheet".
- CAFS0394.ZIP [0] Cdn_news Christian Action Fact Sheet (March
- | 1994).
- CATALOG.ZIP [0] 1994-95 Pensacola Bible Institute's Course
- | Catalogue
- CATH-03.ZIP [0] Differences Between Roman Catholic Teaching
- | And The Bible
- CATHINFO.ZIP [0] The Roman Catholic religion examined. Is it
- | valid?
- CATHOLI2.ZIP [0] Church & Religious PrintShop Graphics
- CATH_NPS.ZIP [0] Church & Religious New PrintShop Graphics
- CCI_APP.ZIP [0] Cdn_othr Canadian Christian Interchange
- | Network Info.
- CCSK.ZIP [0] `Christian Computer Survival Kit.
- CFACT322.ZIP [0] Christian Fact Sheet March 22, 1993 This
- | Issue Deals With The Freedom Of Choice Act.
- CHALLENG.ZIP [0] A challenge to those who claim to love God.
- | Computerized I Ching readings Version 1.7
- CHAP14.ZIP [0] A Bible study on Evangelism. Part of a series
- CHINBUD2.ZIP [0] Bibliography of Recent Work on Chinese Buddhi
- | - compiled by John R. McRae
- CHRISTIA.ZIP [0] Guide to Christian Resources on the Internet
- CHR_BYCT.ZIP [0] Text File: "Should Christians Boycott?".
- | listing is current as of 15 January 1994. How
- | to update this listing is included on the
- | main listing file. Originators of Networks
- | should read the !README.NOW file. All others
- | may disregard it. By cutting off the lower
- | portion of the main file, this listing can
- | easily be used in SUPRSCAN 3.14 by Michael
- | Conley. Suggestions wanted!
- CHURCH1.ZIP [0] Wp5.x church graphics.
- CHURCH35.ZIP [0] 3 additional libraries of graphics for
- | Printsho, The New Printshop, and Printmaster
- CHURCH92.ZIP [0] Program to fill out and electronically file
- | your annual Southern Baptist Uniform Church
- | Letter. 1992 edition.
- CH_CLIPS.ZIP [0] .PCX Christian Clip Art Sampler 9 high
- | quality Bible/church images: Elijah, Bible,
- | scroll, cross, etc.
- CLD9JUDA.ZIP [0] Judaism Reading Lists and suggestions from
- | the InterNet.
- CLEANBST.ZIP [0] A study into the meaning of the CLEAN BEAST.
- CMTS33A.ZIP [0] CMTS v3.3 <ASP> Winner of Public Brand
- | software's 12th annual contest-application
- | category, CMTS is one of the best church
- | management systems available at any price!
- | Modules for membership, don- ations, fund
- | accounting, visitation, attend- ance, and an
- | optional report writer. Excep- tional product
- | support - A Best Buy! Contact Torbert Data
- | Systems at 804-488-5506. (1 of 3) CMTS33B and
- | CMTS33C also required.
- CMTS33B.ZIP [0] CMTS v3.3 <ASP> Winner of Public Brand
- | software's 12th annual contest-application
- | category, CMTS is one of the best church
- | management systems available at any price!
- | Modules for membership, don- ations, fund
- | accounting, visitation, attend- ance, and an
- | optional report writer. Excep- tional product
- | support - A Best Buy! Contact Torbert Data
- | Systems at 804-488-5506. (2 of 3) CMTS33A and
- | CMTS33C also required.
- CMTS33C.ZIP [0] CMTS v3.3 <ASP> Winner of Public Brand
- | software's 12th annual contest-application
- | category, CMTS is one of the best church
- | management systems available at any price!
- | Modules for membership, don- ations, fund
- | accounting, visitation, attend- ance, and an
- | optional report writer. Excep- tional product
- | support - A Best Buy! Contact Torbert Data
- | Systems at 804-488-5506. (3 of 3) CMTS33A and
- | CMTS33B also required.
- | at some verses in Matthew, Mark, and Luke
- | related to the second coming of the Lord
- | Jesus Christ.
- CONTR351.ZIP [0] VianSoft<r> Church Contribution System -
- | record pledged/unpledged contributions in up
- | to 240 contribution categories! Mail labels.
- CONTRFIT.ZIP [0] Suppose you had to summarize the entire Bible
- | in just two words. What words would you
- | choose? I have thought about this, and I
- | believe sin and salvation might be the most
- | accurate answer. After all, Satan entered the
- | picture very early to cause man to sin and to
- | steal away his salvation.
- CRCHDB01.ZIP [0] Church Membership Tracking Software
- CREATION.ZIP [0] A documentation of creation
- CREEDS.ZIP [0] Apostles Creed and others
- CRINEW12.ZIP [0] CRI TEXT contains up-to-date indexes to the
- | top Evangelical apologetics periodicals and
- | the full text to eight years of CRI's
- | internal research.
- CRJ0003A.ZIP [0] Gordon R. Lewis Reviews "Are Mormons
- | Christians?" by Mormon Author Stephen E.
- | Robinson. From: The Christian Research
- | Institute.
- CRJ0004A.ZIP [0] At What Price Success?: The Boston Church of
- | Christ Movement. From: The Christian Research
- | Institute.
- CRJ0005A.ZIP [0] Was Jesus Raised A Spirit Creature?
- | Dialoguing With Jehovah's Witnesses On 1
- | Corinthians 15: 44-50. From: The Christian
- | Research Institute.
- CRJ0006A.ZIP [0] Was Jesus Raised As A Spirit Creature?
- | Dialoguing With Jehovah's Witnesses On 1
- | Corinthians 15: 44-50. From: The Christian
- | Research Institute.
- CRJ0007A.ZIP [0] Breaking Through The Relativity Barrier. How
- | To Make Points Effectively With New Agers.
- | From: The Christian Research Institute.
- CRJ0008A.ZIP [0] Evangelizing New Agers From: The Christian
- | Research Institute.
- CRJ0009A.ZIP [0] "The Faulty Foundation of the Five-Fold
- | Ministry" by Robert M. Bowman. From: The
- | Christian Research Institute.
- CRJ0011A.ZIP [0] "The PTL Scandal And Biblical Repentance," by
- | Dr. Walter Martin. From: The Christian
- | Research Institute.
- CRJ0012A.ZIP [0] Should The Church Apologize To Unity? An
- | article from the Viewpoint column of the
- | Christian Research Journal, Winter/Spring
- | 1987, by Elissa Lindsey McClain.
- CRJ0013A.ZIP [0] From the "Book Reviews" and "Recent Releases"
- | columns of the Christian Research Journal,
- | Summer 1987.
- CRJ0014A.ZIP [0] The Many Faces of Satanism. Briefly discusses
- | popular thinking with regard to Satanism and
- | supposed links to serial killing, "dark
- | metal" rock bands, child abuse rings, animal
- | mutilation and church desecration.
- CRJ0016A.ZIP [0] Who Sharpens Them? The Need For
- | Accountability Relationships Among Leaders"
- | The major cause of the controversy and
- | scandal identified with Christian leaders.
- CRJ0017A.ZIP [0] Witnessing to Mormons - Some First
- | Principles. Focus on the LDS question 'Have
- | you read the Book of Mormon' and how they use
- | their 'testimony' as a truth claim.
- CRJ0018A.ZIP [0] Ye Are Gods?' Orthodox and Heretical Views on
- | the Deification of Man." Some people (for
- | example: Hindus, Mormons, New Agers, and even
- | deceived Christians) use the Bible to support
- | the idea of human ability to become god.
- CRJ0020A.ZIP [0] Scripture Vs. The Spiritual Gifts?" by Elliot
- | Miller. The author argues that
- | anticharismatics and many charismatics have
- | one thing in common - a mistaken view of the
- | "sign gifts" as a source of new revelation.
- CRJ0021A.ZIP [0] Books reviews. Includes "God Calling" by A.
- | J. Russel, Ed., reviewed by Edmund C. Gross
- | (who reports the book was inspired by occult
- | means and contains faulty theology and
- | misinterpreted Scripture).
- CRJ0022A.ZIP [0] The Gospel According to Paulk: A Critique of
- | 'Kingdom Theology'". This article describes
- | and evaluates the central tenets of this
- | teaching, which has a large following among
- | charismatics, as presented by its leading
- | proponent, Earl Paulk.
- CRJ0023A.ZIP [0] 88 Reasons: What Went Wrong? Edgar
- | Whisenant's failed attempt to identify a
- | specific time for the End.
- CRJ0024A.ZIP [0] Are Christians Supposed to "Take Dominion" in
- | The World Before Christ Returns?
- CRJ0025A.ZIP [0] Forbidden Fruit: The Ethics of Humanism".
- | This book has been trumpeted by secularists
- | as a landmark work which proves that morality
- | is possible without God.
- CRJ0026A.ZIP [0] Watchtower Authority and the Bible. The
- | Watchtower prides itself on its high view of
- | biblical authority. And yet, JW's are not
- | free to independently interpret the Bible.
- CRJ0027A.ZIP [0] How Mormons Are Defending Their Faith. On
- | Mormon Apologetics. The Bible, history, and
- | even the Book of Mormon often contradict
- | Mormon doctrine.
- CRJ0028A.ZIP [0] Addressing the 'Positive Gospel' of the
- | Metaphysical Movement. Discusses sin and the
- | objections of Religious Science, Unity, A
- | Course in Miracles, and Christian Science in
- | evangelism. From: The Christian Research
- | Institute.
- CRJ0029A.ZIP [0] The Way Tree Is Splintering. Serious charges
- | have been leveled against the late founder
- | and current leadership of The Way
- | International, a cult that blends charismatic
- | practice with Jehovah's Witness-like doctrine.
- CRJ0030A.ZIP [0] Fulfilled Prophecy as an Apologetic," by Hank
- | Hanegraaff. Describes how to use the
- | prophetic evidences for the Bible's
- | trustworthiness as an evangelistic tool.
- CRJ0031A.ZIP [0] Jehovah's Witnesses and the Divine Name.
- | Watchtower followers believe their use of the
- | name "Jehovah" sets them apart as true
- | disciples of Jesus.
- CRJ0032A.ZIP [0] George M. Lamsa: Christian Scholar or Cultic
- | Torchbearer? Lamsa's books and views have
- | made considerable inroads into the
- | evangelical Christian world.
- CRJ0041A.ZIP [0] A Biblical Guide to Orthodoxy and Heresy,
- | Part One: The Case For Doctrinal Discernment,
- | by Robert M. Bowman, Jr. Too few believers
- | have found the middle ground between
- | acceptance of heresy and "heresy hunting." By
- | demonstrating the value of doctrine and
- | providing clear definitions of heresy and
- | orthodoxy, Mr. Bowman answers both of these
- | extremes.
- CRN0012A.ZIP [0] Hendrick H. Hanegaaff, Interview, Biography,
- | And Testimony. Hank Hanegraaff is the current
- | president of The Christian Research
- | Institute, succeeding the late Dr. Walter
- | Martin.
- CRN0013A.ZIP [0] Satanism On The Rise, by Dr. Walter Martin.
- CRN0015A.ZIP [0] Understanding The Lordship Salvation
- | Controversy." The controversy has divided
- | some quarters of evangelical Christianity
- | into warring factions. The issue involved is
- | the nature of salvation and saving faith.
- | What is saving faith?
- CRT0001A.ZIP [0] Does Dr. Walter Martin Have A Genuine Earned
- | Doctor's Degree? Reprinted, by permission,
- | from The Contender. From: The Christian
- | Research Institute.
- | EVOLUTION - In this pamphlet, Ray and Sue
- | Bohlin discuss how to talk to your kids about
- | creation and evolution.
- CSS30.ZIP [0] Church Shareware Software program. Same
- | author as previous. Extensive, powerful
- | program for managing/tracking church
- | memberships. Keeps names, addresses, skills,
- | talents, etc. Also keeps track of church
- | contributions. Must be properly installed.
- | See file -README.1ST
- CSTAR.ZIP [0] AllFiles Listing For The Christian Star
- CT.ZIP [0] "True Parents and the Completed Testament
- | Age" Good Summary of the Divine Principle
- CUJ0102.ZIP [0] Christian Underground Journal Issue 2
- CULT1.ZIP [0] Hypertext Bible Study on the Cults.
- CULTINFO.ZIP [0] Info on Cults, computer technology and an
- | opportunity for Christians to get involved.
- CXREF01.ZIP [0] Cross References for OnLine Bible, v6 (1/2).
- CXREF02.ZIP [0] Cross References for OnLine Bible, v6 (2/2).
- DAGONTEM.ZIP [0] Do you Hold Idol's In your life?
- DAILYAPR.ZIP [0] The Daily Bible reading program was created
- | to take people through the Bible in one year.
- | It covers the Old Testament once and the New
- | Testament twice. The Bible is not called the
- | Book of Life for nothing! It keeps an
- | individual morally decent and it also tells
- | us how to live the way God wants us to live.
- | DAILY is a structured way of reading the
- | Bible.
- DAILYAUG.ZIP [0] The Daily Bible reading program was created
- | to take people through the Bible in one year.
- | It covers the Old Testament once and the New
- | Testament twice. The Bible is not called the
- | Book of Life for nothing! It keeps an
- | individual morally decent and it also tells
- | us how to live the way God wants us to live.
- | DAILY is a structured way of reading the
- | Bible.
- DAILYDEC.ZIP [0] The Daily Bible reading program was created
- | to take people through the Bible in one year.
- | It covers the Old Testament once and the New
- | Testament twice. The Bible is not called the
- | Book of Life for nothing! It keeps an
- | individual morally decent and it also tells
- | us how to live the way God wants us to live.
- | DAILY is a structured way of reading the
- | Bible.
- DAILYFEB.ZIP [0] The Daily Bible reading program was created
- | to take people through the Bible in one year.
- | It covers the Old Testament once and the New
- | Testament twice. The Bible is not called the
- | Book of Life for nothing! It keeps an
- | individual morally decent and it also tells
- | us how to live the way God wants us to live.
- | DAILY is a structured way of reading the
- | Bible.
- DAILYJAN.ZIP [0] The Daily Bible reading program was created
- | to take people through the Bible in one year.
- | It covers the Old Testament once and the New
- | Testament twice. The Bible is not called the
- | Book of Life for nothing! It keeps an
- | individual morally decent and it also tells
- | us how to live the way God wants us to live.
- | DAILY is a structured way of reading the
- | Bible.
- DAILYJUL.ZIP [0] The Daily Bible reading program was created
- | to take people through the Bible in one year.
- | It covers the Old Testament once and the New
- | Testament twice. The Bible is not called the
- | Book of Life for nothing! It keeps an
- | individual morally decent and it also tells
- | us how to live the way God wants us to live.
- | DAILY is a structured way of reading the
- | Bible.
- DAILYJUN.ZIP [0] The Daily Bible reading program was created
- | to take people through the Bible in one year.
- | It covers the Old Testament once and the New
- | Testament twice. The Bible is not called the
- | Book of Life for nothing! It keeps an
- | individual morally decent and it also tells
- | us how to live the way God wants us to live.
- | DAILY is a structured way of reading the
- | Bible.
- DAILYMAR.ZIP [0] The Daily Bible reading program was created
- | to take people through the Bible in one year.
- | It covers the Old Testament once and the New
- | Testament twice. The Bible is not called the
- | Book of Life for nothing! It keeps an
- | individual morally decent and it also tells
- | us how to live the way God wants us to live.
- | DAILY is a structured way of reading the
- | Bible.
- DAILYMAY.ZIP [0] The Daily Bible reading program was created
- | to take people through the Bible in one year.
- | It covers the Old Testament once and the New
- | Testament twice. The Bible is not called the
- | Book of Life for nothing! It keeps an
- | individual morally decent and it also tells
- | us how to live the way God wants us to live.
- | DAILY is a structured way of reading the
- | Bible.
- DAILYNOV.ZIP [0] The Daily Bible reading program was created
- | to take people through the Bible in one year.
- | It covers the Old Testament once and the New
- | Testament twice. The Bible is not called the
- | Book of Life for nothing! It keeps an
- | individual morally decent and it also tells
- | us how to live the way God wants us to live.
- | DAILY is a structured way of reading the
- | Bible.
- DAILYOCT.ZIP [0] The Daily Bible reading program was created
- | to take people through the Bible in one year.
- | It covers the Old Testament once and the New
- | Testament twice. The Bible is not called the
- | Book of Life for nothing! It keeps an
- | individual morally decent and it also tells
- | us how to live the way God wants us to live.
- | DAILY is a structured way of reading the
- | Bible.
- DAILYSEP.ZIP [0] The Daily Bible reading program was created
- | to take people through the Bible in one year.
- | It covers the Old Testament once and the New
- | Testament twice. The Bible is not called the
- | Book of Life for nothing! It keeps an
- | individual morally decent and it also tells
- | us how to live the way God wants us to live.
- | DAILY is a structured way of reading the
- | Bible.
- DALYJUL2.ZIP [0] Daily Bible Reading Program, Lite Version
- DAVIDGOL.ZIP [0] An EXCELLENT typology study of David.
- DEADSEA.ZIP [0] English translations of the Dead Sea Scrolls
- | Enoch and Hosea books.
- DECAY.ZIP [0] Bible highlight on decadence brought about by
- | giving up the "natural uses" in physical
- | relationships.
- DEFENSES.ZIP [0] Indefensible Defenses. Defending the
- | Christian Faith.
- DEUTERO.ZIP [0] 15 deuterocanonical books of the Bible. Taken
- | from original King James Version. Today they
- | are included only in Catholic and Orthodox
- | canon of the Scripture.
- DISCIPLE.ZIP [0] Text file of some thoughts on Christian
- | Discipleship.
- DIVINE.ZIP [0] The Divine Principle - God's Latest
- | Revelation to Man. Explains the Purpose of
- | Life and Reveals the Truth About the Fall of
- | Man and the Resolves the Mysteries About the
- | Last Days.
- DIVORS.ZIP [0] Remarry without committing Adultery Includes
- | history\cultural settings Compatable with
- | windows. Requires Color Monitor.
- DOCTRINE.ZIP [0] Bible Doctrines Affected by Modern Versions
- | by Paul L. Freeman - Key doctrinal New
- | Testament verses of modern Bible translations
- | (NASV, NIV, TLB, TEV, etc) are compared to
- | the AV 1611 (aka KJV) to show how modern
- | translations destroy or weaken vital
- | Christian doctrines. This is a must read for
- | any honest professing Christian who believes
- | that the Bible is the Word of God, and wants
- | to know the OTHER side of
- DOESGODS.ZIP [0] We live in an age of rebellion against all
- | restraint and law. Our nation stands aghast
- | at the big-city, gang-defiance of social
- | order and property rights, including the
- | right to live. Murder, robbery, and personal
- | assaults have become the trademark of both
- | urban and suburban 20th-century life.
- DP.ZIP [0] The Divine Principle - God's Latest
- | Revelation to Man. Explains the Purpose of
- | Life and Reveals the Truth About the Fall of
- | Man and the Resolves the Mysteries About the
- | Last Days.
- EARTHCHG.ZIP [0] A 50 Page Book About The Coming Earth Changes
- | Supposedly Channeled From The Sun God, To Tom
- | H. Smith. This Material Is Very Similar To
- | Channeled Material From The Pleadians, And
- | Michael Scalleon, But Contains More Specific
- | Earth Change Information. For Those Who Do
- | Not Know About The Coming Earth Changes, This
- | Is The Time Mentioned In Revelation, And
- | Referred To As The Great Tribulation,
- | Coavering The Next 10 Years.
- ELECTED.ZIP [0] Are some elected to go to heaven-and others
- ESPBIBLA.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, Genesis and Exodus.
- ESPBIBLB.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, Leviticus and Numbers.
- ESPBIBLC.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges,
- | Ruth.
- ESPBIBLD.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, 1 2 Samuel.
- ESPBIBLE.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, 1 2 Kings.
- ESPBIBLF.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, 1 2 Chronicle.
- ESPBIBLG.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job.
- ESPBIBLH.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, Psalms.
- ESPBIBLI.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song
- | of Songs
- ESPBIBLJ.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, Jeremiah and Lamentations.
- ESPBIBLK.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, Ezekiel and Daniel.
- ESPBIBLL.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, 12 Minor Prophets.
- ESPBIBLM.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, 13/16: 3 Synoptic Gospels
- ESPBIBLN.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, 14/16: John's Gospel, Acts
- ESPBIBLO.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, 15/16: Paul's 13 Epistles
- ESPBIBLP.ZIP [0] Esperanto Bible, 16/16: 8 Non-Pauline
- | Epistles and Revelation
- | A. Copeland. Another program in The
- | "EXECUTABLE OUTLINE" Series: Study guides and
- | sermon outlines in menu- driven executable
- | file format. Simply type "filename" and press
- | [ENTER]. FREE!
- EXEOUT12.ZIP [0] THE PROBLEM OF SUFFERING - Another program in
- | The "EXECUTABLE OUTLINES" Series: Study
- | guides and sermon outlines as menu-driven
- | executables with search, print and save
- | features.
- EXPOSE.ZIP [0] Expose on the Catholic Church.
- | REPORT FROM CAIRO For a better look at what
- | the ICPD was all about read this article.
- | Pro-Life journalists were not "included", but
- | even "escorted" from the premises. Timothy
- | Wirth-less tries to answer a Constitutional
- | question! "..we have ceased to be the
- | nation-states that we once were."
- 100394N2.ZIP [0] CRIMINALIZING PRO-LIFE ACTIVISM "..disturbing
- | indications that the tactics field-tested by
- | federal law enforcement agencies against the
- | Branch Davidians in Waco may soon be deployed
- | against "extremists" in the pro-life
- | movement." Some interesting insights to the
- | doctor-shooting gunmen.
- 100394N3.ZIP [0] "cult deprogrammer" Rick Allen Ross the convi
- | individual who has sociopathic
- | inclinations...no feelings for the interests
- | of others"...is now a cult
- | deprogrammer...saving "Christians"!
- AUFSC_SA.ZIP [0] Special collection of articles on the
- | religious left-wing organization, "Americans
- | United For Separation of Church and State."
- | Articles cover a wide range of topics from
- | AU's use of clergy against clergy, lists of
- | supporters, agenda & goals, and ties to the
- | American Humanist Association, the ACLU,
- | abortion organizations, etc.
- | file examines the actions of our forefathers
- | when they defied the British government. Were
- | they in violation of God's Word, His Law when
- | they sought their Independence from the king
- | of England. Did you know that by the modern
- | Church's definition they would have been
- | tried for treason? Read from forgotton
- | speeches, where Patrick Henry
- COSVNET1.ZIP [0] Church of Scientology vs. The Net, Vol. 1.
- | Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) articles
- | concerning a civil action for damages and an
- | injunction by the Church of Scientology (CoS)
- | against an internet provider (Netcom).
- | ?*The Declaration of independence *The
- | Constitution Of the United States* OUR
- | GOVERNMENT "that all men are created equal,
- | that they are endowed by their Creator with
- | certain unalienable Rights, that among these
- | are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of
- | Happiness."